Sweet or Bittersweet

Od sxaredwings

1.3K 97 710

Sophia doesn't take shit from anyone. Anybody who tries to change her for their pleasure, she becomes a night... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpater 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Finale)
Special chapter 1
Special chapter 2
Special chapter 3
Special chapter 4
Special chapter 5
Special chapter 6
Special chapter 7

Chapter 5

50 4 43
Od sxaredwings


"Omg is that kyle HUGGING THE COLDIE!". "Does he not care about his existence-, "ya'll i bet she is gonna beat him up for real, let's take out our cameras."

All the students took out their phones and started to record the two. It was a sight which couldn't be missed at all. Sophia, the girl who everyone was afraid to even look at her direction, was openly being embraced by the newbie Kyle. They all expected her to punch him but nothing as such happened.

Sophia literally froze on her spot. She couldn't even comprehend what was happening right now. This guy really had the guts to hug her in front of the entire university. She didn't hug him back because she couldn't even comprehend what is present and what is future right now.

"Umm kyle maybe back off right now?" Claire says fearing that sophia might just kill the guy with her bare hands.
Ryan and Ash were secretly praying for his life. They all know how much sophia hates it when strangers just touch her out of nowhere. And Kyle had the balls to do it.

"Oops my bad, giving hugs is my way of accepting an apology but I can't wait for the spaghetti tonight". He casually says as he releases sophia from his embrace.

"Alright i'll see you in class sophiee~"He says as he walks towards his lecture.

"Umm sophie you good?
"Are you sure you want to attend class? You literally look like you're about it explode."

"What the fuck just happened? Did this blondie just hug you!" Ryan exclaims.

"Well he accepted my apology so no dinner tonight." Sophia casually mentions it.

"What no! Oh come on at least parcel some to us too!" Claire whines in protest.
Sophia just rolls her eyes and tells them that she is heading to class now.

"Do you think she liked the hug?"
"Well considering she didn't even push him away-."

The three looked at each other and thought the same thing but then

"Nah there is no way" they all laughed and went towards their respective classrooms


Sophia harshly opens the bathroom door and locks it
She was literally going mad right now. Why? Is it because Kyle hugged her without her consent? No
The problem is...

"Why the fuck was my mind feeling so hazed, his...his fucking scent was making my stomach twist and turn. The way we both perfectly fit in each other's arms."
Sophia couldn't figure out why she was going absolutely insane. Kyle's sweet but addicting scent was not leaving her lungs at all. His body felt so warm and so right against her.

What kind of feeling is this?

Deeply sighing, she splashes water on her face and drys herself. Carrying her bag, she exits the washroom and moves to her class.

As soon as she enters, once again the whispers start but this time the topic was different and Kyle was definitely present.

"Yo i heard kyle hugged sophia today and you know the most interesting part? She didn't say or do anything. Do you think something is going on?" One girl whispers and soon followed by the other students.
Unbothered by all this she goes and sits on her desk.
She places her books and gets ready for class. Soon after Kyle also enters the class and felt slightly intimidated by the stares of the other students. What is the big deal in giving a hug? Just because she is different from others? He couldn't understand why people were behaving like this.
He took his seat beside sophia who as always didn't pay any attention towards him. He slightly pouted at the fact that she was once again not acknowledging his presence. But was he gonna give up? We'll have to find out that.

Soon the professor entered the class and started his lecture.
During his explanation, sophia couldn't help but eye the blonde guy beside her. How carefully he was noting down each and every point and listening with great focus. He must be really into his studies.
Sophia wasn't a state rank holder or any such. She had decent grades and understood topics at her own speed. She studied but at times she gets herself stressed out even tho she is gonna perform better than the class.

The bell rings indicating the end of the class. They had two more classes to attend. Thankfully since it's just the start of the semester, there wasn't much workload but they knew it was gonna increase in the coming years.

Sophia as always was the last one to leave the class. While she was exiting the class, she saw a group of people surrounding Kyle and from far she could figure out how uncomfortable he is feeling.

"For fucks sake give me a break" she curses under her breathe and moves towards the small crowd.
She saw how kyle was holding back his tears. He must not like this much attention on him. Sure he is the sunshine of the class. Heck probably the entire universe. But don't people understand the concept of personal space or what?

"So Kyle you trynna make a move on sophia or what?"
"Yeah what's your goal? Planning on taking her to your bedroom next?" Few guys and girls laugh at this statement.

"Whether he takes me to the bedroom or not, i'll surely book your room in the hospital if you speak shit or even go near him again." Sophia says from behind which scared the entire crowd. She was literally giving them the scariest death stare and within seconds they all ran for their lives.

The silence between the blondie and the mahogany haired was like shivers running down the spines. After sometime kyle spoke.

"T-thank you f-for helping me once again. I just get really intimidated and scared when i'm surrounded by so many people" he says while he is trembling.

