Son of the Snake

Par NagisaShiota11

190K 6.8K 2.9K

Five year old Naruto about had it with all the crap that the citizens of Konoha put him through. Luckily he i... Plus

Before Reading
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII

Chapter V

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Par NagisaShiota11

Thanks for the wait, you guys! It must have been very painful. Anyways, before we start the chapter, there are a few things I would like to address. I am a busy person. I have a lot of things on my plate and don't have that much time to type as much as I would like. So I will update whenever I can, and you shall not complain about it.

Second, Orochimaru's laughter (Kukukukuku) is the same thing as "hehehehe." This, to put it on a simple note, is like an evil laughter or something like that. And lastly, I am gay. Therefore, most of my fanfics are yaoi. I know that has nothing to do with this fanfic, I am just saying. If you don't like Yaoi, then please look elsewhere (but I hope you will still support me and my non-yaoi fanfics).

Now that that's settled, I proudly present to you chapter five of Son of  the Snake. Please leave comments, they always make my day, and I enjoy hearing what you have to say.


"Thanks for the food!" the people around the table cheered before they started to dig in. "So, Naruto, where did you run off to after training?" Kakashi asked as he looked over at his student in the corner of the room.

Naruto took a drag of his pipe, and puffed out a purple cloud. "Ran out to pick up a few things for Tsunami," he replied simply. Kakashi hummed, "There was quite an uproar downtown," he commented. Naruto shrugged, "Someone had the balls to piss me off," he replied nonchalantly.

Kakashi sighed, "You didn't kill anyone, did you?" he asked. "Only a few of Gato's henchmen," Naruto said as he puffed out a poisonous mist from his pipe. Kakashi was about to say more, but was cut off by the bridge builder's grandson slamming his hands on the table. "Everything that you're doing is pointless! Gato will just hunt you down and kill you! You people don't know what true suffering in, so just butt out!" Inari yelled.

The table went completely silent.

Naruto took a drag on his pipe and blew out a cloud of purple smoke. Slowly, he set his pipe aside and stood up. Naruto turned around and started to take off the top half of his battle kimono. When his kimono was partly open, he slipped his arms out and it fell to his waist.

Everyone, minus Kakashi and Sasuke, gasped at the sight of Naruto's back. The black haired boy's back was littered with scars and burns. "Hey, kid, you think you know what true suffering is? Well, my back thinks otherwise," he said as he slipped his arms back into the sleeves and tied up his top.

"Well, let me give you an idea of what true suffering is," Naruto said as he turned around and slowly started to walk towards Inari. The bridge builder's grandson fell out of his chair and crawled away. Kakashi went to stop his student, but found that he, and the others, were held down to their chairs by Naruto's chakra.

" should I show you true suffering," Naruto hummed. He snapped his fingers and a sadistic grin appeared on his lips. "Ah, yes...that's it," he said with a dark chuckle. "Naruto, don't do something you'll regret," Kakashi warned. Naruto laughed, "I wouldn't regret it, so I don't see how I would," he said.

Everyone in the room sweat dropped at the black haired boy's response. Well...they couldn't really argue with that logic. "Now then, let's get started," Naruto said as he leaned down and his eyes turned icy blue. As much as he wanted to look away, Inari found that he could not look away from the deadly eyes of the black haired boy.

Naruto's eyes were strangely alluring. They were beautiful and haunting at the same time. "Now, time for you to see what true suffering is like," he said he snapped his fingers in front of Inari's face, and the boy fell to the ground. "Inari!" Tsunami screamed.

"Don't worry, he'll live just with a few nightmares here and there," few poisonous boy reassured as he picked his pipe back up and took a drag. Naruto's chakra disappeared, and Tsunami rushed to her son's side. "Naruto, what did you do to him?" Kakashi demanded as he glared at his student.

