Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

40K 319 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 10

1.4K 9 2
By srosee2000

"How did the interview go?" Summer asked as Avery walked inside of the apartment.

"I think that went really well actually. He didn't make me feel nervous or pressured. He barely asked about experience or what I know, which took the biggest weight off my shoulders".

"Well he understands that you're still learning".

"Mhm. He also said he'd pay me, which I did not expect. Tell your boyfriend thank you of course".

"I will. When do you start?" Summer asked.

"Next week, three days a week. He said to let him know when I was available".

"Oh wow, very accommodating".

"We love that right. So when are you leaving?" Avery asked about her trip with Connor.

"Tomorrow afternoon. He's doing a half day at work while I relax at his penthouse then we're off to Springfield for the weekend".

"How freaking cute".

"At least this weekend will make up the difference for the dreadful weekend we're about to have with my parents" Summer groaned.

"Don't say it like that. Sure, your parents might need a minute to adjust, but it's obvious that you're happy and that's what they really want".

"Thanks for saying that. When does Amy get here?"

"Tomorrow at like 4 and I think I have to pick her up".


"Yes, Darren has work. That's what happens when his parents just do things without talking with him. So originally I had planned to go over to Myrtle Beach for Valentines and now we're doing dinner and a hotel in fucking Boston".

"That could still be fun".

"I know, but I like getting out of city with him. You guys have plans out in Springfield, or just getting away?"

"As far as the emails I saw him checking after we had sex, looks like a few dinner reservations, some shows, some tickets to something".

"Eventful weekend".

"Yes it will be" Summer smiled.


The next day Summer went over to his penthouse after he left for work. She did some studying and assignments, watched tv in his bed, and whatever else she felt like. She felt relaxed there, but she felt relaxed with him so why would this be any different.

She did a lot of thinking about the dinner with her parents. She hoped Avery was right, how couldn't she be, Summer was very happy and she hoped her parents would see that. Things felt more real and natural with Connor than they have with any other guys in so long.

She started making a small lunch, grilled chicken sandwiches, so they could eat before leaving.

"Hi angel" Connor said walking down the corridor from the entrance and into the kitchen.

"Hi, how was work?"

"Not too bad. How was your day?"

"Good. Thanks for letting me hang out.

"Of course. This smells good".

"I'm glad you think so. It's almost finished". She told him.

"Then let me go put this stuff down. I'll be right back" he said kissing her neck and going to his room.


"Hi, Amy" Avery said as Darren's sister got in the car.

"Hi, thanks for picking me up".

"It's no problem. How was the flight?"

"Good. So Darren's working all day?"

"He's working until 530 today, then we're gonna meet him to grab some dinner if you're not too tired".

"No that's fine. How are you guys?" Amy asked.

"Really good. I know your mom thinks we can't handle it, but we're good".

"She's worried, yes, but I'm sure you can imagine why. We didn't even know you broke up until you and I talked. Then yet again, she understands why you said what you did and why you were upset. She just wanted to make sure neither of you were rushing back into it".

"We're not".

"Good. Well I'm glad you're back together. I missed you".

"I missed you too, Amy" Avery laughed.

"And sorry for crashing your Valentines, it was my moms idea".

"It's no problem. So what happened?"

"Well, I told him that I loved him. He said he loved me too but that he wanted to be honest before we took such a serious step. He told me that he had slept with two people while we were official".

"Oh god, I'm so sorry".

"Yea. Took a few days but I'm getting over it a little".

"Good, well aside from Valentine's night we're all yours".

"Thank you" Amy smiled as they continued to the house.


"Good morning angel, happy Valentine's Day" Connor said waking her up. When they had gotten to the hotel yesterday, something just came over them and they immediately got to the sex. The rest of the night was just spent relaxing and talking in the hotel.

"Happy Valentine's handsome" she smiled, letting him kiss her forehead.

"Whenever you're ready, we can go to this place down the street for breakfast".

