The Girl With The Shimmering...

By AlyssaCampbello

7.6K 192 234

Glimmer volunteers in the 74th Hunger Games. It's something she's always supposed to do. She was born for thi... More

The Reaping
The Capitol
The Tribute Parade
The Training Center
The Private Session
The Interviews
The Arena
The Bloodbath
The Tracker Jackers
The Poison
The Death Of A Loved One
The Love Triangle
The Mutts
The Reaping #2
The Capitol #2
The Tribute Parade #2
The Training Center #2
The Private Session #2
The Interviews #2
The Arena #2
The Bloodbath #2
The Tracker Jackers #2
The Poison #2
The Death Of A Loved One #2
The Love Triangle #2
The Feast #2
The Mutts #2

The Feast

254 6 12
By AlyssaCampbello

Sorry for the delay, school is killing me. I apologise for the short chapter and also please don't kill me (ItsSoulFury I'm looking at you). Also - would any of y'all be interested in a love triangle fic between Glimmer x Cato x Clove inspired by the Taylor Swift universe August x James x Betty?

I slowly opened one eye. It was pitch black and I couldn't even see my own hand. A cold breeze made my arms shiver but the rest of my body was weirdly warm. My eyes started to adjust after a while and I could see Cato's outline on my right side. He didn't hold me but we laid close enough to radiate body heat. I was facing someone else though. We were lying really close and I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. She was holding me in her sleep and it made my heart pound. She was so sweet, I couldn't possibly understand why she kept that bitchy act up for so long. I snuggled closer to her, hiding my face in her neck. She smelled so good, despite the lack of showers out here. I let out a deep sigh. This would be perfect if it wasn't for the fact that this was a game, a very lethal game. I wished I could just stay here forever with the girl I really liked and the guy I had been growing very close with since the start. I wished for Marvel to be here too. I missed him so much. My heart ached every time I thought about the boy. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. I let out a quiet sob but quickly stopped to not wake my teammates. But Clove had heard me crying and moved even closer to me. "What's wrong?" she whispered. She sounded so tired and I felt a rush of guilt. "I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm sorry" I half sobbed back. She kissed my forehead and stroked my head while saying "It's okay Glim, really. Now tell me what's wrong". Her voice was so soft. I was quiet for a second before telling her how much I missed Marvel. We weren't supposed to talk about it, we weren't even supposed to feel it. But I did. "I will slice that bitch Katniss's throat with my own knife, mark my words. She's going to die a slow and painful death" Clove said with a hard voice. I realised she missed him too, she was just hiding it better with hate. Most people would be scared of her but.. I only liked her more for saying it. We would avenge Marvel's death, she would pay for taking him from us. I traced my fingers over her face until I felt a swelling that was her lips. The kiss was slow, only filled with love and thankfulness. "Go to sleep sunshine. We have a big day tomorrow" I said when we broke apart. She scuffed but did indeed go back to sleep.

We packed the few things we had left after the explosion. The sun hadn't even begun to rise but we had a long way to walk and we wanted to be there before the other tributes. We had gone through the plan last night and I felt good about it. Cato was supposed to scout the area, concealing himself in the woods to prevent the others from seeing him. I was supposed to watchout from behind the cornucopia. Someone will most likely think it's safer to sneak up to the bags from there. Clove was going to watch out from the front. I was sceptical at first but she convinced me there was nothing to worry about. I still had doubts, I didn't like the fact that she would be so exposed to everyone, but I had no choice but to trust her. We started walking, quietly to not give away we were coming for them. Our bags weren't as important, we could survive without it. The main goal was to take out the tributes getting their bags. We would get our gift when we had made sure there was no one left in the area.

It took us almost an hour to travel to the cornucopia. We had eaten a big meal before going so we were filled with energy. We went through the plan briefly before going to the respective watchout places. I had hugged both of them before we separated, just in case something happened I couldn't say goodbye. I had found a mace a few days ago so I was ready for the kills. I had missed the feeling of the weapon in my hand. Since I had chosen Clove we had lost all of our sponsors, so it didn't matter that I used it. The sun had finally started to rise and I counted how many there were left of us. Three with me, Clove and Cato. Four with Katniss. Was Thresh left? Five in that case. I was missing someone but I couldn't remember who.

It was going to be a warm day, I could feel it already. I was almost certain the gameleaders did it on purpose. I took a sip from my water bottle and took a look around me. It was so very quiet, almost too quiet.. I almost choked on my water when I saw a redhead running from the cornucopia. She must have been hiding inside it since last night. Foxface I think her name was. It was really smart and I kicked myself for not coming up with the idea. It was already too late to go after her though, she was already gone. I wondered what was in her backpack. Probably food, it didn't look like she had any weapons to hunt with so she was probably starving.

My thoughts were interrupted when the most terrifying scream I ever heard was echoing in the open valley. "GLIMMER, CATO". Clove. I dropped everything except for my mace and ran as fast as I could to where the scream was coming from. "Clove!!" I screamed with fear in my voice. I could hear Cato screaming the same thing somewhere in the woods. Rounding the corner I could see a big figure holding her against the wall of the cornucopia. She was kicking and fighting with everything she had in her but she had no chance against him. He was massive. I could see Katniss laying on the ground a few feet away. She had a wound in her head, probably from Clove's knife, she was an easy target and I could easily take her out.. If it wasn't for Clove. I cared too much about the girl to be thinking about the win. I saw how Thresh raised a stone in one hand while holding her in a choke hold with the other. My heart dropped and I knew I was too late. I started screaming, trying to startle him. He didn't give a flying fuck about me. He hit her one time with the stone and I could see blood streaming down her face. Her little head dropped to her shoulder and she had stopped fighting. I screamed my heart out and a burning rage filled me. He dropped her to the ground and started running towards the woods, but taking both ours and his backpack with him before.

Clove didn't move and I couldn't believe this was happening. I saw how Cato came running and he almost fell to the ground when he saw the girl's bloody body. I pointed towards Thresh and I could almost see Cato's eyes get filled with hate despite the distance between us. He ran after the giant and I knew he would avenge her, there's now way he would let Thresh get away with this. I almost tripped when I finally got to the body. She still hadn't moved an inch since he had dropped her. Tears streamed down my face. "Clove!? Clove wake up!" I screamed while shaking her small body. No reaction. I held her close to me, didn't want to let her go. I started sobbing uncontrollably and could barely speak. "Clove stay with me, please. I can't do this without you". I kissed her forehead, careful to not accidentally hurt her head even more. "I love you" I whispered. 

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