Ace of Spades ✅

By Ferdeausee_

24.2K 5K 971

Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved. She exudes chaos, drawing it in like a moth to a flame. Everywhere sh... More

Author's Note + Aesthetics + Copyright
1; Cypher.
2; Hold the applause.
3; Things she never said.
4; Through the eyes of a child.
5; I was bored.
6; Mount Everest ain't got shit on me.
7; Little Miss Chaebol.
8; Beer, and bruised egos.
9; Ciao. Te Amo.
11; Black Diamond.
12; You Don't Know What It's Like.
13; You Follow the Rules. I make them.
14; With, or without you.
15; Baggage from the past.
16; Hate At First.
17; A sudden twist.
18; Who is she really?
19; You should see me in a crown.
20; Don't talk to me.
21; Don't do that.
22; Love to hate you.
23; That's Not How this Works.
24; Tears of Gold.
25; Denial is a river in Egypt.
26; Something called love.
27; Partners for life.
28; My plea to you.
29; Wicked.
30; Broken Hearts & Shattered Souls.
31; Too good to be true.
32; Power Over Me.
33; Love, a soul that cares.
34; Fall in love alone.
35; Finale: De Una Vez.
Final Author's Note

10; It's a siblings thing.

658 150 63
By Ferdeausee_

Deluxe Apartment Penthouse, Abuja.

A ding sound came, signifying someone being at the doorbell. Aadil who held a towel to his wet hair, courtesy of the shower he just took halted his steps right after stepping out of the bedroom. He swiveled hi head to the side, in the direction of the door with brows drawn in.

Swiftly, he tried to racked his brain to see if he could remember making plans with anyone, but he didn't need to think hard. No. That's the answer. He never invites anyone to his place, at least never one to reach his door steps.

The only ones invited are his team mates, and even then, they never come up. They simply call him when they arrived, and he would go down to retrieve whatever information from work was sent to him. That's all. They were invited for work, nothing more and nothing less.

That day though, he couldn't remember making plans with anyone or expecting to receive anyone. It was Sunday, making it the one day in the week where he can take the day off-even then, it's because they are yet to start a new case. The minute the next day comes, it will be another string of long endless work days with little break.

He would be lying if he said he's exactly looking forward to it, for obvious reasons.

The sound of the doorbell came yet again, putting an instant halt to Aadil's train of thoughts. Sighing, he dropped his hands by his side and then made his way over to the front door-his frown never ceasing to exist.

On reaching the door, he pulled it open without a second thought. The minute his gaze landed on the person on the other end, his frown deepened-his eyes narrowed in a glare almost everyone around him is familiarized with at that point.

"Go back to where you came from." He attempted to close the door, but the addressed person struck a hand out, making the door stop before it's closed right at his face.

Aadil knew it would be pointless to try to close it again-it would make them look ridiculously funny going back and forth over the same thing; and he wasn't exactly on board with looking like a fool because of this clown.

So, he simply sighed and opted to simply head back in and allow the person in. He wouldn't go back no matter what he'll say so why stress himself?

"Nice to see you too, grumpy." Came the voice of the person he would rather have as far away from his home as possible.

But even he knew that would be too much to ask, because the clown doesn't understand a simple hint. It's always been like that.

Trudging back to where he dropped the towel from earlier, he picked it up and resumed his action of trying to dry his hair as he settled on the first sofa in sight. He leaned his back against it, one of his knees folded while the other leg stretched out.

Despite having taken a shower, he had already worn a white top and some random grey joggers his gaze fell on. His hair though was still wet, and as such, was stuck with using the grey towel to dry it. He made a mental note to get it trimmed soon. It hadn't exactly grown out of proportion-but he still wasn't a fan of having it grow without reducing it.

"What are you doing here?" He grumbled under his breath as he watched the man he'd rather consider a clown make his way into his living room, and then settled on the sofa opposite his.

"Why else do you think I came straight here from the airport other than because of the love I have for you?"

Aadil's face scrunched up almost immediately, eyes narrowed. Without so much as a second thought, he threw the towel at the man-making it hit him right in the face. An ouch came from the one on the receiving end, before he threw it as far away from him as possible-as if disgusted by it.

"Never say that again." Aadil warned, a finger pointed in the man's direction. His tone might've been light, but the look on his face screamed he was serious.

He finds it extremely weird for a guy to say that to another. Girls make it so simple to express their affections. Guys though, that isn't their thing. It will never be because it's just outright weird.

They would rather insult each other to their faces, that's their form of normality-not whatever rubbish this clown came along with this time around.

Aadil could swear it's always one form of drama after another whenever the clown returns home. Sometimes he can't help but wonder how someone can be capable of that much energy in him.

"Alright. I'll take silence as your love language. Got it." The guy nodded to himself, as if making a mental note-actually taking what he said seriously.

Aadil's eyes narrowed even more, as he sucked in a breath through his teeth. He seemed to be two seconds away from throwing something again at the man hell-bent on getting on his nerves.

Lucky for the said man, there was nothing beside him that he could throw again. He could use the sofa cushions, but that would make the place messy and he hates a messy place.

When he got a wide, cheeky grin in response, he found himself staring at the man-wondering how his life got entangled with such a man. It has to be some sort of bad luck; it just has to be.

Realizing no threat could work on him, he sighed and leaned back on the couch; his annoyed expression never disappearing. "What are you doing here, Aahil?"

Aahil gave him a half shrug. "What? I can't even visit my brother anymore?" He hummed in question. He knew the answer. Of course, he could visit but if it's up to Aadil, then he would rather hear from at most two times a year and that's it.

