Overwatch High A.U

By SailorMoonClan

949 13 1

Tracer, after being affected by the slipstream project, is enrolled in Overwatch High. A school for the gifte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Update and notice
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

38 0 0
By SailorMoonClan

At Nighttime, Brigittes house

Brigitte sat down on her bed, looking at her phone, and scrolling through social media. All she could see were videos and pictures of Genji's fight. She groaned, any goodwill Genji had built up was now gone in the wind. She was about to turn off her phone but noticed a notification from a follower. She looked at the page, the page was owned by a girl named Oliva. Brigitte looked through and it was filled with pictures of a Latina girl with a lot of tech-based posts as well. Soon, a message came from Oliva, "Hey, you're friends with Genji right?" She asked. Brigitte thought for a second, this whole situation was pretty weird. "Yeah, who are you?" She sent back. "I'm a student from Talon, just arrived." Oliva said, "That fight was pretty brutal, Genji really let that guy have it." Brigitte was curious so she responded, "What do you want?". Oliva responded quickly "I bet you want Genji's reputation to be better, I can do that, all you need to do is introduce me to him.". Brigitte was confused, "Why?" She asked. "Cause, He's cute," Oliva said. Brigitte was skeptical, why would someone do all of this work, just because they have a little crush? But as Brigitte contemplated the deal, she thought about how much Genji needed this. "Sure, if you can do what you said, I'll introduce you". Brigitte got no response, she sighed and turned her phone off, and climbed into bed.

Tracers house nighttime

Tracer stood outside her apartment door, dialing a number she hoped she'd never have to call. The phone connects, "Tracer! Are you ok?" Winston asked. "Winston, something happened, my powers, they are getting stronger." She said. Winston took a moment, "Tell me more.". "Well, I traveled through time, not like how I usually do, like I went back through the timeline, and was able to make different decisions." Winston responded quickly, "Tracer this is huge news! We need more tests but this could be a real breakthrough! This Monday at school we'll need to run some tests." He said, Tracer sighed "As long as I can go home after." Winstions toned changed to a softer tone. "Of course, we won't keep you for long, it won't be like last time.".

Monday, November 21st, Morning at Overwatch High

Genji adjusted his backpack, he dreaded the school day. He knew everyone was going to talk about the fight, and most likely take Chris's side. He approached the doors, taking a deep breath before walking inside. Just as he predicted people left and right were staring and whispering, he kept his head down and tried to move quickly to class. "Yo! Genji!" a voice in front of him called. Genji sighed and looked towards him, "Good work last night man, guy really had it coming!" He exclaimed. Genji was taken aback, "Uh, what do you mean." He asked hesitantly. The guy looked confused, "The guy you beat up last night? The sexist asshole had it coming." He commented before walking away. Genji was baffled but continued walking through the hallway.

"Brigitte, what the hell is going on?" Genji asked, meeting her in the main hall. "You haven't seen? Some girl posted pictures of Chris talking to other girls, plus the pool ball he threw at Mei!" she said showing her phone. Genji looked at the phone and saw a picture of Chris throwing the pool ball at Mei, and a caption that read "Can't believe this asshole did that, really got what he deserved.". Brigitte scrolled and saw more and more posts defending him, even some from people he knew. "What the hell, this isn't what I expected to happen," Genji muttered. Brigitte smiled "Come on man! Lighten up! Right now you're the coolest guy on campus! Enjoy it!" She said playfully punching his shoulder. "Yeah, It'll be a nice change of pace," He said, grinning. "I can't believe she pulled it off," Brigitte thought, and on cue her phone buzzed, looking at the text it was from Oliva "I held up my end of the bargain, now it's time for yours.".


Monday Free period

Genji yawned, mindlessly turning the page in his textbook, the silence only being broken by the news being played on the projector. "At least it provides good background noise." Genji thought until the newscaster's voice broke through his head. "In the latest news a warehouse has been revealed to be an Omnic smuggling ring. The location was also raided by a mysterious vigilante.". Genji shot his head up watching the screen closely, The news cut to an interview with an Omnic man. "He came out of nowhere, I thought we were all going to die but he saved us!".

The newscaster returned to the screen, despite the high praise given by the survivors, this vigilante has injured most of the armed felons and killed a small handful. The vigilante was described as a Male presenting Omnic with custom plating and custom green lighting. "Omnic? Really?" Genji thought, "Huh, I guess I do kinda look like one with the mask.". Genji was relieved by this new information "Guess it wouldn't hurt to have an extra layer of identity protection.". "In other news, Kanazaka has been overrun by the Hashimoto clan, a Gang of criminals that have quickly become major threats in recent months." Genji stared at the screen, "Kiriko..." He thought to himself, "She better be ok.".


