My Brother in Law βœ…

By TJ_khunoo

170K 7.4K 2.6K

Fourth fall in love with his step sister's husband. It was love at first sight. But he knew that it was impos... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 14

4.3K 196 33
By TJ_khunoo

During the meeting, Mark observed that Fourth was not in his usual. He looked somehow gloomy today. Then, Mark averted his gaze at Gemini and saw that his best friend was in the same state. He was curious about what happened between them.

After the meeting, he came to Gemini and asked him to have lunch together. Gemini hesitate before, but when he knew that Fourth would go with his friends, he agreed to Mark.

"Come on bro.. It's been so long we didn't catch up together.." Mark said.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. Let's go.. Where?" Gemini asked his best friend.

"I know a place.. Your car or mine?" Mark asked.

"Yours, I don't think I want to drive right now.." Gemini answered him.

"Ok.. Let's go!"

After sometimes, they arrived at a restaurant, not too big but the ambiance was cozy and warm. After they ordered, Mark was looking at Gemini's face.

"What happen Gem?" Mark opened the conversation.

"Huh? Why do you ask that?" Gemini was confused of Mark question.

"I know you Gem.. Something bothering you now.."

Gemini stared at him. Actually he really need someone to talk about his problem. Mark was his friend from college. He knew about his relationship with Aye since that time.

Gemini was contemplating whether he would tell him or not. But he needed to got his feeling out from his heart.

"It's complicated actually.." Gemini said.

"Try me.." Mark assured him.

"You know...that me and Aye were... Our relationship started to sour.." Gemini said while his hand played with the fork on the table.

"Yes I know that.."

"It's been a year.. We always fight even for a small things.. It was happen since the first time she entered the modelling world. She has changed. She started to come home late and sometimes she even stay the nights at her friend's condo." Gemini chuckled. "I didn't even know whose friends that she mean."

"Remember when we had a celebration after we got the deal with BWS Corps?" Gemini asked him.

"Yeah..she came there drunk.." Mark answered him.

"Yes.. she had a party with his so called manager. In a bar, I didn't know where.. and you know what I found?" Gemini said.

Mark stared at him curious. "A hickey..on her collar bone.." Gemini said.

"What??" Mark was shocked. He never thought that Aye would be like that. All he knew was she portray herself as a good wife all these years. "And you just keep silent about this?"

"No. I had confronted her. And you know what she said?" Gemini started to laugh. "It was a mosquito's bite! Mosquito her ass!! She thought that I was a fool. I know it for so long actually."

"Why did you still stay, Gem?"

Gemini sighed, "My parents..They would haunted me again if I divorce her! You know how they are, right?"

"Oh shit..I forgot that your parents were sucks, no offense Gem. But I really didn't like them!"

"Same goes with me,, I rather stay with Aye for now than to had my parents' rants!"

Their conversation was interrupted by the waiter that brought they food. As the food served, they dig in immediately. And Mark was still curious about his best friend about something.

"For now?? And What about you and Fourth?" Mark suddenly asked.

Gemini chocked on his food. He hurriedly took the water and drank it.

"What do you mean about me and Fourth?" 

Mark smirked at him and let out a little laughed. "I know about you two..I just need a validation from you!" 

"What did you know?" Gemini was curious.

This time Mark laughing. "All of it..just tell me Gem! What's your relationship with him?"

"Look Mark, this is serious..what did you know? Did Fourth told you?"

"Not directly actually. I am an observer Gem."

"Is that what you were talking about with Fourth all this times?" Gemini asked him.

"No..Fourth already told you that he help me, right?"

Gemini remembered that Fourth had told him about that. Did Fourth talk about their adventures too??

"Hmm you to.. what??"

"Me and Ford are dating now!"

" and Ford? but I thought that you like Fourth?" Gemini raised his voice making Mark throw the veggies to him.

"Don't talk too loud you morron!! What make you think that I like Fourth?" Mark said.

"You always flirt with him and act clingy to him!" Gemini said frowning.

Mark laughed so loud now making Gemini throw back the veggies to him.

"I'm not flirting.. It just that Fourth is too cute to be ignored. I felt that Fourth's personality were quite similar to Ford so I asked his opinions about me and Ford."

"Really?? I saw you kissed him when you drop him off of my house that night?"

