New Avengers: Radium

By jedimaster1313

464 59 10

Adimaro Jagër was saved by Hawkeye and sacrificed by Pietro during the Ultron "apocalypse " later to be found... More

Saved by Hawkeye
Getting tested
Living with a Stark
My first fight
Meeting the Avengers
New Powers, Weapons, and more
Intense Training
Intense Traing Part II
Mission Rain Check
Secrets Untold
A Message
Got Him

Mission Imcomplete

21 3 0
By jedimaster1313

Chapter 6

"Omg Adi, your bleeding,did you get scratched,  and where is the Abdùl kid?" asked Makala.

"Iam fine it's just a scratch and that kid is dangerous and I knocked out in the bathroom,"I said.

"Oh cool, nice, awsome, but umm where is the assasian exactly ?" asked Makala showing anger.

"Oh snap, I forgot about that, let me go get him and get out of here, I said."And jezz could this school at least have shorts, my sweater vest is ichng me, and the pants are making me hot plus its summer. Whatever, I'll get him, and you start packing up, tell the principal that we need to go, I said.

I left the table and went to the bathroom for the kid, he wasn't there, sigh, I know I'm still just some little kid, but I mean everyone makes mistakes right?


"You what !?" screamed Nick Fury in anger.

"It was an accident ?" said Makala as she tried to defend me.

"Heros don't make accidents,"scolded Nick.

"Nick we-"Save your breath Adimaro, there are some people who would like to see you, in a way you could say that you share their blood," said Nick.

I left the main are of the helecarrier, and went to the lounge room, it was very big with tons of board games and game consoles with a pool table, a big flat screen Tv, a luxerious couch, and a mini frigde. Along with that was the Avengers standing right in front of me.

"Hello Adimaro, we're the Avengers, annouced Captain America.

Hello people, sorry I couldn't update any chapters yesterday, I had to go to a wedding rehearsal. I might not be able to update either bexause I have to go to a wedding tomorrow at church sooo yeah, but if I do be sure to look out for it.

Anyways, do you think Adi will find Abdùl ?

Thanks for reading pleace vote and comment, thanks.

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