The Bad Batch and the Last Pr...

By PhoenixBunny456

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Predita is a planet in the furthest length of the galaxy's outer rim, out past even that of a Navarro. Kyla... More

Chapter One: Clone Force 99!
Chapter Two: Predita Princess Kyla Obrit!
Chapter Three: CT-1409, Code Name: Echo!
Chapter Five: Princess Turned Warrior!
Chapter Six: Order 66!
Chapter Seven: A Liability?
Chapter Eight: Target Dummies!
Chapter Nine: Traitors!
Chapter Ten: Escaping Kamino!
Chapter Eleven: Cut and Suu!
Chapter Twelve: We're A Family!
Chapter Thirteen: The Feeling Is Love

Chapter Four: On the Wings of Keeradaks!

118 4 0
By PhoenixBunny456


"Hunter, hold them off. I'll check on Rex and Echo." Anakin states. Kyla jumped around attacking. She and the others are pushed back to the door. She starts using her blasters like the rest of them.

"So Echo is alive." Hunter states.

"That's good." Kyla states, "I'm glad that he's alive." They get pushed into the room.

"It's gonna get more difficult to get out of here. There are several squads of droids closing in." Hunter states. They work to keep the doors shut. They weld it together as Kyla ran over to Rex, Echo and Tech.

"Enemy approaching. Droids - lots of them." Crosshair states.

"How long do you think you can hold them off?" Anakin asks.

"How long do you need?" Hunter asks.

"Tech, how much longer?" Anakin asks.

"Not yet. I need more time." Tech states. They close the second door and weld it shut as a droid was trying to get in by making a hole in the door.

"I've got it! We can unplug him now!" Tech exclaims.

"Rex..." Echo states after they unplug him.

"What is it?" Rex asks.

"I've got a big headache." Echo jokes.

"Better to feel something than nothing, old buddy." Rex states.

"It's a touching reunion, guys, but we need to get out of here now." Anakin states. Echo coughs.

"There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems right there." Echo states.

"They've breached the front door! It won't be long before they're through the second." Hunter exclaims. Echo does something.

"That... should get it open." Echo states. The vent opens.

"Great. Now how do we get up there?" Crosshair asks.

"Oh, I can help with that." Wrecker states before picking Hunter up and throwing him up.

"A head's up would have been nice!" Hunter exclaims as he catches himself in the vent. Wrecker holds his hand out for Kyla and she nods.

"Chuck me." Kyla states.

"Alright!" Wrecker exclaims and throws her up into the air. Hunter grabs her hand and helps her hold on. He throws Echo and Tech next followed by Crosshair and then Rex. Anakin jumps up himself because he has force abilities. Wrecker sets up bombs to go off around the room.

"Are you done?! Time's up!" Anakin exclaims. Anakin uses the force to lift Wrecker up.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Wrecker exclaims, "What is that thing? I don't like it! It's trying to get me! Whoa!" The vent closes before there's an explosion. The group escapes through the vents. Crosshairs led the group followed by Hunter then Kyla. Kyla stuck close to Hunter. Tech followed behind her. Anakin followed behind Tech and Rex and Echo were behind him. Wrecker brought up the rear.

"Huh. This ventilation corridor acts as a cooling system for all the computers in the facility." Tech explains.

"How did you know it was up here, Echo?" Anakin asks.

"Well, they got access to my memory, and I got access to the Techno Union database. All their plans, inventory, building schematics–everything." Echo explains.

"You mean you can find us a safe way out of here?" Rex asks.

"Well, there is a way, but you're not going to like it." Echo replies. Everyone looks at him. They head to where it was and they stare at the little bridge that was just an exhaust pipe.

"I'm not so sure about this." Rex states.

"I'm telling you, there's a landing pad on that other building." Echo explains.

"So you think there's a ship that we can steal?" Hunter asks.

"Well, I hope there's a ship we can steal." Echo replies.

"Let's hope this trip isn't for nothing." Hunter states.

