♡ Stardew Valley parent scena...


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Ever wondered what Pelican Town spouses would be like as your parents? I don't own the gifs used and I don't... More

- Introduction -
- Meeting their family -
- Who babysits you -
- Your first word -
- Nicknames they give you -
- The song they sing to you as a lullaby -
- What you wear (baby) -
- Eating time -
- How you met their rival -
- Your room (baby 1/2) -
- Your room (baby 2/2) -
- When... (GIFs) -
- Their favourite picture of you -
- You have a nightmare -
- Favorite kid show -

- Your first steps -

236 5 2

Age 1-2


There isn't much you can do when you're alone and all of your family members are busy doing something. 

You've been sitting and playing with your toys for a while but you were getting bored, you wanted someone to play with.

So you tried doing something you've never tried before; walking. You got up, or at the very least tried to and you soon started walking even though a bit unsteadily. 

You went all the way to Abigail's room who was surprised to see you walking for the first time "Hey (Y/n), who thought you how to walk?" she asks as she picks you up to hug you "You're so full of surprises".


You were at your great-grandparents' house and George was watching you. You two were watching a TV drama which you didn't fully understand but seemed to enjoy. 

At one point you get thirsty, you try calling for George but it looks like the TV is more important to him right now. You get off the pillow you were standing on just a moment ago and start crawling.

"Where are you going (Y/n)?" He asks, you simply decide to stand up and walk "Evelyn, come here!" "What is it?" your great-grandmother arrives to the room you were about to walk out of, "My my, (Y/n) is walking!" "That's what I wanted to say". 

You finally arrive to the kitchen and try to search for milk "Oh you want some milk dear?" Evelyn asks, you nod.

She gets you a small fresh bottle from the fridge and hands it to you "I can't wait for Alex to see this, you're growing so fast my dear!".


Your dad was watching you as he was working on his book as usual, but this time something new happened. 

You really wanted your father to play with you so you did one of the few things babies do to get attention.

Next thing Elliot knew was you calling him and the most surprising thing was that you were standing. "Whoa (Y/n), you've learned how to stand up?" he says with shock, you giggle and gesture him to get up his chair and follow you.

You then start to walk which surprises your dad even more "Hold on" he says as he grabs one of your hands "If you want to start walking then let me guide you".


You were with Clint today because Emily had important things to do, it was sad when your mother was away but you liked Clint so you didn't mind. 

You're in his room with him and you two are playing when he hears someone at the door.

"Must be a customer, hold on (Y/n)" Clint says to you as he rushes by the counter. You just wait at first but then it seems like he's taking hours, you were growing bored so you decided you would go up to him and tell him (in baby language) that he should come back to play with you. 

You started crawling but slowly started standing up as you thought walking would be faster but you fall after a few steps.

You started crying which attracted Clint, "Oh my! Are you okay kid?" he asks you, the costumer also came but they look more confused than anything. Later you try and explain him you were trying to get his attention and he thought you how to walk. 

Your mother was very proud when she saw you walking for the first time.


Actually Emily thought you how walk, your mom was out and while you were playing with your dolls she told you "Hey (Y/n), did Haley taught you how to walk yet?" you felt very confused "Uhm...I imagined that".

Then Emily held your soft hands, "Okay now try and stand up" she says trying to guide you into walking.

About one hour later your mother comes back home, she was about to ask how you were doing under your aunt's care when you ran towards her.

"Mommy!" "(Y/n)! You can walk now?" the blondie asks "I taught him/her since you haven't done it before" replied Emily, facepalming.

"Well, thank you! You know how busy a woman like me can be, right?" Haley thanks happily, your aunt just sighs.


Your dad is at work as usual, Maru is babysitting you but wouldn't pay a lot of attention to you.

Suddenly you grow hungry, you start crawling away from the counter where you were before. Slowly you started to stand up and then walk.

Maru goes looking for you the moment she noticed your absence, fortunately you aren't too far away from where you were supposed to be.

"Harvey, come here!" she calls out, you guessed it was because you tried to walk away from them. "What is it Maru?" he asks, Maru explains that you just made you first steps. You walk to him and he picks you up.

