Redemption of the Moon God

By FeetPepper

382 68 3

This is the sequel to Tasks of the Moon Goddess. Here we follow Addison Murphy, daughter of the King and Quee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 25

10 2 0
By FeetPepper

As soon as I got into the water I felt his hands between my legs. It has been so long I wasn't used to the intrusion. When his mouth touched me I moved my legs to hang over the rim giving him full access. 

I could feel his hands in my hair and realized they were his actual hands. He was massaging my head as he gave me head.

"Are you ready for bed," he whispered.

"Help me up," I commanded.

"Did you just try to command me?" He asked

"Sorry. Bad habits," I said.

"I thought it was hot," he said.

He helped me out of the tub then dried me off. We walked to the bedroom and my water broke. I grabbed his hand as the cramps started again.

"What was that," he asked.

"My water," I said.

He mindlinked someone leaving me freaking out. I wasn't ready. This was all happening too soon. When this was done, I would have a baby. I wasn't ready for a baby. I wanted my mom. 

"Jace, I want my mom," I said.

"So get your mother. The doctor said we have to measure how long the contractions are, then go to the hospital when you have painful contractions lasting one minute each occurring every five minutes for more than two hours," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Go get your mother," he said.

"Come with me," I say.

"No. I have to make sure you come back," he said. " Hurry up."

I teleported to Shadow Moon to find my mother. As soon as I landed I had another contraction. I felt a hand rub my back and knew it was Jace. 

Me: I don't see her.

Jace: let's look around. Start at the pack house.

I went to the pack house holding his hand. No one was downstairs. My parents' rooms were on the third floor. I was not about to climb all those stairs. I teleported up and almost lost my balance on the top step. Jace caught me.

I knocked on the door. My father answered. 

"What's up, Addy?" He asked.

"I'm going into labor. I need Mom," I said.

"Come in. Take a seat," he said.

I sat in my mother's recliner. The same one she has at the palace. It has a get you up mode that would help me when it's time to leave. 

"When did your labor start?" He asked.

"My water just broke," I said.

"Are you sure you didn't just pee?" He asked.

"Dad. You're not funny. Where's Mom?" I asked.

"She putting your brother down," he said.

"So you're officially making me a grandfather. I don't feel that old," he said. "Do I look it?"

"No Dad," I say.

Jace: Hurry up, Addy. The doctor wants to see you.

Me: What? Why?

Jace: Because you're early.

"Dad, can you please go get her?" I asked.

"In a minute. Is he here?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"Your mate. The Moon God," he said. "I'm not stupid Addy. Í know he's your mate and the father of MY grandchild," he said.

"Dad, please. I can't do this with you right now," I said.

"Touch my wife again and you're a dead man," my dad said.

I struggled to get up so Jace came and helped me. My father grabbed his arm. They started tousling. 

"Mom!" I yelled. "Mom please!"

They bumped into me, sending me crashing to the floor. I screamed. I crawled to the couch to get up. My mom finally came out.

"What's going on out here?" She asked.

Then she saw me on the floor and rushed over. She helped me get up and I started crying.

"Viktor! Stop it. You knocked over your pregnant daughter," she shouted.

He looked surprised and started towards me with his arms outstretched. We saw him get restrained, his arms pinned behind his back.

"Jace stop," I yelled.

"I knew it!" My dad yelled triumphantly. 

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" My mother said to me.

I told her why I was there and what happened with dad and Jace. She looked a little guilty and I knew why. She couldn't tell him he had nothing to worry about without confessing to having the bond all that time.

"Maybe I should have a talk with your father. Can you wait for me?" She asked.

"The doctor wants to see me now," I said.

"What do you want to talk about, Joyana?" My father asked.

"Forget it. I'll go," I said not wanting to sit through this.

"Addy wait," my mother said. "I have to go Viktor. We'll talk later."

I grab her hand and teleport her to our house. Jace was there waiting. I grab him then teleport to the hospital. I was starting to get tired.

"I didn't know you could do that," my mother said.

We had to wait for a room as my contractions started speeding up. I grinned and bore it as the pain went through me. A nurse came and took us to a room.

My mother was on my left side while Jace was on my right. When the doctor came and examined me, he said it wouldn't be long. I was really thirsty but I was only allowed ice chips. I couldn't wait to get this over with.

