A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)

By kayle315

4.6K 151 14

10 years ago, the psychic, Genkai used her powers to create the only cure for the 'pulse' curse. a terrible... More

Ch 1: The Assessment
Ch 3: A Fox in Human Skin
Ch 4: Introductions
Ch 5: The Library
Ch 6: The Rooftop
Ch 7: Conditions
Ch 8: Weekend at Genkai's
Ch 9: The Competition Begins!!
Ch 10: Revelations
Ch: 11 Choices Made
Ch 12: To Trap A Fox
Ch 13: New Beginnings
Ch 14: Adjusting
Ch 15: Girl's Day Out!!!
Ch 16: Valentine's Day
Ch 17: Team Up! The Missions Begin!
Ch: 18 Familiar scents
Ch 19: Ruminations
Ch 20: The Dog
Ch 21: Consequences
Ch 22: Moving forward
Ch 23: Sleepover!!!
Ch 24: Territorial Demon Men!!!
Ch 25: Double Date
Ch 26: Showtime!!
Ch: 27: Sixteen
Ch 28: The Letter
Ch 29: Gates of Betrayal
Ch 30: Gift of the Forest
Ch 31: Kuwabara's Bright Idea!!!
Ch 32: Sheer Dumb Luck
Ch 33: Fire and Ice
Ch 34: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!
Ch 35: The Trap
Ch 36: Detonation
Ch 37: Aftermath
Ch 38: The Gift
Ch 39: New Mission: Rescue the Ice Maiden Yukina!!!
Ch. 40: The Invitation
Ch 41: The Cabin
Ch. 42: The Glade
Bonus Chapter: Show Me
Ch. 43: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch. 44: Sunday
Ch 45: Foxfire
Ch 46. Preparations
Chapter 47: Departure
Ch. 48: The Uremeshi Team Sets Sail!

Ch 2: Preparations

200 5 0
By kayle315

(Two days after the use of the
forlorn hope)

Lord Koenma looked over the paperwork in front of him again, humming to himself as a red-haired boy stood before him. "You understand the severity of your crimes, yes?" He asked simply.

"I do... I will accept whatever punishment you desire, so long as my mother is kept safe." The boy responded, emerald eyes showing no hint of emotion as he stood before the prince of the spirit world.

Koenma nodded again, then looked up at the boy as he continued.

"Given your reasons behind stealing the forlorn hope, as well as your efforts to assist my detective afterwards, I'm inclined to show leniency. I have a proposition for you. I am willing to expunge your criminal record, that means both yours, and Yoko's. In exchange, you will continue to assist the detective with his work, and do what you can to keep the peace within the city. It would also be a great favor to me personally, if you would help me with another matter." He paused, reaching for the remote on his desk, and directed the boy's attention to the screen.

The boy gasped audibly as the image of a young kitsune with fire-kissed hair and eyes like seafoam on a cloudy afternoon appeared on the screen.

"Yumiko Sayo, age 15, no truly, aged 15." The boy's eyes widened further at the revelation. His kind rarely left their homes before their first century. For the girl to be away from her home at all spoke of horrible tragedies in her few years. Within his mind, Yoko stirred, the silver kitsune mesmerized by her visage. 'A fire-branded kitsune, and so young... she'd be quite a prize...'

The boy grimaced at his demon half's thoughts. 'She's a person... not a toy, Yoko...' he scolded, waiting for the prince to speak again.

"She was born with the 'pulse' curse, but thanks to the efforts of the psychic Genkai, we were able to remove the 'pulse' core completely, and save not only her, but four other children as well. She's survived ten years now without incident, and one week from today, she will enter Meiou academy as a first time student. As luck would have it, Kurama, she'll be in the same class as you."


(Meiou academy)

"Thank you again for hearing my concerns. This will be the first time my sister has actually been to a public school, so I want to ensure the transition goes as smoothly as possible." A tall man with misted-ocean blue eyes, long black hair, and a charming smile addressed to the dean of Meiou Academy.

The dean shook his hand with a warm smile, and nodded reassurances to the male.

"Yes well, we're certainly glad to have her! Her entrance exam scores are the second highest in the school's history, only one point away from out star pupil in fact! Actually, he should be here any minute as I've asked Mr. Minamino to be your sister's guide during her first semester here."

Mako did his best to keep the warm, friendly smile plastered on his face. He had spent the last four days running around in human form trying to get everything ready for Yumiko's first day. She had passed the exam with flying colors, and he had already purchased and furnished a modestly sized apartment for them both, only a half hour's walk from the school.

He had chosen it as they could have all the units on the top floor, providing a balcony and a wonderful view of the city. He had grinned when he imagined her face lighting up the first time she saw the sunset from that balcony, and he couldn't wait to show it to her. He had spent most of the second day furnishing the new home, and moving what he could from the temple ahead of time. There was a small hope in his chest, the other units on the top floor could one day be for others like her, but for now, just seeing one of his kids get this far was worth the effort.

Now it was Friday, and classes were due to end any moment. Mako had come to meet with the dean, and speak to this 'boy' they had chosen to assist his little ward while she settled in. In truth, the thought of Yumiko being near a male of any species outside of the compound twisted his tail, but he would endure it, and play nice for her sake. The girl deserved a fresh start here after how hard she had worked to earn the chance.

