◡ Chapter32 ◡

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Miss Crane is standing in front of us plainly staring. Is she blind? She must be. She begins to turn away then whips her head back to face us, basically screaming at us. All three of us let out horrified screams and begin to sprint as fast as we can.

Kie and Sarah run one way while I run the other, I stop abruptly at a door. The door I stopped at had about 10 wooden planks nailed across it, three different locks and 100% impossible to get through. The crazy old woman is screaming odd things as she chases after us. I turn around to see how far away she is and she's right in my face. She lifts up her walking stick and started banging it against the wall which is directly above my head. I shrink back down onto the floor and try to get away but I can't, she's hitting her walking stick all over the place, even getting me at some times.

Sarah and Kie come running down steps from the house that lead into the basement.
"Miss Crane! She's up there and she's chasing us." Sarah breaths out.
"We gotta get the fuck outta here." Kie says. I look at them then look back at the stairs.
"Where the fuck is Y/n?" I ask them confused and worried. The two girls looks around, fear crosses their faces.
"She was right behind us I swear!" Kie's voice stressed.
"What happened?" I ask.
"She was right behind us then we took a turn and Miss Crane went the other way-
"No she was still with us then I swear she was." Kie cuts off Sarah.
"No, no she wasn't." Sarah says realising Y/n is still up there probably being attacked.
"I'll be back, help Pope get John b back up. We'll be fine!" I say to them as I run up the steps, it may be into a murders house but I could never leave Y/n here.

I get to the top of the stairs and freeze, which way do I go? I try and listen for any type of indication of which direction I should go in. Eventually I hear the faint sound of wood being hit with something. Then a scream.
I run as fast as I can towards the noise. I pass a room then turn back and run back into it. Sure enough Y/n  is on the floor against a door. I don't care how old this bitch is, I shove her away from Y/n then run over to her.
"Are you okay?" I ask kneeling in front of her. She doesn't say anything but just nods and holds my face in her hands. I can see why she screamed, she has a nasty gash oh her cheek. I place my hand on it and wipe some blood away.
"Come on we gotta get out of here." I say, putting her hand in mine.

"Y/n I am so sorry." Sarah says to her as we come back down into the basement.
"It's fine, I shoulda called out to you or something." She says wiping a tear out of her eye.
John b screams something from inside the well. We all try and figure out what it is that he said. None of us quite understood it but we agree it sounded like he needed help and wanted to be pulled up.
We start to pull him up when gunshots are suddenly fired.
"Go!" I say to Y/n.
"No, you didn't leave me, I'm not leaving you." She says sternly.

We pull John b up as much as possible until the gunshots are getting a little too close.
"She can't shoot for shit." Says Kie.
"She's blind." I answer. "Look at her eyes." The scary white orbs of the crazy lady stared off in every direction as she repeatedly pulled the trigger of the gun.
I push Y/n onto the ground and shield her with my body. It's not like the old hag had any aim but just in case.

John bs hand comes up out of the well as a bullet hits the ground near us. John b screams at us to go so we do. I pull Y/n off the ground and we run as fast as we can out of the basement. John b and the rest not far behind us.
I hop into the drives seat and start up the engine.
Y/n gets in the passenger seat next to me, breathing heavily.
"Why are we always getting shot at??" Pope exclaims.
"JB hurry up!" Kie yells to the boy who is only just jumping over the wall.
I start the car going as slow as I can.
"Wait! Wait!" John b screams at us. Kie opens the door and he jumps inside.

"Is anyone shot?" I ask.
"I think I would know if I was shot." Kie responds.
"How does that old bitch move so fast!?"
"John b you smell like shit!"
We all laugh and agree but then it goes quiet as we all enjoy the fact that we're alive.
"Oh my god." JB whispers. "We did it!" He exclaims as he shows us a bar of solid gold.
"You did it!"
We all scream in excitement and victory. I can't believe it, I don't think anyone can.
"Wait guys!" Kie yells. "We're gonna be rich!"
"Full kook!" John b screams, we all join in and chant full kook.

As we drive across the bridge, a good vibe buzzing around the whole van, I reach my hand across to
Y/ns and take it. She smiles at me and squeezes my hand.
"Are we good?" I ask her.
"We're good." She nods.

We pull up to John b's house, well Sarah's house, already having dropped Pope and Kie home. Y/n always insisted on walking home, no matter what time of day or night but I was walking her home tonight so it shouldn't matter.

JJ and I have been walking back to the cut from Tannyhill for quite a while now when all of a sudden someone barges past me, fully running into my shoulder. I look back to see Rafe.
"Watch it pouge." He says to me.
"Don't talk to her like that." JJ says says calmly but sternly.
"I'll talk to her however the fuck I want. She's just some filthy 16 year old pouge with an ego way to big for her, someone needs to put her in her place." I stand there in shock before Rafe walks away.
"Don't listen to him Y/n, your ego is fine and you're a great person. He's hardly even spoken to you I don't know how he would know anything." JJ says to me, pulling me out of my frozen position which was standing there watching Rafe walk away. What a dick. Is that what he actually thinks of me?

Bit of a long chapter but it's definitely full of drama. I am sooooo sorry for not updating but hey better late then never!? I've been extremely busy with school and family. I should be updating a bit today tho Xx
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