A Wicked Smile

By InvisibleThreat

11.8K 374 109

It's been around half a year since your friend, Frisk, as you recall, managed to do something that broke the... More

Catching Up
Some Company
Small Issues
Small Issues [P2]
The Return
New New Home?
One Day
Running Late.. Or going dead?
Labored Breathing
Rising Up
Hazardous Knowledge
Something Hidden
Everlasting Nightmares

(Un)Pleasant Talk

537 19 12
By InvisibleThreat

I woke up and opened my eyes, stretching myself with a lazy yawn.

"Good morning!~" I singed, rubbing one of my eyes.

Nothing came in response.

"Good morning?.." I repeated, looking down at the bedroll.

And, to my surprise, [Y/n] wasn't there. I stood up, taking on my stuff.

"Where the hell did he go?.." I asked myself, running my fingers through my hair and walking up towards the nightstand.

After I looked at the phone, I realized why [Y/n] is not there. It was almost midday..

"..How did I even manage to sleep that much?"

Perhaps It's because of that I woke up in the middle of the night?..

I groaned and made my way towards the kitchen, perhaps [Y/n] made a breakfast and I could get a bite of-

I noticed a note on the table.

Hey there, sleepy head!

I made you some pancakes, they're in the fridge.

I have some things to do, will return in a few hours.

Don't do anything stupid!



..Left to do something?

And what could it be?

While my suspicion grew, I went over to the fridge and grabbed the pancakes he left, dropping them onto the table with the chocolate syrup.

After I quickly finished my meal, I placed the dish into the dishwasher and went over to the sofa with a note in my hands.

"Left to do what exactly.?" I rubbed my chin, trying to guess.

Maybe he went out for a walk?

Well, he would've left a different note or just awaited for me to wake up for us to go together.

Then, maybe he went to the hospital?

.. That's a no too. Why would he all out of a sudden? It's not like he had recovered that quick, so it doesn't make sense.

Perhaps he could've went out to visit Frisk..

..And that's the only reason I could find fitting in this case.

Well, why not just ask him instead?

He'll be back soon anyways.

Around a hour later

As soon as I heard the door open, I walked down from the PS, leaving the game on pause. I expected [Y/n] to be in his usual clothing, but instead..

..He wore a suit?

Well, not a whole suit.. He didn't have the jacket.

But still, why the hell was he wearing a suit?!

"Hello there, Princess!" He said, waving over to me.

"Good day." I responded, squinting my eyes.

"Is everything alright?" He looked at me with confusion. "Your voice-"

"Where have you been?" I asked, trying my best to hide the general envy and curiosity I was experiencing.

"Is it that important?" He replied with a question, as I saw his face turning sad a bit.

"Where have you been?" I repeated.

"It's not that im-"

"YES IT IS!" I turned to yelling.


"Where have you been?!"

"On a GRAVEYARD." He answered as I silenced myself on an instant.

A graveyard?

"Will this answer suit you, your Majesty?!" He said, as I saw him shed a small tear, though he immediately wiped it off.

But why would he-


His parents..

Oh my god.

I was sent from anger and envy to embarrassment, regret and shame.

"..[Y/n], I.." I tried to formulate a response, seeing his eyes flash with a shade of red-orange for a second. "I'm.."

"I've done all the listening I needed." He said quietly, exhaling. "I'm going upstairs."


"Alone." He said coldly.

And now as I was left alone, I yet again felt myself guilty.

He was at a graveyard to mourn his parents, and I just made all that suspicion up in my head..

How could I forget.?

I am an idiot.

"I am.."



I repeated, dropping myself onto the sofa and burying my face in a pillow.

How could I blame him even?..

The regret that filled me up was unbearable. I felt so sorry for jumping up on him because of the wild guesses forming up in my mind.

He is the only one who said I could change, he is the one who harbored me..

He is the one that cares for me.

I need to ask for forgiveness..

..I have to.

Frisk's POV

"I win again!" I giggled, raising my hands up in a victorious manner.

"How do you even manage to do that?" Alex asked, scratching the back of his head. "I had all these fancy cards and.."

"Do not bother to ask yourself with that kid." Sans said, looking over at the TV. "She is truly good at playing this."

"You cannot outsmart me in UNO!" I nodded.