Naruto laughed as he picked up his pipe, and huffed out a poisonous purple cloud. "I'm doing what I said I was going to do. I showed him what true pain is," he said as if it was nothing. "Fix it," Kakashi ordered. Naruto laughed as he inspected his nails. "And what if I don't feel like it?" he asked amused. "Naruto, I'm your sensei and your superior. Now, fix him," Kakashi ordered.

"You can't order me around, Kakashi. I only obey my savior, and no one else. Now, if you excuse me, I'll be leaving," Naruto said as he stood up and walked towards the door. Kakashi body flickered in front of the door, and glared harshly down on the twelve year old. "Fix him. Now," he growled.

Naruto smirked and met his sensei's glare. "Aren't you cute, thinking you can boss me around. There is only one person in this world that can do such a thing, and he is not here. So, sorry, but no dice," he said amused. "Listen here, Naruto, you will cure Inari of your jutsu, or I will report you to the Hokage when this mission is done," Kakashi threatened.

The black haired boy laughed as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. "You're funny, you know that? What the brat's in is not a jutsu, but a toxin. It's one of my special poisons. It affects the mind, and it wouldn't stop till he has learned his lesson. I couldn't fix it even if I wanted to. It's a poison that doesn't have an antidote. Besides, he was asking for it," Naruto pointed out.

Kakashi frowned, "Even so, you shouldn't have done that," he scowled. Naruto laughed, "Trust me, Kakashi. The boy will know what true suffering is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be going. See ya," he said as he gracefully stepped around the Jonin, and walked out the door.

The room was dead silent, aside from Inari's occasional whimpering. "What was that," Sakura whispered. Kakashi sighed, "When he was younger, Naruto was subjected to beatings and other inhuman acts. I think that lead to his behavior these days, but the things that the villages did to him, is something I would not wish on for even the hardest of criminals," he explained softly.

Tuzuna stayed silent for a few minutes. "Judging by those scars and burns on his back, those beatings were pretty brutal," he muttered. "The dope probably just made that story up, to show that he was somewhat interesting," Sasuke sneered. Kakashi sighed, "Sasuke, Naruto is deeper than you might think," he said.

Sasuke hn-ed and walked out of the room. Kakashi shook his head and looked at the bridge builder. "I'm sorry this happened, Tuzuna," he said. The bridge builder shook his head. "That's alright, Kakashi. Hopefully Inari will wake up soon enough," he said.

Kakashi nodded in understanding. "I hope so, we'll try and help you if need be. I know a little bit of medical jutsu," he said. "Hopefully we'll be able to wake him up before it comes to that," Tsunami said softly. Kakashi nodded as he sat back down. "I'll be sure to talk to him later," he commented.

Tsunami shook her head. "That wouldn't help Inari's condition, but I thank you for that. Now, I better get him up to bed," she said as she picked up her child and disappeared into the hallway.

~The Next Morning~

Naruto sat calmly in the clearing of the forest. A purple chakra surrounded him, like a snake guarding its master. Suddenly, his chakra started to hiss. "I am aware, thank you," he said. His chakra hissed again and pointed its tail at a near by tree. "I know you're there. Step forward," Naruto said.

A long haired boy stepped out from behind the tree with tree ice senbons ready to fire. "Ophiuchus," he greeted. "Haku, I see that you have grown taller since the last time I saw you," Naruto observed as his eyes finally opened. Haku nodded, "Same to you, Ophiuchus. You have grew taller since the last time I saw you as well," he said.

Naruto nodded as he disappeared into his chakra. His chakra slithered at Haku with amazing speed. Haku raised his senbons and got ready to attack. When it looked like the snake was going to attack, it stopped and held its mouth open. Naruto reappeared inside the mouth of his chakra snake, with Dokugekido pointed at Haku's neck, and smirked. "Still a bit slow," he commented.

"Look again," Haku suggested. Naruto frowned and looked around him. Dozens of ice senbons were floating in the air, ready to attack. "Interesting, well done. But I advice you to look behind yourself," Naruto said. Haku glanced behind him to see a white snake posed to sink its teeth into his neck. "One of your's," Haku guessed as he looked back at Naruto.

