Ace of Spades βœ…

By Ferdeausee_

24K 5K 971

Copyright Β© 2023. All Rights Reserved. She exudes chaos, drawing it in like a moth to a flame. Everywhere sh... More

Author's Note + Aesthetics + Copyright
1; Cypher.
2; Hold the applause.
3; Things she never said.
4; Through the eyes of a child.
5; I was bored.
6; Mount Everest ain't got shit on me.
8; Beer, and bruised egos.
9; Ciao. Te Amo.
10; It's a siblings thing.
11; Black Diamond.
12; You Don't Know What It's Like.
13; You Follow the Rules. I make them.
14; With, or without you.
15; Baggage from the past.
16; Hate At First.
17; A sudden twist.
18; Who is she really?
19; You should see me in a crown.
20; Don't talk to me.
21; Don't do that.
22; Love to hate you.
23; That's Not How this Works.
24; Tears of Gold.
25; Denial is a river in Egypt.
26; Something called love.
27; Partners for life.
28; My plea to you.
29; Wicked.
30; Broken Hearts & Shattered Souls.
31; Too good to be true.
32; Power Over Me.
33; Love, a soul that cares.
34; Fall in love alone.
35; Finale: De Una Vez.
Final Author's Note

7; Little Miss Chaebol.

717 144 19
By Ferdeausee_

Horizon General Hospital, Abuja.

Blowing out a small breath, Inaya's shoulders slumped slightly as the elevator she's in dinged—signifying its arrival at the designated floor. Her hands were still tucked in the pockets of the varsity jacket she got from the orphanage earlier.

She tried to return it back when they brought back her outfit, washed and ironed but they refused to take the one given to her back. So, she was left alone with a new outfit.

If it was someone else in her shoes, they would've felt embarrassed or something to be walking around in volunteer outfit but not her. The jacket covered the top, so one couldn't exactly tell. And even if it does, she still doesn't care.

Heck, even if it was written on her face, she would still walk around with her head held high—that's her level of confidence.

Letting out a small sigh, she pushed herself from the wall and uncrossed her legs, unfolding herself to her full height before stepping out. In the hallways, she could smell disinfectants and that particular scent that a hospital has.

Admittedly, she's always hated it but she tries to tuck that fact away.

Her feet maneuvered down the hallways, subconsciously already aware of her destination and knowing her way around it like the back of her hand. On reaching her destination, she was slightly taken aback to see the door open.

Nonetheless, she made her way towards it and peaked in—her gaze falling on a familiar figure and someone seated across her. Bringing her hand out, she checked the time to make sure she wasn't too early, or late even.

4:45pm. The time read.

She was just in time. It was the exact one she has an appointment so the fault wasn't from her.

Leaning on the slightly ajar door, although not placing her full weight on it, she reached out her hand and knocked on it lightly—instantly gaining attention of the three people in the office. The patient, and probably relative looked up first, followed by the doctor whose face instantly flashed with recognition.

Inaya offered her a plastered, fake but wide smile. Her hand now raised to flash her a small wave that included a wiggle of her fingers, like she did to Aadil earlier to accompany the fake smile. She didn't mean it with malice, she just needed the woman to know she wasn't exactly over the moon being there. She would've waited for them to finish as well, but the last thing she needed was an earful about being late.

She doesn't want to take chances so it's better to be careful.

The doctor, not fazed in the slightest by the woman's reaction rose her hand slightly—a gesture for her to wait and that she will soon give her room to come in. Inaya took that as her cue to gently close the door behind her.

Shifting away from obstructing the door, she leaned on the nearest wall—her legs stretched out in front of her and crossed. There was a waiting chair she could sit on, but she doesn't feel like it so she chooses to stick to standing.

Only about two minute or so, the patient inside came out along with his guardian it seems. The two made their way out, and while Inaya had her gaze accompanying them to the elevator, she didn't see the doctor popping up.

Well, at least until she became visible from her side eye. Blinking, she turned her head in the doctor's direction. "Anyeong." She greeted, her tone dull to match her mood.

