14. Into The Fire

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"There is no easier way to tell you but...I'm pregnant. It could be yours or Ash's, and there is also something else." Rosalie tells me with sigh, her green eyes were filled with tears and I knew she never cried unless something terrible was happening to her.

"What else is there? You cheated and you're pregnant with my child or another guy's, and how the fuck am I supposed to react to that after three months you show up on my doorstep and drop this bombshell on me. What am I supposed to tell Isla?" I said tugging on my curly hair and I took a deep breath.

"Will I'm sorry but I'm dying, I've found out that I got cancer as well. I mean I know I broke it off with you, and let you be with Isla. I don't want this to tear you guys apart." She said with a sigh, sinking down onto my couch and she began crying.

"Oh my God...Rosalie, that's terrible! I'm sorry...Is there anything you can do to get better?" I asked her and she sighed and shook her head.

"I mean Ash is trying to help with treatment, and this pregnancy is going to be tough because I can't get treatment for it, otherwise I'm going to harm the baby and I want to keep it." She whispers, and she stands up.

"Oh my God...This is too much." I said with a sigh, while thinking about how Isla would react about this. Why is it that now we were in a perfect place, it was going to end shattering up apart and stuff. This universe sucked as hell. Isla was going to hate me for this! And I wouldn't blame her.

Rosalie had left, and I was sitting down on the couch trying to process all of this news. First she came here pregnant and wasn't sure if it was mine and she's got cancer and I decided that it would have been a good idea to open up to Isla about this, no secrets. I sighed and petted my cats as they tapped my leg with their paws. I know Isla was going to break up with me after this.

I rushed toward the hallway and pulled on my shoes and jacket, and decided to head to Isla's home and have a talk with her about this situation. I found myself walking up the porch of Austin's house, I felt as if I was approaching my impending doom, well it was of course. How could I do this? I love Isla so much, but what will this do to us? I raised my hand and knocked on the door and I knocked on the door and I saw Austin answer it and invite me in.

"Hey man is Isla in?" I asked him.

"Yes she should be in." Austin said and walked off to find her.


I had found an art program in Italy for a year and I decided to apply for it, I've graduated with college with an art degree and it would be nice to go, so I sat down and decided to apply for it, I would love to see Italy, Milan, Florence and also Verona where Juliet's balcony was. Learning about the wonderful crafts. I started filling it in, and just hoped that I would get in. I heard a knock on the door and Austin shuffling toward it, yelling.

"I'll get it!" Austin said, while I heard the door open and distant voices while I completed the resume and application and pressed 'Send!' I heard footsteps shuffling in front of my door.

"Isla are you decent? Will's here and he wants to speak with you!" Austin said through the other side of the door, I got up from the bed and pulled on a pair of sweatpants, I wore a baggy Slipknot shirt and pulled my pastel pink hair in a bun.

"Yes I am, he can come in." I said while walking toward the door and Austin nodded at us, while Will stood in front my bedroom door, his curly hair was dishevelled, his brown eyes held conflict.

"I'll downstairs, holler if you need anything." Austin said to me, while looking at us with a sceptical eye and I nodded. Austin clapped Will on his shoulder and walked away, while we waited for Austin to walk away, and I invited Will into my room. I walked toward my bed and closed the laptop so he didn't see the application that I had just submitted.

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