Redemption of the Moon God

By FeetPepper

381 68 3

This is the sequel to Tasks of the Moon Goddess. Here we follow Addison Murphy, daughter of the King and Quee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 18

12 2 0
By FeetPepper

Author's note: picture of Sara and Lara.

Once we were done making sure Ian had no recollection of what happened, I took Jace to Eloise's cottage.

We found her in the kitchen. She immediately told me to leave and kept Jace in the house. I attempted to see and hear through him but I got pushed back.

I sat outside waiting for him to come out. It took well over an hour, but he finally came out.

"She wants to see you," he said.

I made my way into the cottage where she was in the living room. I sat on the couch preparing for whatever she was going to say.

"It's time for you to go home," she said. "You need to be with your mate. He can protect you from what's coming."

"But you've already said that," I said.

"It bears repeating," she said.

"You talk to him for over an hour and all you can offer me is the same old piece of advice?" I asked, outraged. "You can't be serious."

"Stay with your mate, no matter what," she said. "I can see you won't heed my warning and it will be to not only your detriment but your child's as well."

"What do you mean my child? Am I pregnant?" I asked.

"You will be. Soon," she said. "Stay here and I will only repeat myself."

"What did you say to him?" I asked.

"It was he who spoke to me," she said.

"But he said he needed an oracle," I said.

"You think all we do is tell you possible futures? He needed an oracle and I helped him. That is all you need to know," she said.

"You're taking his side? He killed you!" I shouted.

"You disrespectful little girl, he did not kill me. His followers did," she said.

"Same thing," I said.

"That is not the same thing. I suggest you stop talking now before we have a problem," she said.

"No problem. I'm out of here," I said, getting up.

I made my way to the door not looking back. None of this was sitting well with me. I pulled open the door and Jace was there waiting. We made our way back to the pack house.

"I did not kill Eloise," he said.

"I know. What did you talk to her about?" I asked.

"I talked to her about us mostly," he said. "I wanted to know how much she could see."

"What did she see?" I asked.

"A lot of nothing actually," he replied.

"Is that why she kept repeating herself?“ I asked.

"Possibly," he said.

"Did you ask her to tell me to stay with you?" I asked.

"Do you think she would tell you that just because I asked?" He countered.

"You have a point, but I can't just go back with you now. I need to be with my family. Besides, Oscar is arriving tomorrow," I said.

"I can stay here with you for a little while if you wish," he said.

"That's not necessary," I said.

"Then be ready to leave right after the charity dinner. Is that okay?" He asked.

"It's perfect," I said with a smile.

He held out his hand and I took it. We walked in silence for a while before he said, "I have one more thing to ask of you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Could you stay away from my Beta? He doesn't seem to have enough self control around you," he said.

"But I like being around him. We were going to meet at the charity dinner," I said. "I promise no funny business. Just dancing."

"You can dance with me," he said.

"I know, but I want to dance with him too," I said.

"That's becoming very apparent," he mumbled.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, angrily taking my hand back. "You should be feeling more secure with this new bond. I feel closer to you."

"The fact that you have a bond with him is worrisome. Not to mention he showed me it was him who stopped things almost every single time," he said through gritted teeth. 

He took a deep breath. Trying to calm down I supposed. I stopped walking to look at him. He stopped, then turned around and looked at me.

I grabbed his face and said, "I'm not going to cheat on you. Not with him or anyone else. I don't know what came over me but I feel connected to you now more than ever."

He leaned down and kissed me. It felt amazing. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lifted me up. He pressed me against a tree and deepened the kiss. I whimpered when he pulled away.

"I should have my way with you right here," he panted out. "But I won't. You can have me when you come home."

I groaned with disappointment. He let me down then grabbed my hand again. We continued our walk to the pack house. 

Once there, he kissed my cheek and then left. I invited him inside but he declined saying he had things to do. I went to my room to take care of myself but was waylaid by Ezra.