Unfortunately for her, her downturned mood didn't affect the doctor. If anything the woman was used to it by now. "Come on in." She gestured with her head for Inaya to follow her, and so she did.

The two settled in the exact position from earlier—with the doctor behind the table and Inaya on the other side. No words were exchanged between them at first. Up until the doctor drew her chair closer to the table and intertwined her fingers, dropping them on it. "I didn't think you would actually make it to your appointment today."

Inaya blew out a loud breath, sinking further in her seat. "Well, I have a doctor that will nag me if I don't. So, what other choice do I have?"

The doctor chuckled, her warm attitude like the fluorescent light in the room—reflecting on the name palate sitting finely on her desk. The name, 'Dr. Aishatu Nasir' was engraved on the crystal clear palate, in black writing that made it easy for anyone to read.

"I see you're still as bright as ever." Commented Aishatu, though the sarcasm in her tone was hard to miss despite the warm smile. They both didn't take it personally. It was their way of bonding.

"So are you." Inaya shrugged. She wouldn't lie—sometimes she envies how Aishatu always manages to look lively despite the past she had. And no, she didn't exactly tell her but does she need to?

Inaya knows almost everything she wants to. Sometimes, she doesn't even need to try.

Aishatu stared at her for a few seconds, her lips stretched in amusement before she shook her head. Picking up the file belonging to Inaya, she flicked it open to go through the latest information there. This resulted in silence reigning over for a few seconds; till she broke it having deemed it to be enough for her to be satisfied. "I see you're doing much better."

"Of course I am." Inaya bragged a bit, offering Aishatu a genuine, wide smile in the process. Her words may not sound like it, but she has eventually grown to take a liking in Aishatu more than she would admit.

"You're taking your drugs on time?" It seems like she is, since she is indeed getting better but the doctor needed to hear it from Inaya to be completely assured.

Inaya bobbed her head repeatedly. "Yes, I am."

"And you're abiding by the rules set out for you, right?"

"Of course, doc."

Aishatu nodded as well, her smile widening. "Okay then. Seems you might no longer need to come here so often then." She scribbled something on the file, one that Inaya didn't get because it's in that doctor's handwriting that only they understand. "You're much better than you were before. You can go about your life now—just please be extra careful." She looked up when she said this, giving the addressed woman a stare that she understood well enough.

It's the same look parents give their kids to warn them in order to not do something wrong—and for some reason, Inaya felt the need to abide by the woman's words.

Aishatu didn't need anyone to tell her. She could tell from the very first time she met Inaya that she wasn't like any other normal woman. There was this mischievous glint in her eyes, and aura that screamed her up to being no good. Still, she could see past the façade that she has a good heart—even if she tries to hide it under that 'stay away from me' attitude of hers.

"—and try not to get involved in anything extremely stressful. You cannot strain yourself, you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am." Inaya folded her lips in, sinking further into her chair like a child being scolded by his mother.

"Also..." Aishatu started again, earning an eye roll from Inaya who knew it would definitely be another string of scolding. The doctor sighed, her voice dropping as she added. "...Like I told you before, you need to personally see a psychologist; I'm a cardiologist, I cannot treat your condition perfectly. Even for this, I had to consult a psychologist friend of mine."

Inaya pressed her lips together. "You're the only doctor I trust." She stated earnestly. "I cannot have strangers prodding into my life and making me open up. I don't want that nonsense."

"You have dissociative amnesia, Inaya." Aishatu stated, in a tone that showed her trying to explain the severity of the situation in case the woman is yet to get it. "If you truly want to recall your memories, then you'd need help from a professional. I can only help so far."

Inaya held her gaze, her expression not giving anything away.

Aishatu sighed. "—You're likely to lose your memories again if you experience something traumatic again. Do you want to keep forgetting things and live on like that?"

"Maybe forgetting is better than to recall something traumatic. My brain erased it for a reason, don't you think?" Inaya's tone was low, and knowing. There was something dark about her tone, Aishatu couldn't point a finger at. Before she could prod further though, Inaya was quick to plaster a fake, small smile to lessen the tension in the air. "You said it yourself, I don't need to come often again so I'll take that as me being free from this place, yeah?"

