Stepbrothers β€’||BTS||β€’ Goofy...

By Indian_author123

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??: While we are all here, Y/n, let's tell you some rules of this household. "Tell before going out and if we... More

An Uncanny Morning
A Pooptastic Day
Incorrect Quotes
What did you guys do..
Happy Independence Day


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By Indian_author123

Epilogue 2: The Wedding

A Few Years Later

Y/n sighed for the nth time looking at the bunch of jokers, also known as, her brothers who were busy pacing back and forth in her room like a trail of baby ducklings following their mama duckling.

Mama duckling being Jin of course.

Y/n: Why are you guys so nervous?

She questioned having had enough of their tantrums.

JK: Because it's your wedding.

Y/n: Exactly. It's my wedding. I should be the one doing whatever you guys are doing. 

She said with a look of disbelief on her face.

Jimin: We know. But since the bride to be seems to chill and laid back, we thought of filling the gap. Just so, you know, it seems like someone is getting is married.

He taunted sarcastically making Yoongi smack the back of his head. He let a dramatic wail of pain which only made the pissed off human incarnation of kitten repeat his action.

Yoongi: Shut up. I know she is nervous. It's just she is too nervous to show that she is nervous. That's why she is hiding her nervousness by showing that she is not nervous.

Jin: What the hell are you blabbering now?

Jin asked, his voice laced with incredulity.

Joon: Exactly hyung. Stop blabbering. Don't snatch Jin hyung's job.

He sassed making Jin look at him with the expression 'welcome-to-my-another-rap-session'.

Jin: What do you mean by he is has snatched my job, Mr. Kim Namjoon? What do you want to say? That its my job to blabber? Do I blabber? What made you blabber the nonsense that I blabber, huh? Have you hit your head somewhere that's making you blabber against my blabber. No leave all the blabbering, first tell me. WHEN DO I BLABBER????

Y/n tightly kept her hands on her ears afraid all this blabbering would make her ears bleed. After all she didn't want her white dress to be painted red, that too on her wedding day. 

Oh how she anticipated Karan's dreamy look. How she wondered how Karan would feel looking at her walking down the aisle. How would-

Hobi: He would feel astonished looking at our precious sister walking down the aisle like the queen she is, looking like an angel that she is.

The sincerity in his eyes made Y/n's eyes water as the reality that she is going to be married in a few hours started to set in.

She was finally getting married.

She would finally be called Mrs. Stranger. 

She would finally be leaving behind the home she was living since past 10 years.

She felt a soft hand wiping away her tears gently, which unknowingly fell. The banter in the background faded as all her brothers started to feel sappy themselves.

Soon, the silent room got filled with sniffles as the siblings started to weep. The group quickly gathered in a group hug as all of them cried in each other's embrace.

Minnie was startled looking at the scene in front of her as she entered the room with Y/n's mother, Y/n's brothers' wives, Y/n's father and Jong-Suk. The new comers shared a sad look. But weddings are supposed to a bash right?

Minnie: Guys, stop with this crying session and cheer up. Our bubbly Y/n's wedding should look like her. Bubbly and full of life. Now rally up and smile.

She said breaking the tense atmosphere as the siblings finally separated, wiped their tears and snot with each other's dresses making the room fill with noises yet again, this time with that of disgust and complains.

Jin: Tae.. stop wiping your nose with my suit.

Joon: Jimin, don't rub your tears stained face with my suit.

Yoongi: YAH YAH YAH!! Jungkook I'll kill you. I want to look good for my sister's wedding. Don't ruin my outfit.

Minnie stealthily passed through the uproaring crowd and made her way towards Y/n who was busy giving final touch ups to her look. She back-hugged her best buddy and whispered.

Minnie: Be careful bubs, your groom is gonna make all the girls swoon over him today.

Y/n: You met him already?

Y/n asked, surprised.

Minnie: Nah.. but our secret agent planted their has sent me a picture of him.

Y/n: Really, show me.. 

Minnie: How so simply? *chuckles* Have patience sweetheart. You are gonna meet him soon. You are gonna be his soon.

She said playfully making Y/n blush. She elbowed her lightly in her stomach making Minnie clutch the area as she exaggerated.

Minnie: Oof.. I think I need to be hospitalized. Look at this girl carefully. She is the one, who wounded her best friend on her wedding day.

She said as a news reported reading news making Y/n laugh heartily.

Y/m/n: My baby.. you look so beautiful, my child.

Her mother wiped the corner of her eyes which had tears threatening to fall any second. Y/n quickly passed her a tissue and said in a playfully stern voice.

Y/n: Don't you dare cry Mrs. Kim. I want my mother to look her best today. Don't you dare let your tears ruin your perfectly done makeup.

Mr. Kim: My Y/nie.. has grown up now. She is going to get married. I finally got to see my daughter in a white dress. You look like an angel my child. You look like an angel.

He said with a heavy voice making Y/n's eyes water again but her sisters in-law were quick to interrupt as to not let her ruin her mood.

Irene: Oho dad, don't say such sappy things today. It's her happy day.