"Anyways, thank ye for invitin' me, I had a good time. Now that we're done, I have some unfinished stuff to do." The skeleton said, getting up and stretching himself.

"You're gonna sleep again?" Alex snickered, and I saw Sans grinning even wider.

"I would prefer to call that work breaks."

"But you don't work!"

"Of course I do." He winked, disappearing out of visible sight in just a second.

After Sans had left, I looked over to Alex. He seemed oddly sad, or either thinking of something.

"Are you alright?"

"You know, I still don't think that it was exactly a good idea for me to come here." Alex said now.

"Why do you say that?" I moved closer to him.

"Well, I don't think that I exactly fit in this company. You became friends with them a long time ago, and here just a boy that got into the Monster Mansion because of-"

"Come on!" I nudged him lightly, and he smirked. "All of my friends are your friends, too!"

"Heh.." He shifted his gaze over to me, "Thank you."

"No problem!" I answered and smiled.

After a mere moment, I felt a pleasant sensation .. He leaned over kissed me on the cheek.

My face instantly turned red, as he made a giggle over it.

"Come on!! You make me uncomfortable!" I said, digging myself in my sweater.

"You said you liked it on the first time!" He said jokingly, snickering a bit more.

"And, except for that, a beautiful girl deserves a kiss!" He winked, as I smiled too and moved over to hug him.

"You're stupid.." I mumbled.

"That's why I have a smart one by my side." He said, pulling me up and now placing me over his shoulders.


"Where to, Ambassador?" The boy walked over to the door, crouching so that I won't hit my head.

"To the kitchen!" I responded, laughing childishly. "I want something to eat!"

"Yes, ma'am!" He said outloud, walking down the corridor.

Chara's POV

After a hour of thinking, I headed towards [Y/n]'s Room. The door was shut, and after a minute of hesitation I knocked.

"It's not the best time to talk." I heard from the other side, sighing.

"Can I come in?"

No response.


Again, he was silent.

"Look, I'm sorry!" I said. "I really am. I know I promised that there won't be any envy, but.."

I couldn't really explain the feeling I experienced when he was outside for some time.. I only felt this way once before, and that was before my death.


I stopped speaking after I saw the door open. [Y/n] stood there with a blank look on his face.

He didn't anyhow respond, just walked back inside and slid down the wall, looking straight into the window.

I didn't bother to say anything else, and just stood in the doorway for some time, trying to clear my thoughts.

"Why?" He asked out of a sudden, catching me off-guard a bit.

"I want you to forgive me."

"No.. I mean, why do you care that much?" The boy looked up at me and then at his arm, before closing his eyes and sighing. "How could one human potentially make you worry, or feel envy?"

"You're not just a human!" I said out of a sudden, before realizing it sounded somewhat weird. I sat near him and stared into the window, too.

"Sorry. You're my only friend so far, and the only person who cares about my existence. I feel like I do not deserve this kindness, and yet you still care.. I fear I might be left out because there'll be somebody else you would-"

"Somebody else I would take care of? Do you really think so?" His expression didn't change. I knew he felt so bad about the situation and I was the one that made him feel that way.

I went silent.

"Chara." He said, now finally shifting his gaze towards me. "Maybe you don't understand, but.."

"At first, I helped you to help myself. I really thought I am just one of the regular folk with barely any purpose in life, forced to repeat the daily routine until I die." He said, as his saddened face was replaced with a tiny, yet fully confident smile. "But then, you showed up!"

"I never met a demon in my life before. Neither a demon with such a story to tell.. So I decided to help you with your problems, and that's how I found a purpose of my current being: To help a princess, kind in heart to reunite with her family, to live a life of a normal girl. Maybe that is not the greatest deed I will ever do, but it will surely give a lot of bright memories."

I smiled at this.

He really does his best to help me.. And he helps the others, but he completely ignores the threats because he's determined to face them head-on if it's necessary.

"But after I grew used to you, I realized that wasn't the only reason. Maybe it sounds stupid, but you are the most interesting person I have ever met. Yes, not without flaws, but you are trying to change and that's what's so good in you. So I guessed that befriending you wouldn't be the worst idea."

"And so you did.. And I'm grateful for it." I said.

"Besides.. I gave you a promise. And I will make sure I'll keep it." He said, exhaling.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." I finally said, dropping my gaze down to the floor.

