Ancestral Cataclysm (Illustra...

By VinoLeunc

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In 2055, a magnificent discovery happen. A new race of hominins is found frozen in deep Alaska. This unidenti... More

Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
Chapter 017 - 40 kilometers per hour
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 021 - Distress Call
Chapter 022
Chapter 024 - A phone call was made
Chapter 025 - Did Ros really do that?
Chapter 026 - The Observant, The Ignorant, And The Untouchable
Chapter 027 - Elad's Bunker
Chapter 028
Chapter 029 - Blue Lantern
Chapter 030 - Who is There?!
Chapter 031
Chapter 032
Chapter 033
Chapter 034
Chapter 035
Chapter 036 - Natural Conversation
Chapter 037
Chapter 038
Chapter 039 - Real-Life Superpower
Chapter 040 - King of Fruit
Chapter 041 - The Stadium
Chapter 042 - Now
Chapter 043 - Near Death
Chapter 044
Chapter 045 - Michellin Award
Chapter 046 - Thwarting
Chapter 047 - What Must I Do?
Chapter 048 - Jumps
Chapter 049
Chapter 050 - 43 hours
Chapter 051 - Drifting
Chapter 052 - Eagle
Chapter 053 - Diversity
Chapter 054 - Candi Jagat Tuwo
Chapter 055 - Pray
Chapter 056 - White Tiger
Chapter 057 - Bite It
Chapter 058 - Biosemiotics
Chapter 059 - Pirates?
Chapter 060 - Primitive
Chapter 061 - Long Crates
Chapter 062 - Victim
Chapter 063 - Reunion
Chapter 064- Extraction
Chapter 065 - Meteorite
Chapter 066 - Found
Chapter 067 - Revenge
Chapter 068 - Wait For Us
Chapter 069 - Dead End?
Chapter 070 - Extinct
Chapter 071 - Ros
Chapter 072 - Ros Story
Chapter 073 - Infiltration 1
Chapter 074 - Infiltration 2
Chapter 075 - Infiltration 3
Chapter 076 - Infiltration 4
Chapter 077 - Infiltration 5
Chapter 078 - The Identity

Chapter 023

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By VinoLeunc

After flying for a few hours, they arrive at Kolo's hideout.

But unfortunately, what already waiting there is only a small helicopter from India to help extract the President of South Korea.

What happens actually is like this:

South Korea itself is also in a chaotic condition because of the pandemic. The Vice President there must work hard to help their people, to do the best policy to protect the citizen, and hold the pandemic as much as possible. While they are busy doing that, they hear the news that the President is in danger because of the terrorist. To be honest, the Vice President and the government already want to give up to help the President, because the pandemic case is so stressful.

But when they hear there is a miracle help which Kolo and Gerald are coincidentally near the location and help the President, so the best that they can do is make the extraction plan as efficient as possible. But remember, the pandemic is spread from China also, so they don't have many options to take. So the most efficient way and the most possible way they can do this is by asking for help from India.

But India is also in the pandemic, and the impact is much more concerning there. So the government of South Korea just gives in with what kind of transportation India is willing to help, for whatever it is the request is air transport and in a hurry. So the government also doesn't know that the extraction help that was sent by India is only a small helicopter.

The plan is for South Korea will send their extraction plane to India, and at the same time India sent theirs to East Africa to Kolo's Hideout coordinate. By doing that, more and less they can save time a little bit of. So that is what happens.

Now what becomes a problem is this:

There are three people that need to be extracted. Mr. President himself, the bodyguard, and the female soldier. And they also have the intention to bring back home the body of the male soldier. But with that small helicopter, it is impossible. Because that small helicopter was only able to lift 2 more people.

"Are you really only able to bring 2 persons with you?" President Yoo Gi Hwan tried to bargain with the helicopter pilot.

"Yes, positive. And hurry please, I am also now worried because I left my family in that chaotic moment. I also want to hurry back home. So please hurry please." Said the pilot with an Indian thick accent.

"Alright-alright, please give me 1 minute." Said the President thinking hard. He really doesn't want to leave what he has now.

"Mr. President. I think the decision is clear. I beg you and Park seonsaengnim* leave first. I am OK here, I will stay with them." Said the female soldier. (*Seonsaengnim means teacher, because the female soldier is much younger and less experienced compared to the bodyguard, so she calls the bodyguard teacher.)