"I didn't kiss him you idiot! I saw you peaking from the window so I wanted to tease you. I leaned to him to say that you watched him from the window!"

Gemini tried to absorbs this information. "So you didn't kiss him?"

"No! Fourth was just like my brother.."

"Idiot!! why didn't you tell me?" 

"It was Fourth's idea..he would tell you when its time." Mark sipped his drink. Gemini shook his head. " and Fourth?" Mark asked.

Gemini looked at him. "I love him."

"SHIAAAAA.." Mark drop his spoon.

"Calm down Ai'Mark!!!"

"So you cheated on Aye with her brother? Your brother in law?" Mark asked him disbelief.

"It's up to you what to call it-"

"Cool..You're awesome bro! I knew you still has that things in you! But.. what's with your face this morning? Both Fourth and you had the same gloomy aura!"

"It was Aye..Since she was back from Singapore, she was weird. Suddenly she became so sweet and affectionate to me. She even cooked dinner for us last night. But that's not the problem!" Gemini finished his food and drank the  water first before he told Mark the main reason of his sour moods this morning.

"I woke up with only boxer on me and Aye....was naked!"


"And the worst part was Fourth saw us!"


Gemini then told Mark what happened from the time after dinner,  when Aye gave him tea and what happened after he woke up. 

"Are you drugged or something?"

"I didn't know..the last things that I remembered was I worked on my laptop then after that it's blank."

Mark frowned. "It's was suspicious Gem..her sudden behavior was suspicious. Have you thought about that??"

"I have..but the most important thing now is gaining Fourth's trust first. He said he will trust me but I know he still has the hesitation in him.." 

"Yeah you're right, but you have to be careful with Aye from now on Gem. She was getting dangerous now.." Mark said.

Gemini nodded. Then after they finished and payed the bill, they went back to the office. 


Fourth came back to his desk after he part way with Ford, Winny and Satang. His phone buzzed when he was about to sit. He took his phone and saw that his father called him

"Swadee khub Dad.." he greeted him.

[Swadee are you, Son?]

"Good about you and mom?"

[We're good, you still at the office?]

"Off course Dad, still the time.." Fourth laughed. "Uhmm Dad, Ford said that you'll come back this week?"

[Yes, Son..but actually we'll come back tomorrow was sooner than we expected..]

"Ohh great then..I could back at our house.."

[why so? you didn't like stay with Gemini and Aye?]

"It's not that Dad, It just..." Fourth thought what could convinced his dad, "I just missed you.. I miss live with you..Don't you miss me?" 

His father laughed. [Off course I miss you.. can come back when we arrived na..]

They talked for sometimes, and when Fourth hung up the phone, Gemini came out from the lift and asked Fourth too come to his room.

Fourth obeyed him and entered his office. He sat in front of Gemini on the couch. 

"Dad will be back tomorrow night.." Fourth informed him.

"Oh good then, it means the project was success.." Gemini replied him.

"Yes..and..I'll be back to my house too.." Fourth said while his hand rubbing his thigh.

Gemini startled of Fourth's said, he looked at Fourth. "Why?" He asked.

Fourth couldn't meet his eyes, "well..uhmm.. that's my house parents would be home so..I-"

"You don't need to go back, Fourth.."

"I have to Gem..!"

"Why? was it because what happened this morning?" Gemini asked him curiously.

Fourth stared at him. It was true that partially that was the reason he wanted to come back to his house. He didn't want to see something like that again. It was really hurt for him to see Aye behave so clingy to Gemini, to see her touch Gemini as she liked. It pained his heart a lot. It's better to have a distance with his brother in law for a while.

"You need to solve your problem with your wife Gem.. My presence would be affect you, would be distract you, both of you need to talk!"

" mad at me right? didn't we talk about it before, Fourth?" Gemini got off and sat beside Fourth. He held Fourth's hand tightly.

"No. Gem..listen.. I need to clear my mind too.. I know I'm just your brother in law but it hurt me to see her touch you.. I'm afraid.. I'm afraid  I'll loss control and we'll be exposed. I don't want that.. Gem.. please.. I know it was selfish of me just to have you all by my self but I can't.. You are a married man.. To think of that it was wrong from the first place but I can't help myself Gem.. please understand."  Fourth was crying. Gemini hugged him and kissed his head. 

