Redemption of the Moon God

By FeetPepper

380 68 3

This is the sequel to Tasks of the Moon Goddess. Here we follow Addison Murphy, daughter of the King and Quee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 23

11 2 0
By FeetPepper

I couldn't wait to have my baby which would be in about a month. I was having a difficult time getting comfortable anymore. Jace bought me a special pillow that sat me up in bed. It really helped me sleep.

Abby came over when Felicia left to keep me company. We did our school work together then she told me the latest pack gossip. I don't know how she knew so much about everything but I guess she gets around.

She reported that Johnny has done a complete one eighty changing his philandering ways. He was taking his training to heart and had sworn off women until he meets his mate. This disappointed Abby because she was hoping to date him when he cleaned up his ways. I can't help but feel a little used, but at least it benefited Johnny. 

I started tuning Abby out after I heard that. Seems she had an agenda telling me things. If she wanted something done she could talk to Jace herself. She got her chance when Jace came home early one day. He walked in and kissed me before greeting Abby.

"How's it going, Abby?" He asked.

"Not so good. As I was telling Addy, Amelia isn't doing so well," she says. "I think she's depressed."

"She should talk to Dr. Shaffer then," he said."

"I don't know if that's going to help. She's lonely," Abby said.

"Why don't we get a social group together? You can be in charge," Jace said."

"I like that idea but I'm not sure she'll join. I thought Addy could befriend her. They both seem kinda lonely," Abby said.

"You think Addison is lonely?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I said.

"I want to hear from Abigail," Jace said.

At this point I was getting irritated. Sure I could use more people around but I was about to have a baby. I couldn't deal with a lonely, depressed person. Could I?

"Well, she just seems to miss her family a lot and she doesn't seem very interested in what I have to say. She's not engaging," she says.

"That is because I don't need you using me to get the things you want from Jace," I said.

"What? I don't need you to talk to Jace," she said.

"She comes to me with her problems, Addison. Why did you think she was using you?" Jace asked.

"Because of the Johnny situation," I said.

"Addison, Abby wasn't the only one to come to me about Johnny and while I appreciate your input, getting him more involved in the pack was brilliant, but I was already on it," he said.

"Maybe I vent to you too much, but I just try to let you know what's going on around you because you lock yourself away all the time," Abby said.

 "I don't lock myself away. I've been trying to do something around here and Jace says 'when you have the baby you'll have plenty to do'. I don't just want to be barefoot and pregnant all the time," I say.

"Who wants you barefoot and pregnant?" Jace asked. "I meant that you would have plenty to do around the pack because you will. I didn't want to overload you now when you're about to pop. Did you really think I meant the baby would keep you busy?"

I nodded my head.

"Oh, sugar. I'm so sorry. I should have been clearer. Can you forgive me?"

"Seems it's you who has to forgive me for being so dense," I said. "I'm sorry Abby. You've been great. I shouldn't have assumed."

"We'll blame it on the pregnancy brain," she said.

I laughed.

"Would you like to stay for dinner, Abby?" Jace asked. "We're having…?"

"Crab cakes," I said. "I'm having a craving."

"I thought you can't have shellfish," Jace said.

"Raw shellfish. You can get some fresh crab from Maryland. I always wanted to try it."

"Would you like to have crab cakes with us?" Jace asked again.

"I would like that," she said. "I wouldn't mind going to Maryland either."

"Let's go," Jace says, holding out his arm.

He held out his arm to me but I just sent them on their way. I wanted to hang out alone to take all of this in. I can't believe I was so wrong.

Jace: Why did you stay home?

Me: I just need time to think.

Jace: Don't hurt yourself.

Me: Ha ha. Very funny.

Jace: I love you.

Me: Me too.

Jace: You love you too?

Me: Yes. You're okay.

Jace: I'm wounded.

Me: Hurry up.

I felt the mindlink close as I felt another one open.

Aiden: So you're here.

Me: You're a little late.

Aiden: How long have you been here?

Me: Almost two months. Where have you been?

Aiden: Away on pack business. Can I come see you?

Me: Jace isn't here right now.

Aiden: Perfect. I'm coming over.

Not two minutes later he was knocking on the door. I opened it and he stepped in. He looked just as handsome as ever though his hair was a little longer than usual.