"Breakfast sounds great actually".

"Alright then beautiful. Come on, long day baby girl" he said going into the bathroom.
Summer checked her phone, texted Avery back, then went into the bathroom.

"So today, we're gonna hit six flags and get dinner at 350 Grill. Tomorrow, orchestra at the Symphony Hall, I did get tickets to the Titanic museum like you asked, then we'll go the Chandler Steakhouse for dinner" Connor explained from the shower as Summer sat on the bathroom counter. She finished brushing her teeth then answered.

"I can't believe you actually got the tickets. I'm impressed".

"Of course, I did".

"Thank you baby".

"You're welcome angel. I figured we could do a little bit of everything. If you wanna add something, let me know".

"Uh huh, so I didn't hear sex on the agenda" Summer laughed before he opened the glass door and got out, grabbing a towel to wrap about his waist.

"Summer, sex is a given. Didn't think I had to mention it" he smiled as he stood over and kissed her.

"Just making sure, handsome. I'm gonna shower" she said before he nodded and left the bathroom.

They finished getting ready for the day before heading to breakfast. A small cafe type place, nothing too fancy, but it was cute.

"Hi mom" Summer said answering her phone as they stood in line for drinks. They had been going from different rides and mini games at the amusement park.

"Hey honey, how are you?"

"Good. Connor and I are just at Six Flags".

"Oh I'm sorry to bother you".

"You're not, don't worry. What's up?"

"Was just checking to see how the trip was going".

"Really good. We're spending the rest of the day here then going to dinner. Tomorrow we're going to an orchestra and he got tickets to the Titanic museum then dinner again".

"I know you said you wanted to go there, that's nice of him" Susanna said, she could definitely hear that Summer was happy.

"It really was. You and dad doing anything?"

"He and I both have to be in town for work but he says we're going out tomorrow".

"I'm sure you'll still enjoy yourself".

"I will. Well don't let me take any more of your time honey, have fun".

"Love you mom".

"Love you too" Susanna said before hanging up.

They spent the rest of the day on rides and taking photos, just enjoying each others company, then they went to get dinner.

"That was amazing and I am very full" Summer laughed as she sat on the bed back at the hotel.

"Good. Wanna shower with me? We could work that off".

"I like the way you think Dr. Griffin" she smiled before he grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.


After they had eaten dinner, the three of them went back to Darren's place. Avery was spending the weekend there.

"I'm gonna head up" Avery said as she yawned "good night Amy".

"Good night".

"I'll be up there in a minute baby" Darren told her before she kissed his cheek and went up to shower.

"This looks more serious than before" Amy said.

"Why do you say it like that?"

"I didn't say it like anything, it's just an observation. So what happened last time?"

"You know what happened last time?"

"Obviously, I mean why? Like what made you feel that way?"

"Nothing made me feel that way. I was drinking, my friends were all single and they talked shit about my relationship, I was immature so I thought it would make me look better in front of them. I never meant the things I said and I regretted it and I know I was a jerk then. I love her, a lot, and I've tried to do everything since then to make up for what I said".

"Do you think you'd ask her to marry you?"

"I think if we never broke up the first time, we would at least be engaged. I get it, you all think the situation is weird, but I couldn't care less because I'm not leaving her".

"Okay. I am happy for you and so is mom, she just doesn't want you to get hurt or force yourself into a relationship you don't really want".

"I know. I'm gonna head up".

"Okay. Hey, do you mind if I take your car tomorrow?" Amy asked.

"Let me make sure that it's okay if we take Avery's car, but otherwise I'm fine with it. Going somewhere?"

"There's plenty of single people at clubs on Valentines".

"Yea, just be careful".

"I will. Good night".

"Night" he said then went upstairs.


The couples spent their Valentines together, growing closer and closer by the minute. The romance, the love, the impending thought of sex later that night of course. After the museum and the orchestra, Connor and Summer went to their reservations at the steakhouse.

