Survival of the Fittest (Adop...

By FelipeQuadrado

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A group of young boys are just about to finish Highschool till things go completely South. A new species appe... More

The Loss
Upper Hand
Our Mark
A Weird Track
Last Chance
Our Last Stand... Part 1
" I'm not sure "
Which Track to Take
The Royal
Questiona from Writer
Our Mettle
P.O.A. - Plan. Of. Attack.

Our Last Stand... Part 2

320 8 0
By FelipeQuadrado

(Samuel's P.O.V.)
I stood there infront of Diego's cell, just watching what he would do...
His cell was made from Bamboo and many sheets of metal, not only that, his arms and legs were tied together....
The others really didn't trust him...
He soon noticed me and his demeanour became one of someone very desperate...
"Sam! Gracias a Dios! Can you do me a favour and break me free? The others put me in here for no reason and just barely feed me, they are crazy! Please help me!" He said with a very desperate tone...
"Diego, quit the act, I know you've been stealing food from the vault..."
"Can you blame me though?! I'm hungry, I'm-"
"Do you think you take priority over the others?"
"What makes you think that you deserves food before others?"
"Because I'm hungry!"
"We're all hungry you idiota! You're not the only one we have to feed! We have roughly a thousand kids in here, you don't take priority over them!"
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" I yelled so loud that the sound bounced off a few times off the walls...
Diego didn't dare speak back, I could see the terror in his face...
"You were stealing food that we've been collecting for everybody Diego, I know your parents always kept you fed to your heart's desire, but they aren't around anymore... You need to learn the value of being grateful for what you have, and now, that includes being grateful that you are still alive and not starving...."
"This is not over Samuel! I will get out! I will have my dream fulfilled again!"
"Not for a very long while Diego..." I said as I started to leave and I heard him trash around his cell while making it shake...
I remembered I forgot to ask where was Jacob, but I didn't have time for him...
I got to the stairs of the bunker till I remembered that my ride isn't in the shape to make a getaway if things go south, especially since I'm heading in alone...
"Mierda..." I mumbled to myself...
"What happened?"
"AH!... Dios Gabriel... Don't do that again..." I jumped from the scare that Gabriel gave me...
"Sorry, but, why are you not going?"
"If I go on foot, I'll be there by noon, and that's not a good choice..."
"Why not take your car?"
"It's broken Gabe, if I don't give some proper repairs, and at the time, we need to prioritize materials for the bunker's repairs while having food for the rest of them to eat..."
"So how will you get to their base?"
"I don't know, but I can't take my car..."
"Then take this..."
I looked at his hand as I saw a key with a motorcycle key chain having from it...
"Where is it?"
"On the garage level of this building..."
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"I wanted to keep this one safe, it's my dad's"
". . .  Don't worry, I won't break it, kay..."
"Sure, just take good care of this bike, it meant a lot to dad..."
"Okay, thank you Gabriel..." I said as I opened the bunker door and went to the garage...
I looked around to see if I see any anthros and I see nothing, I went to the garage and I started to look around for the bike, to find it being covered by a tarp...

I'm impressed his father managed to snag one of these, its a old model from 2031 NHK-T Trailer, a good street racing and tourism motor bike...
I get on the bike and started to make my way to their camp while approaching I start to slow down till I'm a good 15 metres from the entrance and just quickly turn and make the bike stop sideways...
I get off the bike and see soldiers at the towers aim at me, but I didn't change my posture, I'm not going to raise my hands...
I just stayed there looking at the gate, the generals will show up, probably to talk about our little stunt from the before yesterday...
Soon as I thought of it, I see the gate started to move, and at the other side General Estemada was not that pleased in seeing me, and I could say the same for General Chloene, I could practically feel their anger radiating at this point, along with the anger of the other generals...
"You have some nerve returning here..." General Porez said as I see her hand wanted to go to her weapon...
"Porez, enough..." I heard General Chloene say sternly to General Porez...
"Aside from that, you are alone here Samuel, it must be important if you're here the following day in a new vehicle I see..." General Estemada said while getting closer to me...
I took one step back and it was enough to say, I just don't have much trust in them...
"We... We... We need help..." I said as I looked down...
I felt ridiculous, I know I'm doing this for the others, but asking the people who attacked us for help is beyond pitiful... not to mention dishonourable...
I got out of my transce as I looked up I see the General squatted and looking at me in eye level but a few inches away...
'How did she get so close!? I didn't feel the vibrations!' I mentally screamed as I began thinking desperately of ways I could counter if she was going to strike me...
"What took you so long to ask for help Samuel?" She asked as if I was her kid...
She extended her hand as if we were going to form an alliance or treaty, which what I wanted, to stop this, but I don't know what else I could do, this is for the survival of the rest...
I hesitantly began to move my left hand to accept it, till I heard commotion behind the general and I saw a male Kommodo dragon pull out his pistol and fire at me, I jumped to the left trying to avoid it before I'm hit with it on my right arm, I spun and fell to the ground...
I quickly got up and hid behind a tree before I heard another bullet hit the bark....
I just got luck 1,000 right there, I just knew it...
My fear turned into anger from what this was...
I got my pistol out with my left arm and cocked it with my right arm hurting...
I turned around and started to shoot, but I missed every shot, I was not dominant with aiming on my left arm...
I kept firing and they kept ducking and running till I hear a click that scared me...
The turned around to run deeper in the forest at me and I heard another boom and the sound of a bullet scraping my helmet, I kept running till I saw the slide, I grabbed a board that I found before I came here, I heard loud stomps behind me to see the General chasing me as she got closer to me and I got closer to the hill and just jumped, laid my back flat against the board as I slid down the steep slope that twisted and turned left and right, covered by vegetation...
I threw a small amount of Bloodberries that I had on my pockets on the vines as I hear them splash around the vines as I continued to slid...
As I slid I remembered when I discussed this...