The black haired boy nodded. "Of course, who else?" he asked. Haku nodded, "Tie?" he guessed. "I suppose so," Naruto said as his chakra snake disappeared and Haku put away her ice senbons. "How have you been lately, Ophiuchus?" Haku asked as he sat down on the ground. Naruto shrugged, "I admit, I've been better," he confessed slipped Dokugekido into its resting place, and sat down. Haku nodded slowly, "I'm surprised that your bodyguards aren't around you," he said.

Naruto snorted and rolled his eyes. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much. Besides, the last time you saw me, I was still getting used to my ninjutsu," he said. "Of course, and I am to assume that you are able to control your ninjutsu now?" Haku guessed. "Do you want to test it?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow. "No, I was just making sure. You may just need it if you go up against my master again," Haku said.

"Me and Zabuza going up again? Ha! I'll beat him into the ground," Naruto insisted. "Good luck with that, Ophiuchus. You would never be able to defeat my master," Haku said. Naruto hissed in laughter, "Oh, poor little Haku. So loyal to your master, it's rather cute," he said amused.

Haku suppressed shivered at the sound of Naruto's laughter. "You're loyal to your master," he pointed out. "Father, not master," Naruto corrected him almost instantly. Haku raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure about that? I got a very big master/servant relationship from the two of you," he said. "I will have you know, me and my father have a very strong relationship with each other," Naruto insisted stubbornly.

"Like me and my master," Haku pointed out. Naruto thought for a moment, before nodding. "I guess that's a good way of going about it. We would both go to great lengths to serve them, so I guess you're right," he said. "See? We aren't as different as you think," Haku said. Naruto smirked, "I suppose you're right," he admitted.

"I win," Haku declared proudly. Naruto shot the kekkei genkai user a sharp look. "Oh, shut it. You only got lucky this time," he snapped. Haku laughed lightly and brushed some of his hair behind his ear. "Ophiuchus, you know that I always think a step ahead," he said. Naruto rolled his eyes, "I suppose," he murmured as a orange fox scampered up to him.

"Boss, the Uchiha is coming," the fox reported. Naruto looked at the fox and nodded. "Thank you, Mira. You may return to the summoning world now," he said. Mira bowed and disappeared into a puff of smoke. "Well that's your cue to get out of here. I don't want him finding me actually having a decent talk with someone," Naruto said as he stood up.

Haku chuckled as he stood up. "I understand that logic enough for it to make sense. see you soon, Ophiuchus," he said as he started to walk away. Naruto nodded and turned in Sasuke's general direction. "Uchiha, you are too annoying to be worth my father's attention," he muttered as he leaned against the tree and waited for the arrogant prick of a teammate to show up.

Soon enough, Sasuke entered the clearing and glared at his teammate. Naruto smirked at the Uchiha. "If you're going to start flirting with me, you're not my type, so you are simply wasting your time," he said. "Fight me, you dope," Sasuke ordered. Naruto laughed, "You idiot. Are you a masochist? Is that it? You get turned on by pain? Cause, I've beaten you into the ground plenty of times, and wouldn't mind bashing your head into the ground a few more times," he said.

Sasuke growled and launched at his teammate. Naruto smirked, "Too easy," he murmured as he jumped through the air, his lithe body flying above Sasuke. The snake-like boy landed behind Sasuke and two blades formed out of his chakra and posed at the Uchiha's neck. "I suggest you don't move, or even breath. If you do, I'll cut that pretty little neck of yours," he hissed into Sasuke's ear.