"Are you sure Yeum Bi?"

"Yes sir!" Said the female soldier who is named Seol Yeum Bi. She said it firmly and give her salute.

So there is no use for them to delay any longer. So the President and his bodyguard just left with the small helicopter. They must leave their female soldier and the body of the male soldier.

"Yup, that is obvious. In that situation, you will be left. Don't worry, you can join us." Gerald said.

"What about him?" Rory asked by showing his polite hand gesture to the male soldier's body that became the victim of the terrorist selfish act.

"Well, let's bury him, I know a good place with a good view where we can bury him," Kolo said.

"Are we really have time for that? Now we must hurry to the cave painting location." Ros said.

Afraid that Ros's word will hurt the feeling of Seol Yeum Bi, Qunn just gently holds Yeum Bi's arms and whisper.

"Please don't have hurt feeling with her, she just saw her both parents bitten and turn into one of the infected. And in my country, the military takes action to kill all the infected. That is why she is so agitated right now and wants to do everything in a hurry." Qunn whispered.

After hearing the explanation from Qunn, Yeum Bi can understand to better hold her anger. She also just lost someone meaningful to her. But now she understands to better hold herself.


They really don't waste their time there.

After bringing down everything they need out of the plane, now they are already in Kolo's car going to the prehistoric site. Luckily the burial place that Kolo said is near the site.

(Picture above is just for rough imagination. Your own imagination may be more correct to describe the situation)

"This is the place that I said. Beautiful isn't it? Not many people know this place even a local." Kolo said.

That hidden open high ground really over a magnificent view of Africa. It is really not many know that place even the locals. So after thinking a little bit, Seol Yeum Bi also agree to bury someone special for her there.

Kolo, Kolo's friend, Rory, and Qunn are there helping with the burial. Meanwhile, Ros and Gerald are not far from there inside a prehistoric cave doing Ros's archaeological needs.

After the burial is done, they all prey. Then Seol Yeum Bi kind of absentmindedly sees a ring and the military dog tag of the male soldier she just buried.

Kolo sees that and observes that the ring that Yeum Bi holds is similar to the one she wears on her ring finger.

"So he is your husband?" Kolo asked Yeum Bi.

"No, not yet. Just engage. He said he planned to propose to me when we return to Seoul, but I think it will never happen now." Yeum Bi answered.

"I'm sorry for your lost." Kolo's friend said.

"Well, we are the soldier, we already know the risk. So I think, it's just the consequence." Yeum Bi said.

As a soldier, Seol Yeum Bi must show her strong side, she may not let anyone see her weakness. Besides that, she is now wearing her South Korean Military uniform, she must show to all that the South Korean Military is strong will and strong-minded.

So they also do not take time to long there, they just head to the prehistoric site to meet Gerald and Ros. When they arrive, they see both of them just standing outside the cave entrance.

"Why are you both here? Outside?" Kolo asked.

"My scanner machine is working inside, to scan everything, so it must be 'sterile'," Ros explained.

"Ow that is how an Archaeologist works right now? So advanced."

"Of course, we must up to date with technology and let the technology help us, in fact, it is really helpful also," Ros said.

"So anything useful you found inside?" Rory asked.

"Yes indeed, and I think it is very spectacular also," Ros answered.

Then they all sit in a circle form to listen to 'the lesson' or 'the useful information' from Ros.

"So, here is the thing. The prehistoric site here, inside the cave, is somewhat neglected by many archaeologists because the cave paintings inside this cave have too many in-decipher symbols or drawings. So many archaeologists ignore this site and other similar sites, and focus on work on other sites that are more able to decipher first." Ros started to explain.

"But because I just studied a lot of cave paintings in Alaska, it informed me with much new knowledge. I can try to decipher many symbols that were in-decipher before."

"So the information from what I got from inside the cave is: It was true, that around 20.000 years ago, the delegation team from Africa went to the Bering Strait area to help the problem there. And after they have done, they went home, here." Ros explained. It is very big news and kind of impossible to accept with a 'now' mindset if it is not equipped with enough knowledge.

"How come our ancestors walk by foot from Africa to Alaska and return to Africa? They will die on the trip and how long are they going to do that?" Rory said.

"That is the first thing that pop-up in your mind, right? But in fact, there are many we still don't know about our ancestors. Besides, it is wrong if we thought their condition is the same as ours right now. Here I will explain to you." Ros answers.