"There you are. Thank the Goddess. I haven't been able to see you for hours. What happened?" He asked concern etched all over his face.

I told him everything that happened with Ian and Eloise. I could see something click into place for him.

"So that's how Mom has been able to hide stuff from me. She's been using the bond," he said wisely. "I'd like to see her try now."

"I can't believe she was so power hungry. When did that happen to her?" I asked.

"No idea, but it's better that she loses it now. And don't you let this power go to your head.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely," he said.

"I don't have absolute power. He does. He's the one to worry about," I said.

"He usually knows what he's doing. We just can't see it," he said.

I gasped as I saw Jace pop up behind Ezra. How did he do that? Ezra looked concerned then said, "what?"

I pointed to Jace and he put his finger to his mouth. I let my hand go down as Ezra started looking around.

"I thought I saw someone there, but I guess I was wrong," I said. "I'm going to my room."

Ezra waved me off and kept looking around. I opened my door and slipped inside. I saw Jace flow through the door then grin at me.

Jace: Never give my position away. How did you see me by the way? I'm in astral form.

Me: I don't know but I can see you plain as day, but there's a weird outline to you. It's almost like you are here.

Jace: Come see me so I can see if I can see you too. 

Me: How?

Jace: Just feel for a tiny bit of you and imagine you're with me. Close your eyes if it helps.

I closed my eyes and tried doing what he said. When I opened my eyes, I was still with him.

Jace: Try again.

I closed my eyes and pictured being with Jace. When I opened my eyes, he was there sitting in his office. Only it wasn't my astral body that was there. I had teleported.

He came over to me and put his hand on my face.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"I think I teleported," I said. "I was thinking about being with you and poof."

"You're only supposed to send a tiny portion. Go back home and try again," he said.

I tried for the better part of the night teleporting to his house two more times. One time, he was in the bathroom. The last time he was eating dinner, which he shared with me.

Finally, while lying in bed waiting for sleep, I felt the little portion he was talking about. I concentrated on sending this tiny portion and poof. I was in his house again and he was in bed sleeping.

I climbed on top of him and kissed him awake. I moved down to his neck and he helped me take his shirt off.

We moved in a frenzy taking all of his clothes off. I lifted up then slowly sat down placing him inside me. It felt really good but strange at the same time.

Then he came into my room in astral form and took off all of my clothes. I was both sitting on top of him and waiting for him to penetrate me.

As soon as he entered I began to ride him moving up and down slowly. He lifted my legs to his shoulders then began deep hard thrusts. The contrast was too much for my senses and I instantly came.

I increased my movements as he did the same, making me cum a second time. I started to grind against him while he lowered my legs and flipped me over.

"Addison, come to me. I'd rather have you in the flesh," he said.

I didn't hesitate. I just teleported. He kissed me as soon as I arrived then laid me down. 

"I wish I knew how you do that. I can't just teleport. That would be a useful skill," he said. "Teleport us back to your place."

I did just that. We were in my bed in no time. He kept looking at his body making sure everything came with us.

"Try to send just me back," he said.

"You're really killing the mood for me," I said.

"I'm sorry. I just want to know what you can do," he said.

I teleported him back to his place then put on some pajamas. I climbed back in bed and he showed up in astral form.

Jace: Don't you want to finish what we started?

Me: No. I'm pretty tired now.

Jace: Did the teleportation wear you out?

Me: I don't think so. It's midnight. I'm just tired.

He laid down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. I decided to go to his place to sleep next to him. He was laying on his back so I just climbed on him. He wrapped his arms around me and we went to sleep.

The next morning we finished what we started then he made pancakes for breakfast. Aiden came over to discuss pack business but Jace was in the shower.

"Come here and sit down," I said. "He should be done soon. Did you have breakfast?"

"Yes. I ate before I left," he said. "I didn't expect to see you here. Did you drive in last night?"