He gave me a hug then kissed me on my cheek. He rubs my belly and smiles when he feels a kick. Then he grabs my face and kisses me. His kiss is so sweet and he tastes so good I almost forget he's not mine.

I take a step back and look at him. I touch his face and he kisses my palm. "I love you," he says, as he snuggles my hand.

"You're not here are you?" I ask.

"I figured it was safer this way. No scent," he says. "It feels the same."

"Not to me. I want to smell you and touch your face," I said.

"Come here," he said. "I'm going to take you to bed if you do."

"We can't," I said. "I'm so pregnant."

"I don't care," he said, leaning down and kissing me deeply.

I can't do that to Jace. I love him too much," I said.

"Do you or is that just the mate bond? Think about it and then let me know," he said, before disappearing.

Jace: We're ready.

I pulled them back. Abby looked windswept and happy. Jace was holding a few bags full of ingredients. He let go of Abby and put the bags on the counter. After he emptied them, he got started on dinner. He was making crab cakes on a brioche bun with twice fried french fries, a sriracha aioli, a garlic aioli and a simple side salad.

Abby jumped right in to help him while I sat and watched. Dealing with live crab is not something I was willing to do. Fifteen minutes until dinner, the doorbell rang. I started to get up to answer but Jace stopped me. In walked Aiden.

They shook hands then he came over to me. I went to get up and he stopped me. He leaned over and hugged me. I took a huge whiff of his amazing scent. Abby concentrated on cooking.

"Anything I can help with?" Aiden asked.

"No. We got it. Why don't you sit down with Addy. She could use the company," Jace said.

"So, how much time do you have left?" Aiden asked.

"Three weeks, but I'm ready now," I say. "She's kicking. You want to feel?"

I grab Aiden hand and place it on my belly. He could feel the little foot going and looked amazed.

"Wow! You're having a girl?" He asked.

"No. Addy just wants a girl. We decided to wait until birth to know the sex," Jace said.

"Did you pick out names yet?" Aiden asked.

"We have a few, but haven't narrowed it down yet," I said.

"Maybe we can all choose together," Abby chimes in. "I'm sure there's a clear winner."

"Okay. We vote on three. For the boy, we were thinking, Michael, Bryce or Jericho.

All three said Jericho while I said Michael.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"It's a moon name. Like his," Abby said.

"Yeah well Michael means who is like God. That would be his son, no?" I said.

"She's making a good point," Aiden said.

"She makes lots of good points," I say.

"She sure does," Jace says, kissing my lips and I smile.

"You two are so cute," Abby said.

Jace starts to put everything on the table. I'm so hungry I started serving myself. I got two crab cakes and loaded them with salad and both aiolis. I got some fries, ketchup and sat back down.

"You want a beer, Aiden?" Jace asked.

"Yes please," Aiden replied.

I patiently wait for everyone to settle with their plates, picking at my fries.

Be careful with the crab cakes. I tried to get all of the shells but you never know," Jace said.

We dig in. It tastes so good I almost forgot to give the girl names. I wait until the conversation starts again. 

"This is delicious," Abby says. "I love your cravings. I love Jace indulging in them."

"There's so many reasons to love him," I said.

"So what are the girl names," Aiden asked.

"I'm glad you asked. For a girl we have Layla which means night. Neoma which means new moon. Finally we have Diana which means divine," I said. "One, two, three."

Everyone said Diana. I was very happy about that.

"My mother once masqueraded around as Diana," I said. "That's who my dad fell for."

Abby laughed.

"Jace?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"What's your last name?" I asked, feeling foolish. I know Nick's last name but not his.

"I don't have one," he said in between bites.

"Really? Then what are we going to call our children?" I asked.

"Well, we could call them Devereaux like Nick or just use your name," he says. "Legally my name is Nick Devereaux."

"Nick is the name you were masquerading as," I said.

"And who you fell in love with," he said.

"Excuse me for a minute. I went back into the kitchen and grabbed a brownie mix. I preheated the oven then began mixing my ingredients in a bowl. I poured the mix in a buttered pan then put it in the oven, setting the timer.

I went back to the dining room where everyone was looking worried.

"Sorry. We almost forgot dessert," I said, taking my seat.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to be so cavalier about it," Jace said. "I just thought it was funny how alike your parents we are."

"I guess it is funny," I said. "I didn't realize it still bothers me."

