
By Rosiekillz

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Revenge is best served cold. Millie's mother packed up all of their belongings out of the blue one day and mo... More

Chapter 1: New Girl
Chapter 2: The Group
Chapter 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Chapter 4: Bad Girl Walking
Chapter 5: The Drive-In
Chapter 6: Spirit Week
Chapter 7: Cameron
Chapter 8: Changes
Chapter 9: Alex
Chapter 10: Musketeers
Chapter 12: Audition
CHAPTER 13: Halloween
Chapter 14: Breakups

Chapter 11: College

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By Rosiekillz

Alex had let us know he couldn't make it to the party after all, he had got in trouble for ditching school and couldn't leave his group home after 5pm. I was gravely disappointed because I had planned on making out with him on the dance floor.

So, come Sunday night, Colin drove us all to his college for the greatest night of our high school lives. Cam was in the passenger seat, and I sat in the middle between Kimmy and Marco. Our mission today was to kiss college guys and hopefully get Kimmy to feel better after the whole James situation.

I was wearing a tight white dress with one shoulder sleeve. The theme of the party was all white, so that was my inspiration for the look.

"You don't think this dress is too short? What if someone sees my underwear?" Kimmy asked, pulling down the dress I helped her pick out at the mall. Her body is really curvy and causes the dress to ride up.

"You look so hot, doesn't she look hot Colin?" I tap his shoulder for his attention. He was driving the latest Tesla and had it in self-driving mode.

"Gorgeous. I'd be all over you but then Millie would get jealous." He winked at me from the rearview mirror. I roll my eyes. He was hot but corny as hell.

I lean in to whisper in Kim's ear. "Don't worry I'll watch your butt and make sure it doesn't ride up."

Marco was pregaming next to us. He was taking smirnoffs like water and wearing white overalls.

"You guys are finding me a man tonight." He tells us with a slur. I grab his bottle and finish it. "I just wanna makeout with college boys." I grin.

"Millie, be careful. College guys are handsy." Cam points his finger at me. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a few buttons undone at the top.

"I'm right here baby." Colin called.

Cam flattens his lips and sways his head at his brother. "See."

I missed Alex like crazy, but it was also nice to have just the friends today, with no boy drama. I take another bottle of Smirnoff and reach over to hand it to Cam.

"Cammie. You're not the designated driver today. Drink."

"Sir yes sir!" He laughs while taking it. I've never seen him drink before; this would be fun to witness.

"Yayyy!" I say shaking his shoulder.

When we drive up to the frat house, it's completely packed with people. There's toilet paper on trees and bubbles flying everywhere like a bubble bath.

"Woah. This is insane." Marco says as we walk up the steps. Girls run by in their underwear and guys chase them with paint.

"Alex would've loved this." Cam jokes. Some of the girls were even naked.

"Are you checking them out?" I ask as we wait for the guys to let us in. There's a hint of jealousy in my voice.

He shakes his head. "I would never Millie. I am spoken for." Everything he said had a hint of sarcasm in it.

"Come on guys, they let us in." Colin becks us over, grabbing my hand. As soon as we get inside, he directs me towards the kitchen for more drinks, leaving the others.

The house was crowded with people as he held my hand tight so I wouldn't get lost in the sea. The kitchen was less occupied, with few people grabbing bottles on the counter. Colin grabs two red cups and fills them with beer.

"Bottoms up." We both down our drinks. He fills them again and this time I babysit mine.

"So, this is a college party? I'm unimpressed." I joke, looking around the room.

He chuckles. "You're really hot, you know that?" My body leans on the counter and he moves in front of me.

"You know I used you to get into this party, right?" The guy didn't matter to me anymore so I can be honest.

"I know. I don't mind being used when the girl looks like you." I blush at his compliment. Ever since my makeover I've had literally every hot guy begging for my attention.

A guy like Colin would never look at the old Millie but he was falling at the feet of the new Millie.

"I'm sorta with Alex." I admit. I mean technically I wasn't, but it was leading towards that. We've kissed numerous times now.

He laughs a little too hard. "Alex? That guy just likes to get laid."

I cross my arms. "Isn't that what you want too?"

"Obviously. I'd love to bang you." No surprise there. But I don't like that there could be some truth to what he just said. Did Alex just want to hit it and quit it?

"Well not happening. I like Alex." I reiterate.