Twenty three hours later, we were welcoming Michael Jericho Devereaux. His name was a mouthful but it suited him. He clearly took after his father. 

"You did so good, sugar," Jace said. "He's perfect."

I was checking out his hands and feet when a wave of exhaustion hit me. I wrapped him up again and handed him to Jace. I was out within five minutes.


I was woken up an hour later for a demonstration on breastfeeding. It was recommended that I do so for the first six months. I was so tired I don't think I fully appreciated or comprehended the tutorial. Luckily, Jace was paying attention. I could always rely on him.

I fed my baby for the first time then went back to sleep. I was up and down all day feeding the baby. My mom stayed with me all three days in the hospital. I teleported her home once we got settled in the house.

Jace was my rock through this entire ordeal. Even my mother was impressed by his dedication and attentiveness. I have a week before my body starts getting back to normal.

Abby was the first to visit followed closely by Aiden. They both gushed over the baby while I was in and out of sleep. Jace seemed full of energy. He must have some reserve he can draw from in emergency situations.

After my week was up, I got out of bed and took a long hot shower. The water felt so good I must have stayed there for an hour. After drying off and dressing, I went downstairs to the kitchen where Jace was making breakfast with Michael on the floor. I took him out of his carrier to see if he was hungry.

I put him in the skin to skin wrap Jace bought for me. I watched as he latched and fed with no help from me.

"This has got to be the best invention since the button," I said.

Jace chuckled, "why the button?"

"That's all I could think of," I said honestly.

"Do you want eggs with your pancakes?" He asked.

"Yes with toast," I said.

"Coming right up," he said.

"Jace? I want to go for a run today," I said.

"Okay. You can go with Abby," he said.

"I would prefer to go with you," I said.

"Someone has to watch Michael," he said. "I'm not ready to leave him with anyone."

"Not even Felicia?" I asked.

"Not yet, sugar. We just got him," he said.

He served breakfast putting butter on the table. I butter my toast then my pancakes. I stole a piece of bacon from his plate.

"There's more if you want some," he said.

"No thank you," I said.

I rushed through breakfast ready to go for my run. When I was done, Jace took my plate to the kitchen. 

"Abby should be here in five minutes," he said.

He took off his shirt and put the wrap on. I kissed my tiny bundle of joy on the head then ran upstairs. I took off my shorts and put on sweats, a tank top, socks and shoes.

I came back down as she arrived. I gave her a big hug then watched as she ogled Jace. What was that about? I walked over and gave Jace a possessive kiss showing her just who he belongs to. He smiled his appreciation.

Jace: What was that?

Me: I don't like people ogling what's mine.

Jace: I'm enjoying the benefits.

Me: Knock it off.

I pulled away from Jace and kissed Michael again.

"Shall we?" I asked Abby.

She threw a look at Jace then said, "yes."

We left the house and headed to the north woods. We shed our clothes then shifted. It felt so good to transform. I revelled in the sweet ecstasy of the pain. It felt so good to stretch out.

As soon as I transformed, I took off. I ran hard and fast as my legs would let me, loving the feel of the wind in my fur. I came to a clearing and smelled another wolf near. It was a familiar smell.

I looked around and found a black wolf. But it wasn't Jace. Abby's brown wolf caught up and she yelped when she looked at me. She transformed and I saw her lovely figure. I didn't look so nice naked anymore. I had to get back in shape.

I transformed anyway. 

"There's a black wolf over there," I said.

"It's probably Aiden," she said. "He's not as big as Jace."

"Is that why you yelped?" I asked.

"No. That was because of you," she said. "Your eyes are red. Just like Jace's."

"What?" I asked.

I tried to find a body of water to look when I ran into the black wolf again. His eyes were amber. He was growling at me. Abby transformed again and so did I. 

I was torn between running back and looking for water. Abby started heading back so I followed her. I let her lead the way. Once there she transformed.

"Wait. I have a mirror," she said.

I sat down and waited for her to show me. She got her purse and pulled out a compact mirror. I looked and saw my red eyes for myself. 

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was this because I was mated to Jace or did it mean something more? I had to get answers. I transformed then got dressed. I quickly made my way back home saying goodbye to Abby.

