She's our bodyguard?!?

By Tillytheboss

142K 3.9K 732

I'm Lenna Vick and believe it or not, I'm One Direction's new bodyguard. I know, it's pretty hard to believe... More

Chapter 1 - ABOUT ME
Chapter 2 - Meeting The Boys
Chapter 3 - DADDY
Chapter 4 - 5 AM
Chapter 5 - Dang it
Chapter 6 - Wait You're My Brother
Chapter 7 - What's going on?
Heads or Tails
The Event
The Vicks are Back Bitch!
Little town
We bought a diner
The tapes
Pregnancies and fighting
Like mother like daughter
Stacy the little liar
Answers and updates
The shootout
Old friend
Story Time
Danny Baby
Bye Bye Bye.
One Direction's return
Children and fighting
Hospital Suprises
Looks like she's back
Wrong Lad
Veronica veronica.
Dear kinda husband
Bang bang/// 1 more chapter
Last Chapter

Calm before the storm?

1.2K 28 10
By Tillytheboss

My brother insisted that I stayed at his house. I personally think he wanted to be gifted with my presence, or maybe his just missed his lil sis?

As awkward as it feels, we sat in the living room. We stayed silent, the atmosphere tense. Liam fiddled with his hands every once in a while glancing up at me.

"Sooo..." I spoke up, trying to break the weird aura around us.

"Is there anything else that happened while I was gone that you wish to tell me?" Liam asked with amusement in his tone. I looked over at him with a scowl.

"Not really." I replied, looking away from him.

"You know Sophia and Gabe?" Liam asked with an eyebrow raised.

I thought about his question for a minute. Why would he think that?

"I don't think I have. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. I guess she just acted like she had already knew you- and she wasn't pleased." Liam stated, smiling a bit while talking about the brown haired girl.

"Awe, does my little brother have a crush!?" I asked in a baby voice. I scooted closer to Liam while saying this.

Liam laughed and pushed my face away.

A small blush appeared on his cheeks, surprising me.

"Oh shut up you hag." Liam said jokingly. He shook his head while he laughed at me.

"You do!! I need a bullhorn!! Pronto!! I shall announce it to the world." I stated, teasingly looking around the living room for one.

"I think people would find it odd that Harry Styles baby mama was over at my house with a bullhorn announcing I have a crush on an unknown girl." Liam said laughing his ass off at the image he produced in his head.

I scowled at him and dramatically took a deep breath.

"You know I don't like it when you call me that. Hell, you didn't like it when harry announced that to people." I reminded him pointing my pointing finger at him. Liam suddenly stopped laughing and looked to the ground.

"You know I find that really weird." Liam said, mostly thinking to himself.

"What do you find weird?" I asked.

"That my daughter, doesn't even know I'm her dad- yet, she thinks Harry is. She also thinks your her mom. If she lives, I want you to protect her and claim her as your own Leanna. Don't tell her that Harry's not her dad. She seems happy with the thought that Harry is her dad.... don't ruin that for her." Liam told me looking down to the floor. I know that this saddened my dear brother, in turn making me sad.

"Liam... you will always be her father. She might not know it yet, but it's true. You'll be around, so why are you acting like you won't be? She will be fine Liam... don't act like she's not going to wake up." I told him getting concerned. Liam usually always had a somewhat positive outlook on the future. So why would he have a negative one this time?

"I...I just don't know anymore Leanna." Liam said looking down at his hands.

The room fell silent. The only sound being the faint noise of the television.

"I am going to go get a beer.." Liam stated while getting up off the couch with a huff.

Moments later my kind brother returned with two bottles in his hand.

Without speaking he handed me one of the bottles and turned his attention to the TV. Britain's Top Chef was on, a fat lady almost getting burnt by a flame, was the only amusing part of the program.

What can I say? I am a pretty fucked up person.

Once the show ended a stupid celebrity gossip show came on.

"Latest News!! Directioners, please don't weep!"

The blonde woman stated grabbing both mine and Liam's attention.

"One Direction Star Harry Styles has rumoured to be shopping around.... for engagement rings! Yes, you heard right. Engagement rings. No word yet on who the next Mrs Styles is, but If we gotta bet it'd be his baby's momma!"

The words that came out of that woman's mouth made me almost do a spit take. I normally wouldn't care about what these reporters say because it's usually not true. This time is different because 3 different photos of Harry picking a ring and leaving with one showed up on the screen while the woman was speaking.

"Ha, wonder what Harry was doing." Liam said laughing. He , without a care, just took another sip of beer while laughing,

I quickly excused myself and made it to my bedroom quickly dialling Harry's number.

"Hello Love. Are you okay?" Harry instantly accepted my call.

"Harry why did you buy an engagement ring?" I asked, fearing I already knew the answer.

"I didn't.." Harry answered with confusion in his tone.

"Yes, there was photos of you leaving with a ring." I insisted.