Colin moves his head back a little in surprise. "My radar is off. I could have sworn you had a thing for my brother." How did he figure that? In what way did I look like I wanted Cam?

"What?!" I shake my head profusely. "I don't see him in that way, we're just friends."

He shrugs. "Just as well. You're too dangerous for him anyways."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I cross my arms with a huff.

"Come onnn." He drags. "You two are totally different." We were not that different, if anything we were very similar, he had no idea what our relationship entailed.

A few girls walk in the room and notice Colin.

They rushed over. "Collinnn! We missed you earlier!" One of the girls giggled. He had a groupie of girls, I wasn't surprised. This gave me an out though, so I slipped away when he began to entertain them. Thank you ladies.

It wasn't easy to maneuver myself in the crowd, I really needed a guy to direct me around. Where was Alex when you needed him? He'd push the people in my way and tell them to fuck off. I gulp the rest of my cup and grab the nearest guy.

"Hey, you go to school here, right?" I asked.

"Yeah! How's it going?" He was a hot college guy. Perfect, I need my college boy experience and I was feeling annoyed by the mention of Alex wanting to just get laid.

"Kiss me." I demanded. The guy pulls me in by the waist and lays one on me.

"Thanks!" He tries to keep talking to me, but I keep it moving. I never thought about going to college, it seemed pointless, but if nights were like this, I think I'd try it out. College was all about figuring yourself out and making new friends.

Hell, I could probably convince Kimmy to apply to the same community college as me. Oh but then I would have to actually apply myself in school and study for real this time. That sounded like a lot of work.

I found the others standing at the staircase by the keg. Cam was talking to a few college guys, making them laugh.

"Hey!" I yelled over the music to Kimmy.

"Milliiieee." She's drunk. Marco is dancing with a guy a few feet from us. They're all over each other, with hands roaming every which way.

"Marco!" I yell at him to get his attention and he pushes the guy off. Almost tumbling over the cups on the floor as he makes his way over to me.

"God, I hate him so much!" Marco whined in my ear, hanging on my shoulder.

"Who Cam?" I knew he had a crush on him and would get jealous a lot when he talked to other people.

He slurs his words and laughs. "No, I'm over him. I mean Jackson! He's always trying to one up me." The guy from his theater class that was trying to take the lead role. Marco was obsessed with the guy as of late and I think I know why.

"You're going to get the part, don't worry." I assure him. A part of me was really glad Marco was no longer into Cam. But now I was in his shoes, with the crush on my best friend and the feeling sucked. Kimmy jumps on me.

"Millie let's get drunk!"

"You're already drunk, Let me get on your level." I walked over to the keg where Cam and the guys were.

"Fill me up pleaseee." I tell the guy who's in charge. The guy is a part of the frat house, he has no shirt on, and red marker written on his chest with signatures.

"Girls have to kiss the cook and sign their name on me." He says with a wicked grin.

Cam laughs. "Don't worry they made me do it too." He's obviously joking.

I roll my eyes and sign my name on his abs, then I give him a kiss. It was wet and quick.


"Very. What's your name? I can't read your handwriting." I take my drink.

"It's Martha. Cam let's go." I didn't want to keep talking to the douche any longer than I had to. Cam follows without question.

"Those guys said I can join their frat." He smiles wide. Of course, he had gotten the guys to love him in the matter of 5 minutes.

"Are you a frat guy?" I peer over at him.

He shakes his head. "No way, I'm just a lovable guy. I spread myself with everyone."

"That sounds exhausting." I say.

Kimmy immediately snakes her arm around mine and we topple over to the next room where a group of guys are playing beer pong. She wanted to play the game and flirt with college guys.

The art of flirting was really simple. All a girl had to do was laugh at whatever the guy said and act a little dumb, so I strut towards the table.

"We call winners." I chipped at the guys.

"You girls wanna play now?" One asked.

"We don't know how to play." Kimmy lied. We had played loads of times in Cam's basement.

Kim and I face head-to-head with one frat guy each as our partners. They were teaching us how to play and getting behind our bodies to show us how to throw the ball properly. My guy had a huge build, like he worked out way too much. His muscles were pushed against my body, and I couldn't help but love it a little.

After a while I let Kimmy's team win and they celebrated their victory by making out. Then we rushed back over to Cam and Marco sitting on the stairs. Marco was very drunk, he was giving a full one-sided argument about how much Jackson annoyed him. And Cam just listened to his pleas.

