Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island

By zero252

494K 14.3K 9.3K

The Doctor of Rhodes Island is a good man, but even good men can be broken. He tried to endure the loneliness... More

He's Had Enough
What Have We Done
Welcome Home
For the Greater Good
Silver Bell Tolls
SuperNova Prevention
Know Your 'Enemy'
Have we Angered A God
Living Saint
Farsight Enclave
Trial By Fire
Making An Entrance
Terra's Reaction
Farsight Will Rise
Hello Ch'en
Strategic Value Absolute
Maiden Heart
Flawless Victory!
Can We Survive What's Comming
Enemy Of My Enemy
We Will Fight In The Streets.
Ride Of The Valkyries
Battle Won
The Next Arc
Emotionally Compromised
Prelude To Diplomacy
Underhanded Diplomacy
Angry Lung Noises
Farseer Agenta
The Darker Side Of Reunion
Sleep Easy At Last
Preserve Us
Purge Them!
Stand With Me
White Wolf
Lord of Fiends
I Hate/Like you!
Back In Your Arms
A Good Morning
Lupo's Mischief
Don't Panic
A Life Forever Changed
Running Away
The Law
Amnesia vs Love
Caught Pt1
Caught And Shattered
Calm Before The Storm
First Moves
I'm Done Playing
Enclave vs Rhodes Island
Lost & Gained
Already Broken
A Spark Of Hope
A Lupo's Secret Exposed?
Familiar Stranger
Anomaly Containment Corporation
Angel Of Death
The Begining of a Downfall
The Call
Manipulate Fate!
Artillery spam
Harem Assemble
Over The Top
Lascannon or Bolter
Return of the King
Questions and Answers
Our Duty Ends with Death
Safe and Sound
Guerilla Tactics
Kal'tsit and W Confrontation
Kalina's path
Small Talk
Heroic Ursus Girls
Your Eyes
Father & Daughter
Mostima's Choice

Broken Too

4.5K 159 124
By zero252


Sorry for the slower chapters. Work and not feeling well are starting to slow me down. 

Let us get back to it.


Farsight stormed through the Lungmen streets and back into the slums to the Enclave's base of operation. The closer he got, the angrier he felt at the thought of someone in his custody being mistreated. He was so agitated that the idea of flying back to base never even occurred. 

Storming down the streets caught people's attention. But, regardless of how early it was, plenty of early risers were making their way to work or carrying out errands. So many people pointed and whispered or stared in confusion at the Enclave leader walking down the street with a dark look etched on his face. 

"Heheh... Who are you glowering at?" The voice of Lappland caught him off guard as she came out of an alleyway

"Where in Terra have you been!? I've been looking for you!" Farsight said and had stopped and turned his dark look towards the Lupo in question; Lappland yawned with little concern to his gaze and gave him a lopsided grin.  

Looking over Lapplands shoulder and into the alleyway, he could see a makeshift shelter of cardboard boxes. Coincidence that the boxes had the Penguin Logistics logo stamped on them.

Did she seriously sleep out here?

"Heh, Just looking around, Doctor." 

"Don't call me that!" Farsight frowned at her.

"Pfff can't stop me, Hahaha!" Lappland laughs and looks at him with a smirk as if he had just challenged her.

"Whatever, Lappdance." Farsight sighs and walks past her back towards the base. He would instead be directing his annoyance to someone who deserves it. 

She looks after him in shock, mumbling what he had just said in surprise. "Lapp...what?" 

Farsight doesn't even give Lappland a second glance as he walks away, he may have come out here initially to find her, but clearly, she's fine and doesn't need any support. He barely got to the end of the street he was on before hearing footsteps behind him. 

"Ha! Stop right there; say that again!" Lapplands voice again was heard as she ran ahead and stood before him, putting her hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks, as she grinned up at him with her sharp teeth showing. 

Farsight looked down at her and feigned ignorance. "Hmmm?"


Lappland may be grinning, but he could hear the growl in her throat; her grin was less playful and more bloodthirsty. 

"I said, Lapp-..."


Both Farsight and Lappland turned to see Madam Ch'en standing there glaring at the two of them. Hoshiguma stood slightly to Ch'en left and held her large shield tightly, giving both of them passive looks. 

"Get lost, Hag! He's mine!" Lappland turned to face Ch'en and growled.

"What did you call me!?"

"Hag!" Lappland stuck her tongue at her. 

"Why you Insole-" Ch'en snorted in anger.

"I haven't got time for this!" Farsight rolled his eyes and started walking again. 

"HEY!" Both Lappland and Ch'en shouted after him, but he didn't listen. 

Ch'en stared after Farsight in anger. No time?! Who in Terra did he think he was talking to, acting as if her presence was unimportant to him? 

Before Hoshiguma could act or Lappland to insult her more, Ch'en sprinted after Farsight, leaving the two women standing there, who soon took notice of each other.

"Heh... Got any alcohol? Lappland gave Hoshiguma a hopeful grin and got a raised eyebrow in return. 

"It's 06:35 am..." Hoshiguma said.

"Hahah! So?" Lappland.

Farsight kept walking and once again heard a voice shout out for him. He was getting frustrated with this, so he stopped and turned to glare at the approaching figure, who happened to be Ch'en this time.  

"Yes, Madam Ch'en?" 

Ch'en was caught off guard by his tone but came to a halt in front of him and stared back quietly. In response, Farsight sighed in annoyance and walked away again, making Ch'en stare at his retreating form with clenched teeth. 