"You're amazing (Y/n)!" he says, you smile but your stomach begins to rumble. "Oh, I think he's/she's hungry, do we have anything doc?" Maru asks "I believe we've got some pudding for him/her".


"Come on peanut, I know you can do this" your mother says, she basically spent the whole morning trying to get you to walk but for now you've just crawled.

She expected that taking care of a child wouldn't be easy but it ended up begin harder than excepted. "I'll go to rest of a while (Y/n), I'll come back soon don't worry" she says and then puts you back to the crib.

At first staying in the crib was fine, but later you felt very bored so you climb out of the crib. You tried to walk which took a while to do properly.

Next you search around the house for Leah and you finally find her in her bedroom, you climb on her bed and wake her up.

"Uh? (Y/n) it's you...wait how did you-?"


Sebastian sighs defeated while your laughs echoed through his hears. "Listen up (Y/n), I know you don't wanna do this but it's really important" he explains: the reason all of this is happening was because you didn't feel like walking.

Actually, you could walk but you liked teasing him. It was fun until he walked away, "Screw this. I'll let Maru deal with you" he says annoyed.

At that point you feel bad, you didn't like the feeling of begin left alone since your grandparents are currently working. So you walk and try to reach for your uncle.

"Seb!" you shout, the black haired boy tuns around surprised "So you could walk all along?" he asks, you nod.

"Smarter then I though baby boy/girl!" he compliments as he picks you up to hug you.


Your mom is cooking dinner while you're drawing something for her. Sam is sitting next to you, "Can I see it?" he asks and you show him the piece of art "Well done! You should show it to mom" you nod and get down the couch.

You land on your feet but wobble and then fall on your face. Penny quickly walks over to you, "Are you alright sugar?" she asks thinking you're hurt, you quickly get up again and giggle "I think he's/she's fine" Sam replies.

Later he explains you wanted to give her the drawing you made, "A drawing for me?" she takes a look at the piece of paper: it's a crudely drawn picture of her with a lot of hearts around her.

"Oh my, it's so beautiful (Y/n)!" she says and hugs you, "Hm, I wouldn't want to interrupt this moment between you but you should check on the dinner" Sam suggests "Right!".

You three have dinner and after it Penny teaches you how to walk so that you wouldn't fall anymore.


You're rushing for the front door because you've heard Sam opening it.

"Good evening, oh (Y/n)" he says and notices you launching for an hug (on his leg), the boy crouches to see you "Did you learn how to walk already?" he asks to which you nod and smile widely, then you point your finger towards Jodi who was shyly waving.

She explains that this afternoon you were bored and she though it would be fun to teach you how to walk, even though it took a long time.

"You're an energetic one rockstar!" he exclaims and picks you up to hug you better.


Demetrius was collecting the dirty clothes around the house for the laundry, he came up to you sleeping on the floor while holding you favorite blanket (because you have many of them).

He thought the blanket was dirty too so he snatched it as kindly as he could, but that woke you up anyways.

You were so angry you slowly walked towards him and called your daddy. He came. "Dad, don't take (Y/n)'s blanket like that!" Sebastian said and handed the thing back to you.

You were very happy you got your blanket back and calmed down, "Well, in a sense It's like I thought him/her how to walk" you grandfather admitted.


Surprisingly it was Jas who taught you how to walk, since your great-aunt and dad were both at work, Jas thought it would be fun to try it herself.

"Do like me, stand up!" she encouraged you but you didn't understand and just sat on the floor doing nothing but watching Jas doing what you saw as some weird game.

"Don't just sit there doin' nothing, get up on you legs" she told you again but there were no results.

Finally, you started standing up. "Yay, you did it! Now do it like this" Jas gave you a demonstration on how to walk, in 30 minutes you were able to walk perfectly.

When Shane came back from work to pick you up he had a sweet surprise. "You guys taught (Y/n) how to walk?" he asked as he watched you walking around the store, "I did!" exclaimed Jas "I also helped" says Marnie "Yeah by saying 'that's not how you teach babies how to walk' but look at him/her now".

You come closer to the little girl and hold her hand, "Well, it's good to know he/she didn't cause any sort of troubles for you" your dad says. You both go home and Shane lets you watch some TV before going to bed since you've learnt something new today.

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