"First is about their physical condition. I easily can take a comparison to many traditional tribes that still exist right now. You know there are still many traditional tribes living with us in this era, right? For example, is many tribes in South East Asia, South America, Polynesia, and also here in Africa. Their physical condition is different from ours, they walk without any footwear but it is okay for them to walk in and out of the jungle. They are also not bothered by mosquitoes even though they are not wearing any clothes. So I think we can learn from their existence that humans who still live close to nature have more adaptability to nature itself."

Hearing Ros's explanation, they all start to have more understanding about the possibility of how our ancestors lived in their time, of course, they also live close to nature.

"And about how long it takes to walk from here to Alaska. Here I share the info. there is a term: pedestrian circumnavigation. A circumnavigation of the Earth is a journey from a point around the globe, returning to the point of departure. And The Guinness Book of World Records already records some names, of people that successfully did that. The famous one is Konstantin Rengarten, who start to walk from Riga, Latvia to the East direction until he was back to the same spot. It was recorded at 26,876 km in 4 years, 1 month, and 13 days."

"The other famous one is Dave Kunst, who start to walk from Waseca, Minnesota. It was recorded at 23,250 km in 4 years, 3 months, and 16 days."

"A same calculation is also done by an expert YouTuber, They use Google map and made the route from L'Agulhas South Africa to Magadan Russia, all the road is land road. And the calculation is around 23,068 km. By walking it will need time 4,646 hours to walk, or 194 days if walk in nonstop. It is impossible to walk nonstop right? So the YouTuber makes the expert calculation by the approach of walking 20 km a day in 8 hours a day. So total it will take time over 3 years."

"So I guess if you combine the information that I gave, our ancestors with their prime physical condition that is likely above us, and with their instinct that was closer to nature compared to us. So I think let's say they take time 5 years from here to reach Alaska, finish their business there, and return to here another 5 years. It is very possible, right?" Ros explained everything she know.

"Wow... very interesting, 10 to 12 years trip. Our ancestor was amazing I thought." Kolo said.

"But one is still a mystery for me Ms. Ros. How come our ancestors here, know there was something problem in Alaska which is so far far away?" Kolo's friend asked a very base logical question.

"That is a very good question." Ros looks excited to hear that question.

"To be honest, the answer that I got until right now about that is: 'They hear the wind'," Ros answered.

"..." All is serious and want to hear the answer, but Ros's answer is kind of semi-joke or semi-fake.

"What are you talking about?? That the wind at our ancestor time was can talk?" Kolo's friend is funnily unable to accept the answer.

"What can I do?! That is the best thing that I can decipher right now from the symbols, etc... That is why if later you give me more time and chances to explore other of our ancestor's legacies that they left for us, maybe I can decipher more and have a more accurate answer... For now, it is the best that I can preserve you. That is why you all must help me to find another prehistoric legacy to be deciphered."

"Wow a very good discussion, It is not wrong for me to put my trust in you guys." Suddenly a male African said and come out from the bushes where he hide. Maybe he is already there since Ros start to share the info.

An unknown man with a fit body suddenly comes out from the bushes, of course, making Gerald and Seol Yeum Bi give a quick stance to protect others. They both quickly pull out their knife and are ready to attack.

"No-no-no... Wait... This is our friend. He is my cousin. I already told you I can't join you all, right? And I will separate later... So this is my cousin that I called to pick me up. He is a local fighter, the leader of 'Watu Wa Kiafrika'," Kolo's friend in a panic said to calm down the situation.

"Hahaha, I am deeply sorry if my coming style makes shock many of you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ndunga Zambi, you can call me Ndunga." That man that suddenly comes out from the bushes introduces himself.

"Yeah, we African people that take concern about our contingent polluted by many terrorists know him, and the terrorist too actually, but they still ignore this Ndunga Zambi because their power is still kind of a little," Kolo explained.

"Yeah, Mr. Kolo is correct. Me and my team are still weak, we don't have enough firepower to fight back the terrorists. Meanwhile they... You all have already seen it with your eyes, right? So can we sit down now?" Ndunga said.

Now after Kolo and his friend kind of confirm that the new person who is called Ndunga Zambi is not dangerous and can be trusted, so they all can relax and try to welcome him. Now they can sit again to continue their conversation.