The opening of a door caught his attention, just before an all too familiar scent reached his nose. His blood ran cold at that scent and for a moment, he was too shocked to turn and face the newcomer, at least that was until the boy spoke.

"You wanted to see me sir?" A smooth, quiet voice asked from the entrance.

"Ah yes, Mr. Minamino, let me introduce you to Mr. Sayo. His younger sister will be starting with us on Monday. He thought it would be prudent to come and meet the staff before then. I wonder if you might show him around the school? Seeing as how you'll be assisting miss Sayo starting Monday, I thought it might be best for you two to become acquainted!"

The dean spoke with a cheerful tone, completely oblivious to the searing aura that had settled across the room as the two demos stared at each other.

As a demon, Mako didn't have a heart, but if he did he was sure it would have stopped. Before him stood a boy hardly older than Yumiko, with striking red hair, and wizened emerald eyes. Those eyes bore straight through him, and Mako couldn't help but wonder if the demon who that scent and energy signature belonged to would recognize him after all this time. 'That bastard... this is why he wanted us to enroll her to Meiou....' He made a mental note to choke the little prince the next time he saw him, and cleared his throat to regain his composure.

"S-so you're Minamino huh? It's nice to meet you a..eh..." He had to pause, nearly biting his tongue as he nearly said 'nice to meet you again.' For a fraction of a second, the boy's eyes narrowed coldly, before going void of emotion and speaking with a friendly tone.

"The pleasure is mine! I will do my best to answer any questions you have regarding our academy, and put any worries you have for your sister at ease." He turned to the dean and spoke again. "Would it be alright if I gave Mr... Sayo, a tour of the school?"

Make gulped inwardly as the boy paused on the name, the indication clear. The dean gave his approval, and the boy held the door open for Mako to pass through.

"Shall we start with the library then?" He asked as they walked. Mako gave a noncommittal response, then followed silently. The boy led him through several halls and up several flights of stairs. The Cat-demon realized quickly that the library would not be their destination, but followed along without hesitation. One thing was clear as he passed through the halls that carried a faint rose scent wherever you turned.
The great lord Koenma had failed to inform them that another demon had already claimed this school as territory, and not just any demon...

Finally they reached the top of the stairs, and the boy passed through the doorway without pause, all pretense of politeness left behind. Mako took a deep breath, and walked through the door.

No sooner had he stepped outside when a vine slammed into him, wrapping it's way around his arms and pinning him to the wall.

"I will ask this kindly only once. What is your business with this school?"

Mako hissed out a breath, the vines tightening around him painfully. "I'm just here as a guardian! The girl I protect wants to have a normal life, she deserves a normal life. We're not trying to threaten your territory, Yoko!"

Perhaps letting on that he knew who the boy was had been a mistake... Shock, then anger flashed through his eyes, and small thorns began to pop up all across the vines. Mako felt trickles of blood where the thorns broke his skin, and grit his teeth against the pain.

"How do you know that name? Who are you?" He half growled.

"You mean you really don't remember me??" A look of genuine hurt flashed through Mako's eyes, and did not go unnoticed by his captor. "I guess you were serious about the 'just a pillow toy' thing..." he growled, unable to hide the hurt in his voice as he looked at the vessel of one of the few demons to bring him genuine comfort over the centuries.

The moment the phrase left the demon's lips something inside Shuichi stirred. 'It couldn't be...' came Yoko's thoughts within his mind.

"Songbird?" The name slipped off of Shuichi's tongue in genuine shock, the vines loosening their grip. "Kuro's boy?" He asked, a tiny spark of hope blooming in his chest. As he looked closer, features of the demon's face began to change. The cheekbones more defined, the eyes fading to ice blue, and those unmistakable notched ears. He gulped, then hardened his heart again.

"If it's true, show me the gift your father left to you." He spoke in a tone that demanded obedience, and Mako still felt himself flinch from the weight of it.

He had only spent a few decades running with Yoko's pack, while he tracked down what little there was to learn of his father, the bat-demon Kuronue. He had never met the male in person, his mother having simply been a molly in heat when their band had passed through the area.

"I received nothing from my father, as he died before I could find him. His partner however, gave me his pendant. An... apology for the wounds he gave me at our first meeting." Mako tried to keep his voice steady as he gazed into those green orbs. He could see the gears turning in the boy's head, and knew he was convinced.

"How in Makai did the king of the bandits wind up stuck in the body of a 15 year old boy?" He asked, tilting his head in curiosity as the vines relinquished their hold, and turned back into their seed forms.

Shuichi stared at the boy in slight awe, for in truth that is what he still was. Mako Ren was young for a demon, only about six centuries old, and with the appraise of a male in their early twenties. Whereas Yoko was over 20 centuries. Of course, he was still considered to be quite young himself. Demons matured quickly you see, reaching their prime in only a handful of years, then remaining that way for many centuries, the changes of aging slow in coming.

He gave a small sigh and walked to lean against the side of the building. "Do you remember that pet I had, the one with the silver eyes?" He asked.

