Is its really just me? LORELI...

By ky0berry147

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A girl goes through a lot of mental and physical issues. As people keep causing more problems for her, she tr... More

Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: My love?
Chapter 3: A Final Break
Chapter 4: The Hospital Beginning
Chapter 5: The Hospital End
Chapter 6: The Doctor and Kidnap
Chapter 7: The Trial
Chapter 8: The Re-Beginning
Chapter 9 Part 1: First Day of School
Chapter 9 Part 2: First Day of School
Chapter 11: Backwound
Chapter 12: Rewind
Chapter 13: The Ending

Chapter 10: Dangerous Flight

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By ky0berry147

"Everest, we're home!" Max yelled as we got inside. Something felt a bit off, but I didn't let it bother me. Dad came back home soon, and said he needed to take me to the store. We went to a place I never heard of before. We went inside as he started talking to a really pretty girl who looked a bit older than me. She took my hand and we walked farther to the back of the store. She was sweet, but I was highly confused. Dad told me to be quiet as they took me in the very back of the store. I looked around as they threw me in the corner and knocked me out. When I awoke again I was in a room with a rough bed, as my hands were cuffed, chained to the ground. The chains were rusty and could easily be cut. I was in a hospital gown as I tried to run, but the chain held me back. "Fuck." I whispered as I cried. I can't remember much of what happened. All I knew is that I was with dad and this pretty girl. I tried to escape, but it was difficult. I just lay there as I started to cry. There soon was a knock on the door. I jumped up in hope, and ran to the door as it opened up. "D-dad?" I said stuttering and distrusted. I looked him up and down as he sat down next to me. He held my hand and started to cry, "Oh Lorelia. My little sister wanted to-" he started to say before I jumped in. "LET ME OUT OF HERE! I DON'T CARE IF-" as the girl came in and hugged me. I found myself slowly sitting down as she held me. "Lorelia, oh Lorelia. You're much prettier than imagined. Do wonder what shall we do with your eyes say?" she said as she in a giggly voice. She started braiding my hair in my favorite way. French braids, half hair up and half hair down. I got freaked out, and jumped up as she looked me in the eyes. "Huh, you are quick at understanding things." she said. With that she tried to leap on me with a smile and a knife. "G-get off of me" I grunted trying to push her off. She didn't and kept pushing. I ended up getting the cuffs to get to meet with the knife blade to cause it to break somehow. I was shocked, but took the opportunity to run. The door was slightly cracked and so, I started to run. I didn't know where I was going, but heard footsteps behind me. I soon found an exit and left it as I was still running, and being chased. It was dark outside which made it harder to see. I managed to get out of there, and got into a larger area with cops. "Please help. I'm being chased, and they're gonna kill me!" I yelled at them. Suddenly, I felt an arm grab my arm and cover my mouth. I still tried to scream as I was kicking and crying. I was scared, and I was still just a kid. The girl walked up to me with the knife as I knew it was almost the end. I just stood there as they held me and she came closer to me with the knife. "Hm, Lorelia. I don't understand why you can't just listen to begin with. She stabbed my right side, and I grabbed it to try to keep the blood in. She kept stabbing me as I soon felt weak and dizzy. I fell to the ground, but couldn't speak. "Take her GA 3" she said to the person. "Understood." The voice sounded familiar. Like a voice I heard many times and recently too. Wait I knew who it was. I was doing more and more unwell, but before I felt like I would give out I wanted to see something. I grabbed the mask on the face of the person. I had so many questions that needed to be answered. The face and touch felt so familiar. Along with the voice. I knew I heard and touched this person before, but who was it? Who was the person that was helping this person kill me? They surely are doing a good job. My energy is lost, and I don't feel I could scream at the moment. When I took off the mask of the helper, I never expected it to be who it was. As I saw who it was I tried to escape, but could barely move. "Easy there Lorelia," the girl said.

"Who the hell are you anyways, and what do you want from me!" I replied to her.

"Revenge. Do you know what it's like to be living under a rock compared to you?! No you don't." she said. I didn't understand what she meant, but I did listen reluctantly. I let the person, GA 3 [I didn't understand what GA 3 meant yet], carry me to the van as we reached the building again. This time, I didn't argue or fight it at all. I wanted to see what they wanted. Although I was tired, and felt I wanted to pass out. I soon enough lost consciousness as I was bleeding out. The mask of the person flew off as he jumped in the back to hold a rag from causing me to bleed out.

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