Redemption of the Moon God

By FeetPepper

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This is the sequel to Tasks of the Moon Goddess. Here we follow Addison Murphy, daughter of the King and Quee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 29

9 2 0
By FeetPepper

Author's note: picture of Simon and Jessica.

Never before had he felt so much like my old Nick. I kissed him then sat him down and climbed on. I reached for his pants when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Kara.

"It says it's Kara," I said.

"Give me the phone," he said as I handed it over. He picked up saying, "hello."

I watched all of his facial changes then he handed me the phone. He got up, setting me aside and started walking around the cabin.

"Hello," I said.

"Addy. You guys have to get out of there. Like I was telling Jace, she only left because she figured out where you were," Kara said.

"Thank you, Kara. Talk to you later," I said.

Jace was packing up the necessities while I stuffed my phone and my charger in my pocket.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Getting ready to leave," I said.

"We're not leaving. I'm just making a bug out bag," he said. "She was probably just trying to get us to move out of our safe space. I put a lot into protecting this place. She won't get in here with some hair."

I go and plug my phone back in. I send a text to Abby.

Me: Abby, how are things by you?

Abigail: Excellent. Did you know Beta Aiden is my mate? I know he had a thing for you but I think that's over with. He's been a really good mate.

Me: That makes me really happy to hear.

Abigail: I can't wait until all this business with his mother is done so we can spill the tea.

Me: Me too. I really miss spending time with you, but I gotta go. Jace wants me.

Abigail: Later.

If there was something wrong she would have told me right? That would have been the first thing out of her mouth, right? She at least would have asked for Jace.

I took Jace's hand and led him to the couch. We sat down and looked at each other for a while before I said, "Tell me about Black Moon."

"What's there to tell that you don't know?" He said. "We were working towards exposing our kind to humans but I had second thoughts. I tried to undermine what we were doing but you can't kill an idea. The wolves there are true believers. They want to dismantle the monarchy. They were hoping to get you on their side."

"I would never join a group like that," I said. "That goes against everything that I believe in, everything I know, my whole family."

"I know all that. That's why I was trying to change things. Once I knew you were my mate, I started wanting different things. To be a different person. A person worthy of you," he said.

"When did you know?" I asked.

"That day in the summer when you went back in time and hugged Aiden. It was so weird I asked what that was about and when you described it to me, I knew. Only my mate could have done something like that," he said.

"You told me it was my scent," I said.

"Shall we go over all the lies I told you so you didn't figure out I was the Moon God?" He asked. "You've changed me in so many different ways and then you made me a father. I don't even recognize myself at times."

"I think Nick changed you more," I said.

My phone rang again. This time it was Ezra.

"Get out now. Michael disappeared," he said.

Before I could even hang up the phone the door blew in. She was standing there in all of her terrible beauty.

"Give me what was promised to me," she said.

I didn't know what to do so I just screamed in her face. It wasn't just any scream though. It was full of all of my emotions including my desire to hurt her.

I stood there screaming as all of her clothes ripped off and her skin started going next. I screamed until she was nothing but a skeleton. When I finally stopped, her bones fell.

Jace looked at me in amazement then said, "wow. I didn't know that was possible. We have to go. She'll find a new body in no time."

"Where are we," I asked

"Delaware," he said. "Who goes there, right? Where should we go now?"

"You want to go to Sedona and find that other oracle?" I asked.

"Do you?" He asked.

"Yes. Maybe she'll have different information for us," I said.

He had me concentrate on a picture of a car dealership in Sedona then send him there so he could get us a place and ward it. I did what he wanted me to then waited patiently for him to send for us. I tried fixing the door while I waited. It was semi successful.

He got us a charming one bedroom apartment. It came fully furnished and we were able to get a month to month lease.

As soon as we got into the car, he asked me to try and teleport it. I wish I could say I did it but the car went nowhere, we did. I teleported us back.

"I want you to keep practicing that, okay?" He asked. "How are we going to find this Oracle?"

"I don't know. Try searching for an oracle in Sedona," I said, jokingly.

Five minutes later he says, "found her! Most of the results were for oracle cards but this one says she's the real thing."

"Well if she's not, we can look around," I said. "We better get some sleep so we're up early tomorrow."

I put Michael into his bassinet. He'd need a crib soon. I turned around and walked into Jace. He grabbed my ass and kissed my neck. He made it to my mark and I moaned.

