Come Back to Texas

By lovexpeacexhope

308 4 0


Come Back to Texas
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

23 0 0
By lovexpeacexhope

I woke up the niext morning. Danny was snoring his head off. It was bright and Jujubee was up. I got up and took the ponytail on my wrist. I put my hair in a sloppy bun. I took Juju out to the pasture, I came back to the stall with the new straw. After I got done with that I sat down on the bed and woke up Danny. He looked perfect. the way his pouty lip fell. His hair ruffled up and the rise and fall of his stomach. I ran to my truck and got my camera. I took a Picture of him. That moment, I decided I would decorate my stalls with photos. I then jumped on him and shook him, "Wakey, Wakey! Eggs and Backey!" I screamed.

    "He pushed me off of him, and sat up, "What time is it?"


     "Want to go get breakfeast?" he asked.

   "Nah i'm not hungry. I got to get home to Clark and Scott and my parents"

    "Okay, that's cool."

   I walked out of the stall to go get Jujubee from the pasture when I heard the car door. I turned around only to see a fimiallar red truck. Dereks red truck. He stummbled towards me. His eyes were as bloodshot as could be, he reeked of alchol and vomit, and he couldnt stand straght. Danny walked out topless and then that immediatly made Derek stand as stright as a stick.

   "You  spent the night with her?"

    "Yes i did cause she didnt feel safe with you almost running her over with a truck."

   "You know how much I like her." Derek said.

   "You  cheated on me, You led me on, you almost hit me with your truck!" I shouted.

    "Shut up you little slut." he slapped me in the face. I held myself together. My hand tightened into a fist. I forced my fist into his gut, throwing him on the ground in pain. I kicked him. "Don't you ever step foot on my property, dont ever talk to me, and most importantly dont you ever lay a hair on me again! Or i will mess you up so bad you wont walk straight for days!" I shouted.

   "is that a threat?" He said looking up.

   I grabbed his face and squeezed his cheeks, "That's a promise." I growled. Then I slapped in the face. Danny walked over to me and pulled me off of him and pulled my face into his bare chest. Tears started to run down my face. I traced Dannys muscles in his arm. I heard him shuffle to get up. Then, a car door and the growl of his monster. He pulled away. I let Danny go, "I'm gonna go home now."

     "Can I check on you later?" He asked as i closed the door. He rested his arms on my door.

     "Do you wanna come for dinner tonight?"

    "Sure 6:00?"

      "Ya bring your trunks we'll go swimming in the lake."

   "Okay see you."

   "Bye." I replied. I leaned into kiss him, I kissed his cheeks and I pulled away uick.

     "I'm so sorry I wasnt paying attention." I quickly spat out.

   "It's okay, you have soft lips" He brushed his hand across my face and put a lose srtand of hair behind my hair.

    I ignited the car and pulled out of the driveway. After the ten minute drive, I pulled into the house honking my horn. Clark came running out of the house screaming in one of my jeans and a pink tank top. I got out and I did a little dance. She jumped on me.

   "I missed you so much!! why were you gone for so long!!"

   "Clark, I was only gone for like a day."

   "I know a day too long!"

   She grabbed one of my bags and we walked into the house. We immeadiatly ran upstairs and Scott was sleeping on my loveseat. Clark shook Scott awake and he sat up.

   "What the hell happened Sadie?" Clark asked.

   I gathered myself and said, "We went to a resturant and I went to the bathroom and came back,"

   Clark butted in, "He didn't."

   "He did."

   "What a jerk!"

   "I know i cant believe I dated a slob like that!"

   "He took your lemonade." Clark said.

   "What?" I said flatly

    "He took your drink right?"

   "No! I came back and he was kissing a waitress!"

   "Oh my god! What a d-bag!!"

   Scott interupted, "I'm going to make you guys lunch while you shout about things I dont understand casue I'm a man."

   "Man?" I said jokingly.

   "Hey, are boys aloud to carry around guns?" Scott asked.

    "What." I said

    "Bam! Pow!" He said flexing his arms. I bursted out laughing and I fell off my bed.

    "He gets 2 gold stars. Humor and the urge to attempt to cook us a meal." I said between my laughs.

   "I really like him. I'd do anything for him." Clark said.

   "So, you being my best friend i think i should tell you something."

   "What's that?" Clark asked.

    "Danny spent the night with me in the stall and I kissed him on the cheek."

   "Which cheek?"

    "Why does it matter?"

   "Because one cheek is your butt and the other is your face."

    I shrieked in horror, "We did not have sex!!!!"

  My dad came bursting in with a shotgun, "Who did you have sex with?!?!" He looked like a man hunter.

   "Oh my goodness, no one! I'm still pure! Now get out! and dont point that thing at me." I said.

    "Then after my dad said 'oh', Scott came bursting in the room with a laddle, "Who were you having sex with!" I couldnt help but laugh he looked hilarious in my mothers apron.

   "No one boy, and why are you wearing my wifes apron?" My dad asked scott.

  " I thought it matched my eyes and i looked good in it." Scott replied.

   "Son, it doesnt." He said slapping Scott's back. By this time I was rolling on the floor laughing hysterically.

   Scott stomped downstairs. "Word of the wise, what you got in your pants girls, keep it to yourselves til' your married." My dad said. Now Clark was on her back laughing and I was choking from laughter.

   "Lunch is ready!!" Scott called in a lady voice. I looked over at Clark she was sitting up and i stood up and pushed her off the bed and got a head start. She quickly caught up with me cause she was in track with me. She pulled me down to the ground and jumped over me i grabbed her ankles causing her to fall. "What you guys doing up there?" Scott said worridly. All of a sudden I stood up with a bra aiming it at her lite a sling shot. It hit her in the back of the head, "Hahahahahahaha!" I screamed. Scott was just staring at us. I got to the steps and started running down when Clark slid pass me on the railing. I jumped from where I was to the floor. I beat her and smacked her butt. She then decided to jump on top of me. I rolled so I was on top of her. "Got you!" I stood up and ran like a ninja and sat down at my spot beating Clark.

    "Was that some sort of erotic lesbian sex?" Scott asked.

    "No, that would be two very hungry girls trying to get to the table first."

   "Oh that makes sense now."

   "Just give me my food before I have a cow." Clark said through her Clenched jaw.

   We got our food and then Clark and I laid down on my bed and fell asleep listening to Patsy Cline. Scott woke us up at 3:00 so we could get ready.

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