Before I could say anything to Jace, my phone rang. I saw that it was Ezra and picked up.

"I told you I would call if I saw anything changing so I am," he said.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Depends on how you look at it I suppose," he said. "Just promise me one thing."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Don't spoil things for mom," he said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I gotta go. Good luck Addy," he said then hung up.

I looked at my phone in confusion. Then I noticed some roses on the floor. I picked them up. Then I saw tulips, carnations and baby's-breath. Someone had spread a bouquet all the way up to my bedroom.

I went in there and saw flowers everywhere. There were even lilacs in Michael's bassinet. I looked in the adjoining bathroom but couldn't find them anywhere. I started looking everywhere but didn't see them. Finally I went back to the kitchen and there kneeling by the stove was Jace.

"I thought about it and decided you deserve the world. A better world than we have now. I look at you and see my future. It's full of laughter and love with many kids running around. Marry me, Nick Devereaux, and we can build this world together," he said.

I wiped the tears out of my eyes then bent down and kissed him. I kissed him until we were winded.

"I never wanted anything more than to be your wife, but I would rather marry Jace. To him I say yes," I said.

He put the ring on my finger then kissed me again. We made love on and off for the next few days. He didn't go to work, just stayed home with us.

Then one day, he climbed out of the love bubble saying he had to go. There was a incident involving Aiden and he had to go assess the damage.

"Aiden is injured?' I asked.

"That's what I'm going to find out," he said.

"Be careful please," I said as he kissed Michael then me.

"I will. See you soon," he called heading out the door.

Abby came over not five minutes later. She looked distressed. I had Michael in his carrier. I was gently rocking him.

"Can you believe it? Aiden is the second strongest wolf in our pack. I hope Jace stays safe," she said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You didn't hear. I thought Jace would tell you," she says.

"He only said there was an incident involving Aiden. What happened?" I asked.

"If he didn't tell you, I don't think I should," she said.

Jace? Can you please tell Abby it's okay to tell me what happened?

I could see Abby mindlinking someone. Assuming that it was Jace, I patiently waited to hear what happened.

"Jace said I could answer your questions about what happened," she said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"There was an attack on the North side where we were running the other day. Aiden appears to be injured, but I haven't seen him yet," she said.

"How many were there?" I asked.

"I think they said ten, but one is too many," she said.

"Do they know what they wanted?" I asked.

"That's the thing. Every single person they caught suicided," she said.

"That's insane. Who would have their men do such a thing?" I asked.

"Well they have their suspicions but that's a different conversation," she said. "Let's stick to the issue at hand."

"I'm asking who would do this," I insisted.

"And I'm telling you that I don't know," she said.

"Speculate," I commanded.

"It could have been the Greenleaf pack but I don't know," she said then looked at me with wide eyes. "You can't do that to me. I thought we were friends."

"I can and I did," I said. "Friendship is not involved. So why do you think Greenleaf would do this? They're not even nearby."

"It was just speculation. I'm sorry Addy, but think I better go now," she said.

"But we were just getting started," I said.

She was mindlinking someone so I waited until she was done. It turned out to be a long conversation. I wondered if she was telling on me. I sat down as I was growing tired.

When she was done she said, "I have to go. Jace will not be home tonight. He said to lock up and expect Giselle in the morning."

"Abby, could you-," I started.

"No Luna. I have to go. Alpha's orders," she said.

She left before I could say anything else. I was nervous to be in the house by myself with the baby. Jace had always been there to help me. I doubted I would get any sleep.

The next morning, I woke up exhausted. Michael kept me up all night long. I was tempted to get someone to come over and watch him while I slept. Jace wouldn't be happy with that.

Jace: How'd you sleep?

Me: Horribly, when are you coming home?

Jace: It's going to be a few days.

Me: I'm thinking of going to Shadow Moon.

Jace: No. Don't leave pack lands especially with Michael.

Me: I can just teleport.

Jace: No Addison. His immune system is still developing.

Me: Well I need some help here. I hadn't planned on being a single mom.

Jace: It's a few days. 

Me: What does a few mean?

Jace: I'm thinking three.

Me: Can you visit?

Jace: I really need my full focus on this. I can try in the middle of the night but you'll be asleep.

Me: Wake me up.

Jace: I will try. I have to go now. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

He cut the mindlink.

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