*A Hour earlier...*

I was walking down the stairs with Stephanie holding Emily after she found out our situation...
"Hey Sam?"
"Yeah Steph?"
"Can I ask a question?"
"Steph, for the last time, you don't need to ask to ask a question to me, I'm not a teacher, I'm not by any means your elder, I'm your senior, but not your elder, just ask..."
"What happens if you get ambushed?"
I stopped on the steps as I was hit with realization...
I was already putting trust in them without realizing...
But Steph is still right, we may not be in combat, but caution can't hurt you...
"I don't know Steph, but if I am ambushed, where do you plan I go to? I can't run in the forest, they have the physical advantage, knowing the terrain won't get me far..."
"Actually it can..." she said as I stopped once more and looked towards her in confusion...
"You know the snow cliff?"
"Yeah, every time it snowed we go to that cliff which is for the teens that has twists turns jumps, an area for us to have fun, but it's the middle of summer, where are you getting with this?"
"Every time we go there we all need to spend a day or so clearing the vines and tree branches so that we can have fun right?"
"So use it..."
"Didn't you just hear yourself? How can I use it if its covered in vines and trees?"
"There's a hollow part underneath it all, you can slide and any angle or way you want so long as you are flat against the board and you'll end up near the auto shop on the Eastern side of the city..."
". . . You tried it didn't you?"
"Sure did..."
"Is this the part where you got that broken leg?"
"No! That was me falling off a branch and landed wrong, breaking my leg..."
I just stood and laughed how silly it was...
"Anyway, I left a board up there, it should be big enough for, you, it's near the entrance to that entrance of the cliff, then on your left, which reminds me, here..."
I looked at what she gave me and I saw Bloodberries...

'Why are you giving me a handkerchief filled with Bloodberries?"
"Their juice looks like our blood, and from what you told us, so does their blood, so if they see vines covered with your blood..."
"They'll think you committed suicide... Thanks Steph, but if I do use, just have everyone prepared to hold down the fort..."
"Got it!" She said determinedly, and I noticed that Emily was having it weird by how Steph was acting I just laughed like an idiot for a bit...

*Back to reality*

I sled till I stopped and noticed I stopped moving, I was now on the dirt area where I stopped, I got up and started looking left and right to see if I see any anthro, as I started making my way back to the bunker...