"No problem, next time if you wanna hug me then choose a more isolated place. People really tend to make stuff up a lot so be careful." She casually says and kyle..well the poor guy just turned fifty shades of pink.
"Come on let's walk to class, or are you gonna stick your feet to the floor for the whole day or what?" Again with the same casual tone, she says and kyle gathers himself.

"Uh y-yeah let's go." He shyly says as he walks beside her.
"You were acting all sassy with me a few hours back and then I see you being the most soft and scared creature."
"Well i can change my demeanor when situation demands."
"I see"
Both of them walked in silence towards their next class which was business statistics. God Sophia hated anything which involved numbers or weird looking symbols. Not entirely terrible with numbers but definitely not the best either.
Kyle saw her sullen face and chuckled. What emotionless bullshit. She clearly knows what emotions are.

"Is there something written on my face that is so funtn?" She asks with her eyebrows crashing together and kyle immediately shut his mouth.
"Like i said before I don't bite you can tell me."
"Well u-um it's just that it was cute seeing your face getting all sad when it comes to business statistics. You must not like numbers?" He giggled at the end and sophia swore her heart flipped multiple times. How can a human have such a beautiful laugh.

"Well it is annoying looking at these weird swirly symbols and ancient shit."
Kyle started laughing. Did she just call the formulas ancient swirly symbols?
"It's actually not that bad, you just need to practice. Plus it is interesting once you get to know it."

"Pfft whatever i will never enjoy anything with maths" she scoffs and enters the class as he follows her.

"Wait I can't sit with you? Why not!" He whines
"Well this class has assigned seats can't help it"
"But i wanna sit with you pleasee"
"Oh god then go kill the professor, don't annoy me"
"Pffft you like it when i annoy you~
"Good afternoon class, this will be your last class as your professor  has gone on leave so your next class is canceled and you can go home after this. Now take your seats and let's start the class."

"Well at least i can get that spaghetti soon"
*oh shit I completely forgot about it. Should i just cancel on it? Ugh whatever it's no big deal. I'll just tell him that i have some urgent work to do and no dinner tonight.*

After the class ends

The class ended painfully slow. Sophia could've swore that she was close to loosing her mind looking at the blackboard which was filled with so much information.
But finally she can go home and rest.
But before she could even leave the classroom, kyle jumped in front her, blocking her way.

Sophia's pov

"Move kyle i need to go home and rest, plus i've got shit tone of work to do."
"Welp i don't care, i'm gonna have that spaghetti TODAY ITSELF." He gives his cheeky smile. He really knows how to make someone's heart do ten thousand flips huh.

"Too bad you can't get it TODAY"
"I will"
"Yes now let's go"
He suddenly grabs my hand and drags me out of the class. Why am I not pulling away? Why am I letting myself get dragged. But one thing. His fucking hands are so soft. It's so electrifying, god what the hell are you doing to me kyle?

We reached the gate of the university, he was trying to book a cab when i stopped him.
"You've never taken the bus?"

"Well buses are just not comfortable for me. Cabs are better. At least we have A/C. That's why"
"Well suit yourself, i'm gonna catch the bus"
"NO, please don't leave me all alone. What if someone kidnaps me? Then you have to answer my momma. Cuz she knows i'm going to your place" Again. That cheeky fucking smile. And wait a second? HE TOLD HIS MOM THAT HE IS COMING TO MY PLACE! This boy is seriously going to be death for me. Why did i agree to such a stupid idea?


We were arguing when the cab suddenly stops in front of us. God do i really have a choice now?
"Ugh whatever let's just get over with this" I grumble and enter the cab and kyle takes his seat next to me.
Does this guy seriously not fear me at all?

"Tell the driver your address" he said
"Ugh it's 4th block on corners street, the 3rd lane". I say as the driver nodded and he started to drive

The drive was rather peaceful. Nobody actually spoke a word which I thanked the heavens above me. Again i took small glances of Kyle, but this time he was asleep. Unknowingly a smile came across my face. He looked so peaceful, as if the world had tormented him so much and finally he was getting a chance to rest properly. Suddenly he leaned on my shoulders and got into a comfortable position with his face buried in my neck. My breathe hitched and I became completely still. I didn't want to disturb his sleep so i just let him sleep on my shoulder. Usually i would hate when people except my friends touch me like this, but with kyle it felt so different. So wrong yet so right.
Kyle who are you and how the fuck do you have such an effect on me?

My thoughts came to a halt when the driver announced that we reached. I paid him and slowly tapped on kyle's head to wake him up. He mumbled 5 minutes cutely which again made my heart flip for the nth time. Lightly chuckling i whispered to him that we reached. He then opened his eyes and got out of car and I followed along. He stretched and took a look of the surroundings.
I didn't expect him to have much of a reaction but his widened eyes.

"Your house looks SO PRETTY!"
Wait what? This stone build house is pretty? Okay i give it to him. My house doesn't look bad for sure, but is it worth calling a home? Nope. Unlike Kyle's home which felt so lively and comfortable, my hom- uh house wasn't like that.

"I guess it is decent, come on in." I unlocked the door and welcomed him. The house was artificial as hell to me. Yeah it was filled with decorations here and there but really. Were a few mere decorations enough to make a house feel like home?

