Double Life~Avengers FanFic~...

Lowkey_Crazy द्वारा

81.7K 2.4K 258

Hey Guys, My name Is Issabelle Barton but you can just call me Izzy, lets just say I have a very complicated... अधिक

Double Life~Avengers FanFic~ Maybe Some More Marvel :)
Secrets Come To Light.
The One Eyed Pirate Of All.
I Wasn't Expecting That.
Learning About Her Powers.
Wonder Who That Could Be.
If Bruce Is Here Then Who's That.
That One Phone Call Can Change Everything.
We Could Be Wrong About This.
Meeting the Winchester brothers.
The Start To A Long Journey
Whats The Worst That Can Happen
Physical Test.
Mental Test.
Emotional Test.
Sneak Preview Of Sequel. Enjoy :)
The Interview

The Infinity Battle (Pt 1)

1.5K 57 2
Lowkey_Crazy द्वारा

Figure I should make the battle into 2 chapters so that its more longer and detailed, Hope you enjoy. Peace Ya'll :)

Thanos' P.O.V:

It was silent. All that could be heard was the sound of my soldiers getting impatient. They was ready for war and that's what they will get if they don't hand over the infinity Knife. They may think they are strong enough to take down my army, but they're not, I have different tricks up my sleeve. They may have been trained for battle but my soldiers were trained for murder. Its just a matter of time until I get to see my daughter after all these years. There is a lot of history that she doesn't know and a lot of traits she has gained from me and her mother. Her mother was a very talented witch. I just hope she got all her traits. We shall find out soon enough. If they don't come out. Were going in.

Izzy's P.O.V:

The plan that Steve made was smart, I just don't know if it was smart enough for Thanos to believe it.'' Okay let's Go'' Steve said as he placed his mask over his head and grabbed his shield. Everyone else grabbed their weapons and started making there way to the exit. As I was about to follow Steve grabbed my arms and smashed his lips up to mine. I wrapped my arm around his neck and I broke the kiss to take a breath. He stared into my eyes with his beautiful blue eyes.'' Are you ready?'' He asked. I nodded. Was I ready? Dude I think my goose bumps have goosebumps. I'm Fricking scared out of my pants. I am so not prepared for this. I just hope that Thanos doesn't see through the plan. I was brought out of my thoughts as a black bag was put over my head and something hard hit the back of my head and I fell unconscious.

Thanos' P.O.V:

Suddenly there was a sound from the tunnel and all my soldiers heads popped up. I then seen Thor carrying someone on his shoulder, All the rest of the team came out.'' A trade!'' Thor shouted.'' Your daughter for my brother.'' He stated. He threw the person who I soon realised was Issabelle onto the floor. She looked dead until she started moving around trying to get the restraints that were around her ankles and wrists off.'' Why would you think that I would risk the person that failed me under a mere mortal.'' I said chuckling at the end. He pulled the black bag that was over her head of and undone her restraints. She looked at me with complete fear in her eyes.'' But she isn't just a mortal, she's your daughter. Family means everything, even to you.'' Thor said coming forward and grabbing her up onto her feet. She got pushed over to a woman with Fiery red hair who I knew to be called Natasha. She pulled out a knife and stabbed her in the thigh. I gasped as she screamed in pain and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. She bulled the knife out of Isabella's leg and wiped it onto Isabelles trouser leg. I could see that Issabelle was shaking. He was right, she was my daughter. Family does mean everything but I couldn't show him any weakness.'' What about the infinity knife?'' I asked pulling my eyes away from her and onto Thor.'' It's right here'' He said.'' Well I accept that deal'' I said proudly walking up to a half way point with two soldiers either side. Thor walked up holding Issabelle in one arm and his hammer in the other. He threw her at my feet and the guard on my right bent down and helped her up.

