Gone with the wind

De World_of_romance011

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Nadia bianchi knew her life would never remain the same after being sold by her father to vitale Esposito was... Mais

Cast 2
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De World_of_romance011


Rossi walks out of the bathroom and I quickly dry up my body before stepping out of the bathroom,with a towel wrapped securely around me. I breath a sigh of relief when I couldn't find the monster itself in the room. I put on my underwear and got dressed quickly, then afterwards i pull my hair into a messy bun. I stare at myself in the mirror and I willed myself not to cry, I felt uneasy and scared. Probably because of what he said to me,no way in hell would I have a child for him!!.

"Nadia!! Finally, you are here!" Amara exclaimed as I stepped down the last flight of stair's.

I forced a smile "I am sorry"

Lorenzo smiles at me when we locked eyes, and for once I smiled sincerely at him. We all walk out of the car and I gulped seeing it was only two cars waiting outside.

"I will meet you guys at the restaurant" Russo says and walked off to the direction of his car.

Rossi slowly got into one of the cars,and gestured for me to come in. I gulped and did as he ordered,a driver was in the car and soon the car slowly drives off.

"What?" Rossi growled into the phone and I was glad he was distracted with the phone call. I sat impossibly close to the window, I felt a little at peace watching the road as we go. I really envy those who has the privileges to enjoy their human right, what about me?will I ever get to experience such freedom again? Will I ever get to see my family again? Will I ever get to see polina again?I miss her,I miss my old life. Though it was never easy for me,but I won't trade that life for anything.

Getting to the restaurant, I was gloomy throughout breakfast. Lorenzo and amara tried to make small talk with me, but I just wasn't in the mood to speak, I felt dead and I could feel loneliness eating me up.

I stood up "I need to use the restroom"

Rossi ignored me and all eyes were on me expect Russo,whose eyes were glued to his phone. I gripped the edge of the table and looked at amara for help but she only sighed in response.

"I need to use the restroom" I gritted out.

Rossi finally looked up at me "Then go,be back In five minutes"

I muttered a thank you under my breath and quickly walk away. I located the bathroom easily and immediately go over to the sink and splash water on my face. Just then one of the stall opens and a girl walked out,but what intrigued me the most was the cellphone in her hand.

I quietly approached her "Can I borrow your phone? I really need to make a phone call"

She eyes me wearily but handed it over anyway,I immediately thanked her and dialed the only number I could think of at that moment. It rings once,twice and I was slowly losing all hope until my prayer got answered.


"Polina,I am so glad you answered"

"Nadia?!!Nadia oh my God its really you!!! Where the hell are you? You disappeared suddenly, I went to search for you in your home but I didn't find anyone there,are you okay?"

Tears wells up in my eyes "I am not okay pol, you have to help me"

"What?!!where the hell are you girl?"

"I was taken away by Rossi esp..."

My words were cut off when the door suddenly slammed opened in full force, I gasped loudly and the phone slipped from my hand and lands on the floor.

"What the hell?!!you just destroyed my phone"

Marino stalks into the restroom and locked the door, I cowered back to the sink and I was a moment away from bursting into tears.

"You caused this" and with that he shot the girl twice on her chest, and she falls down to the floor with a thud. I screamed out in terror and I broke down in full sob, I caused her death.

"You monster!!! Why did you kill her!!" I screamed in rage hitting him repeatedly on his chest.

He grabs my wrist and grips my chin tightly "Monster?just watch as Rossi deals with you"

I hiccupped ignoring the pain in my heart "S-she was innocent, h-how co-uld you?"

"This will teach you a lesson to never snitch on the Esposito's"

"Fuck you,fuck the Esposito's!! I hope you all rot in hell!!! You animals!bastards!you all deserve to die"

"You!!" He growled and slapped me hard on my face, and I instantly cried out in pain. He grips my hair and drags me out of the bathroom, I struggled against his iron grip on my hair but it was of no use. We got to where the others were and he forced me to my knees.

"What have you done little bird?" Rossi asked softly but sternly.

I clutch my fist "What I should have done months ago!!"

He smiles "You guys can have fun,little bird and I will be on our way"

Lorenzo stood up when Rossi yanked me up to my feet's "Please, let her go"

"Are you crazy Lorenzo?do you have any idea what she was about to do?!!she almost exposed us!!she deserves death!!" Marino spat out angrily.

"Don't speak to him in such manner" Russo finally speaks up.

I look over at amara for help but she looks away from me,and I felt utterly betrayed. Rossi drags me out of the restaurant and shoves me into the car when we got there. I could hear my heart beating impossibly fast, and I felt the urge to jump out of the car as the driver droves off.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have behaved inappropriately" I pleaded helplessly as we arrived at the resort.

He ignores me and pulled me along into the resort, tears threatens to spill when we got to the room. He pushed me in and locked the door, I gulped and decided to make a run for the bathroom, but he caught me before I could grasp the knob and slam my back against the door.

"What did you do wrong little bird?"

A tear finally slipped "I shouldn't have borrowed a phone and called Someone for help"

"Who did you call?"