"Do you want to?" He asked.

"Now I do," I said.

I kissed him slowly, sensually. He pulled back to take off his shirt when my phone rang.

"Don't answer it," he said.

"What if it's Ezra?" I asked.

I went to my phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Abby calling. I let it go to voicemail. When I turn around he is naked on the bed. I quickly take off my clothes and join him.


The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Jace woke up early and went grocery shopping. By the time I got up he had already fed Michael and was making breakfast for us.

We ate while making plans to see the oracle once we were done. We made our way to the car and parked near the oracle's shop. I saw this young, beautiful, brunette, Native American woman and wound up following her into the shop.

There were all kinds of crystals and stones, candles, books etc. I looked around the shop but I was really drawn to her. Jace came in after a few minutes to tell me we were in the wrong shop.

I heard her suck in a breath then let it out slowly. I went over to her and said, "what is your name?"

"Serenity and you're right. She won't think to come here but you cannot stay. She will slaughter your entire family to draw you back home. Even that one with the sight," she said.

"Then how are we to defeat her?" I asked.

"Give her that baby," she said.

"I'm not doing that," I said.

"There is one other way but I do not know if you will succeed," she said. "And no. I will not go to Shadow Moon."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because he is there," she said. "I'm not ready for that."

"Ezra?" I asked.

"That's the one," she said.

"Can't you come and help us out then leave?" I asked

"No. He is going to come for me in three years. I will be ready then," she said. "I cannot let you mess up what is to be."

"Why not? Because then you're blind?" I asked.

"Addy, just do it," Jace said.

"I'm really sorry about this," I said as I grabbed their arms and teleported to Shadow Moon.

Serenity looked at me surprised. I brought her to Eloise's cottage.

"You can stay in here while we figure out this plan," I said.

Eloise came out and said, "my time has come. Leave Addison so I can talk to my replacement."

I went outside and stood with Jace who was holding Michael. It took thirty minutes for Serenity to come back outside.

"She wants to talk to you and your mother," she said.

"I'll go get her," I said.

"No. Not together. Jace can go get your mother while you're in there," she said.

I walk into the cottage to see Eloise waiting for me in the living room. She looked a little sad, but ready for what's next. I wished I could hug her. Just thinking that Jace's followers killed her really boiled my blood.

"Don't think that way. He didn't do it. Those people are long dead. Everything is as it should be," she said.

"And now I have to say goodbye?" I asked.

"Not forever. You'll eventually figure out how to call on me. Now that my replacement is here, it's time that I go," she said.

"Now about that baby. That mother can't tell one from another so I suggest you give it to someone else. Someone far away from you cause she has you in her sights now," she said. "That baby will be safe no matter what happens to you. Your mother knows someone."

"As for you-," she starts.

"I know. Stay with my mate," I said.

"No matter what. It's crucial for both of your sakes. That woman will drain him and you'll be left with no protection," she says.

"Thank you, Eloise. I'm going to miss you," I said.

"It has been my pleasure serving your family. Make sure you keep yourself alive," she said. "Now go fetch your mother."

As I left the cottage, Serenity was talking to Jace. He held up a hand to say wait a minute. Ezra comes running out of the pack house yelling, "what did you do? She's not supposed to be here now."

"Ezra, come with me to get Mom. Eloise is leaving," I said.

"She's what?" He asked. "Why?"

"Because her replacement is here," I said.

"Who? My mate?" He asked, keeping his eyes on Serenity.

"Yes. Now let's get Mom so she can say her goodbyes," I said.

He finally looks at me and we make our way back into the pack house. We find our mom in the dining room eating lunch. As soon as we explained the situation, she ran to the cottage.

My mother and Eloise were always close. They had a tight bond since they met. She even took it upon herself to clean her cottage so she didn't have to look at dust and cobwebs.

I went to follow her but Ezra grabbed my arm. "What were you thinking about bringing her here? I'm not supposed to meet her for three more years. You selfishly messed up the timeline again," he said.

"It wasn't for selfish reasons. She said his mother would kill you all. What was I supposed to do? She could see while you are blind," I said.

"We would have handled it together. Now I don't know what's going to happen and you put my mate in danger," he said. I can't believe you did this. You need some self control."

