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Por Gabri_WP

18.8K 340 28

When your parents are Gale Weathers-Riley and Dewey Riley, the survivors of the original Woodsboro murders, y... Mรกs

โ˜…Act oneโ˜…
โ˜…Act twoโ˜…


2K 27 14
Por Gabri_WP


When your parents are Gale Weathers-Riley and Dewey Riley, the survivors of the original Woodsboro murders, your life isn't always easy. That's what Chelsea would tell you, if you asked, what is it like to have them as her parents and Sidney Prescott as her aunt and godmother.

When Chelsea Tatum Weathers-Riley was just a little girl, she knew what happened to the trio of survivors and she was terrified that it's gonna happen again and they'd die. Her nightmares were so bad, that she didn't want to sleep so she stayed awake. When she grew older her nightmare almost disappear.

In 2011, when Chelsea was nine years old, there were another killers and her nightmares started again. She was present during the killing and she was indeed at the hospital, when Jill Roberts tried again to kill Chelsea's godmother.

Thankfully no one - but Jill - died. After this event she was even more scared for her family. But they were so much more for Chelsea, because nine years old kid shouldn't have been through a experience, where you see your godmother kill her cousin and your parents being seriously hurt.

After this they lived quite happy life. But nothing like forever. Gale and Dewy divorced, even though they still loved each other. And Chelsea was right middle of the divorce. They couldn't decide with who will Chelsea live. Both of her parents loved her so much, but both of them knew, they couldn't seperate her with the other parent.

So they let Chelsea decide. And she chose to be at Woodsboro during school with her father. And with her mother during summer holiday and any holiday she'd like.

When Chelsea was sixteen years old, she fell in love. At the beginning she didn't know what was happening, because she never felt like that before and it scared her. So after a few weeks later she called her mom and told her about this feeling. Gale was expecting completely different topic of their conversation. She totally didn't expect her daughter calling her about one girl and telling her about how she feels around her.

The topic's name was Amber Freeman.

What Chelsea didn't know, that Amber felt the same way. And Amber didn't know that Chelsea did too. Their friends saw how they looked at each other and after a few another months they grew tired of them. So Mindy and Tara took the situation in their hands. Mindy had a serious talk with Chelsea and Tara with Amber. And after two weeks love birds confessed their feelings towards each other. So they started dating.

Chelsea's family took those news really well. They supported Chelsea in everything, so she wasn't that much scared to tell them she's dating a girl. Plus her mom already knew about her crush and Chelsea thought her mom probably told Dewey and Sidney about their conversation, because when they talked to each other they were too smiley. Well at least more smiley than usual.


„You're not at Ambers today?" ask Dewey when he saw his daughter walking towards the fridge and taking yogurt. „No, she told me she's really busy tonight. Maybe tomorrow." answered Chelsea and started eating her strawberry yogurt.

Dewey nodded and continued to watch news on TV. Where has just appeared Gale Weathers. Chelsea smiled and walked outside of a trailer. She sat on the chair, which was near by, and opened her phone where was two unseen messages.

My girl 💕

Finally done with all
the homework! Tomorrow?

My girl 💕

Hello? Are u ignoring me?
How rude 😠

My Chelsea 🥵

I'm sorry. I have my phone
on silence.
No need to be a
drama queen 🙄 And ofc

My girl 💕

I am not a drama queen!
You take that back!😖

My Chelsea 🥵

I'm sorry, professor.
But I must not tell lies."😘

My girl 💕

Really? A Harry Potter
reference? 😒

My Chelsea 🥵

Hey! You have your
movies and I have mine!
Harry Potter is so much
better than yours horrors crap. 🙄

My girl 💕

First half of that message is true. But the other half not so much.
I have an idea, I'm gonna tell you a few questions about some horror and then you can ask me?

My Chelsea 🥵

Ofc! That sounds like fun!

My girl 💕

Excellent. So the first question.
What's your favorite scary movie?

