Our Art Is Our Connection

By bubbly_writter

24.5K 695 118

UA Arts college is one of the most popular schools when it comes to Arts. They teach many types like; Oil pai... More

-19- (Smut)


1.3K 38 8
By bubbly_writter

I get up in a hurry after realizing it's been 30 minutes that I've been snoozing my alarm, leaving me 25 minutes to get ready. I grab a mustard yellow hoodie and put a jumper and a black beanie and I go take a quick shower. I put the clothes on brush my teeth and grab myself an apple and take my ADHD pills with an orange juice. I take my yellow backpack putting a bento my mom prepared for me yesterday night and take a gum trying to calm my heart rate down. I remember Toshinori telling me to bring the portfolio with the pictures of my art we prepared yesterday. I also put it all in a USB key in case my clumsy ass manages to destroy it.
"Izuku dear, are you ready? You have everything?" I turn to see my mom who just woke up.
"Yes mom! I have everything!" I smile at her and then we hear the sound of a car entering the parking lot.
"Toshinori is here, be careful, have fun and call me if anything okay?" She says hugging me and I hug back.
"I will mom, I love you and I'll tell you everything tonight!" I smile.
"I love you too!" She answers before letting me go. I grab my keys knowing she had an evening shift today.

"Let's go.." I say silently to myself jumping in my uncles car.
"You ready kid?" He asks and I nod.
"At what time does school start?" I ask him as he leaves and starts the drive to the college.
"At 9 but I told myself we'd get there early so I can show you around." He explains and I nod.
"Just to be sure, you take care of the writing classes right?" I ask him and he confirms.
"That means I probably won't be your teacher knowing you probably won't select my class." He says falsely disappointed and I can't help but laugh.
"Can you really hold it against me? I need a break, you're almost always home!" I chuckles.
"I guess you're right" He sighs loudly pretending to be sad making me laugh even more.

The rest of the ride was filled with his stupid jokes and it relaxed the little negative anxiety I had.
"We're here!" He says pointing to the school. It was huge and there was a bunch of building not far (probably the dorms).
"It's even bigger in real life!" I say in awe.
"Wait till you see the insides!" He grins proudly.

He parked the car and we walk calmly and a few students came running to Toshinori.
"Hello Kids, how were your weekends?" He asked with a smile to the students.
"It was great! I had an idea for the book we're writing!" A pink haired girl says excitedly.
"That's great, I believe I'm seeing you in second period. Correct?" He asks and she nods.
"Oh! Is that a new kid?" A yellow haired boy with a black lightning asks pointing in my direction.
"Maybe, he's here to see if the school is good for him, a little like a trial to see if he was comfortable around here." My uncle explains.
"You'll love it here! What type of art do you specialize in?" A red haired boy asks.
"Oh I do street art.." I say shyly.
"Graffitis?" The yellow boy asks and I nod.
"That's sick bro! I'm Eijiro Kirishima by the way!" The red haired says.
"And I'm Mina Ashido!" The pink girl says.
"And I'm Denki Kaminari! Nice to meet you!" The last one grins.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!" I say with a smile.
"What about you guys? What type of art do you specialize in?" I ask them curious.
"I do makeup and face painting!" Mina says.
"And I do photography!" Kirishima says.
"And me I'm more into digital art!" Kaminari says with a proud grin.
"That's great!" I smile at them.
"Well kids sorry to disturb but, Izuku we should go if we want to have the time to make you visit the school." My uncle says and I nod.
"Okay! It was nice to meet you! I hope seeing you again!" I smile and we all say our goodbyes before I get in with my uncle.

"Okay so over there are the lockers and the bathrooms are over there." He says pointing in two directions. It was so early there weren't many students inside the building.
"And over there is the cafeteria and we have the students lounge over there." He says walking us around the first floor.
"Those are the important parts of the first floor, the second and third floor are where all your classes will be." He explains bringing me to a staircase and going up to the second floor.
"I'll bring you see the different classrooms most of the teachers are already there at this hour so you should meet a few!" He says motioning me to follow him with a smile.