Aishatu held up that look of her for a few more seconds, before she relented—allowing her warm side to show yet again. She could only hope Inaya listens to her; as her doctor and as an adult. She saw from the woman's chart that she's only 27 years old; which made her three years older.

Truth be told though, Aishatu wouldn't have believed it if she didn't see it on the chart herself. Inaya looks way too young—one would even mistake her for a girl in her late teens even though she doesn't exactly have a petite figure. Still, her facials seemed like that of a young woman.

"—So..." Inaya suddenly spoke up again, gaining Aishatu's attention. When her eyes met that of the younger woman's, she continued. "...that means I can go now though, right?"

"Well, yes but--"

"Great! See you never." Inaya was instantly on her feet, and making her way to find the exit. On hearing Aishatu attempt to say something to her again, she simply rose one of her hands up and waved at her, a wordless gesture that she genuinely doesn't give two flying shoes about whatever it is she wanted to say.

Unlike when she arrived there, Inaya made her way towards the elevator she took earlier with a small, but relieved smile masking her features. It was nice to know that at least one of her worries has been crossed off the list.

99+ more to go.

Great. She thought, her smile disappearing as she waited for elevator doors to open. Just great.


Escapism's sped up version blared the speakers of her car as Inaya turned the steering wheel with her left hand, the left holding the cup of Starbucks she stopped by to get for herself as a reward for going through such a day. She didn't expect it to be that stressful really.

But, in between going to the orphanage, playing with the kids, talking to Aadil, and going to the hospital—she was downright exhausted, mentally in particular especially since her discussion with Aadil didn't exactly end the way she wanted it to.

Even as she drove the car down the lane leading to her home, her mind still kept on drifting back to her conversation with him. She was supposed to use it as her chance to get him into accepting her into the Alpha Team. It shouldn't matter since the Chief already approves of it but Aadil truly has a huge impact over his team.

It was almost as if there would no Alpha Team without him. If he doesn't agree with something, or rather someone getting involved in it—then it wouldn't pass through no matter what.

He left the minute he got her reason for hacking into the Farm. She was bored. He must've found it to be her playing with his mind or something, so he stared at her with a look that showed he wasn't amused in the slightest before he turned around and walked away, leaving her standing in the lounge all alone.

In her defense, she truly was bored. How is it her fault if that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear? Though, she was starting to regret it since it seemed to be her only chance at getting him to talk to her.

She kissed her teeth, her index finger tapping the cup of coffee while she drove past the gates leading to the manse up the hill. Her expression was void of any emotions, a huge contrast to her earlier one. In all honesty though, she was being true to her feelings at the moment.

Every time she held up a smile, or does something it was almost like a façade of hers. One that she puts around to everyone since she wasn't one to walk around with her emotions on her sleeve.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she drove up the hill only stopping once in front of her parents' enormous manse that is without a doubt too big for the number of people that live in there. It wasn't even in an area surrounded by people. No, it was isolated—occupying the space all to itself and giving a view of the whole area from there.

When the car came to a halt right in front of the manse, she turned the engine off and picked up her phone first, and then the bag that contained her outfit from earlier. She had almost forgotten about it if not that her gaze luckily fell on the paper bag.

Retrieving it from the position it was, she then stepped out of the car—the warm breeze instantly slapping her right across the face. It wasn't that hot though, compared to other days, and since she wasn't exactly facing the sun, she didn't bother to don her shades again.

"Welcome back home, Miss Sa'id." Said the valet, as he hastily rushed over to stand beside her.

She didn't vocalize her answer. She simply gave him a slight curt, and then tossed the car keys to him before turning around and making her way up the flight of stairs leading to the front door.

Stepping into the house with a small salaam, she was instantly welcomed by the cold air that engulfed the entire place; her frown deepened. "Home sweet home." She mumbled from where she stood, staring at the empty hallways with dull eyes.

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