(Cervina's P.O.V.)
I just saw Samuel slide down a cliff into a bunch of bushes and I swear I saw blood...
"Oh sweet Selzar... Did we just..." I said as I was loosing my sense of balance, only for be go start falling then to being held up by Cottan...
Why did it come to this?
Why did Samuel have to die over this!?
I started to sob uncontrollably, I was the cause of a child's...
He might have been a soldier, but it's not right to kill a child for how they were taught...
"Why Cottan... Why did it have to end like this..?"
"I... I don't... know..." he said as all he could do is hold me....
We then later heard laughter and applause, I turn to see the soldier who shot Samuel on his arm being congratulated by his fellow soldiers...
I got out of Cottan's hold of me and marched to this imbecile...
"Private Kadeem!" I yelled as all of them stop talking and just straighten up as I walk to them...
"Yes ma'am?"
"Why are you and your comrades celebrating?"
"Because one of those humans are dead, we can finally put an end to the conflict!"
"You did nothing but murder private!"
"But ma'am-"
He did not answer, he just stayed very still...
"You did nothing but murder a pup trying to defend his home."
"Ma'am with respect he killed dozen of our fellow soldiers, not only that he massacred the Royal Forward Guard, he is dangerous!"
"Aside from that he is just doing what he was instructed! Defend-His-Home, a pup who is barely 18 years old!"
There were murmurs across his squad mates and he looked uneasy...
"Did you not see the footage showing their training? Their life?! Did you know any of this?!"
"Yes ma'am..." he said in a low voice...
He understood...
"I'm removing you from combat duty, you are not fit to fight in battlefields if the only thing you see infront of you is an enemy that deserves to die, just because you believe you are playing with a pawn..."
"I'm not repeating myself."
He wanted to speak, but he also knew he would get in worse trouble if he did...
"General!" I hear a voice in the distance...
One of my flyers called to me before she landed infront of me...
"Lieutenant Shamera, what's the problem?"
"The blood in the bushes, it's not real blood!" She said showing her hand filled with blood, but I looked at it more closely, it wasn't as liquid...
I've seen their blood before, it is very liquid, meaning, Samuel faked it...
"That pup is going to be the death of me... Private Kadeem, I will reconsider your resignment, but you are not in the filed of battle anymore."
"I... Understand ma'am..." he said as he started to leave...
"General, there is a trail of blood going into the city at the bottom of the cliff, along with the same board, shall I follow in pursuit?"
"At once Lieutenant, for the rest of you be ready, we will move into the city!" I announced to my soldiers as they saluted me...
All my soldiers started to prepare for the what will come next...
Cottan approached me as I put a hand to my head...
"What do we do now? Samuel won't trust us after that..."
"Show your commitment Cervina, we both see how he behaves both on and off the battlefield, he is no different than us..."
"I hope you are right, because this is not going to be good no matter what happens..." I said as I too started to leave towards the base to prepare for the chaos ahead...

