✫ Chapter10 ✫

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"John Routledge!" One of the guys walking through house yells."Where's that compass?" They ask aggressively.
"Get out here!" The other one yells.
"We gotta get out of here." Kie whispers  to us.
"How though?" I ask.
"The window." John b realises. JJ and Pope run over to and try to get it open.
"Hurry!" Kie rushes.
"Let's sack this place!" The men yell as they throw things around the house.
"It's painted shut!" JJ pants. We all look around in a worry.
"Wait what'd you do with my knife?" I ask John b.
"Oh here." He says passing it to me, I then pass it to JJ who slides it under the window trying to cut through all the paint.
"Routledge!" The men scream. "Come on John! Quit playing with us!"

"Where the hells that's compass!" One of guys yells.
"I'll check the back room." The other answers, his heavy footsteps becoming louder as he gets closer.
I stand by the window next to JJ waiting for him to get the last bit of paint off.
"You better not be in here!" The man yells as he bangs and kicks the door.
"I got it." JJ says as he pushes the window open. Kie climbs out first then JJ then me, JJ reaches his hand out for me to grab which I do. Pope is out the window next and then John b who is screaming at us to run. We all run as fast as we can into the chicken coop. JJ pulls me into his side as we crouch down trying to hide, his arm wrapped around my waist.
We peek through the wire watching as the men carry stuff from John bs dads office into their car.


"I mean it's obvious right? A family heirloom, what better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?" John b questions as he drives us all to the lighthouse his father always went to.
Pope looks at the compass, dangling it in front of his face.
"Yeah it's possible." Kie says answering John b but the tone in her voice says something else.
"It could also be possible that you're conducting wild theories to help deal with, you know, your dad feelings." Pope suggests, which would honestly make sense.
"Bro you know how I deal with my sad feelings? Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it." JJ says shrugging. "But you do you."
"I'm not conducting!" John b says. "My dad is trying to send me a message." He insists.
"If it-

"Let's just change the subject, okay?" I suggest.
"Yeah, good idea." Pope nods at me.
"Soooo what do we talk about now?"
"Oh I got a story." John b announces his mood changing quickly. "It's a short one though."
"Oh well tell us." JJ says intrigued.
"Well when I was dropping the tanks back off to the Cameron's boat this morning right? It was about like 5:30 in the morning and when I was leaving, guess what I saw?"
"What?" I ask, I have as feeling I know what's coming.
"I look up to the house and see a girl around our age sneaking out of Rafe Cameron's room."
"Damn." JJ says shocked. "Who was it?"
"I dunno, it was too dark to make it out but it definitely wasn't a kook."
"So you reckon Rafes got himself a pouge girlfriend?" Pope asks.
"Or a touron." I say, trying not seem awkward because that girl yeah that girl was me.
"Nah I don't reckon Rafe would have a girlfriend. Especially a 16/17 year old one. Probably just another random slut from a party." Kie says, to her response I make a shocked face but then I realise I shouldn't of because it was a lot more obvious then I thought.
"What? What was that look for Y/n?" She asks.
"Nothing, just yeah nothing." I shake my head.

"Okay you post up and look out for bogeys, okay?" John b tells JJ.
"Why me?" He asks annoyed.
"Because you're not coming." Pope answers.
"Look JJ, there are independent variables and dependent variables, and you're an independent. We don't know what you'll do." Pope explains.
"Shut up!" JJ says like an annoyed child.
"I'll stay with him it's fine okay, does that work?" I say sick of the banter.
"Yeah I'm cool with standing guard now."
"Okay good. Just don't get distracted, you know what I mean JJ." John b says as he walks away with everyone.

Me and JJ stand around put the front in silence.
"Soooo?" JJ says awkwardly.
"What?" I ask.
"You think we'll find the gold?"
"Yeah I hope so."
"What would you do if you were rich?" He asks me his eyes intrigued.
"Hm, I would buy a good house and a lot of new clothes and some Lego-
"Lego?" He laughs.
"Yes! Lego is the best." I nod.
"You're such a child sometimes."
"Well technically I am a child."
"You're a teenager Y/n it's very different."
"Mhm sure it is." I turn my head to the side to see a car driving closer to the light house. "Shit cops. Let's go." I say, I grab my phone out and quickly text Kie telling her.
"Come on." JJ says as he takes my hand and we run over to the beach.

We run along the beach then cut off into the streets.
"You know I think we can stop running." I say to him as we make our way through the crowds of tourons.
"Nah let's keep running it's fun." He laughs. I turn around just check for cops anyway when I run into someone. I look up to see none other than Rafe Cameron.
"Getting deja vu are we?" He says as I stand in front of him shocked.
"Just a bit yeah." I laugh. "Anyway I gotta go. Bye." I say as I walk away, squeezing his hand on my way past.
Luckily JJ didn't notice me stop and just kept running and it doesn't take me long to catch up.
"We're good." I say.
"Okay." I nod. "I'm gonna go back to my house wanna come?"
"Sure." He shrugs.

Don't know how I feel ab this chapter, how do yous feel ab it?
Pls vote :)

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