"This is perfect" Summer said after taking a bite of her steak.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it angel".

"Not just the food, I mean all of it. This entire trip".

"Perfect, huh?"

"Yes. I don't know what it is Connor Griffin, but you just make me happy" she smiled and he returned it.

"Good, because you're kind of stuck with me".

"I guess I can learn to live with that" she giggled "so when do you go to Texas?"

"I leave on the 26th and come back March 1st. Um, Josh said you're welcome to join me".



"Is that an invite?"

"Yes, he said I can bring a plus one and that would obviously be you".

"No, is that an invite from you? I won't be offended, I just want to know where your heads at" Summer said.

"Um, sort of a loose invite. I would love for you to come back to Texas and to the party with me, but meeting my family is different. I'm not saying I don't want them to meet you, because I do, I just don't want to bring you right in the center of it. That doesn't sound much better, I just mean-".

"Connor, I get it" she laughed "just wanted to know. I couldn't meet your family at such a big event anyways. Too nerve wracking and meeting parents has not been my specialty for the last couple of years".

"What does that mean?" Connor asked.

"Just that my relationships tend to fall apart after I meet his parents".

"Is that what happened with Chase?"

"Yes, they were very judgmental. I find that meeting a guys parents really bring out the true colors in them and with Chase, it was just all bad. I guess I'm not ready for this to fall apart like that yet".

"It doesn't have to Summer, especially if you're worried that I'll turn into some jackass if you meet my parents. I've got too much on my plate to be a whole different person with you than I am with my family".

"Well thank you. I guess whenever we're both ready then" she said and he nodded to agree.

After dinner they headed back to the hotel. Pretty much as soon as the door closed, Summer grabbed his shirt in her first and pulled him down to kiss her. Connor's hands moved along her body until they reached the zipper on her dress.

She moved back to step out of it, staring him in the eyes as she pulled the dress down her curves.
"Stay right there and take those off" she said unzipping his pants after taking his shirt off. She went into the bathroom and grabbed a condom then she returned.

He put his hands on her sides and kissed her neck. Summer let out a few moans before she stopped him. He turned his head with a small smile as she backed away from him and out onto the open balcony.
She sat down and took off her heels before looking up at him.

"Coming?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am" Connor smirked joining her outside. She kissed along his abs and waist line then she pulled his underwear off and let him step out of them.

She took his semi erect dick in her hands moving it slowly along the length of his shaft.

"Fuck" Connor moaned as she put the tip in her mouth, moving her lips slightly just until they completely covered the head of it. He reached down her back, taking off her bra as she took more and more of his dick.
"Mhm baby, stand up" he said with his hand in her hair. He left it there as they made out, his kisses started moving to her neck and her chest until he crouched down.

He pulled her underwear off of her hips and lifted one of her legs over his shoulder. Summer leaned back against the wall, bracing herself on the railing too, as he licked and sucked on her clit and moved two fingers inside of her. 

"Oh my god, yes daddy" she moaned, loosely playing her boobs herself. He continued that way just until he edged her long enough then he stood up. He turned her around, leaning her chest against the railing as he stood behind her.

"Just like that, angel" he said after positioning her fingers to her pussy while he rolled the condom on. She gasped and grabbed the railing as he pushed into her. His entire length pressed into her before he started thrusting.

He grabbed her arms, pulling her back as her moans fell from her lips.

"Fuck daddy, please don't stop" she said shakily after a few minutes.

"Already, angel? Feel good to be fucked where everyone can see you huh?" He asked into her ear.

"Mhm. It's so good".

"That's what I thought. Cum for me babygirl" he said as he continued to thrust into her. His long, deep strokes built up her orgasm until she couldn't hold out anymore. She moaned and shook against him until she finished.

Connor grabbed her hips, moving backward to the chair out on the balcony, but being sure that they didn't disconnect.

"Go ahead, angel. Fuck me" he said before letting her move.