"It's fine.. But I wouldn't want that to repeat again." He said, nudging me lightly. "Will a hug make it better?"

My face turned a little red before I nodded blankly and moved closer to hug him.

We sat like that for a while, and I just didn't bother to let go. I didn't want to, and he apparently had no concerns about it.

"Thank you."

"Come on, Red. It's fine!" He said as I let him go, smiling yet again. "I understand why you act like this, it's just the day today that hurts me."

"I should've came with you." I responded, looking at his eyes again.

Now that I do, I realize I cannot understand what he's thinking of..

..I'm starting to get weak outside of the Underground.

But that does not matter. Not anymore.

"No. It's not your fault or either your concern." He shook his head.

"..I still feel like I should've."

"Don't overthink it, Princess. It's alright." He smiled.

That's when our conversation was interrupted by knocking.

"Oh, that must be the pizza delivery!" I said, standing up and rushing down the stairs.

"You could've asked me to make something!" Hearing [Y/n]'s voice from behind, I giggled.

By the moment I reached for the door handle and opened it up, I realized I should've thought twice.

In front of me stood not the delivery guy, but a boy I've seen before.

The one I've seen with Frisk.

And of course, she was hurrying over behind him.

"Oh-" I manage to say before [Y/n] catches up and sees him, his eyes widening a little and his face looking nervous.

[Y/n]'s POV

"Well hello?" The boy says and I instantly take a step to the door, seeing Chara too being concerned about the situation.

She probably blames herself she didn't think twice.

"I didn't see you before. You look like a person I know." He said, not directly looking into her eyes.

"Alex?" I moved up a bit.

"Who is this?" He shifted his gaze towards Chara, making me even more worried.

"What did you forget here?" I try change the topic, yet the boy grew curious.

"I wanted to ask if you don't want to come to the park with Frisk and-"

"..Chara?" I heard from the boy's back, freezing in place.

At that moment, I understood the essence of the expression my heart sank to my feet. Although it seemed to me my heart fell, broke through the earth’s crust and headed straight to its core.

The awkward silence that came afterwards was worsening the situation even more.

Despite all the shock and confusion, I manage to say:

"Come in. It's.. I have to explain." I said, while Chara just stood there distantly, her eyes running from me to the boy and Frisk, trying to find a solution.

As we move into the house, I try my best to act calm. Despite all that, Frisk seemed TERRIFIED.

I swear to God I've never seen her like this. She was trembling, I could hear her mumbling something and for some reason I felt that she wanted to run away.

"Frisk, are you alright?" Alex asks with a soft voice, taking her hand gently.

She doesn't respond, instead just moving over to him and standing close.

"What's wrong, Ambassador?" He repeated, and I see her trying to speak yet failing. She must be really scared.

"Sit down.." I say, offering them to sit down the sofa.

"[Y/n]-" Chara said suddenly, being sort of uncomfortable too. I see her eyes tearing up, my concern growing even more.

"Let's try to.. figure it out." I answered, forcing on a smile.

And now as we are all here, nobody bothers to drop a word. From what I see, Alex too grew concerned after he saw the Ruby Eyes.

"Who.. are you?" He asked, and I looked towards Chara.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Frisk asked with a trembling voice, raising her head and trying to avoid looking at Chara.

"It would be hard.." I tried making up an excuse, but Frisk interrupted me.

"We are friends, [Y-Y/n]!" She says desperately, as I see her eyes filling up with tears, too. "You could've.."

"Hey, It's alright." Alex drops a word, yet I know he is completely unaware of the situation. Despite so, he tries to comfort her, which confused me.

"No, he could've told me!" She says, sobbing.

"I asked him not to." Chara suddenly said and I had my eyes widen a bit, before Frisk manages to look over too.


"I don't feel ready to.. show myself yet. You do know why." Chara somehow managed to keep her trembling voice down, explaining it calmly, though what she said wasn't exactly true. "I wouldn't want a human who freed me to look like a villain that helps the demon."

"The who?" Alex grew entirely confused.

"So that's how you got out.." Frisk mumbled quietly, looking towards me with her eyes.

She had a whole mix of emotions right now probably.

"I feel like it's my fault." I protested, instantly catching all three gazes.

"It's not your fault!" Chara says, acting protective. "I-"

"It's not your fault, [Y/n]." Frisk nodded.

