6. Unrequited Love

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It has been a few days since I got that letter. Vanessa and I were meeting up to talk to each other. Erik and I had been getting closer, I mean the situation with Will was confusing and I couldn't keep holding onto something that can't happen.

"Girl you have a secret admirer." She squeals while she reads the letter, I sighed.
"Yeah it seems so." I said lifting my coffee cup as I took a sip.
"Whoever wrote this letter is so romantic, it's like your story is like the movie Letters To Juliet with Amanda Seyfried." Vanessa said with a sigh.
"I wish at least in the end she gets the guy she wanted to be with." I point with a laugh.
"So tell me about this Erik guy, is he as great as Will?" She asked me and I sighed. Well of course he's no William, but at least he was nice and not really forbidden.

"Well he's pretty hot." I said while I pulled out my phone and showed her the selfie that he sent me.
"Girl he is hot, you should get on that." Vanessa said. I rolled my eyes, it is hard to do when you're in love with someone else. But maybe she's right, holding onto unrequited love is ridiculous.

My phone dinged and Erik was messaging about maybe going out on a second date and I responded with a yes. I smiled to myself.

"What's with the smile?" Vanessa asked me and I showed her the text message.
"Wow you're going out with the blonde hottie, tap that ass bitch!" Vanessa said while we laughed and finished up our food. I went home and opened the mailbox and found another black envelope and I ripped it open:

Dearest Isla,
I am writing to you, hoping to show you a glimpse of my mind and the worth I have placed on you. You are everything I ever dreamed of and the only one who dared to love me, despite my shortcomings.

Secret Admirer

Who are you? Why was I finding these letters again? I sighed, while walking to my room and sitting down on my bed. Was Vanessa right? Was it like that movie? Wishing I could find the answer, I saw a text message coming from Erik, inviting me to a gala that his family was hosting. I responded I would like to attend.

"Maybe you should give this Erik guy a chance, maybe he's not so bad." Vanessa said and I shrugged, what was the worst that could happen right?
"You know hell yes I'll accompany him to the gala." I said to her and she nodded.

"Attagirl!" Vanessa said with a smile and she said that she would help me find a dress.


Rosalie was whining about her day, while I was working on writing some lyrics for our upcoming album making sure everything was up and running. I also pulled out the black envelope and shoved the note inside, and I put it inside my notebook so I can shove it in the mailbox later.

"Babe are you okay? You've been so distracted lately." Rosalie said while I moved my things away and shoved them in my rucksack and she sat on my lap. I sighed.
"You know baby just stressed about the album coming together, making sure everything is going to turn out well." I said, while she laid her head on my chest.

"Will? You don't seem yourself. Is everything okay?" She asked me and I nodded.
"Yes I'm just a little stressed baby." I said, she nodded and went back to her monologue about her day. I just didn't care.

"I'm sorry baby, the album will turn out amazing. I'm sure." Rosalie said, patting my hand. The next day we were in the recording studio, I think Isla was going to stop by later to bring us pizza. Today we're working on Austin's drum recording, I was lost in my mind somewhere.

Isla walked in carrying pizza boxes,she was wearing our merch, the light pink Lorna Shore shirt with some biker shorts and a baseball cap and high top converse. She was nothing like Rosalie, the whole room was radiant when Isla was present.

We took a break and sat around chatting, I saw Isla was sitting next to me and she was texting someone. It seemed like the Erik guy.
"Can you boys excuse me? I have to see if someone is here." Isla said, I decided to act nonchalantly. I decided to follow her quietly to see who she was speaking to.

It was a tall guy with bleach blonde hair and tattoos, she looked like she was having a good time. Until I saw that he leaned down to place a kiss on her lips, she entangled her fingers in his hair.

"Man I've been searching everywhere for you, is everything alright?" I heard a voice ask me and I saw our bassist, Moke.

"Yeah man I'm fine, it seems like she finally found someone." I whispered.
"Well...You need to man up and stop being a chicken about your feelings." Moke said to me while clapping me on my back.

"Man she's forbidden, and Austin would kill me." I hiss back while we walked back into the recording studio.
"Then suffer in your unrequited love story." Moke said and he walked away.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, while we were walking inside and we looked outside and he pointed.

"You want some asshole to take your girl away? Or are you going to be brave like Romeo and seize your moment." Moke said, he knew I was going to object.

"Will imagine you and Isla being like star crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet, you laid your eyes on her and you feel something. But don't lie to yourself, are you truly happy with Rosalie or just pretending?" Moke asks me while we walked inside.

Was I happy? No I wasn't, so maybe it was time to man up and take destiny into my own hands and get her... Isla, my Juliet.

A/N: Sorry for not updating consistently, I've been pretty swamped at work. Do you think Isla will figure out who the letter writer is? Do you think Will has the courage to end it with Isla? Comment your thoughts, what do you want to see happen between them? - MyVictim

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