"Hi, oh thanks for cooking" Avery said to Summer, putting her bag down by the island.

"Of course. How was it?"

"Good. All in all, I'd say it was a solid first week. Wayne is super nice and he teaches me as we go along. You would think for how busy he is, he would not be so hands on, but he is and it's great".

"So you like it?"

"Yes I do. He said that I have a position after graduation if I decide to stay in Boston".

"Well what are you thinking?" Summer asked.

"I'm definitely staying until you graduate, I haven't thought that much further. Darren said he doesn't want to pressure me" Avery laughed.

"I love you, but please don't let me steer your life in my direction".

"I know, but I literally could not get through college, both parts of it, without you and with Darren here I feel like I've really put down roots here".

"Well I could see myself being here for the long run" Summer said "especially if my best friend is".

"I love you. Let me clean up and we can eat" Avery said kissing her cheek and going to the bathroom to shower while Summer finished dinner.

"So when do your parents get here?" Avery asked as they ate.

"9 AM. They're getting breakfast after they check into their hotel. They said we can meet them".

"Sounds good and when's dinner?"

"The night after. Connors working".

"Still nervous?"

"Very. I just hope they see can past the whole uh situation and realize how great of a guy he is".

"They will, trust me it's very obvious how happy this relationship makes you" Avery smiled at her.


"Hey girls, how are you? We've missed you" Susanna said as Avery and Summer reached the table.

"We missed you too. Aside from work and school, things have pretty good" Summer answered.

"So we know you went to Springfield obviously, did you go on a trip Avery?" Susanna asked.

"No. Darren's little sister was here visiting so we stayed in the city".

"And he's still coming on the trip, yes?" Spencer asked.

"Yes he is. Thank you again for inviting us".

"No need to thank us honey, we extended the invitation just like we did for our daughter" Susanna said.

"Well he's excited to meet you guys".

"Is he?"

"Mhm. You've got very impressive reputations" Avery smiled.

"What does he do for work?" Spencer asked.

"Real estate".

"Okay, that's respectable. Pays well I'm sure".

"It does".

"Good. So honey, what time should we be at his house for dinner. Connor right?"

"Yes, dad. And you can be at his penthouse at like 6".

"Alright" Spencer nodded before waving a waiter over. They made small talk while they ate then went their separate ways for the rest of the day. Avery was staying overnight with Darren since Summer was going to Connors early.


"Fuck daddy, I'm gonna cum" Summer moaned, burying her face in the pillow.
Connor held her hips as he thrusted into her. He watched her ass move perfectly against him with each one, getting closer himself.

"Mhm baby girl. Cum for me" he told her.
She grabbed the sheets in her fists, pulling at them as she let out loud moans and her orgasm ran through her.

"Oh my god" she said shakily as he pulled at her arms to bring her back against his chest.

"Want me stop, angel?"

"No daddy, I'm close" she admitted as another orgasm already built up inside of her.

"Shit, that's sexy baby" he moaned pushing her chest against the bed again and pushing down on her back. She arched further, her hips pressing against him as he slapped her ass.

"Fu- fuck" Summer shook before she broke again "please cum for me daddy".

"Oh fuck baby, a little longer for me" he told her, slapping her ass as he continued to move inside of her. After another minute he flushed his hips against her, filling up the condom as he groaned.

Connor sat back on his knees, pulling off the condom as Summer turned around. His chest moved up and down as she ran her tongue along his dick then kissed his stomach and up to his lips.

"We could definitely take a nap" Summer laughed as they laid together.

"We really can't, angel. We have to finish cooking and your parents will be here in a couple of hours".

"After they leave, can we go to the new sushi place downtown?"

"Yea of course. As soon as I have a free night".

"Thank you. I'm gonna go check on the meat and start the sides".

"I'll shower and come help you" Connor told her before kissing her forehead and letting her get up.


After hearing the knock on the door, Summer went to let her parents in while Connor tended to the food on the stove.