"Bastard," Sasuke growled. Naruto smirked and licked his teammate's neck with his long forked tongue. "If only I could do as I wished, I would just love to see how much you turn red and how loud you scream," he said as he ran his cold fingers across his teammate's neck. "Don't touch me, you freak," Sasuke growled. Naruto laughed coldly and released the Uchiha from his grip. "I don't see what's so special about you. You're just a whiny brat who starts bitching whenever he doesn't get what he wants. It's rather pathetic," he said with a careless shrug.

Sasuke didn't say anything and continued to glare at Naruto. "I don't care about your weird fetishes, just give me the power I need to kill that man," he snapped. Naruto hissed in laughter and placed his hands on his hips. "Do you seriously think I would give you power? Please. I have other things to do, then to just hand over power wrapped up in a nice little bow," he said as he leaned against a tree.

The clearing went silent.

"Well, if that's all you have to say; I'm going to go ahead and leave. See ya, princess," Naruto said as he started to walk away. Sasuke narrowed his eyes and flashed through a few hand signs. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" he yelled as he blew a huge fireball at his teammate. Naruto looked over his shoulder as the fireball engulfed him.

Sasuke smirked in satisfaction as he watched his teammate burn. The smirk was short lived as a dark hissing laughter was heard. "Poor, pathetic Sasuke. That wasn't very nice you know. Friendly fire is not what teammate should do to each other," Naruto's voice rang through the clearing.

The fire soon cleared and Naruto was nowhere in sight. Sasuke looked around the clearing. "Come out and face me, you dope! Where are you!?" he yelled. Suddenly, something sharp was pressed on the back of his neck. "Out of your league," Naruto hissed as he dug his nail farther into Sasuke's neck and the venom was injected into the Uchiha's bloodstream.

Sasuke fell to the ground face first. "Idiotic Uchiha, trying to burn me to death," Naruto muttered as he looked down at his so-called teammate. The black haired boy knelt down and ran his fingers down Sasuke's neck. "That amount of poison could knockout out even an Akimichi, or even Jirobo, for a few days. Good, I don't have to listen him bitch about every single little thing," Naruto muttered as he stood up.

Naruto picked Sasuke up by the back of his collar and dragged him back to the bridge builder's house.

~Sasuke Uchiha~

The Uchiha stood in a dark forest clearing. "Where the hell am I?" he grumbled as he looked around. The Uchiha prince's eyes wondered around the clearing, till he saw something that made his blood boil. Standing in front of him was the killer of his clan. The one responsible for the Uchiha Massacre. Itachi Uchiha.

Sasuke started to visibly shake with fiery. Itachi seemed to scan over his younger brother and his eyes flashed red. "There is no value in killing the likes of you...My foolish brother...If you want to kill me...curse me! Hate me! And live a long and unsightly life...Run away..and cling to your pitiful life. And then some day, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me..." his voice echoed through the clearing.

Sasuke growled and ran at his brother. "Itaaaachi!" he yelled. When his fist made contact with his brother's face, Itachi seemed to phase out and disappeared. "Come out here, Itachi! I'm ready to kill you!" Sasuke yelled as he looked around the clearing.

A snake-like laughter filled the air and the trees started to ooze with purple slim. "You're pathetic, Uchiha. You honestly think you can win against your brother? Don't make me laugh," a poisonous voice sounded. Sasuke looked around the clearing. "Where around you!? Show yourself!" he yelled.

The laughter sounded again and the slim spread out onto the ground, till the whole floor was covered in it. "If you insist," the voice hissed as the purple fluid started to form together into a blob of purple. Two red snake-like eyes appeared in the purple blob. Sasuke barely suppressed a whine at the mere sight of the pair of eyes. He could literally feel the malicious radiating from them.

The blob started to form into a coiled snake. "Uchihaaa!" it hissed as it launched at the raven haired boy. Sasuke raised his arms to cover his face and his vision turned black.

~End of Dream~

"Ahhhhhhh!" Sasuke yelled as he shot up from his futon in a cold sweat. He quickly looked around the room he was in. Apparently, someone had dropped him into the guest room of Tuzuna's house.

