Not Enough Love

By CathyJensen

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Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy and the characters. This story has Anastasia Howard... More

The Long Way Home
Returns Welcome
A Safe Space
Found Out
More Charges
The Things We Do
A Death Threat
Days Numbered
Shipping Yard?
An Unexpected Visitor
Congratulations It's A Girl
What Really Happened
A Quiet Goodbye
Attorney Howard
A Private Chat? (sex)
Let The Fun Begin
All New Electronics
Talk About Town
A Trusted Friend
No More Trust Fund
All Of Me
The Proposal
The Weddings
Spending Spree
A Master Of None
Oh The Pain
Surprise Wedding
Out Of The Woods
The Resemblence
A Measure Of A Man
Labor Day
Dead At Dawn
Love To Hate?
No Regrets
Big Wedding Small Details
A Needle Found
The Cycle Of Death And Birth Continues
A Sterling Event
A Thorn In My Side
A Fall From Grace
Connor Proves His Worth
Package Arrives
New Deliveries
A Little Girl Found
Reality Check
Life Goes On
Rose Annabelle Wilkes
Aunt Rose
We Are Family
A Good Man And Father
All Our Blessings

Howard Or Steele?

43 3 2
By CathyJensen

I was given a choice, which to me was not a choice I was going to ever make. My name will always be Anastasia Rose Howard. Some people decided to give me that name and they were the ones who found and saved me from dying that day I was breathing my last breath. So I told everyone involved that I am going by the name given to me at the hospital. Mr Steele accepted this and said he will always be my biological father. Gail and Jason will always be my mom and dad the ones who raised me. I will just have another dad, sister and now a brother, just not a new last name yet. I might take a husbands last name at some point.

I understood Anastasia wanting to keep her original name from her birth certificate after all she has a reputation that is incredible. Anastasia is a genius and she has created things and has done things that have made her money and others money. I met her friend Barney and they work together very well. At first I thought they were a couple, but as I watched them I realized that I was wrong. It is like watching two mad scientist working together. Anastasia makes time for all of us and we make time for her.

I met Mia and we got along pretty well and I met her friends and they talk about Christian and Elliott Mia's brothers. I hadn't met them yet. Both are very busy and from what Anastasia tells me they can't deal with Mia's friends drooling over them. I have seen photos and I see why they drool. Carl has met Mia and her friends and they think he is hot. Dad told him not to hit on Mia and her friends and he has been good so far.

Mia's friends are definitely nice looking and they know it. Dad has told me not to hit on them and I haven't been, but he never said what to do when they hit on me. I need to talk to him about this, I think he means that I should not get involved with them in more than friends situation. No friends with benefits situation. I am going to adhere to him not wanting me to hit home plate with any of them. We have had the sex talk more than once. We are getting invitations to so many places and things. Dad and mr Taylor are becoming friends and dad is starting his own security firm.

We have been getting a number of visitors and it seems that they are Anastasia's blood relatives. Somehow her sister saw a photo of her and decided to check if they were related to each other. Her instincts were right because they are sisters. We are going to meet Mr Steele soon. Apparently his was in 5he military when his wife took off and never came back, but she didn't take her coat, her purse, her car and no shoes were taken either. I decided to check out something in the archives from the day Anastasia was brought in.

I decided to go meet Mr Steele and he is who he says he is and his wife was reported missing long before her body was found. He was overseas on assignment when Anastasia was found nearing death and her life was saved. I recall telling Grace not to bring her home because of her health issues. We brought Mia home and I regret we didn't bring Anastasia home as well. One can never tell what potential a baby has because of their first days of life and I was taught a great lesson regarding Anastasia. That sickly tiny baby is now a tiny teenage genius healthy as a horse. Sadly she was a victim of abuse by Elena Lincoln. Richard Lincoln saved her by having the caseworker come and move her to another foster family. She had two very good set of foster parents and one very bad foster mother and a good foster father who made sure his wife was charged for her criminal activities. The child could have clear and concise conversations even at three years old. She was reading and writing as well. Richard told me all this in confidence when we were working on his divorce along with his will. He updated his will after he married and with each child, but he never changed what he left for Anastasia. The books, the shipping yards and the money had never changed. His wife was very aware of his will and Anastasia and had no issue with her getting these things. It was Richards way of making amends to her. I believe that Anastasia has stayed in contact with his widow and visits her and their children.

I like Carl and he comes over when Anastasia comes. Jessie comes as well. Sometimes we even have Mr Steele over. Anastasia isn't always available because of her work schedule and her projects with Barney Miller, who is also hot. My friends love seeing Carl and Barney. We get jealous of Barney and Anastasia when they start talking about things we don't know about. I don't know how Christian would feel about my dating Barney, but since he has never asked me out, I don't need to worry about it.

So many hot females and I just don't want to start a war between them seeing they are all friends and I would just start trouble by asking even one of them out. Ladies this guy is a genius that doesn't like battles and that means all of you are on my do not ask out list. That list is getting huge. Starting with Anastasia, then Sophie, Mia and her very hot friends and a few more. My parents told me if you date, don't date young ladies who are close friends of female friends of yours or Anastasia and that is great advice.

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