The Bad Batch and the Last Pr...

By PhoenixBunny456

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Predita is a planet in the furthest length of the galaxy's outer rim, out past even that of a Navarro. Kyla... More

Chapter Two: Predita Princess Kyla Obrit!
Chapter Three: CT-1409, Code Name: Echo!
Chapter Four: On the Wings of Keeradaks!
Chapter Five: Princess Turned Warrior!
Chapter Six: Order 66!
Chapter Seven: A Liability?
Chapter Eight: Target Dummies!
Chapter Nine: Traitors!
Chapter Ten: Escaping Kamino!
Chapter Eleven: Cut and Suu!
Chapter Twelve: We're A Family!
Chapter Thirteen: The Feeling Is Love

Chapter One: Clone Force 99!

247 8 4
By PhoenixBunny456

The small blonde walked behind her friends and allies. She wasn't a trooper, but she still worked hard with them. She was looking for any excuse to leave though. Something about the war made her tired. She looks up as she walks with Commander Rex who she followed out of friendship. She wasn't a trooper, Sith or Jedi. She used to be a daughter of a senator and a princess, but her planet had since fallen and now she was just a regular person. A ship was approaching and was not slowing down.

"Incoming!" She calls out and everyone scatters. The ship lands and she looks at Rex and then at Commander Cody.

"So why haven't I heard of this squad?" Rex asks.

"Experimental unit Clone Force 99, they're defective clones with, uh... desirable mutations." Cody explains.

"99, eh? Nice Touch." Rex replies.

"They call themselves... 'The Bad Batch'." Cody explains. The hatch opens and the leader steps out first. She looks over towards him and her green eyes widen at him. Something about him called to her. That's never happened before. He looked back as the team's technical analyst, stepped out after him and looked up from a device he was messing with. The team's sharpshooter steps forward and crosses his arms over his chest. Finally, the team's muscle stepped out and took his helmet off.

"The cavalry has arrived!" He exclaims, loudly. The leader and their sharpshooter remove their helmets as they walk over towards Rex. A red tint crossed her face as she looked away.

"These guys are clones? They don't look like clones to me." Kix says.

"Sergeant, good to see you again." Cody states, greeting the leader with a hand motion as they met.

"You too, sir." Hunter states.

"This is Hunter." Cody explains looking at Rex and her.

"Sorry, we're late, commander. We were putting down an insurrection on Yalbec Prime when your comm came in. Had a few unforeseen... complications." Hunter explains. Their muscled one laughs.

"Ever fought a male Yalbec?" He asks.

"Um, no. Can't say I have." Jesse states.

"You're lucky." He replies, "Only way to kill'em is with one of these." He pulls out a dagger and she looks at it impressed. She liked working with daggers better than blasters.

"That's right." Hunter explains, "Wrecker here cut off the Queen's stinger while she was still alive. That's why all those Yalbec males tried to eat us."

"Uh, technically, they were trying to mate with us." Their techy one states, stepping forward towards them. All of them were actually trying to impress her, that's why they were telling their story.

"And, for your information, the stinger of a Yalbec Queen is a delicacy on some planets." He continues.

"They call him Tech." Cody explains.

"Yeah, he can fill your head with useless info for hours." Hunter explains and she lets out a giggle which causes everyone to look at her but Hunter redirects them, "Crosshair, on the other hand, he's not much of a conversationalist, but when you have to hit a precise target from ten klicks, Crosshairs your man. So commander, what kind of 'suicide mission' do you have for us this time and why is there a civilian here?"

"Kyla is no civilian. She's fought with us in countless battles. She's perfect for stealth." Rex explains, "Kyla is one of the first to consider us... human."

"You all are human." Kyla explains with a smile, "Some are just more interesting than the rest." She looks over towards the 'Bad Batch' through her lashes.

"Let's get going. We'll brief you on the way." Cody explains. They all head onto the transport. Kyla stood there. In the middle of the transport, Jesse thought Crosshairs was looking at him when he was really looking at Kyla.

"What are you looking at?" Jesse asks.

"We don't usually work with 'regs' or civilians. How exactly can a girl help us?" Crosshair asks. Kyla places her hand up to stop Jesse from moving over and punching Crosshair.

"I've stolen more data than most of the regs combined. I'm more than a pretty face." Kyla explains. And pretty she was.

"Hmm." Crosshair states.

"Regs?" Jesse asks.

"He's talking about regular clones. But don't take it personal." Hunter states.

"We're all on the same team, so cut the attitude and listen up. He's the mission. Our target is this Cyber Center. It's the 'brains' of the entire Separatist Campaign here on Anaxes." Cody explains.

"I can demolish that with one hand! Yeah!" Wrecker exclaims.

"This isn't a demo job, Wrecker. It's strictly a retrieval operation." Cody explains.