(Samuel's P.O.V.)
I was almost to the bunker, my arm hurt like el inferno...
Whatever they shot me with it was so lucky...
I got to the bunker door as I barely managed to open it and got inside...
The others were there as I walked out of the shadows and they saw my arm with my bloody hand trying to cover the wound...
"Samuel, Dios Santo, what happened!?" Macy said as she came closer to me and help me stand...
"Ambush, those animales were trying to ambush us, when I went to negotiate..."
"Excuse me, out of the way, medic..." someone said as they made their way through the now crowd of people around me...
The doctors was 15 year old Elisa & Damian Beldon, both trying to become doctors...
"Hold on Sam, this is will sting..." she said as she went with pincers in my wound and slowly started to pull out the bullet...
It bothered so much, I wanted to squirm but I just couldn't...
By the looks, it was just as big as a sniper bullet with the shell, if this is a pistol bullet, I can only imagine the bigger weaponry...
"I told you this was a bad idea.. I know... But we need to get ready... They might attack us..." Phil said...
"They don't know where we are, how would they find us?" Lucas said...
"They will..."
"How?" John asked...
I just pointed and they see a trail of drops of blood...
My arm bled slowly so they have an idea where I went...
"You left a trail!?" One of the kids said as he was trying to get a rise of the others...
"No I left them little presents along the way, Do you think I left it on purpose!?"
"Damnit Sam!" Khan said as he held his helmet and walked away for a bit...
"Look no use in complaining now, Steph, did you get people to join?"
"Only 13 willingly..." she replied...
"That's enough, we need to get ready..." I said as I tried to get up...
But as soon as I put weight on my arm I fall to the ground since it still had a hole in it..."
"Say still, we need to stitch this..." Damian said as he held me down...
"Not a hole this big..." I said trying to get up...
"Quit talking, you're lucky that it didn't hit any big veins or even damaged your FDP, or your would be screwed..." Elisa said trying to find something in her bag...
"His what?" Lucas asked...
" ' Flexor Digitorum Profundus ' what allows him to curl his fingers and arms..." Damian clarified...
"Whatever, we need to make a stand or else everyone is going to die..." Gabriel said as he started to panic...
"And how do you presume we should do? It's 5 and a half here against a world for all we know!" Khan said getting annoyed...
"Quit being a doubter!" Lucas said trying to break the ice...
"Get the paintball guns... we'll use those..." I said Cody...
"They have no effect on us except leaving a bruise, what do you pretend to do with them? Give them a thousand bruises?!" Steph said dumbfounded by my idea...
"They don't know that..." I remarked...
"What?" Phil asked...
"They never seen a paint-ball gun before, we could just say that they blow up on contact..."
"HEY GUYS! WE CAUGHT ONE!!" One of kids said as he was on the stairs..
"What the in inferno you mean you caught one?!" I questioned him...
"We caught one of those furry bastardos up here!" The kid said as he headed back up the stairs...
I got up with some help and went to about the 12th floor, only to see about 15 kids managed to tied up a female Chichiri bird while everyone pulling on a rope to tighten it...
"What were you guys thinking?!" I asked them in not a happy tone...
"We caught one, we-"
"You were told that coming to these floors above the ground is not allowed! And this is one of the reasons why damn it!"
"Samuel... I knew you were alive..." the Chichi said...
"I don't know you..."
"I'm a Lieutenant under General Estemada..."
"Which Estemada?"
"There's two Estemada Generals, which one?"
"The female?"
"So it's Cervina..."
"You know her name?"
"She wasn't exactly shy about sharing that after she discovered my age..."
"Who cares about it? Let's cook this párajo!" One of the kids said as they started to get closer...
I could see fear in the Lieutenant, but this is not how we do things...
"Guys, enough." I said as I tried to stop them from worsening our situation...
"What? After all they did? You want us to forget it?" One of the kids asked angry at me...
"I want you to forget the idea of cooking her..." I said as I tried to remain calm...
"No Sam, this is for our parents!"
"And did they want you to commit murder!?"
"EVERYTHING YOU RETARDAR!" I roared as the room went silent...
Nobody dared to speak a word...
"I know almost everything about every single child here in this bunker, remember I'm a soldier! I'm a Blazing Angel! My job is to protect this country and this world from itself!"
"You act like you're a soldier but you're a kid too!"
"Young adult, but if that's how you want to think then you don't need protection, why just not go out there?"
"Because I..."
"Because I what?"
"Shut up! You won't do it because you're scared, not of me, of them! You don't have the guts to go out there, it's true I don't have the official title or all my training, but I can put just as much of a fight as you can!"
The boy did not speak another word, he knew he couldn't beat me and wouldn't try to challenge me, as I am older then him...
"We're not killing her and that's FINAL, I don't want to hear one more word about this topic, now... those who won't fight go down to the bunker and reinforce the pillars along with creating defensive walls, everyone who is fighting, get to the armoury grab a paint-ball gun and get ready, they'll be here any minute now!" I yelled before everyone started to scatter to their own tasks...
"Thank you Samu-"
"Don't mistake this as kindness, I just have one goal in my mind and heart, get Palm Coast back, and see you guys off of our world so we can start to rebuild and repair..."
"But you won't survive for long..."
"Are you trying to threaten us?" I said as I turned to her giving a cold stare...
"No, that's not what I meant, you won't survive for long alone, your economy and manner of gathering food is almost gone after our arrival, your natural wildlife has scattered, please listen to reason Samuel..." she pleaded to me...
"Last time I listened to it I got shot in the arm with now I have hole in my arm... I won't commit the same mistake twice... I was foolish to believe they wanted peace..." I asked as I looked down and curled up my left arm...
"I heard enough, someone shut this Chichiri up!" I said as Khan started to walk towards her...
"Samuel wait-" she tried to speak as Khan came behind and tied a piece of cloth on her mouth (beak)...
"Get Steph and Macy to search her for weapons or anything unusual and if they find something they don't know, treat it with extreme care and contact us."
"What about you?"
"I'm going to teach those kids to shoot a gun, and not have an itchy trigger finger and blow our entire plan..."
"And what about her?"
"She's our bargaining ticket, put her in an idle room, once we get the chance we need to take it... Take her." I said as a few boys came, picked her up and took her away...
Soon as they were out of the room, I held my arm, as it still hurt alot...
"How's your arm?"
"Stings like a puta... How about the rest of you?"
"We're holding up fine, their just scared..."
"Their just civilians, they don't know anything but to be scared..."
"How couldn't they?"
"True, now how do we send them a message?"
" They way we always did to any country who tried and still failed, being loud..."

(Cervina's P.O.V.)
I was in my tank as I waited for my informant to return...