My Chelsea 🥵

Did u really had
to ask this one? U know
I don't like Stab and
Stab references...
But probably The Conjuring.

My girl 💕

Interesting choice. It's quite good, but I still prefer Stab.

My girl 💕

Question number two.
What happened to ur mother in 2011 during another Woodsboro killing?

My Chelsea 🥵

Amber. No.
Why would u ask that!

My girl 💕

I'm not Amber.

My Chelsea 🥵

Hahaha. Really funny, Amber.
Hope u had a fun.

My girl 💕

Goodnight, Chelsea Tatum Weathers-Riley.

Mad Chelsea turn of her phone and went back to the trailer. „You good?" asked Dewey, when he heard a loud bang his daughter made with doors of the trailer. „Yeah. Amber's just being a dick. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, dad."

Chelsea kisses her father's left cheek and still mad when to bed. Her mind still occupied with a conversation she just had with her girlfriend.

And how she called her with her full name, no one use her full name not even her mother or father - well they use it sometimes but only when she did something and it isn't quite often - and Amber neither...


Mindysaurus 🤓

Chels! Chels!

Mindysaurus 🤓

Answer me! Come on!

Mindysaurus 🤓

Tara's in hospital! Chels!

This was the first thing Chelsea read when she woke up. The girl quickly sat up on her bed and opened her messages with Mindy.

Chelsinator 👽

WHAT!? What happened?!

Mindysaurus 🤓

Someone attacked her when she was home. That's all I know...

Chelsinator 👽

But she's okay, right?

Mindysaurus 🤓

Well apart from being stab, then yes... But she didn't wake up yet.

Chelsinator 👽

Well shit...


Wes Hicks pocked his phone. He
stood next to a fountain. Amber Freeman sat on the fountain's edge.
Mindy Meeks-Martinez was next to her, ear buds in, watching something on her phone. Chelsea Tatum Weathers-Riley was laying on the fountain with her head on Amber's lap, even thought she was still mad at her girlfriend, because of the conversation they had last night.

„She's coming?" asked Amber their group. „Yeah," answered Wes. „Watch everything get worse." Amber said. „What were we supposed to do? You know her mom isn't gonna tell her." told Chelsea and got up from Amber's lap. „Yeah, and you know why." Chelsea rolled her eyes.

Chad, Mindy's jocky twin brother, and his pink-haired artsy girlfriend, Liv McKenzie approached them, in the middle of their conversation.
„I'm just saying, with everything going on, I think it's time we take our relationship to the next, most intimate level." told Chad Liv.

All of them looked at Liv, confused. Liv exhaled, already tired of that conversation. „He wants me to accept his Find My Friends request." said Liv to the group.
„It's the safest move with a wouldbe killer on the loose! I know where you are, you know where I am." started Chad explaining a reason, why she should say yes.

,,You can stalk me like a jealous
boyfriend-" Liv interrupted him. ,,Is this because you two aren't having sex yet?" asked Amber. She looked at Chelsea and smirked. Chelsea smirked back.

,,Don't do it, Liv, there's a psycho out there. Make yourself harder to find. Delete social media, tape over your phone camera, disable GPS-" Wes started to list things to keep them at least a little safer.

,,Thank you, Edward Snowden. By the way, your mom just asked me if I was involved in Tara's attempted murder, so that was fun." said Chad.
Everyone looked over to see Wes's mother, Sheriff Judy Hicks, standing by her cruiser with her deputies. She
waved at her son cheerily. Wes shrinked back down.

,,I'm sure she's asking everybody." objected Wes. „Not just people like you, who look like 'roided out serial killers." Amber said

„What about you, Amber? That
Snapchat could have been pre-recorded, so what's your alibi?" asked Chad. Chelsea frowned feeling protective of her girlfriend. „It was not her, Chad!" exclaimed agrily Chelsea

,,How could it be me? Tara literally
saw the killer and me in the same frame, genius." said Amber and put her hand on Chelsea's shoulder to calm her down.
,,But aren't there always two killers
in Stab movies?" asked Liv.