"Uhhh, yeah I think so, the halfbreed right? Wolf and sylphan?"

He nodded, then ran a hand through his hair, pulling a seed with a faint silver hue from it's strands.

"I'm ashamed to say it, but I lost my temper with the girl... I told her she could ask for anything afterwards, and I would find it for her... the little mink asked for a moon blossom, from the deepest parts of the spirit world." He turned the seed over and over in his hand, studying the small lines that ripples through it's shell.

"I managed to reach the seed with no issue, but upon fleeing I made a careless mistake. I was forced to hide what was left of my spirit inside a human mother who would soon give birth. I knew that if I could withstand living among the humans for just ten years, I would be strong enough to return..." He paused, his emerald eyes softening as he turned the seed again.

"To be honest, I never thought a human mother would have such an influence on me... for now, my main concern is her safety and well being. Do you understand, Mako?" As he lifted his gaze to the cat-demon, Mako gulped and took a step back.

Despite the gentle tone he spoke with, his eyes were cold and menacing, just as the demon Mako had once known.
"We're not here to hurt anyone, Yoko. My ward truly just wishes to live a normal life. Or at least, as normal as it can be."

The boy gave a small nod, and Mako finally felt himself relax. Then, to the fox-demon's shock, he began to chuckle.

"Heheh, to be honest, when Lord Koenma told me I'd see a familiar face I was worried, but I'm glad it's you!"

That took the boy, as well as the demon within by surprise. "I'm sorry, you're... glad it's me?" Shuichi asked, confusion in his voice. "You're glad your ward's guide and tutor will be the king of bandits, who stole anything, or anyone he wished." The words were pointed, a thinly veiled challenge behind them, and Mako felt his lip curl in the process.

"You do remember our last fight, right fox?" He mewed with a voice dripping in honey.

The redhead's eyes widened, and he visibly flinched at the memory. He did remember, and his hand subconsciously moved to his neck before he could stop it. More than once, had Yoko been a bit... careless, in the past.

"Understood..." Is all he said, his voice cool as he continued to study the demon before him. Mako nodded slightly before lifting his gaze to the sun.

"She's young, innocent and more than a little naive. I've seen how you are with innocent things. I've seen how Yoko cared for his treasures. If I did have to entrust her to a demon, I'd at least wish them to understand the girl's worth. Her nature as well. Who better for that, than another fox? Besides, you know full well I can make you suffer if you try anything less than... gentlemanly..." He left his threat to hang in the air, and for several moments, neither demon spoke. Finally, Kurama broke the silence, resuming the role of Shuichi once more.

"Very well, I will do my best to help her grow accustomed to school and living in a human environment. Tell me, how much time has she spent within the city?"

Mako was stunned for a moment with the changes in the boy's appearance. His voice had become soft as silk, his green orbs kind and approachable, the only visible emotions curiosity and concern. Then, he cringed as he answered honestly.

"Uh... tomorrow will be her first day off the compound... actually... We had the dean send an examiner to the temple... Koenma pulled some strings to make it work..."

Shuichi's face fell as he took in that statement.

"So... she's never seen a town, or city before... Never been shopping, never been out to eat.. and you're planning to just throw her in with no explanation?" His voice grew hard as he watched the demon's ears tilt back in shame and embarrassment.

"It was a special case!! We're walking in uncharted territory here! Hell, for the first five years I was sure she would level the country any time she started crying!! How could we let her around humans before we knew she could control it?"

The red-haired boy sighed again, placing his fingers to his temples.

"Fine, then here is what you do. You said she is joining you tomorrow, yes? That gives you two days to get her accustomed to the city. Take her shopping. Take her out to eat. There's a wonderful ramen shop about a 20 minute walk from here. The parents of a friend of a friend run it. It would be a good place to start."

"After that, there's a park not even ten minutes from the school. It's a lovely place to visit, and she will likely come to miss the forest. It could become a safe haven for the girl."

Mako was diligently taking down notes as the demon who had lived as a human for 15 years listed off his advice. He knew there would be much to do, but he would do whatever it took to give Yumiko a true chance in this school life she dreamed of. After a moment, he cleared his throat, summoning every brotherly and fatherly tone he could.

"I believe it would be in everyone's best interest if for now she remained unaware of your true identity." To his surprise, Yoko nodded his agreement.

"Yes, in this place I am known as Shuichi Minamino, it would be best if she knew me by that name."

"There is little doubt she will recognize your scent as one of her own kind..."
That earned a smirk from the boy, who shook his head slightly.

"You flatter me Mako, I'm a simple silver kitsune, I wouldn't presume to put myself at the same value as a Firebrand. I do have a solution for this however. You see, a few here know me as Kurama, the Fox-demon assistant to the spirit detective. We can allow this to be the 'truth' for now."

Hey everyone! I really wasn't sure how to end this one. A lot of information in this chapter. Mako's past with Yoko is revealed, and Shuichi struggles to keep his demon past from blurring with his human life. The next chapter will be a time skip to Monday as Yumiko finally sees her dream come to life, but will high school be everything the girl dreamed? And more importantly, can Shuichi manage to protect her from his classmates??"]

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