"Omg you have the best decorations! You guys must be filthy rich, I keep telling my momma and dad to revamp the house a bit but they always insist on keeping the same old stuff"

Rich. Yes we are rich. No doubt in that. My father owns a lot of successful businesses and is the CEO of the world famous STARSHINE CORPORATION. His company deals with small struggling businesses, revamps them and then gets 50% ownership of them. He funds a lot of charities and foundations as well.

Yeah he helps a lot of people. But when it comes to his own fucking family, he is nothing but a failure.
Mom on the other hand is a famous designer for many well known luxury brands. I got my sense of fashion from her. She can literally turn a garbage bag into the most fashionable piece of clothing.
An artist and a successful CEO sounds like a perfect match made in Heaven right? Wrong. Red alert. It is the worst combination ever.

But the thing with me is that I never boast about my wealthy lifestyle. While my parents dress up in expensive stuff ,I choose to wear simple and comfortable clothes. While they prefer traveling to many places, i like to spend time in my own shell and with my friends. Yes they are not as rich as me but it is from them that i learned to stay grounded. To not show off my luxurious lifestyle, because many people don't even have 5% of what i own.
Yet nobody knows that i'm their daughter. That's why we don't have any family pictures.

"IS THAT TYLER MATTHEW ?! THE WORLD FAMOUS BUSINESSMAN?!" Omg did this guy also know Tyler? Yeah my infamous cousin Tyler Matthew. A literal playboy but the best brother i could ever wish for. Even tho we aren't blood related siblings, it feels like it. From what i know is that he and his best friend Noah had started their own company two years ago and so far it is booming with success. But his grandfather is forcing him to settle down which made me laugh internally. Him and settling down with someone? Lol that would be world breaking news.

"Uh yeah Tyler Matthew is my cousin, we aren't blood related but he is a distant cousin. But he really is like a brother to me." I said in full pride cuz I wasn't leaving a chance to tell how amazing of a brother he is to me.

"Omg i need my inhaler right now. This is just-oh my lord i'm inside a house with THE TYLER MATTHEW's SISTER!!"
Cute. I like how he is freaking out after knowing me and my affluent family and yet treats me like a normal human being. Sure he has all rights to freak out after knowing that I'm related to such a rich man, i mean my friends families are also well known people. Not like us but in their own field.

"Calm down fanboy you won't get five start food here but you'll definitely get fresh homemade food."
"AHH YESS, let's start preparing for it."

We kept our bags in the hall and went into the kitchen. Yeah your typical wealthy kitchen with the most expensive spices and top quality fruits and vegetables.
I was keeping all the ingredients for the spaghetti and kyle was watching me like how a five year old watches their parents cook. Such an adorable sight! Wait sophia what the fuck? Control your goddamn self.

And then I realized we ran out of the main ingredient which was the spaghetti itself. He saw my irritated look and asked, "what's the matter?"
"We are out of spaghetti, do one thing you stay in the house while i go out and buy it. Do not step out on your own okay?"
"Yes mommy I won't." Fuck why did he have to call me that.
I literally sprinted out of the house as i calmed my nerves. Sophia get a hang of yourself. Sighing i went towards the supermarket.

30 minutes later
Finally i found the spaghetti i was looking for and came back home. I knocked on the door, rang the bell and yet no one opened the door. Fuck did this kid leave even after me warning him not too? Letting out a frustrated sigh i lifted the doormat and got the extra keys and opened the door. I was greeted with the sight of kyle sleeping on the huge couch. He had wrapped himself into a ball and was completely unaware of my presence. I kept the bag on the table and crouched down to face his face. That's when I studied his features carefully. His soft monolid eyes which were closed, his soft blonde hair which reached till the bridge of his cute nose. His honey caramel skin and his soft pink lips. He had slight freckles on his face too making him look even more magnificent. I wanted to touch his soft skin. I wanted to play with his soft hair. Everything about him was so...so mesmerizing.

"How are you so beautiful and out of this world? I don't understand how you managed to put such an effect on me?" I whispered slowly.

Suddenly he started to shake out of fear and started to scream
"PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME PLEASE LEAVE ME I PROMISE I WON'T REPEAT IT AGAIN DON'T HURT ME!" He started to move his hands as if someone was trying to hurt him. Immediately i started to shake him, trying to get him up.
He was still shouting at someone to stop. Suddenly he opened his eyes and the sight unknowingly caused my heart to shatter. His tear filled eyes which held so much fear. The moment his eyes met my worried ones, he launched himself at me, holding me closely as if someone was gonna take me away from him.

I instantly wrapped my arms around him trying to calm him down. He was trembling so much. We both didn't have much height difference. Neither too short nor too tall. I would roughly guess that he was 5'10
I started to whisper that it's okay and he is safe.
I felt him calming down a little but he refused to let go of me and I didn't say anything. I don't know why i was feeling so damn protective of him right now.

Kyle. This name and this man. What happened to him?

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