Mindy finally looked up from her phone. ,,Not in 3 or 8. Stay in your lane, Liv." Mindy said

,,The press still isn't saying
Ghostface." said Mindy to Wes. ,,Mom doesn't want to cause a panic." explained Wes. ,,It'll get out. It always gets out by the second or third killing." constanted the Meeks girl.

„Jesus, Mindy - there wasn't a first
killing. Tara's alive!" said Chelsea bit mad. „Hm. I mean, she could still die." said Mindy. ,,Fuck, Mindy!" shouted Chad. Everyone looked at Mindy like she was mad. „Or the killer could come back for her."

„Can you please tell your sister to
stop talking?" asked Liv Chad. „I'm just saying, something's different this time." Mindy told their group.

„I'm telling you, arm up. Pepper
spray? Check. Taser? Check-" Wes was interrupted by Amber. ,,Girlfriend repellent? Check." Chelsea chuckled, Wes reddened and Liv sat up straight.

,,Holy shit, is that Vince?"
She was looking at a skeezy looking dude hanging out in the
parking lot. He'd got sleeve tattoos and dark hair.
,,That creep you hooked up with last
summer?" asked Chad LIV ,,Yeah, he worked with Tara and me. He's been stalking my Instagram the last few weeks, saying creepy shit." confessed Liv. „He worked with Tara?" asked Chelsea, looking at the boy with weird face.

Chad rolled up his sleeves and said: ,,I think it's time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw..." Liv stopped him ,,Maybe not the best idea to incite violence in front of the Sheriff? Looks like he's leaving anyway." s
With a lascivious air kiss, Vince got into his truck.

Liv squeezed Chad's bicep and said: ,,Thanks anyway, boys." But Chad winced and Mindy eyed him with suspicious. ,,Hm. Tara said she fought back, hard. You've got bruises." said his sister. From practice. And can I point out that suspecting your twin brother
of attacking our mutual friend is like seventeen kinds of fucked up?" told Chad angrily.

Amber looked up from her phone and told the group, that Tara's awake.
,,I'm going to the hospital. You coming?" asked Chelsea already getting up and taking her things. ,,Can't, but I'll meet you later." answered Liv and Chad kissed her goodbye and heads to car.


The group on their way to the hospital stopped by a shop and bought Tara some things to cheer her up. There were a lots of balloons, chocolates and many more.

„Hi, Tara!" whole group greeted a girl on the hospital bed with a lot of bruises on her while showing body. The girl smiled at them brightly, happy to see them. „Hi, guys!" greeted them Tara back.

After half an hour Sam, Tara's older sister, came into the room. „Hey... How are you feeling?" asked Sam and went to Tara's side. ,,You came." said Tara with weak voice. ,,Of course I did. Wes called me." Sisters smiled at each other. Sam then looked at a boy, she came in with. ,,This is my boyfriend, Richie."

,,You brought a date?" asked Amber Sam ,,Don't start..." said Tara. Richie squated next to Tara. ,,It's very nice to meet you and I hope I'm not intruding." said Richie with kind smile.

Tara smiled at him as Chad, Mindy, Chelsea and Wes embrace Sam. ,,This is Chad and Mindy, the twins, Chelsea Weathers-Riley and Wes Hicks. I used to babysit them all." told Sam to her boyfriend. ,,Which is always how I like to be introduced." said Chelsea ironically.

Richie shaked their hands in turn and Sam looked back to Tara. ,,Where's Mom?" asked Sam her younger sister.
,,She's stuck at a conference in London. She called me earlier." told Tara. ,,Yeah, for all of ten minutes." said Amber and rolled her eyes. ,,Look, guys, Tara's really tired. Maybe we should just give her some space." said Chelsea sympathetically. ,,Yeah." boys agreeded

,,Not you, Sam. I want you to stay." told Tara to her sister. „Okay." smiled Sam
,, Do you have your extra inhaler?" asked Amber ,,Yeah, I'll be fine." ,,Okay,"


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