Faded || Mountain Ghoul

By scottlangsdaughter

27.8K 716 1.7K

"Fuck fuck fucking fuck." "That's a lot of fucks." - "Fuck fuck fucking fuck." "Hey, that's what I say." ... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
authors note/apology

Ch. 9

940 23 24
By scottlangsdaughter

Kasdeya's upper arms were gripped tightly, a gloved hand going over her mouth as she tried to scream. She felt her body growing warmer, trying to burn whoever off of her.

   "That won't work us," one grumbled, yanking on her arm.

   Kasdeya was brought down a familiar corridor, the ghoulette beginning to panic. No, no, no, not again. Kasdeya tried to fight against the guards, but they forced her back, throwing her into a room where the cool air hit her immediately.

   "Fuck you!" She screamed, gripping the iron bars as she glared at the two guards in front of her.

   They separated, Sister Imperator walking through as she peered at Kasdeya. "You were caught out past curfew, you know that is against our rules."

   "Curfew? What the fuck is this bullshit? Not once has a curfew been in place. Terzo used to have midnight practices all the time because that's when he would always come up with songs." Kasdeya's eyes glowed a bright amber, her feet sizzling with the contact of the freezer floor.

   "Do not bring up his name!" Imperator shouted, reaching over to punch in a passcode. She turned the temperature down, well below zero degrees.

   "Why not? You're the bitch that killed him! Made me sit in there as you took off his head!" Kasdeya growled, trying to calm herself down. She couldn't waste all her energy right now, or she'd be fucked. "Terzo was loved by all, he had a fiancé, she was happy! You could have let them be and then you would have a whole new Emeritus bloodline. She was pregnant!"

   Imperator smirked, knowing something Kasdeya didn't. "I know."


   "Rose was pregnant with twins. After Terzo's death she lost one due to miscarriage from the stress. She came to me crying, she had just lost the love of her life and her child. She was hysteric, so I walked her down to the basement, trying to calm her. I brought her into a room before I stabbed her in the stomach." Imperator said with a wicked grin on her lips.

   "You bitch!" Kasdeya screamed, trying to claw at Imperator through the bars but she back away in time. "You left her to die! You're the one responsible for her losing her kid!"

   "She was not going to replace me!" Imperator shouted.

   Kasdeya paced the room back and forth, "she wasn't going to! She just wanted to marry Terzo and have a family with him!" Kasdeya's head was pounding. Her cycle was not liking the freezing temperature, her body in pain.

   "If those kids were born, she would take my place!" Imperator yelled. "She deserved to die. Besides, you wouldn't want something to happen to that Earth ghoul, now would you?"

   "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kasdeya narrowed her eyes, rubbing her hands up and down her arms to create friction.

   Imperator smirked, "you'll know."

   She left after that, Kasdeya banging on the door, kicking it with her foot. "You stay the fuck away from Mountain!" She shouted, not wanting anything to happen to him because of her.

   Kasdeya ran her hands through her hair, sliding down the freezing wall. She hugged her knees to her chest, resting her chin on her legs. She leaned against the corner, scared that Imperator was going to hurt Mountain. She had nothing against him, but if it meant putting Kasdeya through more mental torture, then Imperator would do it. Kasdeya's eyes grew heavy, her body letting her heat fluctuate the rest of the night.

"Kas, this is Rose." Terzo introduced a woman with beautiful black skin and dark brown hair to the younger Fire ghoulette.

   "Hello," Rose gretted Kasdeya, being a little weary with this being her first time meeting a ghoul.

   Kasdeya could feel her nerves, the ghoulette wishing she could show her smile to ease Rose. "No need to be nervous, I'm one of the tame ones."

   "One of?" She gulped, looking at Terzo with wide eyes.

   Kasdeya mentally face palmed, realizing what she had said. "I mean some of strung out on high energy, we are all good, I promise."

   "This one usually is the high energy kind, but she's calmed down lately." Terzo grinned, knowing how much energy the eighteen-year-old has. "Do you know where the others are by chance? I want all of you to meet Rose."

   Kasdeya shrugged, sitting up from her spot on the love seat. "I'll get them here fast." She sent a quick text to their group chat, saying there was drinks in the band room. "Let's go to the practice room, they'll all be there soon."

   They arrived to the room before anyone else, waiting for the band to arrive. "Where's the beer?" Earth asked, Water and Omega walking in behind him.

   Dewdrop and Ifrit followed in after, Kasdeya feeling something off with her brother. "There's no drinks. What the fuck, Kas?" Ifrit saw the ghoulette glare at him and roll her eyes. She's only been there for a few months and Kasdeya despised Ifrit. Ifrit only teased her and played to her game in a flirtatious way.

   "Everyone, this is Rose, my fiancé." Kasdeya spun to face Terzo and Rose, not even knowing that part.


   "You had a girlfriend?"

   "Congrats man."

   "I thought you were gay."

   Everyone turned to look at Water, Omega smacking the upside of his head. He glared at his friend, his eyes catching Kasdeya who just smiled and shook her head. Water couldn't help but smile, fixing his attention back to Terzo and Rose.