"You let them win. That never would've happened on my watch." Cam tells me when I sit down next to him.

"I had to. I want Kimmy to have fun tonight." I grab my red cup and drink it.

"Don't ever lose on purpose when you're my partner."

My face blushes. "I would never. We're in it together."

"Got that right."

Kimmy is now dancing to the music with Marco, both completely wasted. How did they get drunk this fast? I had a light buzz.

She gets on top of a folded-out table and dances provocatively with Marco cheering her on. Cam looks at me with wide eyes, "She's coming down." He says standing up and grabbing her waist. He holds her like a bride and sets her down on the staircase.

"Kim, no more alcohol. You too Marco." Cam says taking their cups and putting them on the floor.

"Okay Dad!" Marco sneers.

He was being protective of them. Another side I don't think I've seen of him before. I take a swig from my red cup and look around the room. There was a dance floor in the middle with people grinding on each other.

"Let's dance Kim!" I say grabbing her hand. We both needed this.

"Find me a guy to kiss!" She giggles.

I poke a cute guy in the middle of the dance floor and get him to dance with us. After about three songs we get tired and leave the floor. Kim had a full makeout sesh with him but when he asked for her number, she rejected him. My influence was rubbing off on her.

"I miss Alex!" I yell in her ear.

"Let's take a picture and post it on my story so he can see." She says pulling out her phone. I nod eagerly. He needs to see what he's missing. We both get close and smile at the camera.

"That's hot. He better grovel." I snickered.

"Wait so are you guys like a thing or what?"

I smiled huge. "We made out. And then he told me he really likes me."

"Millie!! I'm so happy for you guys. Alex is the best guy ever."

"He's a good guy right? I won't get my feelings hurt?"

"I think you're the first girl he's ever wanted more with." She shrugged. Is that true?

Kim posts the picture and runs over to Cam to take a candid of him. He puts up a peace sign and smiles wide. Marco twerks for a video, and I post it on my story. A college guy comes over and sees us taking pictures and poses with us. He throws his arm over my shoulder, and I stick my tongue out. I hoped what Kim said was true because I really wanted Alex now more than ever.

And now I really wanted to go to college after I graduated.

"Cam!" I pull his arm over to me, so we are away from the pictures.


"Will you be my tutor?" I asked. The music was being changed at the DJ booth and now there was loud chatter and students yelling to turn it back on.

"Don't you have a deal with your tutor?" His face had a look of concern.

"Yeah but now, I want to go to college and to do that I need to graduate. Will you please be my second tutor?" His smile picks up.

"Of course Mills." I beam up at him. I loved that he never said no to me. My face was probably blushing like crazy, but I was pretty drunk now and I didn't care. My small crush on Cameron didn't mean anything, it was just something I had to deal with and eventually it would go away. Besides once Alex and I were official, it wouldn't really matter anymore.

The music gets turned back on and everyone cheers. "Caballo Dorado" Starts to play.

Kim, Marco and I all look at each other.

"Omg I love this song!" Kim grabs Marcos's hand. This song was a rite of passage for us Mexicans.

"Cam let's go!" I take his hand and rush him over to the dance floor.

"Wait. Mills I don't know the steps."

"Do you want me to write them down?" I grin at him with sarcasm.


"I'll show you." Cam follows my lead and I'm sure this is the first time I've seen him not know how to do something. He always knows how to do everything, and perfectly. Today was no expectation, he caught on fast. Kimmy and Marco were pros on the dance floor and we followed suit.

"Of course you're good at this." I grunt.

He smiles proudly. "I can't help it, I'm a natural born winner."

After the song ended a group of people ran by and splashed us with red and green paint. The party was all white for a purpose, so they could paint everyone like a rave. Marco looked like a painter more than ever with the white overalls.

"No! My dress!" I scream.

Cam laughs and smears the red paint from his shirt on my cheek. "War paint."

I smack his arm and ruffle his hair with the green paint I had on me. "Now you look like the Joker." His poor blonde hair was in complete chaos. This makes him even more playful and now I regret messing up his hair because he goes for my arm and wipes the paint up and down.

"Cameron! Stop, I'm sorry." I cry in laughter.

"Too late Millie. I'm out for blood." He responds. "Literally." With that he wipes both of his hands on my cheeks.

Marco pokes me on the shoulder. "We're going to the back, come on!" He yells over the music.

