31. Going Under In The Undertow

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Two weeks passed and the morning sickness was a horrific experience. I was preparing some breakfast and a wave of nausea hit me and I rushed into the bathroom and sank to my knees and threw up. While leaning against the toilet trying to hold on, but it was exhausting as hell. My body was sore, my breasts and I heaved myself off the ground and rinsed my mouth

Milo was perched onto his cat tree fast asleep, that's all I wanted to do was nap. I had a final project due so I walked into the art room with a bottle of water and continued on my charcoal portrait of Will. It looked amazing, I was adding the shading and detail of Will's eyes. It felt like he was looking at me.

"I'm pregnant and lonely without you. What am I supposed to do? Shall I abort this child or keep him or her? I'm so scared." I said with a sigh, I touched my stomach realising that there would be a life growing in there. A part of Will and a part of me belonging together to form a life.

I drew a couple more of hours and wanted to get some food to eat and made myself a pasta salad and ate. I had prepped Milo's food also so he could have something to eat as well. My brain had been so consumed with thoughts and doubts. I checked my phone and it was dead, I hadn't charged in almost two weeks. Poor Will, he would be worried that I wasn't answering. I charged it.

I headed into my bedroom and pulled on some black biker shorts and grabbed one of Will's hoodie and slipped my feet into high top converse and decided to take a walk. I needed some time to think.

I strolled into a church and I walked over and lit up a candle, its not like I was religious or anything but I wanted to find inner peace. I walked toward a confessional booth and made the sign of a cross and sat on the wooden stool.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned." I said with a deep sigh.

"What is it you wish to confess?" The father asks me.

"I wish to confess that I'm pregnant with my boyfriend's child and I am afraid that he doesn't want the child. And I thought of putting him or her up for adoption or maybe aborting the child." I said with a deep sigh, as a tear streams down my face.

"I see my child, and what do you want to do?" The priest asked me and I took a deep breath.

"As much as I'm terrified, I know I want to keep him or her. One of the children at the daycare I work drew me a photo of a family and it made me emotional. Even if he won't raise the child with me. I'll be a good mother to the child." I said with a sigh.

"I understand my child facing this alone is always hard but remember you should confide in your faith. Don't hide this much longer my child, you must tell your boyfriend." The priest says.

"Thank you father." I whisper while away the tears.

"Say three Hail Mary's and I'll pray for you. Feel free to stop by anytime." The priest told me, I got up and walked out of the church.

I felt at ease leaving this place, I wasn't as nervous before. How could I have thought about getting an abortion? Victoria was right. I wasn't thinking straight.


Two fucking weeks passed and Isla wasn't answering her phone, I was getting worried and stressed out. We were at sound check and I managed to get through it. Until I saw Austin and he saw my agitated state.

"Yo Will, what's the matter with you?" Austin asks while looking at me concerned.

"It's Isla man, I've been calling her for two weeks and her phone goes straight to voice. Shall I get on the plane and see what's happening?" I ask him. His eyebrows knitted in confusion.

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