Monday after school, Public Park

The basketball courts were filled, Omnic teens and kids filled the courts as they played pickup, the only stand out was a human girl with green hair, anyone looking could tell she was dominating the game, the ace of her team, the leader of the court. "Come on Kiriko go easy on us!" one of the omnic kids said, "Absolutely not, you wanted me to join so you got me." Kiriko joked, she proceeded to dash up the court avoiding the opposing team's defense and landing a layup. "Yall gotta keep up, otherwise it'll seem like im bullying you guys" The kids laughed as one of them tossed a few drinks to the other Omnics, "Here Kiriko, I got you one too," he said throwing it her way, "Come on guys you know I can't drink that stuff," She said, "It just a Nano-Cola don't worry," he responded.

They sat on some bleachers that lined the court, "Kiriko, you're going home soon right?" Alan the omnic wearing a red jersey asked. "Well, I was, but my mom wants me to stay here, and attend Overwatch High, far from the Hashimoto's.". "You totally should! I'd finally be able to introduce you to my fam!" One of them exclaimed. "Ah I don't know guys." She said, hesitating. "Plus having you and your fox spirit around would really help, Those Junkers keep coming around," Alan said. Kiriko looked confused, "Junkers? Who are they?".

A voice came from beyond the fence that enclosed the court, "They're a group of Omnic hating Hillbillies", a deep voice said. Kiriko turned to the side to see a tall. Omnic man, He had cords on his head that resembled hair, wearing a purple-lined leather jacket. "Big bro Ram!" Some of the kids exclaimed, they ran to him, crowding as some latched on with hugs. "Hey, nice to meet you, im Kiriko." she said sticking out her hand, the man seemed reluctant to shake it until Alan spoke up "Don't worry Ramattra, she's cool". After hearing that, Ramattra shook her hand "Nice to meet you, sorry I'm wary of new humans I meet, most have been quite violent." Ramattra stated. "Nah the only place Kiriko is violent is the court," Alan said, signaling the rest of them to follow him for another game. "Im gonna sit this one out guys, have fun though!" She called, sitting back down on the bleachers.

Ramattra sat next to her drinking an Omnic-designed drink, "It's sad once you think about it, why they were made." He said. Kiriko thought for a moment, "What do you mean?" she asked, "Omnic children, specifically made for parents who can't have children of their own. Meant to fulfill the desires of humans until they grow tired of them.". Kiriko remained quiet, "You mean they just stay kids forever? With that mentality?" she asked. Ramattra nodded "There are developments to transform their code, but lack of funding has made the project run slow." Kiriko finished off her drink, "So, tell me more about you, what brings you here." she asked crushing the can as small as she could. Ramattra looked over the park, "I like to think of myself as something of a guard, make sure no one starts violence with the Omnic children here,"

Kiriko chuckled "A lot of big talk tough guy". Ramattra laughed "Talk, which I can assure you I can back up". Suddenly, the two of them heard loud shouts from the court, "Ramattra! It's the junkers!" Alan shouted, in the distance, a large truck could be seen barreling through the road. Ramattra stood up, "Everyone, find cover, stays out of the open." he shouted. He looked over at Kiriko "That includes you.", Kiriko knew what she was capable of, but to make things run smoothly she followed directions, running over behind the bleachers with Alan.

The large truck was filled with guys wearing masks and welding pipes, knives, machetes, and even a couple of firearms as weapons. Ramattra walked towards the road, taking off his jacket and tossing it aside as the truck slammed on the brakes, the Junkers hopped out of the trunk and surrounded him slowly, "What do we have here?" One of them asked, "A robot thinks he can stop us huh?" Another one chimed in. Ramattra sighed, "You only get one warning, if you keep antagonizing me, I'll kill you where you stand." The Junkers started to laugh "Heh I'd like to see you try!" one screamed, gripping the pipe he had with two hands and swung it right toward Ramattras face. Ramattra grabbed the pipe mid-swing and jerked it towards him carrying the Junker along with it. He then in one single swipe of his right hand, passed his hand through the junker's forearm, severing it completely, blood gushing to the ground.

"Gah!" He screamed, laying on the ground covering his wound. "You bastard!" One of the other thugs screamed. All of the Junker began to swing their weapons at Ramattra, but he easily dodged them by weaving in between each strike. Ramattra grabbed two of them by the neck and slammed them together, a crack ringing out as both of their heads begin to bleed. He dropped them to the ground and turned to the others, "Come on! Im waiting!" Ramattra shouted, holding his arms wide open. The remaining Junkers whimpered and ran for their friends, Ramattra did not stop them, allowing them to grab the injured and take them back to the truck. "You're dead trashcan!" One of them yelled as they punched the gas and blasted down the road.

All of the omnic kids cheered as Ramattra walked back towards the court, wiping the blood from his arms, and putting on his jacket. "Nice moves big guy, a bit gruesome though," Kiriko said approaching Ramattra. "Simple work when it comes to fools using garbage for weapons, and the more gruesome the injury the less likely they are to come back," he replied. Kiriko spotted a slice on his hand, an injury that must have come when he caught that metal pipe. "Your hand ok?" Kirko asked, Ramattra looked at his hand "It'll be fine, the nanobots in my system will heal it in time". Kiriko's hand glowed as she created a healing talisman, she grabbed Ramattra's hand pulling it towards her. He initially resisted, but she softly placed it in his hand, the yellow light mending his gash.