"I know you two are trying to prove otherwise, but that's how it really is." I said. "I got Chara out of the Underground not warning anyone, even Frisk.."


"I did try to act like it was fine, lying to people on why was I sometimes talking with "nobody."


"I did that to at least convince myself that my life has a purpose. God, I lied to so many people to try to fool myself.." I finished, sighing.

"I should've.. t-tried to find Chara earlier." Frisk said, and I raised my head up over to look at her.

She was still trembling, but she for sure felt herself better. Maybe that was because Alex was near and was comforting her all the time.

"And I could've told Frisk about you the first time I talked with her." Chara added, only making me even more sure that these two for sure were similar.

Yes, one being a demon that murdered people, and the second one being the kindest person that barely harmed anyone..

..But the way they care for the people they know or the ones dear for them is pretty much the same.

"You two are similar, you know that?" I said, making them both look at each other.

I felt the pressure in the air, but it was probably decreasing as Frisk stopped trembling and instead tried to be calm, though her voice still made me think she was afraid.

I would act the same in such a case probably.

"Similar.. You really are!" Alex said here, shifting his gaze from Frisk to Chara. "Are you two sisters?"

"I-" The red-eyed girl tried to add, being interrupted by Frisk.

"We.. Are."

That's when I got surprised. Did Frisk really say that?

I mean, those two probably had a long story and I thought they weren't that..

..Uh, friendly towards each other?

"You never told me you had one." Alex said in his usual manner, and Frisk just stared at the floor.

The silence came again, and that's when I heard someone's phone ringing.

Alex reached for his pocket, now looking at us three.

"Hello?" He said, before I saw the expression on his face change. He became rather.. Sad. "Yeah, Yeah.. I'm coming."

"I'm.. Sorry to leave you three, really. I have to go." Alex says, raising himself up from the Sofa. "Don't forget to tell me the whole story when we meet again!" He said it towards Frisk likely, now heading towards the exit.

"See ya!"

And then silence again.

Silence that lasted for long seconds, soonly turning into what seemed endless amount of time.

Frisk and Chara were both silent, only sometimes dropping their scared gazes down on the floor if they accidentally met.

"One step at a time." I said, smiling. "You made two on your way to.."

I stopped now, trying to pick up the word.

"..Communicate with each other like you did earlier."

Chara and Frisk both turned their confused gaze to me, and I only smiled awkwardly in response.

"I.. I know there is a whole story between you two, and it had terrible parts in it." Frisk yet again looked down onto the floor, wrapping her hands around herself.

What I knew for sure that it was painful for her to remember all that stuff they're done, but Chara isn't like that. She's a changed person!

"But Frisk," I looked at her now.

"Chara is trying her best to change. And she truly does regret what she did."

Though Frisk only managed to respond with a frightened smile, I breathe a sigh of relief.

"How long.. How long are you here, at the surface?" She asked Chara, wiping her teared eyes.

She doesn't respond, her eyes looking at me for a moment and then towards Frisk.

"Well.. Actually I think It's been two months." I say and Chara nods at that.

"Two.. H-How did you manage to hide this whole situation so well?" She questions me now.

"Don't forget that I was grown up by my Uncle.. Though overall you know I keep secrets well enough."

"Yes, of course.. A soldier boy." She salutes jokingly while I respond with a scoff.

Chara however lights up at it.

"Soldier boy huh?" She smirks. "You gave him a great nickname. Though, I prefer to stick with "human."

"Ow! That hurts.." Frisk responds quietly, and they both make a giggle.

"Why a human though?"

"Oh, I like to use it to slightly tease this crybaby sometimes." She says, both of them smiling at the moment.

This is what I waited for.

A little bridge built over the bottomless ravine of pain, anger, fear and regret.


Yeah, not over a topic I like, but still..

"Maybe you could tell us what you prefer?" Chara asked me, likely to chaff.

"I hate those nicknames and you two know it!" I said. "Though I wouldn't be against it if you called me.. I dunno.. A cool guy, perhaps?"

"A cool guy?" Chara repeats, chuckling. "What for?"

"A crappy nickname." Frisk adds as they both turn to snicker again.

"Maybe a troublemaker?" Chara turned her head to Frisk.

"I like that one!" She nods, giggling.

