The sound of a glass wall. (S...

By Sp3nc3rMyl0v3

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After Y/N Garcia goes through a break up with her ex boyfriend, she decides to move in with older sister Pene... More

Chapter 1. The sisterly reunion.
Chapter 2. New job shopping spree.
Chapter 3. First day.
Chapter 4. The first case.
Chapter 5. What should I do?
Chapter 6. The sound of shattered glass.
Chapter 7. A new feeling.
Chapter 8. An unexpected unsub.
Chapter 9. Girls night? No, team night.
Chapter 11. Communication.
Chapter 12. I love you.
Chapter 13. A not so chill weekend.
Chapter 14. Our family dinner.
Chapter 15. The wrong suspect.
Chapter 16. Things did not play out well.
Chapter 17. Back home, first case.
Chapter 18. Case fiasco.
Chapter 19. An "argument" gone sideways. (Pt.1)
Chapter 20. An "argument" gone sideways(Pt.2)

Chapter 10. Everyone finds out for the wrong reason.

65 2 0
By Sp3nc3rMyl0v3

    I roll over squinting my eyes, "God this sun is bright" I groan sitting up. I turn over to wake up Spencer but he's gone. 'What the fuck?' I get up out of the hotel bed putting on sweatpants and a tee-shirt. I throw my hair in a messy bun while walking out of the door. I decide to walk to Derek's room to see if Spencer is there. Thankfully Derek's room is right next to Spence's. 'Oh my god.. His room is right next to Spencers!' I groan at my thoughts before knocking on Derek's door. "Who is it?" I hear the man groan, "Hey, It's just me.." I sigh, waiting for him to open the door. "Whatcha need baby girl?" He rubs his eyes, I can tell I just woke him up. "Uh.. Have you seen Spencer?" I ask, realizing he isn't there. "No, I haven't, is everything okay?" His eyes change from tired to worried in 2 seconds. "I don't know.. I woke up and he was just.. Gone." I look at my socks, 'Alright, let me get a shirt on and we'll look for him okay?" Derek leans behind his door, grabbing a shirt. "Let's go." His voice is full of worry, I mean I don't blame him. I'm worried about Spence too, but these two have a different kind of love, a love like two brothers who couldn't survive without each other. "I can try calling him." I say, pulling out my phone. "Yeah, good idea. Just stay behind me." Derek moves in front of me

I dial Spence's number, "Okay. It's ringi-" Derek cuts me off before I can finish my sentence. "Sh, do you hear that?" His voice just above a whisper. I pull my phone away from my ear, trying to listen to what he's talking about. "That's his ringtone." Derek states walking towards the sound. Of course it's the Dr. Who theme song. I follow close behind Derek, keeping my hand on one of his arms. We get to the ringtone of Spencer's phone, "Oh my god, Spencer?!" I scream, kneeling down to make sure he's okay. His face is busted up, his nose is most likely broken, he's bleeding a lot. "I'm gonna get the team, you call the ambulance!" Derek shouts, running down the hallway. "Oh my god Spence, what did you get into?" I sniffle, dialing 911.

911: 911 what's your emergency?

Me: My boyfriend, he's unconscious on the floor. He looks like he got beat up. Please send help

911: Okay ma'am. What's your name, and what's your boyfriend's name?

Me: I'm Y/N, and my boyfriend is Spencer Reid. We are at the Courtyard Hotel, just by a pub.

911: Okay, the ambulance is on the way.

   I pull his head to my lap. I hold the side of his face, watching my tears drip on his forehead. "Please, please be okay.." I hear footsteps not too far away from where Spencer and I are. "Y/N!" I turn around to see Emily in front of the group. "Jesus Y/N, honey what happened?" She wipes the tears away from my cheeks. "Em, I don't know. I woke up this morning and he was gone. Derek and I found him like this." I sob, still holding Spencer's head. The rest of the group gets there, followed by the EMTs. "Please, sir. I'm his girlfriend. Please let me go with him." I beg the EMT. "Just, hurry. Sit here and stay out of the way." He rushes me into the ambulance directing me where to sit. I loop my fingers with Spencer's, "Do you think he'll know what happened when he wakes up?" I look up at the EMT, searching for any hope. "I don't know, but I'm sure he'll be just fine." The man sighs, checking Spencer's vitals.

   We get to the hospital, the EMTs rush Spencer in with me not too far behind. One of the doctors stop me, "Ma'am there isn't any surgery needed but we need space to get him set up." I raise my brow at the doctor's words, "Can you at least tell me when you're done so my team and I can see him." I demand. The man raises his eyebrow "Team?" I smirk at the man's words, "The man you have isn't just my boyfriend. That man right there." I pause pointing towards Spencer through the window. "Is Dr. Spencer Reid of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit." I smile at the man, "Well, I suppose I can make an exception." He pulls at his collar. "Thank you so much." I walk to one of the chairs in the waiting room.