   "I am not, Water. I've been with Rose for five years, Earth. And yes, Omega, fiancé, I proposed when I was gone for that week." Terzo kissed the side of Roses head, she couldn't help but blush and try and hide her smile.

   "That was nearly six months ago!" Ifrit gasped, "you've kept this from us this long. How? You suck at lying."

   Terzo glared at his ghoul, Rose giggling which made Terzo look down at her. "What's so funny?"

   "Well, hon, it's true." The ghouls all broke out in laughter, Terzo feeling betrayed.

   "That hurts, dear, that hurts." Terzo grabbed Rose as she tried to run to Kasdeya, wrapping his arms around her waist, feeling protective of the small bump. "Besides, I've been able to keep the pregnancy from them."

   Rose brought her palm up to her face, shaking her head. All the ghouls jaws went slack, looking at each other and back at their Papa and his fiancé. Terzo looked at all of them with confusion written across his face."What?" He asked before it hit him. "Oh shit."


   "No way!"

   "Holy shit!"

   "Congrats Terzo."

   "I still think he's partly gay."

    This time it was Earth who smacked the upside of Waters head, the ghoul rubbing at it. "Surprise," Terzo chuckled, letting his head fall to Rose's shoulder.

   "How far along are you?" Kasdeya asked, creeping a little forward toward Rose.

   "Almost three months," she smiled, squeezing Terzo's hand.

   As the ghouls congratulated their Papa and his fiancé they were unaware to a Sister of Sin who was listening in on the conversation. She had to let Imperator know, it was her duty to let her know of any business involving Terzo. There were other Sisters in charge of the other Papas and keeping an eye on the ghouls. She ran to Sisters office, interrupting a meeting with Papa Nihil.

   "My apologies Papa and Sister, but Sister, it's important." Imperator urged Nihil out of her office, having the sister take a seat.

   "Tell me girl, what is it?" She asked in a pressing tone.

   "Terzo's fiancé is pregnant with his child."  The sister breathed out, scared of Imperators reaction to come.

   "I will deal with it."

   "What does that mean?"

   "Don't worry about it child, it will be taken care of."


Mountain knocked on Kasdeya's door, wanting to see if she was awake and would want to get breakfast. His mind hasn't stopped thinking about her since they almost kissed. He wanted to talk to Cumulus about it, but he couldn't find her, so he went to find Kasdeya instead.

   "Kas?" Mountain knocked on her door once again. He wait another minute before pushing open the door. "Kasdeya?" He found her bed empty, unkept which it usually was, but it looked like it hasn't been touched since the night before: Kovu let out a mewl from where he was laying on Kasdeya's pillow. He jumped down and ran around Mountains feet, meowing as he pawed at the tall ghoul. He was begging for food, not having been fed this morning yet.

   "You hungry, boy?" Mountain poured food into his bowl on the ground, giving him fresh water too. "Where's your girl at, huh?" He said while petting his head, the cat chomping away at his food.

Mountain stood, straightening his back as his body felt a chill go down his spine. Kasdeya's room, that was always warm, was cold. Fire ghouls' rooms were only ever cold when they haven't been in them for periods at a time. Did Kasdeya never come back last night? Surely she wouldn't have left Kovu to starve, she loves him.

"Hey Cir, have you seen Kas?" Mountain asked the ghoulette as he spotted her in the hallway.

"You check her room?" Mountain nodded, watching as Cirrus checked her watch. "Hmm, I'm not sure. Maybe Dew knows, he might have a better idea." Cirrus walked away, carrying the stack of books in her hand to Copia's office.

Mountain went to find Dewdrop, seeing him and Rain walking together in one of the corridors. "Dew, you're shivering, just take my hoodie."

   "I must be sick because I'm never cold in the summer, usually I'm almost to a point where I overheat." Dewdrop grumbled, pulling Rain's hoodie over his head.

   "Hey Mountain," Rain greeted the tall ghoul, the sun slowly shining brighter as the day grew on. Rain was thankful for their new masks, even though he hated wearing them, these kind acted like sunglasses almost.

   "Hey, morning, have either of you seen Kas?" Dewdrop and Mountain eyed each other, Dewdrop shaking his head no.

   "Did you check her room?" Rain asked, knowing how much the ghoulette loved her sleep. Mountain nodded, also saying he checked with Cirrus and the common room before.

   Dewdrop now grew slightly concerned, knowing his sister would never just wander off without saying where she was going or at least saying she was leaving. "When was the last time you saw her?" Dewdrop questioned, knowing he brought Kasdeya back to her room to sleep after she sobered up and cried in his arms. He stayed with her until she was asleep, only leaving to go right next door because he was exhausted himself. But of course, Swiss found him later which led to the two being stoned out of their minds. Dewdrop remembered nothing from the night, waking up on the floor of Swiss' room with him in his boxers and Swiss naked. He was so confused.

   "Last night or this morning I guess, around three I think." Mountain tried to think back, where could Kasdeya have gone?