"Have me all by your self, baby,,I'm yours..Me and your sister were done! but please bear with me for a while Fourth..I'll find a way to get out of her..I'll find a proof of her cheating..please baby.." Gemini cupped Fourth's face and kissed his lips.

"Let me go back then..we could always meet in the office, right? beside..if I still stay at your house, it would be awkward for us,hmm?" This time Fourth kissed Gem's lips. Gemini deepened the kiss until Fourth sat on his laps. They stopped and pulled apart when they heard a knock on the door. 

Fortunately Gemini's room always locked from inside and need a code to opened it. Because when Fourth opened it, It was Aye that entered the room.

"Hello brother," she greeted Fourth while smiling. "Hi babe.." she walked pass Fourth and sat beside Gemini in Fourth previous seat.

"What are you doing here?" Gemini asked her rudely. 

"Why? Can't I be here? in my own husband's office?" 

"Uhmm..what do you want to drink aye?" Fourth interrupted her.

"It's okay brother, I'm just stopped by for a moment." she said.

"Ok, then..I'll be at my desk Phi.." Fourth said to Gemini. 

After Fourth left, Aye tried to sit closer to Gemini but he just stood up and sit back on his desk. He ignored her. Aye rolled her eyes and got off from the couch followed Gemini to his desk. 

"Gem..why did you avoiding me?" She said while sitting on the chair in front of her husband.

"What are you up to, huh? Did you spike me last night?" Gemini looked at her suspiciously.

Aye was startled. "What did you say Gem? Are you out of your mind?" Aye countered him.

"I don't know.. I just felt that impossible for me to touch you when I was sane.." Gemini folded his arms on his chest.

"Why would I do that??" She looked at Gemini deeply.

"Listen carefully Aye.. I would find the truth.. And if I knew that you did dirty to me for your adventages.. You'll know what I can do to you!!"

"Did you just threatened me?"

"No.. I warned you!" Gemini leaned his body on the table and shot glare to her.

"I've no clue what you're saying Gem. I'm trying to be a good Wife to you.. But it seems that you didn't care of it." She shed a tear and she wiped it. "I really want our marriage work, I just want to make you happy with me again Gem.."

Gemini didn't budge. He rolles his eyes and turned away from her.

"If you're done.. Please get out!" Gemini said sternly without looking at her.

Aye glared at him. She got off and left Gemini's room fumming.

Fourth saw Aye leaving Gem's room with angry face. She even did't look at Fourth and went straight to the lift. Fourth was confused and he entered Gem's room immediately.

"What happened?" He asked. Gemini was still in his place. When he saw Fourth entered, he gestured him to sit on his lap. Fourth obeyed him and sat comfortably on Gemini's lap.

"She looked angry when she out from here.." Fourth said and caressed Gemini's hair gently.

"Hmm.. I had confront her. I asked her if she spike me or not.. And she immediately put on a sad face and she even cried." Gemini said.

"I guess that she mad at you.."

"Yes.. She said that she tried to be a good Wife to me bla..bla..bla..but I didn't care for her.."

Fourth felt somehow a little bit guilty. If he didn't come to Gemini's life maybe they could fix their marriage.

"I'm sorry na.. If I didn't come to your life maybe your marriage could be save.."

"Don't blame yourself baby, it will still the same eventhough you didn't enter the picture." Gemini caressed Fourth's cheek.

Fourth smiled.

"Oh by the way, I already knew about you and Mark.. Why didn't you tell me?"

Fourth raised his eyebrows an smirked. "I like it when you were jealous.." He chukled. "You're hot.."

"So you purposely want to teased me huh??" Gemini tickled Fourth's waist as he laughed. Fourth was also laughed and asked mercy from him.

Meanwhile, Aye was so mad at Gemini. She kept hit the steering wheel of her cars. She called Joss with his bluetooth airpods.

"Joss.. We need to work fast. Gemini was getting suspicious about me. He even threatened me!"

[Calm down babe.. Just come to my office so we could talk it out.. Drive safely here ok..]

"Ok.. Wait me na.." She said and cut the call.

"We'll wait and see Gem!"


Congratulations my babies..... You both deserve it.. 😍😍😍😍🤟

Stunning!!! 😍😍😍

Find someone who look at you like that!! 😍😍😍🤟

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