"Now where we should start? What happened in the West actually?" Ndunga starts the conversation.

Kolo's friend then starts to explain the chronology of the temp to kidnap the President of South Korea. In the beginning, it was just a normal peaceful bilateral meeting between the South Korean President and the President of a country in West Africa. But suddenly RDA made the ambush and tried to kidnap the South Korean President.

Then Seol Yeum Bi feels she must explain the condition from her side. Because it is normally kind of unacceptable for other military personnel to exist in another country full of their military uniform. So the story from Yeum Bi is, at the same time, the South Korean military also had a collaboration event in that country. There were not many South Korean military personnel that come to that event because it was just a small event, so only 6 persons at that time including Yeum Bi.

Kolo's friend also confirm what Yeum Bi said is true, at that time, there was a military event between that country's military and the South Korean military.

So because the South Korean military heard that their President was in danger, they came to help. But they were not expected the extremist group to be so equipped with advanced and much gun-power, which is why they were also overpowered.

So that is the story about the ambush and kidnapping temp.

"So again RDA, huh? They just established it 7 years ago, now they already dare to make that nation disturbance action." Ndunga said.

"Yeah, we already heard the info about RDA, how they start, and how they develop," Rory said.

"Good, but now from where do you think they can get all of that advanced weaponry? It is impossible to get it from here, Africa?" Ndunga said.

"Yes, like it or not, it is the fact that foreign countries play a part in a country's disturbance. It is a conspiracy that like it or not already become a common thing in this global politics. But for RDA and any other terrorist and extremist in Africa, we just don't know yet which country or countries behind them." Kolo said.

"Precisely, but I am an intellectual person, so without proof, I also don't want to point my finger at whom. But even though like that, this condition also already become public knowledge because the condition is so absurd if that disturbance can get their supplies on their own. The weapon that they used is not produced in Africa, that is the first clue." Ndunga said.

"..." All is silence...

"Actually we all know the conspiracy and theory info about terrorists in a country. They may be funded by elite politics at the beginning, or also maybe funded by foreign countries. And then supported by supplies, especially weaponry. And then, as I know, they start to try to gain their own income, mostly by doing a 'law-breaking' money maker, like drugs, human trafficking, or in Africa maybe by illegal hunting." Rory said.

"Perfect score for you, you are Rory, right? I follow your channel. Now I just want to use a very simple basic logical mind. If... foreign countries admit that they disagree with terrorism and fight against terrorism, why do they buy the 'law-breaking' money items that are sold by the terrorist? If the terrorist items, no one wants to buy, then they are done by themselves, right? The same thing also happens to weaponry, it is impossible if someone can buy a lot of weaponry as easily as buying peanuts... the weapon seller and the country must be asking what for? So in fact that a lot of weaponry able to be acquired by the terrorist is simply understood there is no fight against terrorism there. Except for the weapon seller and the country that selling that is idiot enough to get tricked, which is impossible also." Ndunga said.

"Well, I am angry when talking about this, because. Me and my group, we create our movement to fight back that terrorism, extremism, and illegal hunting in our own contingent... we ask and beg for funding, from the countries that say no to terrorism, but they reject us. Same thing with weaponry supply. They reject us, meanwhile, the RDA can get machine guns with armor-piercing bullets. Tell me if I am crazy enough if I am not angry?" Ndunga said again.

"Yes, that is true, Ndunga actually is a master's degree graduate from a famous University in Europe, same with many other our organization leaders. So our organization was made by many intellectual individuals with a high education degree, including Ndunga." Kolo's friend explained.

"Yes... and as educated people, we try to follow the right path to ask help from other countries to fight the badness in our contingent, but we are the ones that get a doubt as 'the terrorist organization potential'," Ndunga explained.

"I see, that is why you are angry and stressed right now?" Gerald asked.

"Yes... but... All right, I admit I am in a peeved condition right now. As you all can see, a serious pandemic is happening. But RDA acts up again... Meanwhile, my group's help request to well develop a country is rejected again, just now... That makes me really annoyed. I am sorry if my annoyance with the situation makes this conversation become not good for you all." Ndunga said.

"No-no-no... Don't think like that, personally, I have no problem hearing the actual problem that is happening here. It improves my knowledge. And who knows, maybe I can help, right?" Rory said.

"What is your organization actually? What is the name?" Gerald asked.