"No. I teleported," I said. "It's a new power I discovered. I can send you somewhere to show you."

"Maybe later. What's that?" He asked moving my hair to the side.

"That's my mark," I said, realizing what he's looking at.

He pressed down on it and I moaned. The sensation went all the way to the apex of my legs. Tingles shot all over my body.

He looked surprised by my reaction. I was surprised too. That's never happened before.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have touched you."

"Do it again," I said.

He licked his lips then made eye contact with me as he slowly pressed my mark. I clutched his arm and moaned at how good it felt.

I licked my lips and looked at his. He let go of my mark then looked at me. I don't know why I felt so compelled but I leaned over and kissed him. He wasn't returning the kiss so I kissed him harder.  

He opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue in there. The kiss got wild and I had to try to keep my hands to myself. He abruptly pulled away.

"He's coming,'' he whispered. "You should leave. I can smell your arousal."

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'll be fine," he said.

"Whatever you do, don't let him take your memories of me," I said.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"If he asks you to think about me, don't think about this," I said.

"Okay," he said.

I kissed him quickly and then teleported to my room. I sat down and thought about what I was doing. I promised Jace I wouldn't cheat on him yet here I was kissing another man.

Not just any man, but his Beta! Staying away from him being the one thing he asked of me. Yet all I wanted to do was be with Aiden right now. I wanted it so badly I wound up back at Jace's.

"Did you forget something?" He asked.

"Wanted to take my breakfast with me," I said.

I grabbed my plate and left.


Later that afternoon Oscar arrived with all three of his mates. He did not look happy about it. Sara and Lara were talking away while Kara was rubbing Oscar's back.

I went over to them and asked what was wrong. Oscar looked simply miserable and said, "Sara and Kara are pregnant."

"Uh, congratulations," I said, not wanting to offend Kara.

"I was hoping while we were here I could talk them into breaking the bond, but that's not going to happen now," Oscar said. "To make things worse, now Lara wants to be pregnant with her sisters.

"I sympathize with you Oscar, but you should have used protection," I said.

"I really don't need lectures right now," he said.

"I feel like I should take a test just to make sure I'm in the clear," I said.

Kara reached down into her bag and handed me a box. "It would be so much fun to be pregnant together. Go take it now."

I went into the guest bathroom and read the directions. It seemed pretty straight forward. I peed on the stick then waited the three minutes it said.

I started to get anxious while waiting. I remembered every time we didn't use protection. I teleported to Jace who was in a meeting with Aiden and George, his Gamma. 

I apologized for my interruption.  

Jace looked concerned and asked for a private word. They left us alone in the room.

"What's wrong," he asked.

"Nothing. I just took a pregnancy test and I'm too afraid to look at the results," I said. "Can you?"

His face softened as he took the test stick out of my hand. He looked at the results then grabbed me into a hug. He kissed my forehead and I really started to worry.

"It's negative," he said. "You don't have to worry."

I let out the breath I was holding and smiled up at him. He handed the stick back to me so I could see for myself. It was indeed negative.

"I should go," I said.

"Yes," he said. "Next time you want to pop in on me, remember to look and see if I'm alone first, okay?"

"I will. I'm sorry," I said.

I quickly kissed his mouth and then left. Back in the bathroom, I smiled. I wasn't ready for kids and I was glad Jace was supporting me.

I popped out of the bathroom with a huge grin. "I'm not pregnant," I shouted.

Kara looked disappointed then grabbed the stick to look. Oscar gave me a hug. Then Ezra came in.

"What's the commotion?" He asked.

"I just took a test. I'm not pregnant," I said.

"Huh, I guess there are false negatives," he said, then walked away.

My jaw dropped. Maybe it was too soon to get a positive result. Or maybe Ezra is just messing with me. I'll have to visit the doctor to be sure.

I smiled at Kara and said, "I guess Ezra could be wrong sometimes."

She and Oscar shared a look then we went to get some lunch.

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