Togetherness again ✅

By taekooker301

41.1K 2.4K 243

In life there are many things we wish for earnestly, but we don't end up gaining everything unless we are des... More

New book
New book 2


1.5K 98 11
By taekooker301

Another long chapter! I hope long chapters aren't boring! Are you guys enjoying the story or is it turning boring? Let me know! Shall we start? Let's goo💜💚

Everyone gathered in the common large hall in the resort where a buffet lunch was set. The menu listed both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes that were arranged separately.

Jungkook and Taehyung joined the others who had gathered there. The kids, after swimming, were very hungry and so they had begun to relish the delicious food. Jungkook noticed Chanyeol needed help hence quickly went up to him and went along with him to get some soup and pasta.

Taehyung wanted to wait for jungkook till he was done assisting Chanyeol with his food so he stepped out to talk to Mr.Park who was done with his lunch. Though Taehyung was talking to Mr.Park, his eyes were fixed on Chanyeol and Jungkook. Chanyeol ate quietly all the while, but when he saw Yoonmin and the other kids run out, he did not want to finish his food, so he wriggled out of his father's hold and dashed out.

"Channie!" Jungkook called out holding the last but one morsel in his hand.

Taehyung noticed Chanyeol escape, he excused himself and quickly ran and caught hold of Chanyeol before he could run away.

"You brat! I see you haven't finished your lunch." Taehyung said as he lifted up Chanyeol like a log and walked back to Jungkook.

"Thanks tae, this boy is so naughty!" Jungkook held Chanyeol's hand and put the morsel in his mouth before he could say anything.

"Papa, this is enough! I don't want to eat anymore", Chanyeol squirmed in Taehyung's hold. Taehyung laughed all the while as Chanyeol tried to tickle Taehyung's arms with his tiny fingers but it didn't affect him much.

"It's the last one, I promise", Jungkook said and pulled Chanyeol closer to him as he fed him the last morsel. Taehyung wiped his hands with the tissue and brought him some water to drink before Chanyeol disappeared with Yoonmin.

Mr.park quietly witnessed this scene from a distance and smiled, his eyes glistened with tears as he prayed silently and walked away with the pleasant smile on his face.

Meanwhile Jimin came to Jungkook and Taehyung and asked, "Are you guys planning to fast by any chance?"

"No!", Jungkook said and giggled at Jimin's irritation out of hunger and stood up to join him for lunch. Yoongi, Myung and jun's father had already begun eating. Taehyung followed Jungkook and Jimin and picked up the plates and went through picking some delicious looking dishes one after another.

"Jimin, try this kimchi", Yoongi suggested and took one more helping of the kimchi. He looked at Taehyung and said,"tae, you should try it too, I know you don't like kimchi but taste this a little." Taehyung nodded in agreement and said, "Okay my dear hyung if you insist so much." He took a bowl and was about to pour some kimchi when Jungkook blurted out, "Tae... Don't!"

Taehyung stopped and put down the bowl of kimchi he had just taken and turned to Jungkook. Jimin and Yoongi were surprised too. "What's the matter Kookie?"  Jimin asked a little concerned.

Jungkook was embarrassed as he had unwantedly gained Yoongi and Jimin's attention as they looked at him waiting for an answer. "Er...Umm...Actually the kimchi is spicy and...", He paused. Taehyung's brows relaxed and he smiled. Jimin saw him the bowl away which surprised him further, "And?"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and said further, "...and, tae can't handle much spice. So I asked him", he trailed off.  He flushed as there was a sudden silence after and jimin made Taehyung more uncomfortable with his funny faces intending to tease him. Yoongi tried hard not burst out laughing looking at Taehyung blushing.

"I doubt, MY husband knows anything about my allergies!", Yoongi said casually. Taehyung choked on his food and further laughed when he saw Jimin fuming. "Yeah you have allergy to work, you sleepy cat." Yoongi didn't wanted to take the couch so he just kept his mouth shut. Jungkook and Jimin excused themselves and went away leaving the two men sniggering.

Jungkook still embarrassed by his sudden reaction sat quietly at the table and ate. Jimin noticed and to ease him, he said, "Honestly, I don't know if my husband is actually allergic to any food. He eats almost everything without a fuss." Both Jimin and Jungkook were quiet but soon looked at one another and broke into peals of laughter. Jungkook was in his best mood that day and didn't seem to mind any of the leg pulling by his friend.