"Intriguing, you're an interesting girl Kiriko," Ramattra said examining his hand. Kirko smiled, "Ah just some classic spirit magic," she said casually. Ramattra laughed, "I like you Kirko, would you let me give you my number?" he said pulling out his phone. Kirko pulled out hers, "Sure, just promise you won't cut off my arm." she said half joking. "You have been kind to my people and me as well. There is no reason for any hatred towards you". He put his number in Kirkos phone, and she did the same before she went back to the court to hop into another game.


Overwatch High, Nurses office

Angela typed away at her keyboard, finalizing her inventory list and sending it to Morrison. A knock at the nurse's office door disturbed her "Yes come in." she answered. Fareeha walked in and closed the door. "Hey, Angela." She said nervously, is now a bad time?". Angela paused for a moment "No, there's no one around.", Fareeha took a deep breath "I messed up and messed up bad, I know I haven't been the best girlfriend, and I want to apologize." She blurted out. Angela was taken aback, "Oh, thank you" She replied, "I really want to try again, but only if you want to, and I'll let you have all the space you need to figure that out." Fareeha finished.

She turned to walk out of the office before Angela got up and grabbed her hand "Wait!" She said. Angela looked into Fareehas eyes "I do love you, and I want to keep dating you." She said, Fareeha smiled, her face going red. Angela held onto Fareehas hand, not wanting to let go Until Fareeha leaned in and kissed her. Angela kissed back, she missed Fareeha, she missed this. Fareeha grabbed Angela by the waist and reversed the position of the two, pinning Angela to the wall. Angela giggled as Fareeha kissed her neck. "Cool it hot shot, We're still at school.", Fareeha backed away, unable to stop grinning "I Have work tonight, but I'll talk with you soon," Fareeha said, smiling as she left the office.


Monday, After school, Winston's Lab

Near the back of the school, there's a laboratory which only the top staff have access to, Inside the walls are decorated with various medical and scientific equipment. And on a medical chair, Tracer layed back, trying her best to relax as Winston, Angela, and Morrison started doing blood work and running various tests. "So describe what happened." Winston asked, "I was in the bathroom after the waiter spilled the food on my dress, I was a mess, crying, and trying to pull myself together until I felt the power from my chronal accelerator surge, and it felt like I was being pulled through energy itself, and I ended back up before the waiter tripped, and I was able to stop it. Winston nodded taking notes on a small notepad, "Tracer this could be the start of a massive breakthrough in time travel!" Angela interjected "Calm down Winston, we need to take this slow, make sure we do this right.". Winston coughed "Of course, all we'll do today is measure your chronal accelerator levels and a few maintenance checks."

They plugged a small cord into the accelerator. Angela picked up a tablet and plugged the other side of the cord into it. Minutes passed as Angela observed the data, "Impossible!" Angela exclaimed, "What is it?" Morrison asked. "Tracer's energy production rate is up 500%!"Winston looked shocked "Really? That's not an error in the data?". Angela shook her head, "With the lack of use, her accelerator has been stockpiling energy like crazy.", Morrison scratched his head, "Well, I guess I'll have to double you up in your ability training class." He commented. Winston nodded, "That's probably for the best, but in the meantime, Tracer try to be careful, alright?" Tracer shook her head in agreement "I will, and I'll try using my blinks more often", "That would help a lot," Angela said in response, but make sure you try and avoid any stressful situations, stressing your mind too much might cause unwanted blinks and maybe even more time travel.

Morrison paced the room, "So, what are the ramifications if Tracer can travel through time?" He asked observing a few of the tools. Winston thought for a few moments, "Well, It all depends on how the timeline reacts to change. A popular theory is that if hypothetically someone could change something in the past, It would simply take an alternate route to the same outcome." Winston lectured. "Time could be a fixed object, and would never make gigantic changes no matter the interference." Angela summarized. Winston continued talking "For example, If Tracer were to steal the Mona Lisa, time might just have leonardo lost it for a while until it surfaces." Morrison looked confused, "But then there would be two of them?" He asked Winston nodded "Again this is all in theory, so how things would react is still up in the air, but I doubt Tracer would have the energy output to go terribly far in time." Tracer groaned "Im right here you know, all this time travel talk is freaking me out. "Apologies, we have all the information we need for today, why don't you head home?" Angela said. Tracer packed up her things and left the lab.

"Do you think this is bad news?" Morrison asked, Angela and Winston glanced at each other. "Well, hopefully, she won't travel too far back in time, as long as she stays within the threshold of 24 hours the timeline should be fine." Winston lectured, "Otherwise, too many things will domino into new decisions, as the butterfly effect suggests.". Angela tapped the tablet, examining the data and tracer's statement, if her power grows at this rate, she'll hit 24 hours near Christmas. "We'll have to make sure we put precautions in place before then, otherwise we might have to put her under lockdown," Morrison said grimly, "Im going to touch base with Reyes about this, I'll keep you two updated." he finished, leaving the room.

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