"Maybe it was the ring I just bought my mum?" He questioned, amusement in his tone.

I let out a breath of relief.

"That's sweet. Just asking cause the news thought you bought an engagement ring...for me." I told him. The Line went silent.

"Oh yeah?" Harry asked teasingly.

"Yeah." I responded with amusement in my tone.

"Kiss a girl once, and they assume we are engaged." Harry said jokingly, but I found no humour.

"Yeah." I said with a fake laugh.

"Stupid media." I added.

Harry hummed in agreement. An awkward silence fell over the line.

"Well I gotta go...I'll see you later Lea." Harry said sounding almost sad he had to leave.

"Bye Harry." I told him, hanging up the phone.

A cough gathered my attention. Liam stood in my doorway, arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"What was that about Leanna?" Liam asked me with a disapproving tone.

"Oh hush Liam." I said in annoyance. He ignored me and flopped down next to me on the bed.

"Who is the one with a crush now?" Liam teasingly stated.

"Ha-ha you are so hilarious." I replied sarcastically.

"We don't have time for feelings." I told him staring at the ceiling.

He turned over on his side and looked at me concerned.

"Lea, you can't shut the world out. I know we've done it once, but we weren't happy then... we wouldn't crack jokes and we would never be caught smiling." Liam said upset with my previous statement.

"I don't want to live that way again." Liam whispered to me, acting like it was a secret.

I stayed silent thinking of what he said.

"We were supposed to live that way. We used to be praised and looked upon as inspiration." I said remembering those times.

"What happened?" I asked Liam

He stayed silent thinking of an acceptable


"We grew up." Liam simply stated.

"I don't want to be emotional ,Liam. I don't want to feel guilt or sadness." I revealed to him. He looked away from me, processing me confession.

"We can't all be badasses Lea." Liam told me trying to make a joke.

"We used to be."

He huffed and got up.

"We have other people to think about now." He told me before exiting the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


My phone rang for what felt like the thousandth time. I groaned grabbing the device and clicking the green "accept" button.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked my anger showing.

"Damn...someone is in a bad mood." She replied cockily.

"No, I just don't want to talk to you." I shot back.

"Why not?" She asked with mock hurt.

"Because you are a selfish bitch who only cares about herself. Fuck you Veronica. Quit calling." I yelled into the phone. I hung up right when I finished speaking.

I rubbed my face with the palm of my hand.

"You okay?" The husky voice I've come to love asked. I opened my eyes smiling.

"Fine. How about you Mr. Styles?" I asked sliding off the bed and walking towards him.

"Great. Mr. Styles? Isn't that a bit too formal for you?" He asked jokingly.

I laughed and propped myself up on the bed to get a better look.

Harry walked over and plopped down next to me.

"You know, when I first met you I wasn't sure how to feel. I thought you were sketchy and absolutely mad. I actually disliked you." Harry confessed while playing with his hands.

"To be truthful with you Harry. I didn't care for you either."

He laughed. Our gazes connected, before I could stop myself I started leaning in.

When our faces were inches apart a cough from the doorway made us jump away.

"Hope I'm not interrupting something." Travis stated clearly uncomfortable with the situation he launched himself into.

Harry and I looked at each other, a blush forming on my cheeks.

"You aren't cheating on me, are you?" Travis asked laughing. He obviously is joking.

I faked a laugh before responding.

"We would have to be together still, Travis. Last time I checked, We are in fact not." I told him, angry that he interrupted Harry and I.

"Who is this?" Harry asked me, his eyes seeming to be more green.

"I am Travis. Leanna's Husband."

Harry made a horrifying noise and pulled his hand through his hair.

"NO! Ex. Ex-Husband!" I Assured Harry. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"What? Do you have ANY MORE secrets I should be aware of? DO you have a child? " Harry asked angry with the new information he was given. My face shifted into a look of disgust.

"I am not a mother Harry. No there isn't. Travis, can you leave once more?" I said in a cluster.

"I need to go." Harry told me. He stood up from the bed and walked away.

I sat in silence for a moment. Why did Harry take that so hard?

"He seems like a nice guy." Travis said in a taunting tone.

"Oh, Fuck Off Travis." I told him. I got off my bed and slammed the door in his face.


Several Hours Later


The Crisp hospital air reminded me oddly of home. I made my way into Sydney's room. Surprised when I found Harry sitting beside her.

"Hey." I quietly voiced. Harry looked over to me with a small smile.

"Is she going to wake up Leanna?" Harry asked, his tone almost a whisper.

I pondered his question for a moment then answered.


'How are you so sure?" Harry asked looking at Sydney.

"She's a Vick. She stubbornly doesn't ever give up and fights constantly until victory is achieved." I told him. He smiled at my wording and nodded in agreement.

"Hopefully it'll be soon." Harry said and I couldn't help to agree.



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