Aiden: So it's Nick you love, not Jace.

Me: Don't be silly. They're the same person.

Aiden: Look me in my face.

I looked up at him and saw the hope there. It was heartbreaking.

Me: I can't be with you. Not while I'm pregnant.

Aiden: So after you have the baby? I can wait.

Me: I make no promises.

He starts smiling while chewing. "These crab cakes are delicious. Thank you for inviting me to dinner."

"Anytime Aiden. You know you're always welcome here," Jace said.

"Thank you, Alpha," Aiden said. "Much appreciated.

"Yes thank you Alpha. I had a great day today," Abby says.

I hear the timer go off and struggle to get up. Jace gets up and squeezes my shoulders.

"Allow me, sugar," he says, then makes his way to the kitchen.

I picked at the fries on my plate while waiting for Jace to come back.

"So Aiden, was your mission successful?" Abby asked.

"For the most part. Not everything worked out as we planned but after making some adjustments, we got the job done," he said.

"What job?" I asked.

"Just something for the pack. No big deal," he said.

Jace walks back in. "Who's ready for dessert? We're having brownie à la mode"

Everyone says they are and Jace heads back into the kitchen.

"Is it a secret?" I asked.

"No, but you should be talking to Jace about it," he said.

"He always says I'm not ready," I said

"There you go," Aiden said. "It's not my place to fill anyone in on pack business. That's Alpha's job."

"You're second in command," I point out. "How is it not your place? And how come Abby can know I can't?"

"Abby is a full fledged pack member and you are not," Jace said, carrying a tray. 

He served the desserts then took his seat. I noticed he has given me more than anyone else. Three scoops instead of two and a large piece of brownie with whipped cream.

"Are you giving Beta Aiden a hard time?" He asked.

"Of course not. When are you going to make me a full fledged pack member?" I asked.

"If I'm honest, maybe never," he said.

Our guests start to look uncomfortable.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because of who your parents are. I don't think you'll ever align with our mission here," he said.

"So I'm just supposed to live here with everyone having secrets from me?" I ask. "You'll have my children do the same?"

"Our children," he said. "Perhaps we should discuss this later. When we don't have company.

I ate in silence, absolutely fuming while the three of them chatted. Abby kept making furtive glances at me. Jace even seemed tense. The only one at ease was Aiden.

After our guests had left I turned on Jace. I opened my mouth to yell at him and he used the opportunity to kiss me. I bit his lip and he moaned. Blood was smeared on both of us by the time he stopped.

"Why don't you take a bath while I clean up. Then we can talk," he said.

I reluctantly went upstairs and got a nightgown. I drew a bath and got in the hot water. It felt so good. I could feel Jace massaging my legs and feet making me instantly relax.

I got a washcloth and began washing my body. Jace took it from me and got my back massaging it as he went. I was so relaxed I almost fell asleep.

I got out and dried myself off. I put on my nightgown and climbed into bed. I was asleep within five minutes.

I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach. It felt like the worst cramp of my life. When I had the second one I started to freak out. 

I woke Jace up and squeezed his hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I think I'm going into labor," I said. "Get me to the hospital."

"Let me put on some clothes and you can teleport us," he said.

"I don't know where your hospital is located," I said.

"Hold my hand and I'll show you," he said.

He grabbed my hand then guided me astrally to the hospital. Once I got the location down, I teleported us. The staff was expecting us as he had mindlinked them so we were shown right to a room.

Once examined, the doctor told me I had a case of Braxton Hicks and should not return until my water broke. I was so embarrassed, but he said it's common and nothing to be ashamed about.

I hugged Jace and teleported us home. I was ready to have my baby but that scared me. I didn't expect it to feel like that and that wasn't even the real thing.

"What's on your mind?" Jace asked.

"I don't think I'm ready to have the baby," I said. "I was so scared just now."

"Why don't you talk to your mother about it? How many times has she done it?" He asked.

"Six. I guess she is an expert. I'd rather talk to her in person though," I said.

"So teleport or drive over there," he said. 

"Can't you have someone drive me?" I ask.

"Most of the people I trust with you are going to be in a meeting tomorrow. If you're not in a rush, I can drive you tomorrow afternoon," he said.

"Alright. That will work," I said.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you," I said.

"Try to get some sleep," he said.

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