"Incoming fire!" The reg flying calls out.

"We're going down!" Wrecker exclaims. The ship crashes and Kyla looks up as she is jumped on by Rex and Hunter. Rex has been like a brother to her for years, but she wasn't sure why Hunter jumped on her to protect her. Once the ship stopped sliding after the initial crash, everyone started climbing out. Everyone coughed. Kyla climbs out with Wrecker's help.

"Thanks." Kyla states.

"We always get shot down when we travel with regs." Wrecker states.

"Cody!" Kix exclaims, "Help! He's trapped! We have to do something."

"I'll get him." Rex states.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, Captain. Wrecker, get him out." Hunter orders.

"Get back." Wrecker exclaims and everyone moves back out of the way. Wrecker cracks his neck as he walks over.

"This is ridiculous. He's gonna need help to get Cody out of there." Kix complains. Crosshair laughs.

"He's gonna get the gunship out of there. Not Cody." Crosshair states. Kyla's eyes widen as she watches Wrecker lift the gunship by himself before he carries Cody towards them.

"Boom." Wrecker states. The gunship explodes behind him. Wrecker set Cody down out of the way and Kix checked him out.

"He has internal damage. I can cut the pain. But he needs help fast." Kix explains.

"We all need help." Crosshair says calmly even though there were separatist droids heading towards them, "That blast gave away our position."

"Huh. I thought getting shot down gave away our position." Hunter replies.

"Everyone, find cover!" Rex commands, "We'll hold this position and let them come to us."

"I don't think so, Captain. That's not our style." Hunter replies, "We prefer going to them."

"Bad Batch! Plan 82, 'Shockwave'!" Hunter orders. Kyla looks up and her eyes widened as they all run ahead. She watches as the team takes down some. She rushes forward to help and she dodges an attack. She jumps up and comes down with her dagger, slicing a droid. She looks over at the end of the fight as Hunter was putting away his.

"You're not so bad." He says.

"Neither is your team." Kyla states. Rex walks over with Kix and Jesse helping Cody.

"That was some show you put on just now." Rex states.

"Just doing our job, Captain." Hunter states.

"Hey, look, Crosshair, this little clanker likes you." Wrecker states and Crosshair rolls his eyes and groans.

"Grow up, Wrecker." Crosshair states.

"I'd say Kyla's Bad Batch material!" Wrecker exclaims.

"How so?" Kyla asks.

"The way you took down that clanker was amazing!" Wrecker exclaims.

"It was." Tech replies.

"It's how I've always fought." Kyla replies.

"We should move out before reinforcements arrive. Our position has been compromised." Rex states. They head out and Kyla looks around.

Around nightfall, they make camp and Kyla watches Hunter. He was using his unique tracking ability.

"So, I get what makes the other Batchers unique, but what's so special about Hunter?" Jesse asks.

"He can put up with the other three." Kix replies.

"That's partially right. He's a tracker." Kyla explains.

"You can tell that just by looking at him?" Kix asks.

"Yes." Kyla replies.

"Kyla is right. He was engineered with heightened senses. A place like the Cyber Center, Hunter can feel the electromagnetic frequencies from anywhere on the planet." Tech explains.

"And here I thought we were smart just using a holomap." Jesse states.

"Well, maps can be wrong. Hunter never is." Tech explains. Kyla walks over to Hunter.

"What is it?" Kyla asks.

"Not sure yet." Hunter replies. They look over hearing Cody grunt in pain.

"Hang in there, Cody." Rex states, "Listen up. We have to move out."

"Commander Cody's in no position to move." Crosshair states.

"Already called in Evac. Kix will stay with Cody until it arrives. I'm in charge now and I've got a plan to get into that Cyber Center." Rex states.

"If your plan's so good, why did Commander Cody have to call us in?" Crosshair fires back.

"You can't talk to Captain Rex like that!" Jesse exclaims.

"Says who?!" Wrecker asks, grabbing Jesse up by his chest plate.

"Put him down!" Kix exclaims.

"Stay out of it." Crosshair states.

"Hey! Watch it!" Kix replies pushing Crosshair back after he pushed him. They start wrestling.

"You boys all act like children." Kyla exclaims.

"Guys, come on." Hunter exclaims, "Wrecker, drop him. Now."

"Awe!" Wrecker whines.

"Fellas, come on! We're all fighting for the same thing, right?" Hunter asks. Crosshair pushes Kix off him and he crosses his arms. Kyla sighs in unison with Hunter.

"Alright then. Let's cut the chatter and finish what we started. We'll do it your way, Captain. For Commander Cody." Hunter states.

"Okay. Let's gear up and move out." Rex orders. Kyla looks at Hunter.

"You're quite the leader." Kyla explains.

"I am the leader of the Bad Batch after all." Hunter replies. They get going and leave Kix and Cody behind.

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