Hello Stranger (BxB)

By GawkyCat

875 57 46

Keith was a sucker for strays, always giving away his food to animals and homeless people, spending his money... More



106 6 8
By GawkyCat

This dedication goes you because your words really do warm my heart!<3


  "Monica!" A man called, orange shaggy curls hung around his face, lithe body moving with the grace of a tiger as his crystal orbs glanced around the room.

  "Gregory?" Monica asked popping her head out of the office recognizing the voice instantly only to be greeted with a peck on the lips and large smile.

  "Hello darling, where's the midget? In the kitchen?" Gregory turned towards the kitchen leaving Monica shaking her head in amusement.

  Gregory entered the kitchen pausing for a brief second to take in the adorable critter concentrating on icing cookies before his eyes landed on Keith and a man glued to him. He stood with a smirk on his face as he watched the pair move around the kitchen, his mind drifted shortly back to when Keith had a puppy that followed behind him everywhere. Snickering he attracted the attention of the girl, meeting her gaze as she blinked up at him, he offered a pleasant smile before making his way over to Keith.

  "Keith" Gregory chirped as he leaned over to plant a kiss on Keith's lips, glancing briefly at the dogs sudden stiff form.

  "Gregory? I thought you were in Germany" Keith spoke blinking up at the man that was only a tad shorter than Tobias.

  "I was, we finished the shoot in record time" Gregory replied with a lopsided smirk as he wrapped an arm around Keith's shoulders "How about having a guys day?"

  "I'm working" Keith deadpanned

  "And I'm sure the ladies can hold down the fort" Gregory argued

  "Mia would burn down the kitchen" Keith replied

  "I've gotten better!" Mia protested whirling around in her chair with a pout.

  "I'm sure you have darling" Gregory cooed before glaring at Keith

  "No" Keith grumbled

  They continued to have a stare down before Keith finally gave a huff and caved.

  "Two hours, that's it" Keith grumbled

  Gregory grinned whistling as he left the kitchen to talk to Monica as Keith hung up his apron and took the clips out of his hair.

  "There's more cookies and bread in the over, just take them out when the times goes off, Monica knows how to make the sandwiches if there is an order, Tobias make sure the dishes are clean" Keith spoke before smiling and leaving the bakery with a huff.

  "We haven't had a guy day in three years, don't pout, you'll break my poor heart" Gregory stated with a dramatic wave of his hands.

  "You should have called, we would have greeted you at the airport" Keith dismissed his dramatics rather quickly.

  "Naw, I like surprising you guys" He replied with another grin as he wrapped and arm around him and ruffled his hair.

  Glaring Keith swatted at him as he chuckled and let go.

  "Where do you want to go?" Keith asked as he ran his fingers through his hair

  "Lets grab some grub" He replied tugging him into a fast food joint.

  Finding a seat in the back they relaxed as the waitress strutted over batting her eyelash.

  "Hello gentlemen" She purred "What can I get you?"

  "Two strawberry shakes, two bacon deluxe hamburgers a large order of fries and some onion rings oh and some mozzarella sticks" Gregory replied, lopsided grin falling on his lips as he took in the waitress trying to seduce his friend.

  "Coming right up" She gave Keith a wink before placing their order.

  "She want your dick" Gregory grinned

  "Gregory!" Keith scolded kicking his leg under the table

  Keith politely smiled to the waitress as she continued her advances when delivering their food, they joked and teased each other as they scarfed down the food.

  "So when did you hire the dog?" Gregory asked

  "Dog?" Keith blinked

  "The guy that follows you around everywhere" He replied

  "He's not a dog" Keith scowled "He would sit outside our shop, kept coming back for the free food, I offered him a job"

  "Ah, so he's not a dog...he's a mutt" Gregory laughed as Keith threw a fry at him

  "Your so rude" Keith gave a huff before shaking his head

  "What do you think of him?" Gregory asked, leaning closer

  "What do you mean? He's nice" Keith replied

  "I meant if you wanted to be under him moaning his name all night" Gregory laughed as Keith's face turned red

  "Gregory!" Keith scolded as the waitress came back over to return their change.

  "My numbers on the back honey" She winked with a grin "Call me okay?"

  "Sorry darling, he will be to busy moaning my name tonight to give you a call" Gregory replied as he left the joint with a red face Keith following behind

  "You are ridiculous!" Keith announced as they made their way bake to the bakery, Gregory's thunderous laughter causing attention

  "Her face was worth it!" He gaffed

  Shaking his head as they entered the bakery Monica eyed them slowly as they entered the kitchen.

  "What did you do?" She asked Gregory

  "I just helped him with a flirting waitress" He replied

  "Oh god" Monica shook her head as she gave Keith a pat on the back and headed back to her office.

  Keith slowly began to relax as he got back to work, Tobias familiar presence soothed him as they continued their dance around the kitchen as Gregory sat down next to Mia.

  "Those are cute" He praised as he watched her work

  Jerking she turned her startled gaze to his as he busted out laughing.

  "I didn't mean to scare you" He grinned, stealing the cooking she messed up on and savored the taste as he slowly chewed

  "Keith really is the best at cooking" He sighed in bliss as he continued to study the girl as she blinked at him.

  He gave her head a pat before leaving to talk to Monica.

  "Your starting a family here without me" Gregory pouted

  Snorting Monica eyed him as he sat down "What are you up to"

  "I was thinking of making my way into the family" He grinned

  "She has a boyfriend" Monica replied with a shake of her head

  His smile faltered as he leaned back in his seat "Of course she does" He sighed

  "How long are you staying, your staying at my place right?" Monica asked

  "A while, I have photo shoots lined up here, I thought I would stay at Keith's place like usual" He blinked

  "Tobias is staying with him" She replied

  "He offered the mutt a job and a place to stay" He mused "That sounds like Keith, I bet you told him he was going to get his throat slit"

  Gregory busted out into another round of laughter as he hit the nail on the head, Monica's displeased expression only made him laugh harder.

  "I really did miss you guys" He replied fondly

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