"I trust Echo." Kyla says. Anakin goes first followed by Echo. Rex headed after him and Kyla followed him. Hunter was right behind her. Crosshair followed before Tech began his way across. Wrecker looks down and then starts to whine.

"Oh, boy. I can't even look." Wrecker states, "Just keep walking, Tech."

"That's fine, but if you fall, don't take me with you." Tech states.

"Uh-Oh. I looked. Ahhh! I think I'm gonna be sick. Not gonna panic." Wrecker states.

"Hang on Wrecker, we're almost there." Hunter states.

"Honna be okay. Breathe." Wrecker states.

"Uh oh." Kyla states as she was looking ahead. There were droids coming towards them.

"Turn around! Go back!" Anakin yells. He activates his lightsaber. They go to turn around but are stopped by more droids.

"Whoa." Crosshair states and loses his balance.

"Oh, boy! Gotcha!" Wrecker yells, catching Crosshair and them himself.

"Anybody got a brilliant idea?" Anakin asks.

"I do have a brilliant idea!" Tech exclaims.

"I'm hanging here!" Wrecker yells.

"When the locals attacked us, I recorded the creatures' distress call." Tech explains.

"He records everything. It's a hobby." Hunter explains.

"Which allows us to call those flying creatures to us!" Tech exclaims.

"Then stop talking about it and do it!" Kyla states. Tech hits the button and a high pitched call is heard. They grab their ears.

"Ow! Enough with that sound!" Wrecker exclaims.

"There is our ride out of here." Tech explains.

"Now, how do we get on them?" Anakin asks.

"How else? We jump!" Tech exclaims. Everyone looks at him in disbelief.

"Alright, I'll go first." Anakin states. He jumps down and lands on one of the creatures. Next was Echo. He jumped but barely grabbed onto the creature. Rex jumped onto the same one as him and helped him onto it.

"I don't wanna do this, but here I go!" Wrecker states letting go of Crosshair and them himself and they grab onto one.

"See you later!" Tech exclaims and jumps. Hunter grabs onto Kyla by the waist and the two jump down and land with Tech onto the last one. They start flying away. The droids take off after them.

"Uh... that wasn't part of the plan." Tech states, "Those things can fly!"

"It's never that easy!" Kyla exclaims. The droids open fire.

"We have to shake those droids!" Anakin exclaims, "How do I steer this thing?!"

"How are you holding up, Echo?" Rex asks.

"Never better, sir!" Echo replies with a chuckle. They manage to escape the droids. They land in the village from before. The chief sort of yells at them.

"Their leader is impressed we tamed the Keeradaks, but he wants to know why we returned here." Tech explains.

"Tell him we had no choice. Tell him... that we wore out our welcome in Purkoll." Anakin replies. Tech translates and some droids begin attacking and one escapes and takes off.

"Not good." Anakin states, "If I know Tambor, he'll come after us, us and the Poletecs with everything he's got." The chief yells at them.

"What's he saying, Tech?" Anakin asks.

"He says that we have broken our word. We have brought the war to his village." Tech replies.

"You're right. Tell him he's right, Tech. Tell him we didn't plan to drag his people into war. But look what the Separatists did to one of our people!" Rex states and they stare at him in shock, "They took away his freedom, his humanity. They tried to turn him into a machine!" Tech begins translating.

"The Techno Union claims it's neutral, but they have chosen sides. Now your people have to choose." Rex exclaims and Tech begins translating again.

"Couldn't have said it better, Rex." Anakin states.

"Uh... Let's hope it works, because I see forces coming." Crosshairs exclaims, "More than we can handle alone." A scout tells the chief. They prepare for battle. Everyone gets into position. The fight breaks out and the Poletecs join them in the fight. Many Poletecs did die in the fight. Kyla tried to help save what she could. She and Hunter fought back to back. Walker droids appear and everyone heads for safety. They are boxed in by another as well as droid reinforcements. Anakin shows off by jumping down on top of it.