Izzy's P.O.V

After Thor threw me to the ground I was being held by guard and all my weight was leaning onto my good leg. Thanos and Thor was talking and then I seen 6 guards holding Loki and Phoebe. Loki was all beaten up, lashes all over his body. I looked over at Cas and nodded. I suddenly felt my leg healing. I still had the knife in my hand. After my leg was fully healed I gave a small smile to Cas. I regained balance on both legs and swiped the knife through the guards neck. the commotion made Thanos turn around he chuckled '' I knew it was too good to be true'' He stepped closer and as he about to reach me I seen a shield hit him then Steve ran up to him and smashed his fist against Thanos' face. Thanos' face twisted to look at me and he gave a really wicked grin to me and turned around and seen that he was holding a gem in his hand. He closed his hand and opened it and Steve went flying back into the mountain.'' Steve'' I shouted as I ran over to were he landed. Thor came over.'' What happened?'' He asked.'' Thanos, I think he has an Infinity gem'' I said as I put his head in my lap. I looked down at Steve.'' He was right, were not going to win.'' I said looking back up to Thor.'' Get Cas to heal Loki and Steve and then we regroup back in the mountain.'' He said running off to tell the team. I placed Steve's head on the floor gently and ran off and told Cas what Thor said. He nodded and ran over to Loki. He touched Loki's forehead, he gasped as he sat up. I helped him up and into the mountain. Soon all the other came and I seen Steve. I walked up and gave him a massive hug. He split and I stepped in front of the team.'' Okay, Thanos has what looks like an Infinity gem. There is no way someone could take him down so we just have to avoid him for as long as we can. We take down the soldiers. Cap and Thor, You get the right side, Be careful.'' Thor and Steve ran out.'' Tony you take Clint and get him to some high ground. And you can both attack from the air. Cas you take the middle section. Bruce, You just go anywhere you can see groups of soldiers. Take them out. Nat, you and me are fighting the left side.'' We all ran out and took our positions. Thanos was no where to be seen. Clint fired an Arrow and it all started again. Except this time we started to get an advantage. We was all getting tired but we was getting somewhere, The number of living soldiers dropped. I seen Thanos on top of a weird flat rock. He seen me looking and grinned. Out of no where more and mkre soldiers came out of the ships that they came out. We heard a massive thud behind us and I turned around to see all The Fantastic Four stood there.'' Heard you could use some help?'' Johnny said stepping forward and winking.'' Okay, Johnny you help out Tony in the air and I'll help out Bruce'' The Thing said as he walked away over to the hulk.'' Were can we help?'' Sue asked walking up to me.'' You can come help me and Nat and Reed you can go help Steve and Thor.'' I said walking back into the battle. I continued fighting until I seen something fly past my head. I sent a fireball to the soldier that was next to me and seen a ship land next to the battle. I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly walked out but when I seen who it was a started sprinting and ran and gave her a massive hug.'' I have missed you so much Gamora'' I whispered. He gugged me back.'' Me too'' She said back. We was interrupted by someone coughing. I let go of her and tried to figure out who coughed.'' Down here!'' I head someone say. I looked down and seen a raccoon.''Since when did a raccoon talk?'' I asked chuckling.'' What did you-'' He was cut of by someone standing in front of him.'' Peter Quil'' He said sticking out his hand. I took it and shook it.'' Issabelle Barton'' I returned.'' This is Drax'' He said pointing to this muscly guy. I gave a small wave.'' And this is Rocket'' He said pointing to the Raccoon on the floor. I gave a small nod.'' And that's groot.'' He said pointing to this tall tree guy. I nodded and looked back at Quil.'' I take it you two know each other?'' He said pointing to Gamora.'' Long story, we don't have time to tell'' I said motioning for them to follow.'' Thanos has a huge army, bigger than i imagined, he also has a purple infinity stone. I have one too'' I said holding up the knife.'' You need to get rid of that'' Gamora said stepping forward.'' Look I know what it can do, but trust me, I can look after it.'' I said. Taking a tight grip. I heard someone running over and turned around and seen Steve.'' Whats up?'' I asked.'' It's Thor, He's been hit.'' Steve said panting.'' There defences have grown stronger, Tell Castiel to grab Phoebe from the mountain and take her home, Once he's back tell him to take Thor to Stark Tower. Tell him to tell pepper we need lots of ear pieces.'' I said. Steve nodded, can me a quick kiss and ran of to find Cas.'' You's help out anywhere you can.'' They nodded.'' I've got some business I need to attend to.'' I said looking over at Thanos.'' Need back up'' Peter said.'' I need a path.'' I said looking at him. He nodded and started making a path. Killing anything that got in our way, The rest of his team helped. There was a few that got threw their defence