"Hi honey" Susanna said.

"Hey, thanks for coming guys seriously".

"Of course. This seems good for you" Susanna smiled and Spencer agreed before they joined Connor.

"Mom, dad this is Connor. Connor these are my parents, Susanna and Spencer" she introduced.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Connor" Susanna said.

"Likewise. Summer talks a lot about you both".

"She's said very little about you. Almost had me worried" Spencer said.


"My daughter usually has very good judgment and she's usually very open to communicating those judgments with us. I'm glad one didn't go out the door with the other. She seems happy".

"I do my best. She's an amazing woman" he said and Summer blushed.

"Yes she is".

"You cooked dinner, Connor?" Susanna asked.

"We both did".

"Well it smells delicious you two".

"Thank you, mom. It's basically finished, we can open a bottle of wine and sit down" Summer suggested and everyone agreed. Connor moved around, his hand casually moving along her waist as he reached in the fridge for the bottle. Susanna noticed and quickly made eye contact with Spencer about it.

"Here you go, angel. Give me a minute" he told her before Summer followed her parents out of the kitchen.

They kept the conversation about dinner light, mostly going into what Susanna and Spencer did for work and how they each worked their way to their own businesses. They talked a little about Connor's work in software engineering and about Summers future plans in the field as well.

"I'll help you" Connor said as Summer took two plates to the kitchen and he grabbed the others.

"I've never seen her this comfortable with a boyfriend" Spencer commented.

"Agreed. She's relaxed, she's smiling, more importantly she doesn't seem like she's trying to run the dinner".

"She does get like that huh. Maybe I was wrong".

"Maybe. Oh and she caught onto you extending his invite to the trip just to facilitate this whole thing" Susanna laughed.

"Did she really?"

"Almost immediately, she's my daughter Spencer. Still, she invited us. This could be real for her".

"I know, she seems happy. What else can I really hope for" Spencer said before the two of them came out of the kitchen giggling, a large smile spread on Summers face as she held the dessert in her hand.

"We can have dessert in the living room" Connor said before they went over to the couch.

"So Connor, obviously you make my daughter happy. What are your future plans?" Spencer asked.

"Um, honestly to continue what I'm doing. I think having my set career here gives me stability and everything".

"I see and what about a future here?" Spencer asked gesturing between them.

"Dad, it's very early" Summer said as she blushed.

"It is early, but as of now I don't have a back up. Summer is very special to me".

"So what would be your plan in supporting her? Career wise and her goals" Spencer specified.

"I hope that I would support them. I can't speak for sure on what I would do in every situation, but I admire and believe in her ambition and determination. I wouldn't hold her back from that".


"So how did all this start?" Susanna asked "you know, what made you pursue this with Summer?"

"Well her confidence, her passion in her work and studies, how certain she is of herself and what she wants. I don't feel like I have to over think or second guess with her" Connor answered and Summer smiled at him before speaking.

"Um so, I just want you guys to keep an open mind. I know how it sounds, but it's more coincidental than circumstantial. Of course if the situation were different, we would still be together but-".

"Summer honey, you're rambling" Susanna said.

"Sorry um, Connor and I met on campus actually" she said nervously as they waited for her to finish "the um- the professor I said was teaching my software analytics course".

"I hope you mean that professor set you two up" Spencer said almost angrily, but he didn't want to jump to that conclusion yet.

"Dad, relax for a second".

"No Summer. Who the fuck do you think are?" Spencer stood and yelled at Connor "you used your position as my daughter's professor to manipulate her into this relationship".

"Sir that's not what this is, I promise you that. Like she said it's more coincidental than anything but I truly have feelings for her".

"Fuck you, you knew exactly what you were doing when you put her in this position. You sit here and bitch about being impressed by her determination and ambition and this is what you have to show for it".

"I understand what it could look like, I do, and I apologize for how blindsided you might feel. But we've had plenty of discussions about it and in no way am I trapping Summer in this relationship" Connor explained.