"Why were you with her at three in the morning?" Dewdrop felt his body temperature drop low, the ghoul letting out a small groan. He hated feeling cold, wishing he had more clothes on to trap his heat.

"Does it matter? Kasdeya is missing, no one knows where she's at." Mountain threw his hands up, rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Someone might have an idea, though." Rain mumbled, turning around as he began to walk toward the clergy members office. Mountain and Dewdrop followed behind him, no word being shared between the three as they followed Rain.

   Rain stopped at Copia's door, knocking on it. They heard a faint "come on", Rain turning the knob that made a creak sound. "Rain, Dewdrop, Mountain, what can I do for you?" Copia asked, looking up from his paperwork.

   "We were wondering if you knew where Kasdeya might be? None of us know where she's at, and we thought maybe you sent her on an errand." Rain explained, both Mountain and Dewdrop growing colder as they stood in Copia's office.

   "Fuck, Copia, why is it so cold in here?" Dewdrop asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he tried to use his heat to warm his body.

   "What?" Copia asked, thinking his room was actually too warm at the moment.

   "It's freezing in here," Mountain shoved his hands into his pockets, goosebumps trailing his skin.

   Rain looked between the two, "it's like really hot in here, how are you two cold? Whatever, it doesn't matter. Kasdeya?"

"Um, no, I haven't seen her. I don't know where she would be. Maybe Sister asked her to do something?" Copia offered, his eyes seeing a sister lurking in the doorway before she turned away.

Mountain and Sodo saw the sister, Mountain catching up to her with ease. "Hey, why were you listening in on our conversation?" Mountain asked, knowing he would be the calm one when it came to Kasdeya between him and Dewdrop.

   The sister rolled her eyes, "I wasn't."

   "Bullshit," Dewdrop called her out. "I know you know where-"

   "Dew," Rain grabbed his friend, cutting him off as he dragged him away. He left Mountain to keep the sister there while he whispered to Dewdrop. "Hit on her."


   "Give her something so she tells us where Kasdeya is." Rain explained, knowing the sister because she's been seen coming out of a lot of ghouls rooms.

   "Why me? Why can't you or Mountain do it?" Dewdrop also knew that the sister got around, she almost got with him before but Dewdrop was too drunk to even get past making out with her.

   "Mountain is Mountain and is complicated right now, and it's my idea." Rain exaggerated, Copia joining in on the conversation saying: "it's for your sister."

   Dewdrop groaned, throwing his head back. "When I find her ass she owes me." Dewdrop took a deep breath, walking toward the sister, leaning against the wall as he listened to Mountain ask again politely where Kasdeya is.

   "Back off, Mount," Dewdrop patted his friends shoulder, giving him a look to back away. Mountain understood, nodding his head as he went back to stand with Rain. "I remember you, Jolie, right?"

   "Yeah...?" She raised an eyebrow, looking up slightly at Dewdrop.

   Dewdrop changed his stance, making him seem taller to Jolie. She could tell he was dominant and her thoughts went somewhere that made a blush go across her cheeks. "I've heard of you from my friend Alpha, and I remember our night. I want to finish it sober this time."

   "Really?" Her eyes lit up, grinning as she twirled a piece of her hair around her finger.

   Mountain, Copia and Rain had to stifle their laughter, Dewdrop turning to glare at them. "But, I just need to know where my sister is."

   Her face fell, seeing where this was going. "Fuck you!" She slapped Dewdrop, Rain, Mountain and Copia all starring with wide eyes. "I'm going to go and tell Sister Imperator what you're up to." She shoved past Dewdrop; "you're sister is a bitch anyway, fucking deserves what she's getting."

   Something snapped in Mountain hearing Jolie talk about Kasdeya that way. He pushed her up against the wall, his hands gripping her shoulders. Jolie could see the glow of his green eyes through the lenses of his mask. The confidence faded from Jolie, her body frozen in fear. She knew Earth ghouls were usually friendly, but right now she was terrified.

"Listen here, you are going to tell me where the fuck Kasdeya is. Or I swear to Satan that your life will be a living hell. And if you say one word to Imperator, your sorry ass will be dead. You understand me?" Mountain said through gritted teeth.

Jolie nodded her head shakily, looking over at Dewdrop, Rain and Copia. They all stood there slightly shocked, they expected Mountain to be the last one to threaten someone's life.

"Now, where is she?" Mountain said in a hard voice.

Jolie gulped, swallowing the lump in her throat. "She's in the freezer."


"Oh shit."

"Fuck fuck fucking fuck."

okay, sorry this took forever to get out. i've been busy and exhausted but it's long so hopefully that makes up for it.

but i am half falling asleep right now while typing this, so sorry for the spelling/grammar errors. also don't mind the half indented stuff, wattpad doesn't like to keep it saved and half the chapters apparently never saved to where it's all indented either, so i could give two shits right now.

anyway, hope y'all enjoyed

(these are hacker asher's btw, their ideas to me)

(Fucking kill that motherfucking sister)

(Also its not imperator its imafamilyruiner)

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