Sasuke rested his forehead in the palm of his hand, and tried to catch his breath. His palms were sweating like crazy, his body was visibly shaking, and he felt like he was going to vomit. "That felt so real," the Uchiha prince murmured. "Well, it seems like you went through Hell and back," a voice, that the raven haired boy knew all too well, commented amused.

Glancing up from his hands, Sasuke growled at his teammate. "Leave me alone, dope," he growled. Naruto smirked as he took a drag of his pipe and blow a purple cloud into the air. "I would love to, but I can't," he replied. Sasuke glared at Naruto. "What did you do to me, dope," he demanded.

"Oh, I didn't do anything to you. Just put you in submission for a few days," Naruto replied casually. Sasuke went to attack his teammate, but was forced down by Naruto's purple chakra. "You're pathetic, Uchiha. I don't even have a to lift a single finger to subdue you," Naruto said as he walked towards his teammate.

"What do you want," Sasuke growled. Naruto gave him an evil grin, showing off a poison dripping fang. "Oh, I only want to watch you squirm under my thumb; like a little mouse trying to escape a vicious snake like me," he hissed darkly. Sasuke continued to glare at his teammate from the ground. "Go to Hell, you freak," he growled.

Naruto smirked, "Sorry, but we have a mission. We'll be going back to Hell when the mission is done," he said as be placed his pipe to his lips and puffed out a poisonous cloud of vapor. Sasuke was about to snap at his teammate, but was cut off by a scream from next door.

"Well, as much fun as this is, it sounds like the crybaby is up. I'm gong have to see if he has learn his lesson," Naruto said took a drag on his pipe and walked out of the room, taking his chakra with him.


Everything pulsated with pain. His body, his eyes, his stomach. It even hurt when he breathed in air. "I see that you're awake," a voice mused from the entrance. Inari looked up and shrunk back in fear of the scary twelve year old in front of him. Naruto smirked as he took a drag on his pipe. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," he greeted.

"W-why?" Inari whimpered. "Why, what?" Naruto inquired. "Why did you show me those things?" Inari asked as he curled up in a ball. "You were asking for it," Naruto replied with a shrug. "I was asking for nothing!" Inari yelled. Naruto tsk-ed and full entered the room. His purple chakra curled up in front of the entrance, blocking anyone from entering.

"Now you listen here, and you listen good. I don't give a rat's ass about what kind of sob story you have. Just know that everyone has their own sad tale. So why don't you just cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it. God damn it, you retard, get over yourself," Naruto said annoyed. Inari bit his lip as tears started to form in his eyes. "Oh, don't even start. I have had it with your whining," Naruto snapped.

Inari sniffles and wiped his eyes. Naruto's eyes narrowed into deadly icy blue slits. The bridge builder's grandson started to back away, but was hoisted into the air by some of Naruto's purple chakra. "You damn brat, stop feeling so goddamn awful about yourself. It's really pissing me off," he hissed as his face started to grow more snake-like.

"P-please...don't hurt me," Inari whimpered. "Don't tempt me, brat," Naruto hissed darkly. Inari whimpered again and started to shack. "There are a few people in this world that...really makes the monster within me, rear its ugly face. Unfortunately for you, whiny little brats, like you, are one of them," the black haired boy hissed as a scaly pattern formed on his pale skin.

Inari let out a loud shriek and passed out. Naruto tsk-ed and threw the kid to the side. "Damn. I haven't gone a few weeks without eating, and now I'm getting testy," he muttered under his breath as his markings disappeared. "Naruto! What happened here!" Kakashi yelled from the doorway.

Naruto looked back towards the entrance and smirked. "The little brat ticked me off," he replied simply. "Damn it, Naruto! Let down your chakra," Kakashi ordered.

Naruto laughed and his body started to vanish. "Foolish Kakashi, you think you can control me. Which you don't. So just stop acting like you're above me," he said as he, and his chakra, vanished into thin air.

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