Not Enough Love

By CathyJensen

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Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy and the characters. This story has Anastasia Howard... More

The Long Way Home
Returns Welcome
A Safe Space
Found Out
More Charges
The Things We Do
Days Numbered
Shipping Yard?
An Unexpected Visitor
Congratulations It's A Girl
Howard Or Steele?
What Really Happened
A Quiet Goodbye
Attorney Howard
A Private Chat? (sex)
Let The Fun Begin
All New Electronics
Talk About Town
A Trusted Friend
No More Trust Fund
All Of Me
The Proposal
The Weddings
Spending Spree
A Master Of None
Oh The Pain
Surprise Wedding
Out Of The Woods
The Resemblence
A Measure Of A Man
Labor Day
Dead At Dawn
Love To Hate?
No Regrets
Big Wedding Small Details
A Needle Found
The Cycle Of Death And Birth Continues
A Sterling Event
A Thorn In My Side
A Fall From Grace
Connor Proves His Worth
Package Arrives
New Deliveries
A Little Girl Found
Reality Check
Life Goes On
Rose Annabelle Wilkes
Aunt Rose
We Are Family
A Good Man And Father
All Our Blessings

A Death Threat

48 4 2
By CathyJensen

I look at Anastasia and tell her I am going to kill her on behalf of myself and a friend of mine who wants her dead as well. They drag me into a cell and move the brat out of my sight. Elena and I have a mutual enemy and that is Anastasia Howard. I can't believe she had people protecting her. Now I am facing a multitude of charges. I no longer have money for an attorney and Jason is definitely not going to help me. It is ironic that this foster child has caused so many so much pain. I cop has fingerprinted me and photographed me and they have my police files, so I violated the restraining orders and punched the girl, but I was going to do worse but her friend blocked my second punch and then I was grabbed by some hulk. I tried to get charges pressed against the guy who assaulted me, but again they laughed at me. Apparently the guy is her bodyguard. How does a foster child have a bodyguard anyway?

I sign the paperwork for the charges to be pressed against Debra and explain that she violated a permanent restraining order by just being close to Anastasia and then she punched two minors Anastasia and Barney Miller. The Millers are outraged and want blood. Carrick Grey has joined us and he is helping get a restraining order for Barney and his parents as well. Gail is beside herself and we watch as they drag Debra away and she now is threatening to kill us all. So we have new charges against her. She really hates us all by this time. I ask her if Elena sent her after Anastasia? And she stops in her tracks and makes the very wrong comment she could have in the middle of the police station.

Elena wants Anastasia dead and so do I and I won't stop until she is dead. I get loose and lunge at Anastasia but she catches me off guard and I am knocked off my feet and I hit my head on the desk as I go down to the floor.

Debra lunges at Anastasia and that was a huge mistake. Because Anastasia was ready for her this time. She roundhouse swept her legs and Debra hit the floor with a thud. I am very proud of her for keeping up her training. Apparently she hit her head on a desk as she went down, so her head is bleeding. Now an ambulance needs called. We leave this mess to the police and the Millers and I are taking Barney and Anastasia to the ER to have them checked out. Plus photos of the injuries for the trial. My ex wife is insane. She just admitted to colluding to murder my foster daughter.

I have no idea what is going on, but I am glad someone stopped this crazy women from hurting anyone else. We take Barney to the ER.

I hate that my son got a black eye, but am glad he protected his friend from getting beat up by someone twice her size. After seeing Anastasia in action today, I know this woman took everyone by surprise and then I hear that she had worn a disguise to get close to Anastasia and that is why security didn't recognize her.

I am taken to my cell and I am advised that the public defender has a full schedule and that I will be arraigned and then they will be talking about bail. I hear a voice and it says that I will not be getting out on bail for what I have confessed to. One of the cops walked by and told me everything was recorded by several witnesses who then posted my threats against a child and admitting to wanting her dead and was going to assure of her death and that Elena Lincoln and I both want her dead and I am making it happen. I think for a moment and if that is on the internet Elena is going to hear about it. I don't know how but Elena controls quite a few of the people around her in our section.

It didn't take long for the news to come that I made death threats and had someone to carry them out against Anastasia Howard. I knew Debra was an idiot, but I wished she hadn't brought my name up in all of this. Now I need a public defender to get me off of the charges I know that are going to be pressed against me. Debra better hope she doesn't get put back in this prison. I have no doubt she will end up here again.

I can't believe Elena is still blaming Anastasia for her own actions. Now Debra is doing the same and has every intent on killing Anastasia for not just her but Elena asked her to kill her as well. I got the restraining orders updated and new ones for both Barney and Anastasia and the family members. Elena will be served in prison as well as being told of new charges against her for sending Debra to try to kill Anastasia.

I look at both Anastasia and Barney's black eyes. She luckily didn't break any bones in their faces, so they were photographed and given instructions and released. I give them a copy of the report for the police along with photos of their injuries. I hope Debra enjoys her jail cell. I heard she ratted Elena out and might be going to the same prison after she is released from the prison hospital. She violated a restraining order and tried to kill Anastasia and Barney protected her. Luckily her bodyguard got Debra before she was able to stab Anastasia. They found a knife at the scene after they picked up her disguise. So those things are going into evidence.

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