but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I suddenly got out of the crowd and looked up and seen Thanos looking around. There was a couple of steps to take. Every step I took my mind kept telling me to turn around. Soon enough I was at the top and Thanos had his back towards me.''This ends now Thanos!'' I shouted. He turned around. What the hell was that on his hand. It looked like a glove.'' I see you seen my new weapon.'' He said slowly walking up to me.'' How is a glove a weapon'' I asked cockily, raising one eyebrow. Wow. Were is all this courage coming from.'' Its called the infinity gauntlet, a very important and dangerous weapon that can be used to cause great harm. I gripped the knife hard in my hand. He reached his palm out and a flash of blue light came out. I dodged out the way and threw a fireball at his face. He ran towards me and i ducked out the way as i seen his fist come near my face. As i ducked i kicked his knee cap. I kept my distance as he got up. I froze his feet but a few seconds later he got out. Suddenly something dropped near my feet. I looked down and seen an ear piece. I picked it up and put it in my ear.'' The only way you can weaken Thanos is to stab him in his heart with the infinity knife'' Came Thor's voice.'' Got It'' I said quickly as dodged another fist. It just kept going on. Me dodging and him attacking. I looked around and seen that all the Avengers were slowly growing tired. There attacks were growing weaker. As I was distracted I felt a blow to my right side of my ribs and i went flying to the ground. Thanos must of kicked me when I was distracted. I stoo up and heard something crack. I gasped in pain. Something is definatley broken. I then heard peter yell.''Nooooo!'' I looked over at his direction and seen that he was looking at Gamora. Who had a massive spike through her chest. I knees collapsed, Tears trickled out my eyes. She was dead. My sister. She was dead.'' You see what happens when you chose the wrong side. People you love get hurt or even worse. This is your fault and you should accept that.'' I heard Thanos taunting. I looked over at the Avengers and seen that Cas, Clint and Nat were captured. Hulk was getting held down.'' One falls, they all fall'' I heard Thanos say. I pointed my hand out to Castiels sword and it flew into my arm. Everything just went fast after that. I couldn't see anyone, only Thanos. He was smirking. My hatred welled up inside me. I yelled and ran at him with my sword. After that it was a lot of attacking and he was deflecting. I knelt down and spun, slitting his thigh as I went around. He yelled up pain but as I got up he gripped my neck and lifted me into the air. The smashed me onto the ground. I looked in my right hand and see that the knife wasnt there any more. I frantically looked around until I seen it glistening. I slowly crawled over to the knife, My bones and muscles were acking. I reached my hand out and I was about to reach it when a floor clamped down in my hand. I yelled out in pain.'' Your so weak! I'm doing an act of good putting your out of your misery. He picked up the knife and lifted me up.'' Look at me when I take your life'' I disobeyed his orders and looked at all the avengers. They was either on the ground unconscious or held down. I found Steve and looked at him. He looked at me, I could see tears in his eyes. I mouthed to him ' I love you' And looked away. I heard Steve struggling against the soldiers. I looked up at Thanos and he plunged the dagger into my heart. I gasped as the pain flied through all my body. I heard Steve scream ' No!'' I heard another little fight and Thanos dissapeared. I was brought up onto some ones lap. I looked up and seen Steve looking down at me. Tears welling up in his eyes. I looked at all the Avengers and seen Clint. He was on his knees looking at me. He was crying. He crawled over and gripped my hand.'' Hold on Izzy'' Clint sobbed. Natasha pulled him away and gave held him in a hug.I looked at everyone around and seen that they all had a few tears in there eyes. Even rocket. I looked up at Steve.'' We got to get you to a hospital.'' He said trying to lift me up, but as he did. a shooting pain went through my body and i yelled in pain.'' I can't Steve.'' I said. My eyes were slowly shutting and I could feel myself growing tired.'' Please, You cant leave me. I love you Issabelle Barton. You kept this team together, we need you. I need you.'' Steve said. Tears streaming down his cheeks.'' I love you too.'' I said laughing. Which turned into a cough. I could feel something warm come out my mouth. It tasted like copper. Blood. I was dying. And I wasn't scared anymore.'' It's going to be Impossible for me to live without you'' Steve said.'' I told you..'' I said placing a hand on his cheek.'' There is no impossible with us.'' I said leaning up and giving him a kiss. Then Black.


Hey guys,

I know, I know. Your all gonna hate me. But just wait man. There is a sequel called 'Everyone has secrets'

It's not out yet but I have wrote the first chapter and im going to show a glimpse on the next chapter i do.

I've had so much fun writing the last few chapters and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Peace Ya'll :)

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