It's nothing personal. It's just Aahil isn't well reversed in the art of staying in one's lane and out of his business. He's probably the one person in the world that was capable of doing such a thing to him without being scared.

Well, him and... Aadil dismissed the thought before it drifts far. He doesn't want to venture down that path.

"I don't want to see your face."

"Too bad. I want to see yours." A mischievous look flicked across the man's features, his smile widening. "In fact, I'm dying to do so."

Aadil's mouth fell open for a brief second. Growing up with some as annoying as Aahil, he was supposed to be used to the man's character; and he is. But, there are still times that he wonders just what exactly goes on in that clown's mind that he doesn't understand the simple art of stopping something when asked to.

There's something he fails to understand though. It's that the more he asks Aahil not to, the more he actually does it simply for the fun of getting under the man's skin. Or as he likes to say it, It's a siblings thing. It's his job as his sibling to annoy him, and he surely takes that job seriously.

Somehow finding the strength to press his lips close again, Aadil racked his brain in an attempt to find a way to send the clown out of his home. Only one thing came to mind; and without giving much of a thought, he found himself voicing it. "Please leave."

"Am I hearing you right?" Aahil's face scrunched up in feigned confusion, and then he leaned forward slightly. "Please repeat that. I think I just heard the Aadil Bashir Kari saying the 'p' word. I'm hallucinating right? This ain't real."

Truth be told, his overdramatic act is on point. Aadil and saying the word 'please' don't go down the same path. Sure, there are times he needs to say it to be polite. But other than that, he never says it. Not when it comes to asking others to do stuff.

He's just so used to them doing it without him having to stress himself. In fact, all it takes is a glare and then they would do as he asks. That was all. There was never a need for him to strain himself. Until now. His eyes could fall off, and Aahil still won't bend. He was starting to regret it though, because it seemed that only riled the man up.

So, he sighed and simply decided to give up. Leaning further in the seat, he threw him head back and flicked his eyes close. He was hoping to spend the day like he always does, cocooned in the silence of his apartment. Quite unfortunately a chatterbox in form of a clown popped up, and now the word silence had to pack its stuff and walk right out the door because it wasn't welcomed anymore.

Aahil's grin morphed into a genuine smile as he watched Aadil still try to shut him out. He isn't normally as annoying as he was that day. He actually had to put in more effort into doing so, and for a reason.

He kept shut for a few seconds, silence yet again peeking through the window to see if it could come in and reign over them. Aahil didn't give it the chance to do so though, because his expression suddenly changed into a serious one-his gaze still on the man that hasn't moved an inch from his position.

"Maa's death anniversary is in a few days." He announced, his tone losing any hint of lark, or joy it had in just a few minutes ago. Instead, it was low, and gloomy to match the sudden atmosphere in the room.

He could see Aadil's body visibly stiffen the minute those words left his parted lips. Still, he didn't make a move to shift or react though other than that.

"--It would mark four years since she left us." Aahil added, looking down for a brief second before he tilted his head up again. "I couldn't miss that. That's why I'm back."

Of course Aadil knows that, despite his earlier questions. They both are aware of the death anniversary coming up-it was a constant reminder in the back of Aadil's mind in particular. He remembers it as much as he remembers Aahil's presence every year during that time.

Aahil has his own life as well, a busy one too. But, despite how tight their schedules are, they always clear it so they could visit her grave together every year. They made it wordlessly a tradition of theirs to do so.

If Aahil is being honest, he tries to be there every year because he knew Aadil had no one to be with him on such a day. You would think since it's been years, he was handling it good but he wasn't-even if he tries to hide it. He's still deeply affected. It wouldn't be right to leave him alone on a day like that. If it means him going over to annoy him till he takes his mind off it, then so be it.

Aadil released a breath, his shoulders slumping as he flicked his eyes open to see the light. At that moment though, it felt almost blinding. Actually, no. It seemed too bright, it didn't fit right with how he felt at the moment.

He would've much rather preferred the darkness, at least it would camouflage with his feelings. He preferred the night. It understood him better than anything else. Or so he would like to believe.

He couldn't bring himself to say a thing to Aahil because truth be told, he doesn't know what exactly to say. There were a thousand things on his mind, and yet the minute he parted his lips, they all evaporate into thin air. He would rather stick to him wordlessly appreciating the man's presence during such a tough time even if he would never admit it.

Aadil was okay with that though. He didn't need to hear it, not when he already knows. And especially not when he wasn't doing it for appreciation, but for the sake of being a true sibling.

He sighed as well, his gaze shifting from Aadil to give the penthouse a quick survey. He wasn't planning to stay there of course. He already had the driver take his luggage to the suite he'll stay in somewhere else. Still, it wouldn't help to survey the place.

For a man living alone, it was spotless. Aadil surely is a neat freak-that much is obvious. It has always been like that since they were kids; and even growing up, he had this habit of stress cleaning. The minute he's stressed, he begins to cleans the place even if it's spotless-he would find an issue with it like an African mother.

The thought had Aahil smiling slightly-but it fell when his gaze landed on a folder on the coffee table between them. The first thing he noticed were the words 'HIGHLY CLASSIFIED' written in bold, red stamp. Then, his eyes fell on Shuri logo right above it, along with the special force written on it.

He didn't need to check, he wouldn't since it's not his place to do so. He doesn't prod into Aadil's work, that's a line he doesn't cross howsoever. Still, something crossed his mind. He had been wondering whether to bring it up, now he's made up his mind.

Shifting his gaze to Aadil again, he found himself voicing out; his tone low and so were his words. "I heard she's back." He didn't need to elaborate. They both knew who he was talking about. He could see the reaction those words got out of the said man-he looked up, his dull eyes meeting Aahil's. "Do you want to talk about that instead?"

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