'Stop walking away and talk to me!' Ch'en thought with a huff

Farsight heard Ch'en move again and come to walk by his side but didn't say anything, hand firmly on her sword as they worked in the bright early morning sun. 

"You are aware I... I will be working by your side, correct? As the representative of Lungmen?" Ch'en said out of nowhere, struggling to say that with any enthusiasm.

"I am aware." 

"So? What will I be doing?" Ch'en asked with impatience. 

Farsight's emotions have been everywhere ever since he left Texas in bed. One part of him was happy about what happened during the night and what the future could hold for Texas and himself, but the other part was running through scenarios on how to approach W and deal with Agenta. 

He wasn't hurt at how W spoke to him the previous day, but it was clear that W was a deeply troubled woman who needed help. If Misha was correct, how do you apologise to a disturbed woman your people just tortured? 

"Well?" Ch'en looked at him as they walked, still waiting for his reply. 

"I need to find you a maid outfit." Farsight couldn't resist saying it before sprinting away. 

Ch'en stopped walking and gaped at him before drawing her sword and chasing after him.


Farsight had returned to the Enclave base after running away from a blushing tsundere Ch'en who was intent on cutting him down. He quickly made his way through the base as the soldiers stepped out of Farsight's way not to impede his journey.

He quickly found himself standing outside W's cell, looking through the thick glass and staring at a very pale W sitting in the corner near her bed, half mumbling and half giggling. 

One of her hands was encased entirely in a large bandage, already showing signs of her wound beginning to bleed through. 

Farsight stared at her for a few minutes before opening the cell.

"Sir!" One of the soldiers guarding W exclaimed alarmingly at their leader's actions.

"...All of you... Leave." Farsight offered no argument as the soldiers tensed and left reluctantly until he was alone with the mumbling W.

He finished opening the cell and entered quietly but loud enough so she knew he was there.

Farsight started to approach her. 


"Stop staring..." 

"Aww, come on, Tex! tell me everything!" Exusiai giggled at Texas, who was blushing.

"I have nothing to say" Texas ate her breakfast and sipped her drink quietly, trying to avoid Exusiai's eyes. 

"Heheh, You had a lot to say last night, or should I say scream last night?" Exusiai smirked at the explosion of red that appeared on Texas's face.

"Exusiai!" Texas sounded embarrassed, but she didn't deny anything, making the Sankta giggle in delight. 

"*Giggle* By everything holy! You have it bad for him!" Exusiai laughed.

"Are you done?" 

"Are you two dating?" The Sankta asked in curiosity, excited for her friend. If what she saw last night was anything to go by, Texas wouldn't be left unsatisfied in a relationship, that's for sure. 

"Ye-No! I don't know..." Texas said quietly as she continued her drink.

"Well, better make a move soon, or I might snatch him up myself!" Exusiai giggled and winked at her friend before leaving the room. 

Unknown to Exusiai, Texas's blush turned into a frown, and she growled at the mere thought of another woman touching Y/n.

Exusiai wasn't wrong, Texas thought. She needed to stake her claim on him before it was too late, not just whatever Y/n had staked her with last night. *Cough*

Although something was bothering Texas, and she didn't know what it was. 

Something felt different. 

It must be nothing. She thought.


Against his better judgment, Farsight sat beside the unstable Sarkaz in a locked cell and gently stroked her hair and horns, listening to every mumble and giggle from the woman that claimed to hate him and want him dead. 

Every so often, W would stop making a sound and look at him intently; her once bright eyes were now dull and seemed to be piecing his soul before returning to her little world, making Farsight highly concerned for her. 

"I'm sorry, W," Farsight said, unsure if she was listening.


"You know... When I first joined the Enclave, they ended up killing me..." Farsight said out of the blue.


"They asked if I could change the world, would I? I answered and ended up dying for my beliefs and trust." 

"..." W had stopped mumbling.

"And now the very people that killed me are following my orders..." 

W had tilted her head slightly so she could stare at him quietly as he went on. 

"I remember it all you know, being dead, the vast blackness, the silence, the loneliness" Farsight stared off into nothing as he recalled his experience that he never shared with anyone. 


"It almost felt like being back on Rhodes Island." Farsight's eyes were wet, but he would not cry! 

He would not cry for them!


"Yet here I am... Given another chance that no one else was given, I am still running away from the past, from people who judge me, from an ex-wife who hates me." 


A single tear escapes and runs down his cheek, which W sees. F*ck!

Farsight stands without warning and retreats from the cell as W watches him leave with a strange but calm expression on her face. 

Whatever W expected from the former Doctor of Rhodes Island. That was not it. 

W laid down on the cold hard floor and stared at the exit Farsight had left through. 

"He's Broken," W mumbled.



I was listening to sad songs throughout this chapter, so that's why it gets deep relatively quickly. 

So there we have it! Lappland is safe and well as we all knew she would be, Ch'en is eager to become a maid, and W is unstable! Who knew? Oh, and returning from the dead does nothing for one's sanity. Poor Farsight is just as broken as Lappy and W.

Farsight needs something to fight for personally! Not just to right wrongs. Perhaps Texas will be the first to provide something of that nature *Wink, wink*

Maybe Kal'tsit is a key to Farisght's happiness? 

I am not bashing anyone's idea of an afterlife. However, wherever you believe you're going when it's time, I hope you go there wholeheartedly. 

I think I'll add Exusiai to the Harem. 

I own no Art or Gifs

Thanks for the support and votes!


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