Joy: Exactly.. smile Y/nie.. it suits you the best. 

Wendy: Besides, your Mr. stranger would freak out looking at your red and puffy eyes.

They cheered making Y/n giggle again but their sweet little moment was disturbed when sound of something being crushed was heard. They looked behind only to be horrified.

Jungkook was standing their with a half and torn bouquet in his hand while Taehyung stood opposite to him with its other half. 

Namjoon was again hiding behind Yoongi with Jin hot on his tail with his shoe in his hand. Yoongi stood rooted to his place, his previously lazy stature now turned into a shocked one.

Jimin who was trying to stop the Jk/Tae duo from creating a disaster was left gaping at the disaster he failed to prevent.

Their already shocked gazes intensified ten times fold when a shrill cry reached their ears.

Y/n: Dadddddddddddd my bouquet!!!


The guests were seated with the soon to-be couple's close family occupying front seats. Y/m/n entered the hall and took a seat beside her sons.

Karan entered the hall his face glowing with excitement and anticipation. Jong-suk, his best man followed him. The two stood on the stage. Karan's eyes were simply fixed on the hall's gate his body growing uneasy with each passing second.

JK: What's the hurry Mr. Groom? Our Y/n will arrive shortly.

He said loudly making the crowd erupt in a laughter as Karan shyly rubbed his nape.

Soon, Jin and Irene's 4 year old son, Jin-hyun entered the hall carrying the wedding rings along with Yoongi and Seulgi's 3 year old daughter, Yoon-seul who was carrying flowers while messily dropping the petals along the aisle making the onlookers coo at their cuteness.

After a long long time, the bride finally stood at the entrance of the hall with her father. The guests stood up to welcome the bride.

Karan's breath got stuck in his chest as he took in the celestial site in front of him. Clad in white, Y/n walked gracefully down the aisle with her arm locked with her dad's, followed by Minnie. Karan grew restless to look into her eyes who kept her gaze locked on the floor.

Reaching the stage, Mr. Kim gently forwarded her hand towards Karan who took it carefully, afraid a little pressure might hurt her.

Mr. Kim: Today, I am giving a piece of my heart to you son. Make sure to cherish her. She deserves the world, make sure to be her world.

Karan: Rest assured sir, I would never let your princess, now my queen feel any discomfort ever. I will keep her safe. I will treat her with same care and love like you guys did, if not more.

The sincerity in Karan's voice eased much of his father in-law's worries. He joined his wife with a melancholic look in his eyes as his wife squeezed his hand to comfort him.

Karan: Y/n..

He called her name softly making Y/n look up into his eyes. If earlier, his breath got stuck in his throat, now looking at her pure bambi eyes which had nothing but love in them, wind got knocked out of his chest.

He couldn't believe that the day, he yearned for many years, has finally come. The day, he so badly wished for, has finally arrived. 

He was finally getting married.

He would finally be called Mr. Icy-cold.*

He would finally have someone to share his name with.

The two looked at each other, their gaze filled with nothing but love, trust and respect for each other.

Y/n found herself lost looking at the handsome man in front of her, whom she proudly calls the love of her life. Clad in blue, grey and white tuxedo, the man made a sight to behold making Y/n wish for the time to stop.

The ceremony finally progressed as the officiant started a few words of welcome.

Officiant: My name is Mr. Patrick, and I have the privilege of performing this ceremony today. On behalf of Kim Y/n and Karan, welcome and thank you for being here. They are thrilled that you are here today to share in their joy during this wonderful moment in their lives.

Next, the officiant offered an introduction and some thoughts on marriage. It included a brief words on what marriage means to them, a statement about the ceremony to come and what it represents.

Officiant: I now ask the people from audience to come up and share a few words about the couple.

A whole crowd of 7 people i.e Y/n's brothers stood up and lined up near the stage, surprising Y/n since this wasn't planned. Jin, being the eldest, took the mic he was passed and began their speech.

Jin: *sighs* Our Y/n.. what can I even say about her? She is bubbly, lively, full of life and packet full of blast. Before her entry, our lives used to be dull like black and white movies. We used to sulk everyday and roam like lifeless people, a permanent scowl etching our faces. 

Y/n softly smiled listening to his words.

Yoongi: But it all changed when Y/n came into our lives. Initially, I wouldn't say hate, but yes, we were very skeptical of each other given the fair share of bad experiences we had. But gradually, our walls started to melt and our hearts started growing warmer. Y/n slowly yet steadily made her way into our hearts and vice versa. 

Y/n shook her head at his words.

Hobi: She started showing her real side to us, the one we love the most, the one we grew used to and the one we are gonna miss a lot. She painted our boring lives with bright colors just like her. She made that frown on our face turn into smiles. Yes we committed some mistakes and hurt each other because of our stupidity and ego, but in the end, love won.

Y/n winked at him which he returned with a finger gun.

Joon: She changed us, in a positive way. She made us bring out our best for her. She stood with us shoulder to shoulder be it happiness or sadness. Her one smile was enough to make us leave our worries behind. She is the brightest star of our sky, our north star and our ray of hope.

