𝑴𝒆? (𝗥𝗮𝗳𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗼�...

By Sadie_inthesink

36.6K 460 127

Rafe Cameron is a kook. A well known one too. Y/n Y/l/n is a pouge. A well known one too. Y/n hates kooks and... More

𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗲
♡ Chapter 1 ♡
♢ Chapter 2 ♢
♧ Chapter 3 ♧
♤ Chapter4♤
♥ Chapter5♥
♣ Chapter6 ♣
♠ Chapter7♠
ꕥ Chapter8 ꕥ
✾ Chapter9 ✾
✫ Chapter10 ✫
༄ Chapter11 ༄
☼ Chapter12 ☼
☘︎︎ Chapter13 ☘︎︎
ᴥ︎ Chapter14 ᴥ︎
『Chapter15 』
𖣔Chapter16 𖣔
∫ Chapter17 ∫
◌ Chapter18 ◌
【 Chapter19 】
» Chapter20 »
«Chapter21 «
꧁Chapter22 ꧂
𖨆 Chapter24 𖨆
᯽Chapter25 ᯽
 Chapter26 
⌖ Chapter27 ⌖
➳Chapter28 ➳
✿ Chapter29 ✿
﹏ Chapter30 ﹏
★ Chapter31 ★
◡ Chapter32 ◡
༎Chapter33 ༎
❁ Chapter34 ❁
个 Chapter35 个

☾ Chapter23 ☾

582 9 0
By Sadie_inthesink

"My dad is like gonna kill me and honestly maybe you too Y/n. So what is this mandatory meeting about?" Pope asks as he puts another log onto our campfire. It felt so good to be out of those clothes, sadly Kie didn't have any other clothes and I didn't have any with me so she was stuck in her Midsummers outfit. It was a nice dress though.
"Might as well tell them man. Before we're gaffed." JJ states, putting an arm around my shoulder to which I'm to tired to move.
"You ready for this?"
"Believe it not John b. We're about to fucking burst if you don't tell us." I say as I rest my head onto JJ's shoulder. He takes a deep breath then begins to speak.
"So the gold never went down on the merchant."
"So we were right?"
"Yes but that's not all. It's been this whole time on the island." We all kinda look around in shock and confusion.
"I'd like to voice my skepticism." Pope says very unsure.
"I'm sure you would Pope, but we're not gonna let you because we don't care."
"Don't be mean to Pope." I say shooting John b a dirty look.
"Well just let me show you my evidence."
"Finally." I say shaking my head.
"Yes I know exciting. So in my backpack I have a letter from Denmark Tanny." John b continues.
"Who?" I ask.
"Do you listen in history?" Pope asks me.
"Hell nah too busy thinking about the future."
"Well he was a slave who survived the royal merchant wreck. Slaves weren't mentioned as crew members on the ship, but my dad found the complete manifest. That was his big discovery, so Tanny used the gold from the merchant to buy his freedom." John b explains.
"Shit I think I'm gonna fall asleep this is exactly like history."
"Just listen okay?" John b says frustrated. "After that he bought his farm...drum roll please because that farm is...." We all start drum rolling getting faster and faster. "Tannyhill Plantation!"
"What!?"  I exclaim. My boyfriends rich ass mansion house used to be a farm????
"Yup. Tannyhill was a farm. So after that he used his money to free even more slaves, and then he sold a shot ton of rice which pissed off all the white planters, and then they decided to lynch him. So on that day they were coming to him, he writes a letter to his son as a farewell, and then in the last line of that letter he leaves a coded message about where to find the gold." John b explains even more.

The letter gets handed around, the last line is written in Gullah which I can't read, I don't think any of us can.
"Harvest the wheat in parcel near nine." John h reads out as the letter gets back to him.
"You can read Gullah?" I ask impressed.
"Yeah my dad taught me."
"Sick." I nod.
"Wheat is code for gold. The gold is in parcel nine near water." We all smile happily and shocked, we were getting somewhere at last.
"Holy shit." Pope breathes. "All we have to do is get an original survey map of the property." John b finishes folding his arms.
"No way!"
"Okay so this might have a small chance of being true." Pope gives in.
"It's like King Tut." Kie compares.

JJ gets up and pulls John b into a massive hug lifting him off the ground.
"Woah hello fire, fire. You're near fire. You're gonna burn." John b warns.
"I'm so proud of you right now!" JJ tells his best friend.
"Okay so guys what's the plan?" Pope asks.
"Good question. So, Sarah Cameron's coming tonight. She's gonna bring an original survey map-
"Hold on. Sarah why Sarah?" Kie asks in fury.
"Literally why Sarah Cameron? I have nothing against her but like we don't usually mix with kooks what's the deal here?" I ask literally sweating I was so nervous.
"Um." John b starts.
"This is gonna be good." JJ whispers to me.
"Oh it will be."
"Sarah she uh got me into Chapel Hill yesterday and that's well how I got the letter." He says clearly avoiding details.
"Wait you were in Chapel Hill yesterday with Sarah Cameron?" Kie asks.
"Well yeah." John b confirms.
"He was macking on her." JJ says to me to which I laugh but I know if I ever told my friends about me and Rafe it would be like 10x worse than this.

"I wasn't macking." He denies.
"You were totally macking Sarah Cameron." JJ persists.
"I wasn't macking on her okay? I was using her for accesses." He explains bits I'm not buying it.
"There was an accesses alright." JJ mumbles.
"Did you tell her about the treasure?" Kie asks.
"I was just trying to get into the archive."
"Is that a yes?"
"I left out key details."
"What? How could you let her in on it!? This our thing! A Pouge thing!" Kie says clearly mad.
"I was just using her for information." John b declares.
"Why don't I believe you?" Kie asks tilting her head.
"I'm trying to make us filthy rich here okay? Look you guys know me!" You guys also know me pretty well too but hey you haven't figured me out yet. "Do I look like the type of guy to fall for Sarah Cameron?" Do I look like the kinda girl to fall for Rafe Cameron?
"Yes." Me and Pope say at the same time.

"Just-just stop."
"You don't know her yet! You can't trust!" Kie exclaims.
"Kie listen, we don't know Sarah too well. You might but we don't. She might of changed since your Kook year. Just give whatever John b's got in store a go okay?" I say.
"So you're on his side!?"
"Yes for fucks sake! John b is like my brother! He has always been there for me and it is unfair if we were to leave him all alone just because he fell in love or is in fact just using her for information."
"Thank you Y/n." John b smiles at me.

"Whatever we give she's gonna try and take." Kie says still very unsure of John bs plan.

Damn. Also sry for not updating in awhile.
Pls vote :)

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