   "Hey hon, I think it's just JJ and I that are here. But I'm sure the team isn't far behind." Emily leans her head on my shoulder, following with JJ's on my other. "Soo, I heard you arguing with the doctor" I can hear JJ trying not to giggle through her sentence. "Oh, yeah. He was trying to keep us from seeing Spence." I groan, leaning my head on top of Emilys. "Mhmm, but that's not just what I heard." Emily and JJ both give me this look, a look of 'We know your secret'. "Uh huh, and what else did you hear?" I press, glaring at her. "Well, what I heard is you get pissy with him because and I quote. "He isn't just my boyfriend.." So..." JJ pauses for a moment to stand up, "Why the fuck didn't you tell us!" She squeals, followed by Emily getting up and squealing with her. "Guys, guys. We didn't say anything because we were taking things slow.. But that quickly changed last night." I feel my face turn red, remembering last night. "Everything changed how?" Emily presses, leaning one of her hands on her hip. "Well, uh. God I don't have to tell you!" I groan, standing in front of the girls. Thankfully the rest of the team gets here, completely saving my ass.

   The doctor walks into the waiting room, "Alrighty, he's awake, you guys can go see him." Thankfully this is a different doctor, she seems sweet. "Thank you." Hotch thanks the woman, following closely behind us. "Jeez, pretty boy. What the hell" Derek sighs, sitting next to him. "I don't remember what happened." Spencer sighs, looking at the group. I stay behind everyone, giving them space to see him. "We're just glad you're okay." Hotch reassures him, standing next to him with Emily and JJ. I lean against the wall taking in the team and Spencer interacting with each other. "Where's Y/N?" I look towards Spencer who's asking Emily where I am. JJ points towards me before speaking, "She's over there behind Morgan." I share a glare with her. I walk to Spencer, who has a big smile on his face. "Hey Spence." I smile slightly, standing at the end of the hospital bed. "Hey, let's give them some space." Morgan demands, walking towards the door with the rest of the team. Emily winks at me before closing the door behind her. "Jesus Spencer, what the fuck happened." I sniffled while sitting next to him. "And don't pull the 'I don't remember' bullshit." I grab his hand, "It's really not a big deal, I got into a fight with some people and they handed my ass to me" He chuckles, looping his fingers with mine. "You are such an idiot. I was so worried about you." I sigh, tears falling down my face. "Hey, hey, don't cry. I'm fine, see?" He points towards his face, which is still clearly beat up, but his bright smile makes me laugh. "You're lucky you're cute." I laugh, wiping my tear stained face. "Morgan thinks the same thing" He smiles, pointing at the man who is clearly spying on us. "Oh my god! He shooed everyone out of here, yet he's snooping!" I laugh, leaning my head on Spencer's arm. "Sounds about right for him." He laughs. Our laughs are cut short by the doctor walking in. "Alright, you are free to leave, just sign these and you're on your way!" He exclaims handing Spencer a clipboard. I stand up waiting at the doorway for him, he sits up sliding his shoes on. "You're still in your pjs?" I snort, staring at him while he walks towards me. "Yes, I am. Now let's go" He grabs my hand, and opens the door.

   We walk into the waiting room to see everyone staring at us. "What? Is there something on my face?" Spencer asks sarcastically, touching his busted lip. "No, not your beautiful face, pretty boy. We, or well at least JJ, Emily and I, are staring at you two.. Specifically your hands." Derek remarks, pointing at our hands. "Well, I hate to break it to you.. But you're the last one to officially find out." JJ snorts looking at the puzzled man. "What, how is he the last one..? No one told Hotch." I question, staring at the team. "Well, Prentiss and JJ told me when we left you two alone." Hotch has a smile plastered on his face. "Oh my god, you're smiling! I mean shit, if it only took Spence and I to get together to do this, I would've told you a long time ago!" I laugh, only getting an elbow to my side with an annoyed look from Spencer. "Oh... haha.. Riiighhht..." I laugh awkwardly, remembering the whole parking garage situation. "Anyways, let's go.. I miss my babies" JJ laughs, we all follow behind her walking out of the hospital doors. "Oh my god, air." I gasp dramatically, "You act like you haven't been outside in years." Spencer snorts. 

   "Oh, also. Morgan drove your van here so you guys are riding with him" Hotch says walking to his van. Spencer and I share a look before walking to the van. "I'm driving" I demand taking the keys out of Derek's hand. "Hey, not so fast princess. I'm driving." Derek states trying to take the keys back. "Nope, I don't care if you steal my boyfriend to sit in the back with you but I'm definitely driving." I glare at Derek who just has a defeated look on his face. "Alright fine, but you sir.. Are riding in the back with me." Derek sighs, grabbing onto Spencer's shoulder, who has a completely dumbfounded look on his face.

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