"That seemed to work. How do we get up there?" Rex asks and Wrecker laughs and grabs him, "No, no. Not again!" Wrecker chucks him into the air. He throws Hunter and Kyla up and Kyla slices into it with her sword. She grabs onto Hunter as they ride the Walker to the ground.

"It's hard to compete with a Jedi." Hunter states.

"Yeah, it gets annoying after a while." Kyla states. Everything calms down as the enemies retreat. They head to the Marauder which was the Bad Batch ship.

"Thank you for helping us in our fight." Anakin states. Tech translates. The chief replies back.

"He said the Jedi will always have an ally here on Skako Minor." Tech replies. They start boarding the ship.

"Rex... Thanks for coming after me." Echo states.

"That's what brothers do. I'm just sorry it took so long." Rex states. Finally, Kyla hugs Echo.

"Our little sister missed you." Rex states.

"Little? I'm short for my age but I'm nearly the same age as you two." She states.

"Hopefully, it's gonna be just like old times." Rex states. Kyla and Rex head onto the ship.

"Yeah. Just like old times." Echo replies.

[Later - Anaxes]

Echo had come up with a great plan and they were getting ready to enact it. Kyla stood looking at the battle plan hologram.

"Generals." Kyla explains.

"Yes?" Anakin asks.

"I'd like permission to work with the Bad Batch for the foreseeable future. We work well together." Kyla explains.

"You're free to do what you wish. You've always worked under Rex though." Anakin states.

"I understand that but I'd like to work with the Bad Batch this time." Kyla explains and Anakin nods. Kyla heads out. Everyone gathered and got ready to go.

"Tech, is everything ready?" Hunter asks.

"Yup, Sarge. We are ready. Still not sure how we're gonna land on that ship." Tech replies.

"Don't worry. Echo says he's got a plan." Rex states.

"That makes me feel so much better." Tech replies and Kyla wasn't sure if he believed himself or not.

"What do you mean by that?" Rex asks.

"To be blunt, his mind belonged to the Separatists until we unplugged him. We don't really know where his loyalties lie." Tech replies.

"Yeah. Well, I know. Now get moving." Rex orders. They head out on the Marauder.

"Please tell me we're blowing something up." Wrecker states.

"Sorry, Wrecker, this is strictly stealth." Anakin states and Wrecker groans.

"I hate that word!" Wrecker states.

"Echo, you're up." Anakin states and Echo nods.

"Don't worry. As soon as I plug in, I'll send a signal to the command ship." Echo states.

"What kind of signal are you gonna send?" Hunter asks, "Nothing that'll give us away, right?"

"As far as the droids are concerned, we're just gonna be another one of their shuttles coming in for a landing." Echo explains.

"And the regs think we take risks." Hunter states and Kyla giggles.

"Sending the signal... now." Echo states. They get the okay to approach and land. Wrecker groans.

"Awe, I'd still rather blow it up." Wrecker complains and Kyla looks over at him with a grin.

"I have a feeling you'll get your chance." Tech replies. They attach and land on the ship. They head in. They get Echo to where he needs to be. They get to work making sure the droids think it came from Skako Miner. Echo finishes all the droids and they get the all clear from the other two generals.

"I guess you are on our side." Hunter states.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Echo asks.

"Some." Tech states.

"Well, thanks." Echo states.

"Come on brother." Rex states, "Unplug and let's get out of here."

"Wait, I just scanned a new order from Trench. He's initiated a countdown. There's a bomb hidden at the assembly complex, but it's big enough to destroy most of Anaxes..." Echo explains.

"Can you stop it?" Anakin asks.

"Well, I can try." Echo states and Anakin takes off running.

"General, where are you going?" Rex asks.

"If you can't stop the detonation, perhaps Trench can!" Anakin yells as he runs away.

"General Windu, we've discovered a bomb in the fusion reactor! We need someone to go down there and help disarm it!" Tech radios.

"I'm on my way!" Windu replies. Kyla looks at Hunter and the group.

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