𖣔Chapter16 𖣔

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I wake in shock and covered in sweat knowing it was because I was too scared to move away from Rafe. I roll over to see he is still lying next to me.
"Morning." He smiles when he notices I'm awake.
"Hi." I say still a little shocked about what happened yesterday afternoon.
"Do you have plans for today? Because if you are, I'm free too so we could hang out." Rafe asks me.
"I'll check." I say rolling over to my bedside table to check my phone.

JB 🌊

Gold hunting today Y/n! Get to Chateau by 10:30 at the latest, I'll explain plan then!

You know JB maybe don't text 'Gold hunting!' For anyone to see on phone? We should come up with a code

"Amen." I mumble to myself glad that I do have plans.
"Yeah I do sorry, I don't have work but I'm helping JJ and John b clean up their places with Pope and Kie. The storm hit both houses pretty bad." I lie.
"Yeah okay, I get that." He nods. "When do you have to go?"
"I'll probably leave around 9:30 and it's-Oh I woke up early this morning-it's 8:20 so I've got time to get ready and maybe a little time for you." I say as I sit up on the edge of my bed. "I'll get ready first though so I'm not running around when I do have to leave."
"Okay cool." Rafe says sitting beside me. I stand up and walk over to my dresser and pull out my usual denim shorts and a stripy green tank top. It was kinda hard not to wear stripes, my whole wardrobe is full of them, which is good because I love them.

"So what are you gonna do today since we can't hang out?" I ask Rafe trying not to be awkward.
"Well I'll probably go and see some of my friends-
"What friends?" I couldn't help myself, it slipped out before it stopped. Rafe did have friends it was just something I said whenever anyone mentioned hanging out with friends that wasn't me.
"I have friends." Rafe laughs. It's good he's not mad anymore.
"Yeah? Like who? Don't say Topper."
"Well Topper is one of my friends but if not him then Kelce and Barry."
"Barry? What type of Kook name is that?"
"Are you saying Kooks have a certain way of naming their kids?"
"Yeah! And I honestly didn't think Barry fit into that group but alright."
"Well, he is a pouge."
"No!? You!? Friends with a Pouge? That's something I'd never thought you'd do." I shake my head. Rafe just smiles and shrugs in response. "Wait. You said Barry's a pouge?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Rafe. You're not talking about Barry as in drug dealer Barry?" I say rolling my eyes and turning my body to face him.
"Maybe." He says smiling awkwardly.
"Rafe! You know what fine, you be friends who you wanna be friends with. I won't interfere with that." I say in disbelief.

"Also....." Rafe starts.
"What?......" I say unsure of what's coming next.
"Drug dealer Barry may or may not know about us." He says standing in front of me.
"What?" I say my eyes widening. "Why and how?" I ask trying to stay calm.
"Well. I just want you to know that I didn't mean to tell him or for him to find out and that I'm really sorry." Rafe says looking directly into my eyes.
"Okay, I won't explode." I nod.
"Well. This one time I was over at his house and you texted me I dunno what you said but I had left my phone on the table and he checked it because I was out of the room so when I got back he asked me why you were texting me and why your name in my contacts was Y/n with the, the uh you know the pink lover heart with like the echo's around it?"
"Yeah." I nod confirming I know what love heart he means.
"Yeah and I couldn't come up with a lie quick enough before he caught on, and he knew who you were so he was kinda shocked too but he promised he wouldn't tell anyone."
"He knows who I am?" I ask, I had never talked to Barry before, I had passed him in the street and in shops but that was it.
"Yeah he said something like 'Shit Rafe? Thats that girl who works at the country club and she always with em John b or whatever? Shit I thought she was dating the blonde guy.' That's what he said." I laugh at Rafes bad attempt to do Barry's voice.
"Well as long as he doesn't tell anyone I'm sure it'll be fine." I smile.
"Yes okay good. You're not mad?"
"Not mad but, I do have to go now and I don't want you to tell anyone else okay?"
"Okay, see ya." He says kissing my cheek then I walk out of bedroom.

As I walk out of the house I look down at my wrist. It has a visible hand mark making it a bit obvious my wrist had been grabbed, so hopefully no body notices . It's not like anybody else should be grabbing my wrist to notice.

"Okay what are we doing?" I ask as I walk into the porch at John bs.
"Well first we gotta wait for Kie and then I'll explain everything." John b says as I sit down onto the couch.
"Kay cool."
"Also a code for gold may be a good idea." He adds looking back at me.
"Yeah we'll figure something out." I nod.
"Hey." JJ says sitting next to me, almost practically on me.
"Hi JJ." I say. "Getting a bit close there."
"Yeah sorry bout that." He says moving over about an inch.
"So any particular reason you're sitting over here?"
"Just soaking in your good vibes." He nods.
"Yeah okay weirdo."
"Can I braid your hair?" He whispers.
"I'm sorry what?"
"Well Pope and John b said that they can braid better than me and I don't agree so I need to prove them wronggggg!" He complains.
"Have you ever braided before?"
"Yeah! I used to braid your hair remember?"
"Yeah and I almost had to chop it off."
"I'm better at it now trust me!"
"Start with a plat then maybe you can braid okay?"
JJ immediately starts instructing me on how to sit and then starts plating my hair.

That last part was so random help 😭
Pls vote :)

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