"Babe" Susanna said as Spencer just stared with his jaw clenched. Susanna gasped and Summer's hands covered her mouth as Spencer suddenly closed the distance between him and Connor and punching him in the jaw.

"Spencer, enough" Susanna stood as Summer took Connor's face in her hands to comfort him.

"Stay away from my daughter or so help me god, you'll never get a job in engineering or teaching again. Let's go Summer".

"Two minutes honey" Susanna said before following her husband out to the car.

"I'm so sorry" Summer said "I didn't know he was going to get this angry. I'm gonna talk to him" she said and Connor nodded.

"Baby, don't do that for me".

"It's not just for you. I want them, him, to understand what this is and what it's not".

"Yea. Don't keep them waiting okay" he said kissing her quickly.

"We'll talk when they leave" Summer said before going downstairs.

Connor went to the kitchen, spitting out the small amount of blood that accumulated and rinsing out his mouth. There was a cut on his lip, he felt that for sure. He grabbed a bag of vegetables from the freezer and put it to his aching jaw.

The drive back to the apartment was silent. Spencer knew he was too angry to have a conversation about this right now so they would wait.

"Call us tomorrow honey" Susanna said as they pulled in front of Summer's apartment building. She just nodded and got out.

"Am I wrong?" Spencer asked as they drove to their hotel.

"Wrong? No, not exactly. But how you handle it will affect your relationship with her".

"So you're saying I should just let it go?"

"No, I'm saying maybe punching him wasn't a great display. It's obvious she's happy, we don't know the circumstances surrounding their situation, we don't even have all the information. That was the most she's told us in months".

"Susanna, don't think about this like a lawyer. We're her parents, we can't just let this slide when it puts so much strain and uncertainty on her future. This is not our daughter, she wouldn't jeopardize herself like this".

"And what if she thinks it's worth it?"

"What could she possibly get out of this? He's got way less to lose than she does, how can I believe that part of this has to do with the power he holds over her? No matter how happy she seems" Spencer said angrily.

"I know honey and I'm not arguing with you, it worries me too, but our relationship with her could be at stake. Just be cautious of how you handle it" she said and he nodded and kissed her hand.


The next morning when Avery came home, Summer told her about the dinner. She told her about how great everyone got along and how her parents seemed impressed before they got upset about how she and Connor met. Summer understood why they had reservations about the whole idea, but she hoped they would at least hear her out before coming to any drastic conclusions on their own.

Summer agreed to a late lunch with her parents and to bring Avery along but for now, she and Avery were just spending the morning in the apartment.

Avery was in the kitchen when the buzzer went off so she went to check it.


"It's Connor".

"Oh, come up" she said before going down the hall "Connor's coming up" she said to Summer.

"Oh, okay. I'm coming" Summer said.

"Hi" Connor said as she opened the door.

"Hi. You really didn't have to come today".

"I wanted to see you. Didn't exactly end last night off good. We should talk" he said and she nodded then he followed her to her room.

"So, I know my dad was really overbearing but it's mostly overprotective and I'm gonna talk to him today".

"Summer, maybe he has a point".

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Of course I would never manipulate you into doing anything or into staying with me, but I don't see either of us taking a step back from this".

"Why would we? I know how I feel about you".

"And I've made it very clear how I feel about you, but it's selfish of me to put you in this position. Your entire education and career is riding on you finishing this masters program and I can't be the person to hold you back from that".


"I know, this isn't how you wanted to fix this but being with me is a liability for you. Not just at MIT, but I know how close you are with your father and I don't want to ruin that. Especially if there might be hope for us later. I just can't let you do this right now".

"You aren't letting me do anything. You said it yourself, I'm sure of what I want and I make my choices for myself".

"And for that reason, I won't put you in a position where those choices are made for you and you don't get everything you want. I'm sorry Summer".

"So that's it, we're done?"