He knocks on a door and a lazy 'come in' is heard.
"Good morning Aizawa! How are you today?" My uncle says to the tired looking men.
"Skip the chit chat. What do you want?" He asks coldly.
"He isn't a morning person.." My uncle whispers in my direction making me chuckle and nod.
"We're here because I'm showing Midoriya around, and I want to present him to a few teachers!" My uncle says with a smile.
"Another problem child..." The black haired men says with a long sigh.
"Your name and what type of art?" He asks calmly looking at me.
"My name is Izuku Midoriya and I do street art!" I say with a small smile.
"I'm Shota Aizawa, I teach the painting classes." He answers and I nod.
"Is he going to be in my class?" The men asks to my uncle and he nods anxiously.
"You see Midoriya, if you accept the offer to come here then, he will most likely be your homeroom teacher!" Yagi explains and I nod in understanding.
"He was recommended?" Aizawa asks raising an eyebrow intrigued.
"Yes, we want him to study here but he isn't really convinced so I'm trying to convince him by making him do a trial day!" My uncle says and Mr.Aizawa looks at me curious.
"Are you the one who recommended him?" The tired teacher asks and he nods.
"Yeah, you should see his art, it's crazy and you'll see the potential and natural talent he has! He might need adapting since he was never in a class or whatsoever." Yagi explains.
"Do you have a portfolio that I could see?" Aizawa asks and I nod taking my bag and taking out the small binder.
"I had to put it on pictures since well I can't carry walls but yeah.." I mumble face palming realizing how stupid my stupid remark was, it made my uncle laugh and Aizawa snort. I give it to him and play anxiously with my fingers waiting for a comment.

Here are a few:

"And you are self tought!?" The teachers asks looking shocked.
"Yes, I still like to explore different techniques but I like to do things colourful. There are still quite a few things to improve but-" I get cut mid sentence.
"To say I'm impressed is an understatement." The teacher says looking at my art pieces and I can't help but smile.
"I'll slip a word myself if you don't mind to the principal, I wouldn't even be surprised if you get a full scholarship, I really hope to see you in my class." The teachers says with an almost unnoticeable smile. I smile even more if that's even possible.
"Thank you very much!" I bow and my uncle taps my back with a proud grin.
"Now I have things to do but it was a pleasure to meet you Midoriya." The teacher says and as we get out I bump in someone that just turned the corner.
"OI! Watch where you're fucking going!!" I see a blond yell at me and I move quickly.
"Bakugo don't scare him off. You finally got yourself competition if he stays." The teacher scolds him.
"How the fuck is he supposed to be competition!? What the hell does he even do!?" The blond asks and I look at Toshinori confused and mouth a 'what's his deal?' and he mouths back 'I'll tell you after' and I nod.
"He does street art and-" He gets cut by the laugh of the blond.
"That ain't even art!! How is he even getting in!? Paying the fucking school!?" The blond says mockingly.
"If it's not art then that's your belief but he's getting in by recommendations he's here to see if he's actually interested, unlike you he may not even need to pass an exam, so try thinking twice before talking Bakugo cause you didn't stand up that much at your entrance exam." Aizawa says with a smug smirk and the blond glares at me and him and I just look at the ground embarrassed.
"Whatever, I'll believe it when I see it." He 'tsk' stomping in the room.

I finally leave the classroom after the small interaction that perplexed me.
"That's Katsuki Bakugo, he won more then one prize for being best student of your year. He's arrogant, always angry and barely stands his friends. He specialize in oil painting and is more of a traditional artist. He is very strict in his way of thinking. Tho he doesn't seem like it he really is good and has the potential if only he was less arrogant." He explains and I chuckle.
"He's gonna hate me then, street art is surely considered like vandalism to him-" I giggle amused.
"I hate to admit that you are right.." He sighs loudly. "I hope it doesn't affect your decision to chose this school.." He says nervously and I grin.
"No it kinda motivates me! I could maybe put him at his place, he'll maybe understand that there's more to art then he could even imagine." I smile brightly making my uncle smile softly relieved.
"Now come on we have a few more teachers to go see before the classes start. I'll check if I could pair you up with one of Aizawa's students that also does street art, her name is Ochako Uraraka." He explains.
"That's good by me. I don't think I'd want to stay here if I need to spend my day in the poetry and love stories you teach in class!" I say pretending to throw up earning a playful push on my shoulder.
"I'll tell your mother not to cook Katsudon for the next month for that comment!" He says falsely offended.
"You wouldn't, you need her to do some as much as I do!" I grin proudly as he rolls his eyes in defeat.
"Then I'll remove my recommendation letter!" He says proudly and I laugh.
"You could, I'd still get in with my super skills and you know it!" I say pretending to be full of myself even tho at moments even I hate my art, like any artist.
He sighs before laughing slightly and we continue our tour.

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