To The Hellfire (Will Ramos)

By MyVictim

15.4K 579 453

When the sister of Austin Archey falls in love with the lead singer of Lorna Shore, her name Isla Archey. The... More

1. Demon With Angelic Voice
2. Fall with Me
3. Empowered, in solace
4. Somebody Told Me
5. Unsolved Mystery
6. Unrequited Love
7. Cursed To Die
8. Into Temptation
9. The Death Of Peace of Mind
10. Stars Align
11. Love Will Kill Us All
12. Whenever I'm Alone With You
13. Unwanted Ghosts of The Past
14. Into The Fire
15. Into The Grey
16. Until My Darkness Goes
17. Half Alive Without You
18. God Bless Suffering
19. And I Return To Nothingness
20. The Webs We Weave
21. Paths Intertwined
22. Thinking Of Him
23. When I'm Gone, You'll Remember Me
24. Romeo Found His Julietta
25. Loving Her
26. A River Running Into You
27. All I Need
28. You've Got Me In A Chokehold
29. The Parting
30. Winds Of Change
31. Going Under In The Undertow
33. Brotherly Love
34. Let The Plotting Begin
35. As Above, So Below
36. Unexpected Surprise
37. Self Loathing
38. With Me
39. Him & I
40. Always & Forever

32. I Can't Do This

170 11 6
By MyVictim


I had brought some maternity clothes as I was getting a bit bigger, I was already 5 weeks pregnant and a little bump was forming. I got dressed:

After the lecture Silvio had picked me up, while he took me to the airport to meet Austin. I sat silently while I held my little bump.

"Does Will know you're pregnant?" Asks Silvio and I hummed in response.

"No he does not, I know I'll have to tell him but I'm terrified." I said while glancing outside at the scenery, with some orchestral music playing. Austin had texted that he had landed.

"Isla I know you're scared! But I know he will be happy." Silvio said, while we pulled up and I got out and walked into the airport and waited for Austin.

I saw my big brother rushing over to me, I hugged him close and cried.

"Oh my God Isla I missed you so damn much." Austin said while we hugged.

"I missed you too. Shall we go?" I asked him. Austin nodded and we headed out.

Silvio dropped us off but before he left, he invited Austin and me over to their house for dinner on the weekend. I took Austin to Will's room where he would be staying over.

I made us a cup of tea and we sat down on the island in the kitchen, while we caught up.

"Why are you here Austin?" I asked him, while putting my fading lilac hair behind my ear.

"I'm here because Will was worried sick. So he insisted on coming here but we had to talk him out of it." Austin says with a sigh while munching on a chocolate digestive biscuit.

"Austin I've been going through some stuff. Do you notice anything different about me?" I ask him. Austin looks at me and hums.

"You look exhausted and more stressed. Isla you worried me over the phone. What is it?" Austin asks worriedly, while his tattooed hand touched mine.

"Austin...I'm pregnant and it is Will's baby." I said while feeling a tear stream down my face, Austin smiled.

"I'm going to be an uncle!" Austin asked with excitement and I nodded, while he got up and hugged me. I started crying and he held me close, his brotherly embrace was all I needed.

"I'm scared Austin. How do I tell Will? What if he doesn't want us?" I whisper and sit back down on the stool touching my bump.

"Will loves you Isla, you should have seen how he's struggling without you. You need to tell him." Austin said and I saw Milo head over to us and straight for Austin.

Austin picked up Milo, he was curled on his lap.

"I wanted to abort the baby and not tell Will, it is hard. How can I bring him down when the band is doing so well? It isn't fair on him." I said while tugging my hair.

"Isla you can't make that decision for him, is that what you want to have the abortion? And that's it. Without telling Will, you can't." Austin said and I let out a sigh.

"I wanted to, but I've been struggling a little so I have been spending some time with a priest and talking through my fears." I said. I head over to my fridge and show him the drawing Michel gave me.

"A student of mine drew this and it makes me think this could be my family with Will and you guys." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Well Isla you've got my support you know that. Mike, Adam, Andrew and I support you. Also Will although he's going to be a baby daddy! I'm going to have fun teasing him." Austin said with an evil laugh.

"Now now broski! Don't tease him too much." I said with a giggle, the phone went off and we saw Mike was face timing us.

"Yo Mike what's up?" Austin asks.

"Are you in Italy man? How's my girl?" Mike asks Austin, while he motions me over and I appear in the video.

"I'm good! How's it going? I miss you, Yager!" I said with a small smile.

"I miss you too mini Archey! I miss my cuddle buddy!" Mike said with a smile, he moved outside.

"Why haven't you been answering Will? He's literally moping like a lost golden retriever!" Mike says and it made me giggle.

