1.8 - Catherine Mitchell

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EIGHT - The Best of the BestPOV - Catherine Mitchell

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EIGHT - The Best of the Best
POV - Catherine Mitchell

I shifted back and forth on the balls of my feet. I stole a glance over to Dot who stared forward, but smirked when my eyes briefly snapped in her direction. I bit my bottom lip as I looked forward again. My stomach felt hollow and my throat became heavy.

Yes, I was nervous.

I had approximately three words to say. I can't screw this up. I mean, it's physically impossible to screw up three words. Right?

A distant trumpet went off and my back straightened even more as the national anthem was blasted and the American flag was raised in my peripheral vision. The trumpets ended and there was a drumroll. When the drums ended, the silver haired giant of General Kane stepped before us with an escort of a dozen majors, colonels, and lieutenants behind him.

His face was completely expressionless, but from the tiny sliver of him that I could make out I could see the pride in his eyes and the smile that he seemed to be suppressing. I was sure most of the women behind me were biting back smiles of their own.

After all, it was graduation day.

Three months of blood, sweat, and tears and the end had finally come. I stood with the girls who remained in formation with a pressed uniform proudly adorning my body. And not only will I be graduating, but I will be promoting. After this ceremony, I would officially be Captain Mitchell of the First Echo squad, which was apparently comprised of the women who finished with the highest marks. Though I have yet to know who those girls are, besides Speedy.

I stood up front with Dot and some of the other officers while the others stood behind us. General Kane stepped forward to us and began to speak in his deep, booming voice, "Soldiers, today marks a significant day in history. Today, the first ever female American combat soldiers are officially being deployed. You have passed your training which consisted of three months that pushed you all in every way possible, but your time with us is now over. Today, you make history. Tomorrow, you will all be taking a train to New York where you will be broken up into your squadrons and be sent to all different parts of Europe, Africa, and the Pacific. Now, you will serve, and fight and you will be in war."

I gulped at his words as he continued.

"War is not a pretty thing, it is not for the weak. So that is why I have no doubt in my mind that all of you will thrive and become some of the best soldiers that ever were. We choose you women for this program because you are 'the best of the best' and I am fully confident that you will live up to that statement."

His speech ended, and silence lapsed as we all stood still, knowing it was not our place to clap. Instead we let our chests puff out and tiny smirks to tug at our lips.

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