1.5 - Catherine Mitchell

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FIVE - The AccidentPOV - Catherine Mitchell

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FIVE - The Accident
POV - Catherine Mitchell

ALREADY a full month of training had passed by. I had no idea how I made it this far, but I'm still here. Somehow.

About a week ago we changed training sights from Virginia to New Jersey. I definitely appreciated the cooler environment and I appreciated being closer to my home.

With the change of scenery came a change in the lessons though. The instructors weren't going soft on us anymore, as if they were ever going soft on us to begin with.

After another day of PT I was ecstatic to come back to my office (that's right I have an office now!) and see a letter left on my desk by none other than my company clerk.

Speedy grew on me. A lot. The girl was an angel sent by God to take away every fiber of stress that resided in my body. I had a really long day and I didn't want to do paperwork? It's okay, Speedy already did it. I forgot to fill out a certain set of forms? No worries, Speedy double checked and got them in on time. My coffee, mail, supplies? Yup, Speedy has it ready.

Honestly at this point after the war I was considering taking Speedy home with me.

What made this letter so important was because it was from none other than my Henry. I couldn't help but let out a squeal when I saw his handwriting and I practically launched myself into my seat and tore open the envelope, excited for what was inside.

My darling Cathy,

It seems that as every day goes by, the more my love grows for you along with how much I miss you. I know that you are excelling at whatever tasks they have given you, I myself have discovered that apparently I lack the talent of firing mortars as my drill sergeant has said in some other form of words. Do not worry for me though, as I know you are so keen about doing, I am living and as I always tell you 'Simply being alive is enough, because with life, joy will always come'. I am happy, don't get me wrong. I am safe, I have friends here, and I know from your letters that you are doing well which is all that I could ask for.

I truly do miss you though. I miss our home and your beautiful smile that could make the sun feel embarrassed. I miss your laughter that made songbirds sound off key. I miss you and all of you. I need you to know that not a day goes by that I don't look at my wedding ring and not regret a single thing. I have loved every moment that I have ever spent with you. For you are my life.

Stay safe and stay happy my darling, I will see you soon.

With love,

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