She blew a kiss towards them.

Jimin: She bickers with us, fights with us, makes fun of us and makes us to do all her work, either by force or puppy eyes. She even fake complains about us to our dads and hyungs. And despite knowing that the drama queen is again being dramatic, they still scold us. Just to make her smile.

She along with the whole audience erupted into a laughter as Jimin rubbed his nape shyly yet the tears in his eyes were evident.

Tae: She has us wrapped around her fingers. She makes us do things no one can, even without complaining. It is all because we love each other. I still remember how she and Karan tried and fought so hard to clear my name from the drug racket case, and I can never not be grateful. Its because of her that we are a family again. Its because of her that we got our old selves back.

As the speech was nearing the end, tears made its way into Y/n's eyes who tried her best to push them back.

JK: Y/n.. I know I am the one who has hurt you more than anyone. I know I have been an ass to you most of the times. But its because *ahem* listen to it carefully cuz am never gonna repeat this shit again, I love you. And I love teasing you. I love it when you run after me and try to hit me with you small paw like hands. I love it when you bicker with me. *sobs* I.. I'll miss you. And mind you Mr. Karan, if even a single strand of my sister's hair is hurt or is even a single tear leaves her eye, no one will be worse than me. Got it.

JK said the last line while glaring hard at Karan who gulped at the sudden threat. Y/n grinned widely at her brother, her smile saying 'I-knew-it-you-love-me-you-bastard.'

Karan: *whispers* Only your brother has the guts to threaten a police officer.

Y/n: *whispers back* whose brother is he after all?

The supposed to be sweet and love filled speech turned into a threat came to an end as the siblings made their way back to their seats.

The officiant further asked the coupled if they had their own vows prepared to which they nodded in affirmation. 

Slightly tightening his grip on Y/n's hands, Karan gulped the lump in his throat before releasing a sharp breath.

Karan: Y/n, my love, I promise to bring Ice-cream for you every night.

Y/n: Karan, my life, I promise to share my food with you.

Their vow made the audience laugh.

Karan: Y/n, I can never bear the silence on your lips. I promise to listen to all of your chits and chatters.

Y/n: Karan, I can never stand sadness in your ocean-like eyes. I promise to keep you happy forever.

Karan: Y/n, I will never, ever play with your heart and emotions. I promise to share all my feelings, all my secrets and all of myself with you.

Y/n: Karan, you have made me crazy, my heart can never find solace unless it finds you. I promise to never let you go.

Karan: Y/n, I promise to keep you safe in my arms, always.

Y/n: I promise to adorn you in my eyes like kohl.

The two finished their vows as the audience burst into applauds and cheers. 

Next, Jin-hyun walked up the stage with the rings as the Karan picked the ring. Looking into Y/n's eyes with all the love in his heart, he slipped it into her ring finger and placed a small kiss there making her blush. The crowd again burst  into cheers.

Y/n first bent down and placed a kiss on her nephew's cheeks.

Jin-hyun: Aunt.. I am big now..

He said cutely, his cheeks lightly rosy making Y/n coo at him. Without teasing the child anymore, she picked up the ring and sighed with emotions looking at the priceless piece of jewelry. Slowly taking Karan's hand in hers, she gently slipped it in his ring finger and kissed the ring making Karan look at her with a doting look.

The crowd again hooted for the couple.

Officiant: In the name of the Holy Spirit, I now solemnly declare you husband and wife. Let no one put asunder those that have been joined together today in the presence of almighty God. You may now kiss the bride.

The most anticipated moment finally arrived. Karan knew, despite all her confidence and courage, how shy and nervous Y//n becomes in the name of PDA. He didn't want to force her out of her comfort zone. For him, her comfort mattered the most. So, he decided to kiss her forehead. He could anyway get his fill after the wedding, at their house, in their room.

Y/n noticed the reluctance in his eyes as her heart swelled at his understanding. She knew that he chose her comfort. She again found herself falling in love with this man.

So, surprising him, she pulled the collar of his suit and pulled him into a kiss. As their lips locked, the firecrackers burst in the background and flower petals started showering on the couple while the two slowly enjoyed the moment without the care of the world. 

A heaven-made couple kissing with crackers bursting and petals showering truly made a sight to behold knocking air out of many young ladies present. Y/n's family found themselves yet again tearing at the scene.

The couple broke out of kiss just as the crowd yet again erupted in applaud and cheers. JK loudly whistled encouraging rest of the siblings to follow his suite. The couple looked at their families with huge grins on their faces.

Like that, two souls united. Two hearts joined to beat in the same rhythm. Two people became one.


Hello people.. kya haal chaal? I hope sab badhiya..

So, here a new chapter. A wedding chapter..

Also, please don't come after me if something/s aren't correct with the wedding procedure. I personally have never went to such a wedding so had to take google's help.

* refer to chapter 10 where Karan called Y/n Ms. Icy cold.

Sighs.. aye.. our World Wide Handsome and Sunshine of Hope have finally departed for military. Honestly, I am so proud of our BTS. They are going for such a noble service, serving one's country.

I hope they return safe and healthy.

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