I shook my head "No one"

"Stop lying to me!!!" He snarled and hit the back of my head hard against the closed door. It felt like the world was spinning and I felt really dizzy, he slaps me lightly on my face to bring me back to reality.

"You might get a concussion when I am done with you. So I expect you to speak nothing but the truth,who did you call"

I whimpered "Kill me if you want, but I will never tell you"

He laughs loudly "Alright. Then I guess amara would have to deal with it,it won't be a problem for you"

"What do you want from me ROSSI ESPOSITO? you have taken everything from me,what more do you want?!I am tired" I whimpered at the end.

He smirks "Tired?we haven't even started"

He lifts me up and walks over to the bed,he throws me on the bed and towers over me. He handcuffed my wrist together and spread my legs apart, and settled in between.

"Please let me go!!!I am sorry,please I am so sorry!!!"

"I am gonna fuck a baby into you, sounds lovely right?"

"I hope you rot in hell!!!" I sobbed.

He smirks "Hell won't accept my soul little bird"

He ripped my clothes apart and took off his pants, I struggled against him as he freed his dick from his briefs. He strokes it a couple of times,before angling it at my entrance and thrust in,in one go.

"Fuck,so good" he groaned in pleasure as he thrusts into me mercilessly.

After what felt like forever, he pulled out of me but I didn't have the strength to move my sore body. He carries me and placed me on the cold floor,but I couldn't care at that moment, I felt comfort lying on the floor and I slowly drift off to sleep.


"I am highly disappointed in you Marino"

He rolled his eyes "She snitched. If it were to be someone else,they would be dead by now"

I flutter my eyes shut and I could feel my heart clutching with pain,what could Rossi do to her? I have to help her. Heck I shouldn't have let Rossi take her away in the first place.

I stood up "You all are despicable"

I turned on my heels and walked out of the restaurant, but I wasn't surprised when I heard footsteps behind me. It must be amara or Marino,but when I turned around I frowned instantly.


"I will drop you home"

I nodded and followed him into his car,I put on my seatbelt and he does the same,before driving off. I glance over at him often but he doesn't spare me a glance, it was like I didn't exist.


He hummed "Yes?do you need something?"

"If I did something wrong to upset you,then I apologize for that. But I can't give you what you desire of me, I am sorry"

He gripped the wheels tightly and suddenly increased his speed, I gulped as he drives faster and I grip onto my seatbelt tightly.

"S-sir,please slow down"

"Shut up!you are part of the Esposito's, this shouldn't be a problem for you"

I sighed and prayed we got home safely,I breath a sigh of relief when we finally arrived at the resort safely. He got out without waiting for me and I hurriedly out and quickly make my way into the resort. I run as fast as I could until I got to their room, I could hear screams coming out from the room.

"Do not go in"

I turned around to face him "Sir Russo,she is suffering in there! Please do something about it please"


"Sir" I drawled.

He tucks his hands into his pocket "The least you can do for her is come to her aid,when he is done with her"


He cuts me off "No buts,don't make me drag you out"

I huffed and walk away from him, I got into my room and head straight to the bed. I closed my eyes and slump down on the bed with a warm smile. I feel really bad for Nadia, how can someone pass through such a thing? I should have done something for her from the moment I learnt of Rossi's plan. I zoomed out for a long time until I couldn't hear her screams anymore, I hurriedly out of the bed and rush out of the room.

Getting to their room,I knocked thrice on their door but got no response. So I twist the knob opened and I breath a sigh of relief seeing it was opened, but my heart sinks seeing her naked and passed out on the floor. I approached her and I was glad she was still breathing, I carried her frail body in my arms and lead her into the bathroom. I turn on the shower, and I ignored the fact that my clothes would get wet, and got in with her. She didn't even flinch, and I wondered what Rossi must have done to her.

Finally done with the shower,I wrap a towel around her body and lead Her back into the room. I decided to place her on the couch and shuffle through the wardrobe for her to wear. I grab a pair of pyjamas and I struggled to dress her up, then I grab a blanket and wrap it around her body.

"Do you feel sorry for her?"

I sighed and stood up "Don't you feel remorseful for what you did to her?did you plan to leave her unattended to?"

He shrugs "Why should I help her?she deserved what happened to her"

"She is innocent Sir, and you know that. I know damn well you have a grudge with don, but please keep her out of it. Can't you tell she has suffered enough? She is a human with feelings"

"Human? She is nothing but a pet to me"

I flutter my eyes shut in anger "What are your plans for her"

He smirks "Everyone shall know about it soon enough"


He sighs "I know you feel upset,but this is the goal to my plans. You know I'm willing to do anything to achieve my goals, even if it means sacrificing a pet"


"No,and its final. You may go now, I want to have a rest"

I nodded stiffly and spared Nadia a glance before walking out of the room. I really want to help her,but I know its beyond my reach to do so. But I won't give up and find a way to free her from the bondage she is trapped in.

Yeah I really know that this chapter is short, but I had to put it to an end. Work hasn't been easy and I feel really sleepy right now, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter a bit. The main plot of this book is about to begin and I hope you all stick with me.

I love you all so much my lovelies😘.

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