"Well, we don't need to make any name. In Africa, Swahili is the most language that is used. So we name our organization 'Watu Wa Kiafrika', which means People of Africa. Well, Nduga is actually the idea creator." Kolo's friend explained proudly.

"Yes, well, as you all already heard, I graduated from a famous University in Europe, with a Master's degree. But there I also met many smart and well-educated African students, we all have the same feeling that unsatisfied to be successful alone in other countries, meanwhile our own country is under the influence of badness. That is why some of us are back here to establish the group that is able to help and rise the condition in Africa. We know it is not easy, many will try to disturb us or make us fail. So we plan everything smartly, most of us of course must act 'underground' or undercover. I lead the team that fights the badness kind of 'frontally', but of course, we may not act clumsy, we lose in many aspects. That is why now the best that we can do is act as guerrillas." Ndunga explained.

"Ah, I see... So when you are still in that unfavorable condition, the world condition gets worse and meanwhile your enemy gets stronger. I can feel your annoyance now." Gerald said.

"Well, because the extreme pandemic is happening now, let's just hope RDA and other terrorists get infected or die," Rory said.

"I don't think it is that easy. The terrorists and also my group, we kind of not worried about that pandemic, because we kind of live secludedly from the crowd. People who live in the city are the one that need to be worried more." Ndunga said.

"All right, if I can help you Ndunga, what is your group need most?" Gerald asked.

"Weaponry of course. It is hard to fight that advanced weapon only with primitive weapons." Ndunga said.

Gerald nod, a sign of he already remembered the request.

"Well, how long your team will stay here in East Africa?" Ndunga asked.

"I don't know, we still need to wait for a chance to our next move," Gerald said.

"I think I must warn you all guys, be careful... In the West there is RDA, but here in the East, there is also 'Children of Crucifix Thorn' or CCT. They much longer exist here, in Africa. They are way more powerful compare to RDA, which is why RDA is still scared of them. CCT is more crazier, but more smart also. They are more act like the elite too, because they are already strong." Ndunga warned.

"Don't worry, as long as we stay away from the crowd, we are less likely will cross them. Besides we just always stay at my hideout and go to the prehistoric area that far from the city, right?" Kolo said.

"Yes, Kolo must already know the drill. Just follow his lead all the time." Ndunga said.

After that, they all just chit-chat normally.

Ndunga and Rory also agree to stronger their relationship through Rory's channel. Just like Hank and his team, now Ndunga and his team also will help Rory with what they can. Help each other precisely... They will continue to communicate with each other.

In the end, Ndunga and Kolo's friend separate and left to their own hideout. Meanwhile, Kolo, Gerald, Ros, Rory, Qunn, and Seol Yeum Bi now stick together to do what they need to do.


2 days later...

"Hey guys, we got a message from President Yoo Gi Hwan," Qunn said.

"Where, just play it..." Rory said.

Then they all gather together to hear the message.

"Well, hello everyone. Seol Yeum Bi are you there? Ehm, well, I'm sorry I must be honest with all of you. The situation in South Korea is not good. The pandemic already disturbs our country. But because our people are strong people, we bond with each other nicely, so I think we kind of in a situation of a little bit under control. Some areas of our country are already let's say polluted, but some others we successfully secure it. We try not to kill the infected just like Prof. Bill said, and of course, we try our best to stay away and hide. Our scientists work so hard to find any solution that can help. So what I can say right now, the condition in here South Korea, we have many shelters that are provided with self-sustainable systems. We hope of course that shelters do not collapse."

"I am sorry if the news that I share is kind of confusing, I believe you all can understand why, this is just two days since we were apart last time, right? Two days, but feels like a week, I haven't slept until right now."

"Well, okay now about helping you all to Japan. So I think you all know South Korea has Dokdo Island, right? That is the closest area to Japan. I already set that island to accept you all. I think while you are all there, you can have a better opportunity to find a way to Japan. So, just come here to Seoul first, because there is no runway in Dokdo. So come here to Seoul first, then I will help you to Dokdo. I am sorry if you are unsatisfied enough with my over, in these two days, that is the best that I can over. I also feel really in dept after you saved my life, so I try my best to pay my dept. Besides, I think if this pandemic can be solved as fast as possible, it is better... That is why I put my hope in your team."

After hearing the message together, they all look at each other...

"So, Seoul then...?" Rory asked.


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