We headed for the backyard where a wet t-shirt contest was being held. The crowd swarmed through the house causing me to get pushed back and forth. Cam grabs my hand and holds tightly so I don't get lost. Our painted green and red hands become one color.

"Come on." He says firmly, pulling me through the crowd like a boyfriend. My insides are knotting, he's holding my hand and pushing people in our way. So hot. I loved his hands; they were something I stared at a lot whenever I got the chance.

Colin was, of course, judging the girls when we got outside.

"Should I enter?" Kim asked, looking at each of us with a giggle. Her eyes register the state of Cam and I covered in paint. "Jesus what happened to you two?"

"Millie attacked me. I was helpless." He answers. I did not! He started it.

"Let's go already." Marco says taking her with him. She stops to look at me.

"Millie come on." Waving me over. Sure, what the hell, I'm game. I step forward.

"Millie's going to ruin her dress." Cam spoke up. I turned my head and gave him a look. Why was he stopping me from going? My dress was already ruined, there's paint all over it.

"Cam?" I questioned, motioning my hands with a 'what the hell'. His eyes direct down at my chest. There wasn't paint in that region and it was obvious that I wasn't wearing a bra. My dress had thin fabric. I'd be giving the party a free show of my tits. I make an Oh face. Registering now why he was speaking for me.

"You guys go ahead; I'm not wearing a bra." I snicker at her.

Although now my mind is racing. Was Cam staring at my boobs at some point and noticed I wasn't wearing a bra? Did the cold air outside make my nipples hard enough for him to see? I'm reading too much into it.

"Are you coming to watch us audition on Monday?" He asked as they went up on stage.

"I forgot you were auditioning. The prince, right?" The grass beneath my heel was wet. People began cheering like maniacs and getting rowdy.

"Yeah, but I think I already got it. You know cause I'm so handsome and amazing." He flicks his hair.

"Right of course."

Cam turns to face me. "A Prince is always on duty, Millicent. 24/7. It never stops."

"Oh really? Well Prince Cameron, you need rest." He slumps his body on mine.

I have to catch his weight before he falls. "Cam! You're heavy!" I laughed. He was such a goofball. Every chance he got, he tried to make someone laugh, I loved that about him.

The contest begins with girls throwing water at the participants. Each contestant danced and the crowd cheered who they liked best. Cam and I cheered loudly when Marco and Kim danced. The judges ended up choosing the girls who had shown off their boobs. That would've been me with them had I gone up.

"You guys were hot!" I congratulated them when they met back up with us.

I was glad Kimmy was in a much better mood now. It was touch and go for a while. We had spent every day with her since the dumping, at Cam's house, comforting her. And Now I think she's finally okay.

After another hour Colin drove us all home and I made it just in time before my curfew. My mom and I had made a deal that on weekends I could be out till midnight just as long as I let her know every detail of what I was doing.

I couldn't get much sleep when I got home though. Stupid Cameron was running in my mind. I don't understand this crush at all. It was like one minute we were normal best friends and the next I'd notice his dimples and I'd get butterflies.

Was he really looking at my boobs or being a good friend? Who knows. It was probably a bad idea to make him my tutor with this little crush I had on him, but I needed it. I knew Cam was really smart and he's good at everything so having him show me how to do it would be easier.

I was also thinking about Alex too. I missed him so much today, I wished he would have come with us. He wants me to figure out what I want with him, and I think I have.

Screw the revenge plan. I accomplished what I wanted with Ryan and Danny. They were both hurt by me so there was no reason to keep going. I don't want to deprive myself of a guy just because I was hurt in the past. Even though I was hurt really bad.

Alex might be worth the time and effort. I knew he was a good guy and I think I could trust him with my heart. We'd have to take things slow though. My heart was too fragile, and I didn't want him to break it. What if he dumped me after we had sex? Oh, I don't want to think about that.

But I want this now. I want to let my guard down and let Alex all the way in. He wants to be in a relationship, and I was scared of it but now I want it too. I've missed him all day and I just want to run into his arms already to tell him let's take on the world. Alex, you're mine now.

The next morning, I woke up tired and hungover. I don't think I'll ever leave my bed again; I just want to lay here and sleep off this headache.

My phone dings, letting me know I had a notification from Instagram. Turning my body over I picked it up and scrolled through my likes from the story I posted of Marco twerking.

