Soldier Keep On Marching On

By Nikki07Writes

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The war changed the world. It was a statement that went with every gunshot. BANG. The war changed the world... More

1.1 - Catherine Mitchell
1.2 - Catherine Mitchell
1.3 - Mae Lorenzo
1.4 - Rebecca Mathews
1.6 - Catherine Mitchell
1.7 - Mae Lorenzo
1.8 - Catherine Mitchell
1.9 - Mae Lorenzo
2.1 - Cora Irwin
2.2 - Mae Lorenzo

1.5 - Catherine Mitchell

53 2 0
By Nikki07Writes

FIVE - The Accident
POV - Catherine Mitchell

ALREADY a full month of training had passed by. I had no idea how I made it this far, but I'm still here. Somehow.

About a week ago we changed training sights from Virginia to New Jersey. I definitely appreciated the cooler environment and I appreciated being closer to my home.

With the change of scenery came a change in the lessons though. The instructors weren't going soft on us anymore, as if they were ever going soft on us to begin with.

After another day of PT I was ecstatic to come back to my office (that's right I have an office now!) and see a letter left on my desk by none other than my company clerk.

Speedy grew on me. A lot. The girl was an angel sent by God to take away every fiber of stress that resided in my body. I had a really long day and I didn't want to do paperwork? It's okay, Speedy already did it. I forgot to fill out a certain set of forms? No worries, Speedy double checked and got them in on time. My coffee, mail, supplies? Yup, Speedy has it ready.

Honestly at this point after the war I was considering taking Speedy home with me.

What made this letter so important was because it was from none other than my Henry. I couldn't help but let out a squeal when I saw his handwriting and I practically launched myself into my seat and tore open the envelope, excited for what was inside.

My darling Cathy,

It seems that as every day goes by, the more my love grows for you along with how much I miss you. I know that you are excelling at whatever tasks they have given you, I myself have discovered that apparently I lack the talent of firing mortars as my drill sergeant has said in some other form of words. Do not worry for me though, as I know you are so keen about doing, I am living and as I always tell you 'Simply being alive is enough, because with life, joy will always come'. I am happy, don't get me wrong. I am safe, I have friends here, and I know from your letters that you are doing well which is all that I could ask for.

I truly do miss you though. I miss our home and your beautiful smile that could make the sun feel embarrassed. I miss your laughter that made songbirds sound off key. I miss you and all of you. I need you to know that not a day goes by that I don't look at my wedding ring and not regret a single thing. I have loved every moment that I have ever spent with you. For you are my life.

Stay safe and stay happy my darling, I will see you soon.

With love,

By the time I had finished the letter tears were streaking down my eyes. I missed my husband so much and as much as I loved hearing from him, my heart ached every time I saw his handwriting. I don't know what I ever did to deserve a man so wonderful, but I appreciated him every day of my life.

After wiping my tears, I wrote back to him, pouring my life out into every word. I sealed the envelope and left it on Speedy's station, which was attached to my office, knowing that she would deliver it for me in the morning. I then went back to my barracks and freshened up before heading to lunch. Per usual, I sat with the one person who came somewhat close to my level of appreciation as Speedy did. Lieutenant Dorothy West.

"I swear to God, these psych classes are kicking my ass." Dot grumbled as she ate her oatmeal. "I mean I thought college was hard-Jesus Christ! All these new diagnoses are popping up all over Europe because doctors are finally doing there jobs and now there are all these new treatments we have to learn." The brunette slumped in her seat. "It's exhausting."

"Strategies have been the same for me." I told her. "It feels like I'm actually back in college with all the lectures and lessons. The Lieutenant that teaches us actually gives us homework."

"No." Dot gasped.

"Yes." I nodded back. "I have to somehow find and read some book called 'The Art of War'."

"How do you reckon you'll get it?"

"Speedy." I told her and she smiled. "God bless that little spaz. All they give us is lucky strips but she can find me the actual top of the line cigarettes."

"You ever wonder how she gets all of that extra supplies?"

"I figured it'd be wisest not to ask."

"Fair point. Why mess with something that's not broken?"

"Exactly." Dot said. "I honestly think that at least half the company is bribing her for shit."

"Oh please, Dot." I said, shaking my head. "At the very least it's 3/4 of the company and you know it."

Later that afternoon I sat in my office with Speedy going over some forms and papers that I would have been completely lost with if it wasn't for the pint-sized genius.

"So basically, if you sign this paper then that signature then validates that paper which confirms the transaction going" She said while pointing to five different pieces of paper.

"Why?" I whispered out, unable to say anything else.

Speedy stared down at the papers, her brow wrinkled in thought. "At this point I honestly don't know."

"Speedy, thank you for all of your help." I told her as I picked up some papers. "Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you, you have done everything asked of you and more and if I could I'd promote you."

A blush crept up Speedy's cheeks as she looked at her feet. "I haven't done anything to deserve a promotion."

"Speedy you do a lot more than a lot of people do." I told her. "How are you doing with your company clerk training? You obviously understand all this stuff better than I do."