"Any word on Lieutenant Shamera?"
"No ma'am, we have nothing, her signal keeps surfacing and disappearing, whatever is down in this place General, it is very difficult to navigate..." I sighed in worry...
I had no choice but to advance in the city since she was gone for so long...
We were making our way down to their city, I knew that it was destroyed, but as soon as I see some of the corpses I started to regret so many things...
Soon I feel small amounts of rumbling, to see that many parts of the city was exposing round pieces, similar to what was in the vehicles of the pups, till I see a tower in the centre of the city light up, revealing more of those round pieces, but those lit up, the ones near us didn't, I looked in awe from what was happening till I see moment on one of the floors, I tried to get a better view of it, till I see Samuel and his friends in full armour with some strange equipment near them, till I see their building lit brighter and start to let out sounds...

It pained me so much I could only hear my own head ache from all the pain, the sound being so powerful it shook the entire city, until it came to a stop, and I could see Samuel looking at me...
"Samuel... What in this world are you doing?"
"Cervy, should we move on their location?"
"Yes, we need to retrieve them." I said in a serious tone...
Soon as I said, my troops started to make our way towards their building, their streets were wide with many symbols and shapes, as if they try to show their culture rather than keep it customs...
I lost myself as I felt myself go forward, I looked to see we already arrived at the building that they were in, I got off of the tank, and walked towards the building till I hear a bullet connect with the ground near me...
All eyes go up to see Samuel with his friends holding their weapons with Samuel's pistol smoking out of its barrel...

(They are 2 stories high)

Samuel had a piece of cloth covering his entire right arm and another piece of cloth holding it up...
My forces then aim their weapons at them as Cottan and the others try to control this situation...
"Samuel, just please listen-"
"Why should I? I came to you alone, trying to ask for help, then you pull a fast one and I get shot in the arm... I don't think there's much for you to say to defend yourself..."
"The soldier who attacked you didn't understand the situation, we are trying to help you..."
"Like inferno you are..."
"It's true, we sent one of ours here to observe your situation, where is she?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about, and how should I know what your SPY looks like?"
"She's not a spy Samuel, just listen please..."
"Oh, wait! I know... She's the little birdy ain't it? If that's the case yeah, we have her..." He said while his twisting voice from a calm and logical, to a blood thirsty being...
He is trying to give himself and others a reason to fight...
"Is she safe?"
"Define safe General, does that mean in one piece or in many cooked pieces?"
"You didn't... did you?"
"I don't know what you're thinking General, maybe you think that I cut her limb by limb?"
"You know absolutely nothing about me General Estemada..." he said as he moved his mask up, enough to see his mouth as he whistled loudly...
I thought only flyers could whistle...
Only to see my lieutenant being dragged by other children, they looked younger than Samuel and his friends, then they aimed weapons at us...
"Samuel, don't do this..."
"Why not General? It's true you showed kindness to me and my crew, but I don't know if it honesty or just a lie if you are trying to ally us..."
"We are trying to ally with you Samuel, we just wanted peace..."
"Peace? My people had peace, before you and your stupid government CAME HERE AND TOOK EVERYTHING WE EVER HAD!"
"It wasn't our intention..."
"Well, shooting you ain't our intention either but hey... Accidents happen..."
"Samuel, do not do something you will regret..."
"These weapons are not traditional, one round from one of them is just as powerful as a grenade, so General, here is my offer: You will take every last one of your troops out of this planet... You will destroy your means of transporting here and you will never return, defiance, means your lives..." he said as he pulled out his pistol and aimed it at my lieutenant...
"Samuel... We don't want violence..."
"And so did I..."
"Then just stop-"
I don't know how to respond...
He still didn't trust me...
"General, can you hear me?" One of my researchers contacted me from inside the tank...
"What is the meaning of this?"
"Forgive me, but I know something that can help..."
"What did I just say about funny tricks General? Do you want to blow up!?"
"The weapons that the others are holding, they are not dangerous, their sparing guns..."
"But Samuel said-"
"He lied General, he is using intimidation to win this desperate conflict..."
I was stunned, his profile took a while to translate, but it mentioned that he is honourable no matter what, however, he will result in less honourable tactics once his cause becomes extremely desperate, but even still, the creativity and hatred in this pup is beyond me...
"Samuel, I know that those weapons you mentioned are not lethal..."
His posture became one of scared pup but composed it back to anger...
"But my isn't..." he said as he aimed his weapon to her head...
"Then take my life instead of hers..."
"No General!" One of my soldiers said as Samuel cocked his gun...
"Calm down..." I said as I faced Samuel as he aimed his gun at me...
But I saw it again...
His weapon started to shake...
He growled before he leaped from his position and slid down a alloy rod and rolled towards me while holding his gun towards me...
He got closer to me, his weapon still kept shaking while I noticed that the piece of cloth that he had covering his arm was getting stained red...
He never managed to get his wound treated properly...
"Why... Why!?" He said as he was still holding to his weapon with both hands as the cloth got much redder...
I just stood there not trying to provoke him, as my hands slowly went up...
"Why every time I hold a gun towards you I start to shake like a little kid that is afraid of killing!?" He yelled in sheer rage...
"You know right from wrong Samuel... So if this brings you peace then so be it... But leave the others from this..."
"Cervina!" Cottan yelled as he got closer and I could see Samuel's trigger finger get tighter...
"Stay there Cottan... Let me handle this..." I said as he stopped and saw Samuel's finger...
"What good is right from wrong in a time like this!? Where murder is just as much important!?" I yelled back...
"That is your decision Samuel..." I said as I just continued to stare at him...
He started to shake even more before his arms gave out...
He held his head low and he slowly turned to his people...
"Let the Chichiri go..."
"What? But Sam..."
"Did I stutter?" He said coldly...
"N-No... But... This is supposed to be our revenge..." one of the kids just mentioned...
"Says you?"
"N-N-No... I just-"
"I'm not stopping until I kill them!" One of them said as their weapon at my lieutenant until it was kicked away by the one called Phillip...
"Wanna try again?" He said as he aimed his weapon ad the child...
"You're joining Diego and Jacob down in the cells buddy..." He said as he started to take the child away...
The one called John just cut the line to my Lieutenants hands as he started to leave back inside...
I just looked at Samuel as he had his back towards me...
"We're done, just open the bunker doors... We lost." He said as he holstered his pistol and headed towards the building...
I stepped forward and grabbed his right shoulder before he tried to take it off but he held his arm out of pain...
"You are not leaving until your arm is treated properly..." I said sternly...
"I don't need-" he started to speak before I lightly grabbed his right arm's shoulder before he curled even more in order to withhold the pain...
"You need it Samuel, stop putting your defiance on this sort of thing..." I said as I started to guide him towards him towards our medics...