"Stop lecturing me Ezra. What's happened, happened. She's here now and we have to adjust. Eloise was ready to go and now she has her chance. Please understand I did this for all of us," I said.

"Whatever Addison," he said, then walked out of the pack house.

I went to follow him out, but Jace came inside. He handed Michael over to me then put in a lunch order for us.

"Feed him then feed yourself," he said.

I fed Michael then handed him back over while we ate our lunch. We went to our room where we laid Michael down for a nap. I told him what Eloise and Ezra said.

"We're not giving Michael away to anyone," he said. "And Ezra needs to lighten up. It was for the best. You should have told him that I told you to snatch her."

"Jace, we have to send Michael away. Didn't you hear what I said? What did Serenity say to you?" I asked.

"A lot of the same things. Then she told me a few things I can't tell you. Sorry," he said.

"They both see the need for Michael to be sent away yet you want to go against them? Why? Eloise helped defeat you and your mother last time," I said.

"Darling, I defeated my mother last time with the help of your mother. I defeated me for the sake of finding you. Don't forget that. I know what I am doing," he said.

"Please, don't go against the oracles. I'm begging you," I said. "I don't want to send him away either but if it's for the best, we have to do it."

"Addison, don't ask me to do that. It's my job to keep you both safe and I intend to do that," he said.

"Why not do it in the best way possible. Let's send him to my mother's friend," I said. "Don't make me go against you."

"Are you threatening me, Addison?" He asked.

"Stop calling me that. We're doing this with or without your consent," I said.

"If you're wrong about this, I'll never forgive you," he said.

"I wouldn't expect you to," I said.

Just then, a knock sounded on our door. My mother entered saying, "Eloise is gone. Grab my hand and I will lead you to a trustworthy friend."

Jace picked up Michael then grabbed my hand. I took hold of my Mother's hand and off we went.

We landed on a porch with a stack of wood. She knocked on the door which was answered by a tall handsome blond man with a man bun and facial hair.

"Simon, I'd like you to meet my daughter, her mate and child. We need a huge favor," she said.

"Come in, Joyana," he said.

He brought us into his living room and motioned for us to sit. We took our seats and I looked around his house. It had an open floor plan so I could see quite a bit of it.

"So what brings you to my neck of the woods? I thought I was supposed to leave if you came to Texas," he said.

"Viktor doesn't know I am here, but he will. We've reached the point of war part two and need a favor from you," she says.

"What kind of a favor?" He asked.

"First, this is my second daughter, Addison. She is in line for the throne. This is her mate Jace, the Moon God," she said and Simon stood up. "He's not the problem this time. This little bundle of joy is Michael, their son."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," he said, sitting back down. "What's the favor? Wait, let me call my wife. She should have a say too. Jessica, come here."

A pretty blonde came running down the stairs. The look of surprise on her face made me smile. She had such a friendly face when she smiled which she did a moment later.
"To what do we owe the pleasure of having the Queen in our home?" She asked.

"I came to ask a favor-," she started.

"Actually it is my favor," I said. "Excuse me, Mother. I need you two to look after my son here while we fight my mate's mother. There is a chance that we will not survive but we were told our son would be safe here. Please help us."

"Let me confer with my wife," Simon said, getting up. They walked upstairs where we couldn't hear but I had a feeling that Jace followed them.

"Didn't he try to kill you?" I asked.

"He poisoned me but I don't think he was trying to kill me. He just really didn't like your father," she said. "What's up with Jace?"

"He's ignoring us and paying attention to them upstairs," I said.

I demonstrated by waving my hand in his face. He didn't move or acknowledge the action. I pushed him a little then took Michael from him. Even though he was asleep, I didn't want him to fall.

"I hate when your father does that. They can do both. Why ignore one? It's dangerous," she said. "I wonder what they are saying up there."

"It's really none of our business. We're asking them for a favor. We should be showing trust," I said.

"You can go up there, can't you? Just peek and come back to me," she said.

"No, Mom," I said. "That is so disrespectful. Plus Jace can tell us."

"Fine, but I'm not happy about this," she said.

Jace suddenly came back. He had a slight smile on his face meaning he was pleased with whatever he heard.

"What is it?" My mother asked.

"I think they'll do a fine job even if we never come back," he said. "But they want something from you."

"What?" She asked.

We heard footsteps on the stairs as they came back down. They looked a bit apprehensive but smiled through it.

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