"Wow. Discussing about giving me nicknames right in front of me?" I feign my sadness.

"We can change the topic if you'd like." Frisk offers more calmly now.

"No, no. It's fine." I say raising my hands.

"Though don't come up with something unnecessarily stupid." I added, squinting my eyes as it was mostly directed to Chara.

"I promise not to, sir soldier boy!" She salutes jokingly too and I groan.

"Really smart." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Maybe you two want something to eat, or to drink?"

Right after my words I heard knocking.

"Oh. I guess now that's the actual pizza delivery." Chara says, smiling.

"Could you pay please?"

"Yeah, sure." I nodded, heading over to the door.

Around twenty minutes later

"Say, Frisk."

"Mhm?" She manages to hum as ahe continued to eat the last slice of pizza in the box.

How did we even manage to eat all that so fast.? Chara was probably not the only one who was so hungry.

"Why did Alex act like that?"

"Act like.." Trying to say she coughs a bit, placing her slice back into the box and looking at me now.

"Act like what?"

"Well, he wasn't that hyperactive and talkative at the time being. Just a few questions, and after that he just sat near you and listened." I said.

"Oh, that?" She smiles now. "I thought you asked about the other thing."

"There's something else?"

"No!" She says quickly before stopping and then smiling a bit, while I noticed a barely visible blush on her cheeks. "Well, maybe.. But I won't tell you yet."

"Huh? Alright.." I responded. "So what's with his overall mood?"

"It's because of Chara." She says.

"Frisk!" I say rapidly, being somewhat offended.

"No, no. You didn't listen fully, silly!" She giggled a bit.

"It's because of her eyes. Humans usually try to avoid eye contact with her as it causes fear, some react the other way.. Like Alex, for example. After he looked into her eyes he couldn't focus on anything and barely listened because of the feeling of anxiety he experienced." Frisk explained calmly, awaiting for me to understand the entire thing.

After a minute, I gave a slow nod.

"My pardon then." I said, scratching the back of my head. "So some people react differently?"

"Yeah." The girl answered before adding: "What was your reaction?"

"Mine.?" I rubbed my chin. "I felt nothing out of the things you mentioned. Cannot really describe it, believe it or not." A shrug followed.

"Interesting." She says. "Perhaps you could-"

I heard buzzing and Frisk reached for her pocket, taking her phone out.

"Oh.. I.."

"Duty calls?" I ask and she nods.

During our conversation, Chara left to "wash her hands" and now, after several minutes I saw her walking down the stairs.

"What's with the face?" Chara asks, sitting down near her.

"I have to go." She looks at the door. "Sorry."

"It's alright." The red-eyed girl answers. "See you later I guess?"

"I.. I hope so."

Both of them look at each other before smiling and giving an awkward giggle. Frisk took a step forward before hugging her tightly.

"Come on!" Chara said, being slightly embarrassed. "You're not even gonna miss me that much, Frisk!"

Now as she lets go, Frisk turns over to me.

"Make sure she doesn't get in trouble, alright?"

"Will make sure of it, ambassador!" I say, smiling.

For a minute Frisk just stays near us and then heads to the door, waving goodbye.

"What's with her?" Chara asks me suddenly.

I just shrug.

"She just missed an old good friend of hers." I wink, nudging her shoulder.

"I'm not that good of a friend.." She mumbles.

"You underestimate yourself, your royal Highness."

"Stop it!" She groans.

"You know I can't do anything about it!" I snicker.

"You're a stupid human."

"And you're a funny demon."

I guess now I annoy her a little less when I refer to her as a princess. I shifted my gaze to Chara, seeing how she covered her mouth with her hand, yawning. After that she glared up at the ceiling.

We exchanged a few more phrases and joked with each other before I saw her slowly lower her head onto the pillow at her side.

"Found something interesting?" I repeat her words, but what comes as an answer is quiet breathing.

She apparently fell asleep.

"Hah.. You're getting tired of me so quickly?" I asked jokingly, knowing full well that there would be no answer.

I sighed and picked her up, carrying her over to the bedroom.

Taking her boots off, I placed her on the bed as she immideately wrapped herself with a blanket.
I smiled and walked towards the door, and before leaving her alone I.. Well, perhaps now it has become a habit to wish her good night.

"Sleep well, Princess."

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