After lunch, everyone lay relaxed on the lush green lawns facing the mini lake. Mr.park was lying down and admiring the weather while Myung's father and Myung sat next to him talking about their last visit to the church nearby. Mrs.Park brought out some homemade japchae and served everyone. Taehyung stole glances of Jungkook who sat right next to him besides Jimin and Yoongi forming a circle.

"Aunty, can I have some more?", Taehyung asked and picked some more japchae from the box Mrs.Park held out to him. He loved Japchae and when he took the first bite, he knew it was made by Jungkook. He had eaten a lot of japchae made by Jungkook in college when he would make them especially for him when the two fought. He would make up to him by making the delicious japchae and Taehyung would immediately put his anger back and eat them sharing none with him.

He looked at jungkook who was pleased to see Taehyung eat the japchae with the same excitement as before. When their eyes met, Taehyung showed his thumbs up and savored the japchae futher causing him to blush.

Mr.and Mrs.Hong were the liveliest couple amongst them and both sat cozily behind humming some songs.

"Jungkook, children aren't playing in the sun, are they?", Mrs. Park asked as she put away the box of japchae that had some of it saved for the children and sat next to her husband.

"No aunty, they are playing just nearby, I just saw them over there", Jimin said pointing at the play area.

The entire group did not realize that they spent nearly two hours talking and having fun. The group later then dispersed for a while. Jimin and Jungkook went looking for children as they had been away for a good two hours.

Chanyeol noticed Jungkook coming to them. He quickly ran to him and pleaded along with the other children to play the blind man's buff for a while. He suggested that each parent should be blindfolded and should hunt his child. Jimin called Mrs.hong and Myung and joined in the game.

Taehyung took a quick stroll and was back after he got to smoke stealthily. He was afraid to be caught by Jungkook but he promised himself to quit smoking at the earliest, for jungkook. He joined in yoongi and others' conversation. They were discussing about an age old church nearby.

"Mr.Park, I'm telling you, this is one of the finest church I've seen and I try and make it to this church at least once in a month." Myung's father spoke.

"Hmm...sounds interesting, I think we should go someday." Mr.park said and sipped the coffee that was just served.

"Why someday? We can go today itself...anyways, the children are playing, let's visit the church, its close by from here." Mr.hong explained keenly. His suggestion brought a brilliant idea to Yoongi.

"Uncle, I think that's a good idea, I've heard that they have lodging facilities too, right?", Yoongi asked curiously. Taehyung was puzzled with yoongi's involvement in this as he was never interested in visiting or talking about religious places.

"Yes, they have lodging facilities, we can stay put at night'', Mr.hong confirmed.

Mr. Park gave a thought for a minute and spoke, "Instead we can go to my friend Lee's place. It's closer from there, he has been insisting we come and spend some time at his farmhouse, he would love to have all of us there"

Yoongi immediately butted in, "Uncle, we have to attend work tomorrow, so why don't you all carry on"

"Yes! Park uncle and you can stay at the farmhouse after visiting the church, I'll send the car tomorrow to pick you up when you want to return", Myung spoke to his father.

"Alright, I'll go and speak to Lee about our stay. I hope it's alright with all of you?", Mr.Park asked.

"Its fine uncle, we will return home and you all can take your time and return." Yoongi spoke enthusiastically confusing Taehyung all the more.

Mr.Park excused himself and went to make his call and inform Mrs.Park about their new stay over plans; meanwhile, Taehyung pulled Yoongi aside to talk to ask him about his over enthusiasm.

"Hyung, what was all that?"  Taehyung asked curiously.

"Nothing, why do you say so?"  Yoongi asked innocently. He did not want Taehyung to know of his plans to get Taehyung and Jungkook drive home alone and spend some time alone as he was sure Taehyung wouldn't appreciate it and would mess up.

"Don't lie hyung! And when did you..." Taehyung was interrupted by Chanyeol's voice and in a fraction of a second he felt two small hands pushing him. He bumped into Jungkook who was blindfolded, he was about to fall with the push but Taehyung immediately held him by his waist to prevent him from falling.