(Phillip's P.O.V.)
Since Sam called our surrender, the kids started to get really scared...
"What was Sam thinking?!" One of the kids from the firing squad came to me...
"Our safety-"
"Safety? HA! He was just saving his own skin... The bastardo is a traitor!" Another kid interrupted me...
"So you say if you had our weapons you could take them on? With the little amount of ammo we have?" I said as I tried to see what idea the kid had...
"Shut up you Idiota! You want to put this 'El Macho' act go ahead and fight them, they'll beat you to a pulp..." I said as the kid completely lost his backbone...
A very good example why we are in charge...
We don't loose our backbone in good reason...
"He did it for security, if we did engage in another battle we wouldn't last 2 minutes with the ammo we have..." I said as I took out my AK...
"How much do you guys have?" Steph came out of the crowd asking us...
"I have half a clip, my pistol's dry" I said...
"I have 2 bullets..." Nick said as he looked in his M4A1's clip...
"I have 4 shots in each..." Lucas chimed in as he held both his S-9's...
"I have 7 shots, then I'm dry..." John said as he took out his pistol...
"10 bullets." Khan said as he put his SCAR clip back on his gun...
"So it's more than obvious we wouldn't last... I bet Sam has 3 bullets in his pistol..."
"So we just... die now?" Steph said as she looked down...
"Hey." Khan said as he was behind Stephanie...
As soon as she turned around he just gave her a strong back hand...
"Khan, What the fuck!?" I said as I rushed to Stephanie's side...
"Get that thought out of your head Stephanie, if we were going to die it would mean that the six of us would be dead, but they have shot a single bullet at us, so that means something... Now get up and erase that from your head, I don't want to hear it..." he said as he started to walk away as I crouched next to Steph as she lightly held her cheek...
"What happens now?"
"I wish I knew Steph... I can just hope the best can happen..." I said as I helped her get up and took her to the vault and get some ice on her cheek...

(Cervina's P.O.V.)
I was standing beside one of my vehicles with a medic attending to Samuel's injury...
He didn't get treated properly to I could only assume how he felt...
I heard small grunts from him from time to time as he was getting treated...
The hole in his arm was almost completely healed with this treatment...
It put a smile on me, but he only had his chest plate armour off, he refused to take his helmet off by any means...
I think he just does not want to show emotion...
So I decided not to force him...
I can only wait for his reaction to what I will do next...

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