"I'm sorry Summer" he repeated "I want you to get everything good for you, and right now that's not me" he told her and she nodded. He waited a few seconds for her to speak, but when she didn't, he got up.
"Goodbye Summer" he said, kissing her cheek and leaving, passing Avery on his way out.

"How are we doing?" Avery asked sitting on the bed with Summer. She didn't answer though, she just leaned into Avery and cried.


"Summer, we've gotta get ready to go" Avery said waking her up a few hours later.

"What time is it?"

"3" she said and Summer groaned "how are you feeling?"

"Like shit, I don't really want to talk about it Ave. I'm sorry".

"Don't be, I get it. Let's get ready" she suggested and Summer nodded.
They got dressed and headed to the restaurant to meet her parents.

"Hi" Avery said as they reached the table and hugged each other.

"Hey girls, we ordered mimosas for the table. How are you Avery?" Susanna asked.

"Pretty good. And you guys?"

"The same, working. Despite certain circumstances, we're glad we could make it out to see you".

"Speaking of honey, I'm sorry for yesterday. I'm not changing how I feel but I'm sorry for how I reacted. It was impulsive and I could've done it differently. If you want to discuss-" Spencer started before Summer cut him off.

"It's um- it's okay dad".

"It's not. You're an adult and you make your own decisions, all your mother and I can do is give you our best advice".

"He um, he ended it this morning" Summer said taking a large gulp from her mimosa.

"He- he did?" Spencer asked.

"Summer honey, regardless of how we felt, I'm sorry that happened" Susanna added.

"Yea me too. I'm sorry I didn't communicate better with you guys. So we can just forget it. Um, Avery started her internship" Summer said and no one wanted to push her so they went with it.

"Oh yes, I've been there for a couple of weeks now. Super informative and such a good step in the right direction for me".

"I know you said database security but what all does that entail?" Spencer asked.

"Well he mainly does it for big business like law firms and other stuff. We work through the contracting side of it as well as the software side, so there's a little bit of business involved".

"He runs this company?"

"Yes he does. It's not a huge company but a sufficient amount of employees and customers. He's super hands on, allows me to ask all the questions I want, even the dumb ones" Avery giggled.

"You're learning, no question is too dumb. How long do you think you'll be there?" Susanna asked.

"As of now, until I graduate. He said we'd discuss my next step when I decide where I want to settle after graduation".

"You don't plan on going home?"

"I don't think so, definitely not while Summer is still finishing. And I'm still unsure about what comes after that".

"Have you spoken to Darren about it?" Susanna asked.

"A little bit yes, I don't want to stress about it now and we're not even there. I've got about another year to figure it out so I'm trying not to stress about it too much".

"That's a good idea honey, just focus on school for now. The rest will fall into place".


They spent the rest of the evening with her parents until they headed to the airport. Avery and Summer went back to their apartment. Summer did her best to keep her mind off of Connor for now. She interacted and joked with them, trying her best to seem normal. It wasn't the time for self pity anyways.

"I'm gonna lay down" Summer said as they got inside.

"Okay, do you want anything?"

"I'm okay Ave, I'm just really sad right now, could use the rest".

"I get it. I'll be here if you need anything" Avery smiled and Summer barely returned it before going to her room.

She laid there for a long time before being able to doze off. The conversation with Connor continued to play in her head. She could've sworn they were on the same page but there he was saying that he was a liability and he wasn't good for her. How could he expect her to just show up to class and pretend like everything between them never happened?


So here she was. She sat in her chair and waited for him to come inside. Summer had purposely gotten to class early so she wouldn't run into him.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Hope you had a good weekend. I'm gonna set this up really quickly and we'll get started" Connor said.
It took everything in him not to look her way, he knew if he did he wouldn't be able to stop. He would probably lose every thought in his mind which would he replaced with guilt. That was all he felt since speaking with her that morning. Guilt and heartbreak, but it was best for her.

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