"Ouch!" Jungkook yelped and tightly clutched Taehyung's t-shirt. He immediately got rid of the cloth that blinded him and his eyes met Taehyung's. He remained in his arms steadily and their eyes locked for few seconds. Taehyung resisted his urge to push the tiny hair strand away from his face. Jungkook felt his gentle hold on him and slowly steadied himself still clutching his T-shirt's sleeves. Taehyung helped him stand straight, holding his hand and asked, "You are alright?"

"Yes...thanks!" He said and slowly released his grip on his sleeves. Taehyung's hand brushed along his slender waist when he pulled back his hand. Jungkook's body shivered and he nervously looked away.

"Papa, you were supposed to search me and not taetae uncle, I won!", Chanyeol jumped with joy. Taehyung smiled at Chanyeol and ruffled his hair and said, "But you hid behind taetae uncle didn't you?"

"Right! And so papa caught taetae uncle instead of you, so he wins", Jungkook commented.

Yoongi smiled when he heard Jungkook's comment to Chanyeol and murmured, "You are right, you will win when you catch Taehyung."

"Did you say something, hyung?"  Taehyung asked.


"Let's get going then'', Taehyung said and held Chanyeol's little finger and walked towards the others with Jungkook closely following him.


Driving back home

It was about 7 in the evening and the families decided to begin their journey back home. The travelling arrangements remained the same, Jungkook and his family were in Taehyung's car while the others drove with their respective families. They were all very tired and wished to halt for a quick dinner before they went home. The children's voices were lowered with exhaustion. Chanyeol sat with his father in the rear seat and began coloring to kill time. As planned Mr. and Mrs.Park were to be dropped at the church they were to visit along with Mr.and Mrs.Hong. Also, they were to stay put at Lee's place after that. The others carried on while Taehyung's and Myung's car took a turn towards the church where the couples were to be dropped off. Taehyung stopped the car in front of the church.

"Thank you son for accompanying us and it was a great pleasure to know you," Mr.Park said and shook hands with Taehyung before he got off the car.

"The pleasure is all mine uncle", Taehyung said.

"Come home someday and maybe we can talk to your father, Da-hyun", Mr.Park said. He held the door open for his wife to alight when Chanyeol who was watching all this grew restless and jumped from his father's side towards the door and asked, "Halabeoji are you  not coming home?"

"No bub, your halmeoni and I are going to stay here tonight, we'll see the church and the sights around here and be back tomorrow" Mr.Park said lovingly to his grandson. Chanyeol was jumping up and all his fatigue seemed to have vanished in a split second.  He unlocked the door and was out of the car pulling at his grandfather's hand. "I'm coming with you too, Halabeoji." Chanyeol pleaded.

"No. Channie, Halabeoji will be back tomorrow and you've had enough exhaustion for today now you need to rest'' Jungkook explained to him but the child was just not ready to listen to anyone. He simply refused to let go of his grandfather.

"Jungkook, let him stay with us son. Anyways, there is no school tomorrow" Mrs.Park reasoned and insisted that Chanyeol stay with them as she did not want to break his heart.

"But eomma..."

"Papa, please let me stay with Halabeoji" Chanyeol cried.

"It's okay Jungkook, we'll manage. Don't worry" Mr.Park comforted him and requested Taehyung to drop him home.

"Of course uncle, I'll...I'll do that!"  Taehyung spoke calmly. He was thrilled secretly to be driving home alone with him, but did not let it appear on his face.

Jungkook reluctantly stepped out of the car and confirmed with Chanyeol one last time about his stay with his grandparents, but he stuck to his wish and readily agreed to go with them. He sat in the front seat beside Taehyung and put on the seat belt and waved to them as they drove off closely followed by Myung's car.

Taehyung took to highway in minutes. It was getting dark and chilly with time and both drove in silence. Taehyung looked at jungkook a couple of times, but he looked out of the window absent-mindedly playing with the gold chain around his neck. As it got darker, Jungkook was unable to see things further on the highway. He thought to play some songs so turned on the radio. The sound of the chirpy Radio jockey cut the prevailing silence in the car, but the songs were all too loud and nothing good enough so he turned it off.