We had such a blast last night I can't wait to go to more parties with them. I checked Cam's Instagram story, he had posted a selfie of him in the car, how cute. Marco had posted us drinking smirnoffs and a pic of all of us together.

Kimmy posted the most last night. She had the pic of us smiling, then the group photo, a photo of Cam, and a video of me kissing the guy at the keg stand. I sat up immediately. Oh no what if Alex saw this?

I see that Alex had posted a story as well. When I clicked on it, I watched a video of his hand holding a beer up. Was he at a party last night too? I thought he couldn't go out. Now I needed to get to the bottom of this. I saw he tagged one of his friends at the bottom of the picture, so I clicked on his name.

That led me to a guy named Sawyer who had posted a recent picture on his feed of him with two girls. It was captioned 'Sick party with sick chicks'. I clicked on the girls that were tagged and that led me to watching both of their stories. There was a party last night. Why didn't I hear about this?

One of the girls posted a video of her friends dancing by a pool and cheering. I stalked their profiles as well. That's when I landed on a girl's page named Bethany. She posted a picture of a guy's hand on her lap. She tagged Alex, and it was captioned 'When you watch the stars together.." Insinuating they were on a date or something.

I'm livid. He had lied to us and ditched us for another party to be with another girl. Are you fucking kidding me? I spent all night missing him and for what? For him to go off and fuck other girls. Why the hell was I so willing to give him a chance? God I was so stupid.

A cute boy showed me attention and I caved. He made it seem like he liked me, like really liked me. I thought he was crazy about me, but I was just another girl he wanted to bang. I wasn't special, I wasn't changing him or having him all to myself. No, I was the hot new girl he couldn't wait to fuck.

I wanted to cry. Here I was, throwing away my revenge for a boy who I thought genuinely showed interest in me, just for it to be another game. Another notch on his belt. Why would Kimmy tell me he was good when he wasn't?

This was my fault; I should've known this would happen. This was Alex after all. You can't change a tiger's stripes. He's the guy that sleeps around and when I told him I wanted to take it slow, he bounced. Well screw him then. The revenge plan is back on.

After an hour of getting ready in the mirror, I snuck out of the house and made my way for one of the boys I had been flirting with back and forth on Instagram. I had told my mom I was sick, so she let me go to school a little later.

His name was Ben, and he was one of the boys who had replied late like Felipe did. I never messaged him back until today, telling him we should meet up and have some fun. Ben was on the football team and wrestling team. He was a big jock who would flirt with multiple girls on the regular during classes.

I had witnessed a girl crying over him a few weeks ago and I made a mental note of it. So, I met him at his house while his parents had already left for work, and he took me to his room. Ben was entertaining multiple girls at the same time, and he was known to never settle down, he liked to get his dick wet.

And honestly, I could use the experience. If Alex could sleep around, why couldn't I?

"Millie Gomez." He slurred, wavering his eyes over my body as I sat on his bed.

"Are we gonna fuck or not?" I say impatient. I don't care for small talk with a guy who has one brain cell.

He chuckles, stalking over for me to look up.

"So the rumors are true? You like to sleep around?" I slept with one guy. Who was spreading these false accusations?

"I like to have fun." I grab his pant button and pull them down.

"Man, you're like my dream girl. Hot and ready to go." He says holding my hair up as I pleasured him.

Getting up now, I take off my clothes and he takes his off with me.

"Don't wear a condom." I say getting on top.

He smiles wide. "God, you're amazing." I wanted to feel it raw for the first time and get the real experience. Sex shouldn't just be for the man; it should be for the woman too. And I didn't care about Ben at all to worry about how he felt. I was going to use the hell out of him to release my frustrations of Alex.

I rode him for my own pleasure. The satisfaction of doing something strictly for my own benefit was exhilarating. Once he comes, I wait for him to be ready so we can go again. The sex was all about me today. If guys can use girls for their own selfish desires, then I will too.

I left his house as soon as I got what I wanted out of him. He had given me money for Plan B just in case and I wasn't going to risk it. So, I went to the nearest CVS and bought one.

Ben texted me when I got to school asking when he would see me again. He sent multiple texts saying this.

"I have to see you again Millie, you rocked my world."

"Did you fall out of the sky, because your god sent."

"No girl has ever fucked me like that, I think I'm in love."

I ignored all his messages. It was a one time thing and it worked out better than I could ever have anticipated. He was into me more than I was into him. And I would treat him like he treats his girls, like another notch on my belt. 

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