"I like it." Speedy said with a soft smile. "It reminds me of school and I missed learning. I'm also talking to a bit more people."

"And I'm very proud of you for that." I told her. I knew talking was a big fear for Speedy. The young girl and I had gotten very close and become confidants in each other and she had told me about her terrible fear of public speaking and her extremely shy persona. Though in the past few weeks she had gotten a bit out of her shell and even made a few friends.

"Hang in there, Speedy." I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get through this together. I promise."

Speedy chuckled lightly. "You just don't want me going anywhere because you know you'll never find another company clerk as good as me."

"Yes, that too."

That night all the girls were scheduled for there first training of shooting in the dark. They had done plenty of night drill and PT, but this was the first time they were using weapons. I was not required to go so I sat in my office filling out some paperwork. Everything was still, the night outside my window was devoid of anything and Speedy was absent as well. Though the girl was not required to shoot she had to take notes and keep scores of all the girls.

I was enjoying the silence. It was a nice breath of fresh air from all of the chaos that had been going on. I finally felt like I could relax. Though apparently that was just calm before the storm.

There was a knock at my door and before I could say 'come in' it flung open. My eyes snapped to a blonde woman in a uniform who was breathing heavily. She stood up and took a large breath. "You're...Lieutenant Mitchell, yes?"

"Yes, I am." I said, putting aside my paperwork as I sensed the urgency. "What's wrong?"

"There's been an accident," She panted. "Down at the shooting range. The instructor told me to come find you."

As I jogged to the shooting range I had learned from the blonde that her name was Private Cora Irwin and that it was for the best that I see the accident for myself instead of her telling me.

When we got there I could see why she didn't want to tell me, because what I saw made me livid.

Speedy was lying flat on her back with a large patch of blood coming out of her thigh. Tears were running done her red face though I couldn't tell if her complexion was from pain or embarrassment. She hid part of her face by draping her arms over her head as a brunette crouched next to her, muttering some reassuring words.

"Speedy?" I whispered at first, perplexed at the scene. Why was she hurt? Why was Speedy of all people in pain?!

"What happened!?" I demanded, swinging around to all the women huddled in a circle.

It got really quiet after I spoke until a redhead stepped forward. "We we're practicing with our rifles," She began. "Speedy was off on the sidelines taking notes when someone discharged their weapon by accident and just happened to hit her."

Anger that I didn't know I had was building up in me. These women were suppose to the best of the best, how could a misfire of all things be the cause of someone getting hurt.

"Who?" I asked and the redhead nodded off to where another woman was being reprimanded by who I suppose was their weapons instructor.

"How the hell did this happen?! You all are suppose to be some of the best of your time! So why the hell is one of your fellow soldiers bleeding!?"

None of them replied, they all just stared at their feet, opting for silence instead. I was fuming. I glared at each and every one of them as Doc Cassidy, the medic, came pushing through.

The tall blonde knelt down next to Speedy and began assessing the bullet wound. Speedy also didn't say a word but she'd sniffle every few seconds.

"I'm going to give you some morphine, Speedy, to ease the pain." The girl nodded back as Doc Cassidy took out some syringe and expertly injected it into her thigh.

About ten seconds later, Speedy's body became limp and her eyes fluttered closed.

"Okay," Doc Cassidy said, closing her satchel. "I need someone to help me get her back to the med bay."

"I will!" The brunette who was comforting her announced.

I stepped back as the two grabbed ahold as her, but as soon as they did something went horribly wrong.

Speedy began twitching. But it wasn't like her normal twitch that would happen when she was nervous. Her entire body convulsed and it didn't stop. Her limbs seemed to lock in place yet her entire figure began to shake. Surprised, the brunette and Doc Cassidy dropped her back onto the ground.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed as we all watched the bizarre turn of events. "What's happening? What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know." Doc Cassidy replied, looking perplexed.

"Well, do something!" I seethed as it only got worse.

Erratic gasps came from her mouth as her head twitched and her chest convulsed. Her breaths were more like rasps and she gasped for air.

"She can't breathe!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"Yeah, it sounds like she's choking on something!" Another shouted.

That's when Doc Cassidy sprang into action. She threw open her satchel and grabbed a flashlight. We all watched as she forced Speedy's mouth open and peered inside.


"What!?" I exclaimed, but got no answer.

Instead, the medic took out a scalpel and tube and I watched as she careful cut a part of Speedy's throat before placing the tube inside the cut. I heard people gag behind me and I myself cringed at the contraption, but in the end her gasps stopped and her breathing sounded normal. Yet she still shook, not as violently.

"What was wrong with her?" I asked the medic.

"Her throat was all bloated." She replied. "It closed up and she couldn't breathe."

"Will she be okay?"

"She'll live, but I need to get her to the medbay see what is wrong with her."

That image was something that I never forgot. The picture of one of my most trusted friends on the floor, in pain from something I could do nothing to help stop. As I watched them carry Speedy away, I knew deep down that that was not going to be the last time I witnessed a friend in pain. In fact, with Speedy it was just the beginning.

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