Jungkook wanted to talk him, but wondered how to begin. Pushing aside all his confusions he spoke, "tae!" and Taehyung too spoke at the same moment, "kook!" Both looked at each other and laughed. "You go ahead first" , Jungkook said.

"Ah! Nothing important, you tell me what it is", Taehyung said. Jungkook looked at him closely; his eyes that were in anguish and pain when he first met him at the mall were not the same. Jungkook half hoped the reason to be him, but soon shrugged the thoughts away. 'Why am I hoping for something impossible? Why am I being carried away? Tae and I were friends and will remain friends forever' he thought.

"You were saying something?", Taehyung's voice interrupted his chain of thoughts. He cleared his throat and asked in a small voice, "How is your father?"

Taehyung without looking at him answered, "He is paralyzed kook. Ae-ri mom abandoned my father and that was too much of a shock for him to handle."


"Jennie is with us, she did not go with her mother." Taehyung continued disgusted with just the thought of Ae-ri. Jungkook sensed it was not an ideal thing to speak about it further.

"You were saying something?'' Jungkook said to change the topic.

Taehyung was about to speak when suddenly the car came to a screechy halt. Jungkook looked confused and asked "what's the matter?"

"I don't know. Even I'm wondering what happened suddenly?'' Taehyung said as he turned the key to ignite the engine once again. After a couple of failed attempts, he stepped out to check. Jungkook stepped out too along with him holding a torch that was kept handy in the car. They were stranded alone on the open highway that connected to the expressway. There seemed not a single soul in the vicinity, only a few cars zooming off every second minute arousing dust.

Taehyung forced open the hood of the car and checked the radiator and also the connections to the battery, its water but wasn't able to figure out much. Meanwhile Jungkook stepped back to see if he could find some help when he noticed a trail following their car.

"Tae, come here" , Jungkook called out.

Taehyung closed the hood dusting his hands away and walked to him and noticed the trail he was pointing at. He quickly bent and noticed the fuel was leaking as the pipe was cut off.

"Uh oh! What trouble is this?"  Taehyung grunted and fetched his cell phone out to make a call to Yoongi.

He tried to dial, but the call did not connect. "Aish! No network", he sighed and kicked the stone in disappointment.

"Relax, I'll get my phone," Jungkook said and walked back to the car and fetched his purse. He brought his mobile and handed it to him. He dialed yoongi's number and in the second ring yoongi picked up the call, "Hello!"

"Hyung, Taehyung here"

"Yes tae, what happened?" Yoongi spoke on the other end.

" Hyung we are..." Taehyung stopped as the call got disconnected. He tried to dial again, but the phone had switched off. "Oh no, the battery died kook''

Jungkook sulked in dismay, "What? Channie! This boy has such a bad habit of playing those stupid games on the phone and now the battery dies..."

Taehyung chuckled, looking at Jungkook's ranting on the little boy.  He looked too cute with one hand on his hip and biting the nails of the other nervously.

"Now what?" Jungkook asked a little worried. Taehyung walked to him silently and did not stop until he came very close to him. Jungkook stepped back as he walked further until he hit the back of the car and looked at him curiously.

Taehyung neared him and whispered, "Walk to the nearest shop or phone booth to make a call!" He laughed loudly seeing his flushed face. Jungkook got angry and hit him hard for playing such pranks on him.

"Ouch. Okay..I'm sorry!" , Taehyung apologized. "Now If only we find someone who can lend his mobile to us..come lets see", and both took to walking searching some source to make a call. After about twenty minutes of walking they found a small garage.

Taehyung requested to use the landline phone and dialed yoongi's number and briefed him about the incident and their whereabouts.

"...and for god sake cancel your call diverts to Rosy. I was just not able to reach you because of that and , Jungkook's phone is switched off," Yoongi retorted on the phone.

"Oops!, I totally forgot about the call divert and kook's phone died so its switched off", Taehyung said guiltily.

"Anyways, I'm arranging another car, please be around and don't get lost," Yoongi said and hung up.

Jungkook was relieved after their talk with Yoongi. He was worried but did not panic for taehyung was with him. Both of them walked back towards the car talking about Jungkook's father and his brother and other things in general. He constantly watched for the vehicles passing by and ensured Jungkook was walking on the other side. It was dark and chilly and a couple of street lamps were put out off while they were returning back.