"Well I've been so busy that my phone was dead for two weeks and then I've been a bit busy." I said, and Austin nodded.

"Hope to see you soon sweetie!" Mike said and we disconnect the line as he had sound check to head to.

"Fucking hell Isla! How do you expect me to keep this secret from Will?" Austin whined while laying his head down on the table.

"Like you kept my going away party a secret." I said with a laugh and he nodded in agreement.

"Anything planned?" Austin asks me.

"Yes I actually have a doctor's appointment since I'm five weeks pregnant." I said and he nodded.

"I'll come with you." Austin said and I nodded, while we both went to bed because it was a long day.


It was hard not being able to talk with Isla, but at least I knew Austin was with her now and she was safe.

Why would she be avoiding me? Did I do something? I never knew I could miss someone as much as I'm missing her. I laid on my bunk and looked up trying my hardest to get my mind off her.

Until my phone went off and saw it was Austin.

"Sup Archey?" I asked on the phone.

"Sup Ramos!" Austin said back and I sighed.

"How is she man? Is she angry at me? Did she see something on Instagram and she's avoiding me?" I asked him rapidly. Austin slowed me down.

"Oh man you're whipped! Its quite the contrary her phone has been dead for two weeks she just literally charged it today." Austin says, it made me sigh in relief.

"How's she doing?" I asked him and Austin sighs deeply.

"She's missing you terribly!" Austin said, we were talking about some stuff.

"I should go get some rest got a show tomorrow, I'll call her tomorrow." I said.

"Goodnight baby daddy!" Austin says while hanging up the phone.

Wait what? Baby daddy what did he mean? Oh never I'll ask him tomorrow, I rolled over and fell asleep. It wasn't unusual, we would tease each other with names and stuff. I didn't think anything of it.


I had still been avoiding Will and today Austin and I were heading to the doctor's appointment.

"Are you scared?" Austin asks while he tapped his feet against the ground, I found myself thinking about Will and how he would react?

"A little bit yes, especially when he finds out about this." I said pointing at my little bump forming.

"Miss Archey?" The nurse called and we walked inside and I felt a little emotional, I wished that Will was with me so he could share this with me. Dr Conti came in.

"How are you Isla?" Dr Conti asks while she pulls up my shirt and checks me over.

"Usually tired and drained, morning sickness is the worst." I told her.

Dr Conti notes that information down, while I laid on the bed while she began setting up the sonogram while Austin watched with an intrigued face.

"Congratulations your five weeks pregnant now, your baby's spine is developing and the neural system is also. Everything is looking good. Also in order to prevent a miscarriage I'm prescribing you folic acid and making sure your prenatal vitamins are being taken." Dr Conti said while she checked me over and gave me a scan of the sonogram. She wiped off the gel from my stomach.

It was an emotional moment that I started crying while Austin held me as I sobbed.

"Alright sis your emotions are all over the place, you're okay. I got you!" He whispers. Austin and I walked out, I had to have a follow up sometime.

We got home and Austin decided to get us some food, especially for me because I was eating for two. I hadn't been in touch with Will in a long time, I walked out onto my balcony and called Will.

He answered my FaceTime, I had red eyes because of crying.

"Hi baby girl! God I'm missing you." Will said and I started tearing up.

"I miss you too! How have you been?" I asked with a sigh, while wiping the tears.

"I've been worried about you, especially since you haven't answered in two weeks. I sent Austin to be with you." Will said. I nodded.

"I'm fine Will, Austin told me you wanted to drop off the tour." I said.

"I can't do this anymore, Isla." Will said. What did he mean he couldn't do this anymore? Now I'm pregnant with his baby, of course he couldn't do it.

"Do w-what?" I stutter while trying my hardest to keep it together.

"It's so hard being long distance from you, especially I feel like you're withdrawing from me, Isla." Will said with a sigh running his hand through his curly brown hair.

"What do you want to do? B-break up with me? Have you found someone else?" I asked him, I sighed.

"No Isla I haven't! I just want to hold you and I can't get to do that. I feel like you're hiding something from me. I can see it on your face. Have you met someone else?" Will asked me and I shook my head.

"No I haven't. If you want space I'll give it to you! Goodbye Will." I said and hung up the call. I sighed and threw my phone on the couch, I sank down on my chair and felt tears streaming down my face.

Will didn't want me anymore, I cradled my belly.

"What shall we do baby? Your father might not want us. But I promise to be the best mother possible and give you all the love you need." I whisper, while feeling tears streaming down my face.

The door opened and I quickly wiped away the tears, so Austin didn't suspect anything.

"Foods here, shall we eat?" Austin asked me and I nodded with a fake smile. Whilst eating food my mind went to the conversation with Will, I knew this was going to be hard.

And I knew eventually I had to tell Will, but for now this was my secret.

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