Jungkook did not see a big boulder and tripped over it and fell on the ground, bruising his palms and spraining his ankle.

"Kook, careful!", Taehyung rushed to pick him up. He helped him up slowly, holding his hand and his shoulder.  Jungkook tried to take a step, but cried in pain.  He held Taehyung's hand tightly and stood up straighter, but wasn't able to walk further.

"Ouch!" He cried, holding his right ankle and slipped again.

Taehyung held him firmly and in a minute he was off his feet and his arms. Taehyung carried him gently and took small steps towards the car.

Jungkook felt uncomfortable and to avoid falling off he slipped her his around his neck and stammered, "Tae, please put me down...I'll try to walk."

Taehyung did not listen to him and continued to walk and turned a deaf ear to him.

"Tae...listen please, I'"  He tried to speak but the pain did not allow him to speak further. "Ssshhh...quiet now okay! I'm not listening to anything." Taehyung ordered and continued to walk.

Jungkook tried to look away, but Taehyung's eyes were on him as he walked carrying him.    Jungkook felt as light as a child in his arms and Taehyung could not withdraw his eyes from his childlike innocent face and his tired tearful eyes.  Jungkook's heart was making a loud noise in his chest and he put a break on his words.  Giving up, he relaxed in Taehyung's arms and slowly laid his head on his chest listening to his fast heartbeats.  They were racing; he wanted to put his palm on it to slow them down with his warmth, but they were locked behind Taehyungs's neck.  He felt secure in his arms like he had never felt before.

Holding his Jungkook this close, Taehyung's wish to get him back in his life just got stronger. He never wanted to let him go.  He wanted to hold him close to his heart like this for the rest of his life, take care of him and love him forever. He wanted to fill his life with so much love that it would wipe out everything in their past forever. 

Taehyung slowly put him down on the hood of the car when they reached. Jungkook shyly retrieved himself from Taehyung and pushed his hair away from his face. He shivered a little as his warmth was cut off and Taehyung gently held his sprained ankle and took off his shoe.

Jungkook grabbed his hand anxiously and said, "tae, what are you doing? Don''s okay!" Taehyung smiled and assured it was nothing wrong and gently rotated his ankle trying to release his pain.


"Relax, this will help you. I was a scout in my school days. We were taught the first aid treatments.'' Taehyung said and continued to gently massage his foot. "But, you are the first person I'm trying it on" Taehyung winked and laughed.  He earned a light punch from Jungkook, but was relieved that he was not crying anymore.

"Thanks tae" Jungkook said and bit his lip to not cry, but tears slowly rolled down his cheek. The tears were not of pain, but of the concern and care shown by Taehyung.


"Finally, we are home" , Taehyung said as he cut the engine of the car stopping it in the parking of Jungkook's apartment.  Yoongi had promptly arranged another car which arrived within an hour at the spot where they were stranded. He drove all the way smiling to himself as Jungkook drifted to sleep beside him.

"Thanks" Jungkook said and smiled. He turned to take his purse from the rear seat and opened the door to step out.

"Kook, wait!'' Taehyung stopped him.

Jungkook turned to look at him. Taehyung brought his hand forward and placed his palm gently on his cheek. He looked at him lovingly and slowly brought him closer to him. Jungkook's eyes closed in response and he felt his throat go dry. He felt his warm breath on his face and feared to open his eyes. Taehyung noticed him breathing heavily and squirming. He gently traced his thumb and wiped the eyeliner that smudged his eye after he had cried and whispered, "I'll never let you cry again kook."

Jungkook sighed in relief and he felt her eyes glistening again. He slowly opened his eyes to see Taehyung and saw that he meant every word he spoke. "I promise!'' Taehyung said and wiped the fresh tears that trickled down Jungkook's eyes.

Jimin rushed to their car when he saw them from a distance. He was carrying dinner for both as they were late because of the car break down. Taehyung handed Jungkook's purse and told Jimin about his sprained ankle when he held the door open for jungkook to step out.

"Chim, take him home and make him eat."

"What about you?'', Jimin asked.

"I'll manage. See you later."  Taehyung said and drove off.

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