Thread of Fate

By laflor777

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Legend has it that there is an invisible red thread that connects those who are destined to meet despite time... More

Little Summary + Author's Note
"The Legend No. 1 of the Red Thread of Fate"
Chapter 1: She
Chapter 2: Unexpected Help
Chapter 3: First Encounter
Chapter 4: She's Beautiful
Chapter 5: The Models
Chapter 6: Fascination
Chapter 7: Second Encounter
Chapter 8: Another Part Of Her
Chapter 9: Third Encounter
Chapter 10: The Invitation
Chapter 11: Rivals
Chapter 12: Japan: First Date (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Japan: The Date (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Small Details
Chapter 15: Japan: The Date (Part 3)
Chapter 16: First Kiss
Chapter 17: Sisters
Chapter 19: The Same Coin
Chapter 20: Temporary Agreement
Chapter 21: Harajuku (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Harajuku (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Harajuku (Part 3)

Chapter 18: Lauren Jauregui

201 17 10
By laflor777

**SUGGESTED SONG: "Who Are You - Jessie J'

"Unjustified jealousy is the greatest offense that can be done to those who love you." -Anonymous


FEBRUARY 8 (8:00 am)

"Jauregui," Normani said when she saw Lauren leave her room. "Good morning."

"Good morning" was the soft response from Lauren who still hadn't recovered after the headache of the night before.

"Are you OK?" Lauren looked at her friend for a moment in her eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she said in a sarcastic tone which made Normani roll her eyes.

"I don't understand why, despite the years, I still worry about you," Normani replied. "Many times I forget that you only care about yourself"

"Nice to talk to you so early," Lauren said heading for the elevator. "But if you'll excuse me, I have things to do and this time I can't be late."

"Is that a rose?" She said directing her gaze to Lauren's hand in which she held a blue rose.

"How smart you are," Lauren said sarcastically, stamping one foot on the floor with her characteristic boots, wearing a pale pink dress and her jean jacket as she waited for the elevator.

"Did your date go well last night?" Normani said with a smile, but Lauren didn't turn around. "She must be very good in bed for you to bring roses and everything."

"Stop that way and cut that shit right now," Lauren said seriously turning to face her friend. "You don't know her, and I ask you not to talk about her like that. You have no fucking idea what she is, and I'm not going to let someone listen to you and spread bullshit rumors."

Normani's eyes widened in surprise and she saw her friend turn around again, seeing the elevator. It was not the response she had expected from Lauren. She normally always played along showing off her conquering skills like she always did.

"Lauren?" Mani said softly but Lauren ignored her.

"I'm going to meet you in the lobby," she said without turning around. "I will also be late."

"Narciso is going to ask" Lauren turned, raising an eyebrow.

"And I couldn't care less about that," Lauren said coldly. "If he asks you tell him that I'm going to be late. End of story."

"Are you going to meet her?" Lauren sighed. "Do you have any idea what you're doing Lauren? Do not make the poor girl suffer, she is a very nice person."

"Tell Ally she has to start looking at the one-shoulder dresses they have to try on Shay." she looked at her for a moment. "I want that woman out of this hotel."

"Jauregui, Jauregui," Normani said, crossing her arms. "Are you afraid of Shay or is it personal?"

"I want her away from Camila," Lauren answered simply, and at that moment the elevator arrived. "Can I hand that to you or is it too much?"

"I can take care of it," Normani said smiling and giving Lauren a wink as the doors closed. "Have fun," she began to laugh, and finally the elevator doors closed.

Lauren took a deep breath inside the elevator leaning her head against the cold wall trying to make the little twinge of pain go away. She had left the hotel very early in search of the rose and to order breakfast to be delivered to one of the
hotel's gardens.

Then she came back to take a shower and get ready a bit. She hadn't gotten much sleep and she had done her best with makeup to hide the marks under her eyes from lack of sleep. She saw the blue rose in her hand and sighed.
Camila had told her that it was her favorite color. And against all odds, Lauren had woken up that morning wanting to surprise her.

Lauren sighed thinking about how long she wanted to kiss her. That wasn't good, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't help but want to kiss her and see the beautiful eyes that she had. It was strange but Lauren had learned to always do what she wanted no matter how difficult it was.

At that moment, she only wanted to meet Camila, her rags.


"Where would you like to sit?" Camila asked tenderly as she and Lauren looked around them filled with so much color from the little flowers and the grass. "It seemed like a little paradise in the middle of the city."

"If you don't mind, we could sit on the grass" Camila looked at her sweetly "You know that it doesn't bother me."

"I do what I want" Lauren smiled divinely.

"As you should be," she said laughing and Camila blushed looking for a place to sit. "I was waiting for you to tell me a place where you would like to sit."

"It seems that our dates will never be at a restaurant table," Camila said laughing as they reached an ideal remote place to sit.

"Could be. I was thinking that we could order the sushi and then go to Gyoen since we didn't go yesterday" Lauren said and this time it was she who helped Camila to sit down. Lauren was going to sit down but Camila stopped her as she quickly took off her coat and put it next to her for Lauren to sit on and she shook her head. "There's no need."

"You're wearing a dress and you'll feel uncomfortable on the grass," Camila said sweetly and Lauren sat next to her.
"Besides, it's an honor that Her Royal Highness sits in that coat. And the park thing seems like an excellent idea."

"It's an honor that I sit anywhere." Lauren gave her a playful wink and Camila looked tenderly into her eyes. "I like this," Lauren said touching Camila's snapback which she turned leaving it behind her and looking into her eyes. "Use it that way so I can see your eyes and so I can kiss you."

Camila sighed thanking heaven Lauren mentioned it as she leaned over her head to feel her lips. She had dreamed of those kisses thinking that perhaps her mind had played a trick on her and she had imagined them. But at that moment as Lauren's lips moved over hers she knew that this had not been a dream.

She knew that the night before had been a beautiful reality, the result of a beautiful destiny that had marked Lauren on her way. It had been a joy to find her, a joy that her fate had decided to bring them together in so many ways. Fate or coincidence. What mattered was that at that moment Lauren was with her, and Lauren was kissing her.

The kiss deepened as Camila couldn't do anything but sigh and cup Lauren's face in her hands trying to get her as close to her as possible.

"You're so sexy," Lauren said against her lips as her tongue returned to Camila's mouth she was lost in it. Lauren took Camila by the waist, holding her close to her body in a tender hug. Slowly Lauren laid Camila down on the grass to which she made no protest as she ran her hands over Lauren's neck. "I could kiss you for hours," Lauren said in her husky voice.

"As many as you want," Camila replied, setting her snapback aside and kissing Lauren back. They were lost in each other. Lost in a sea of sensations so new and unique for both of them. Lauren, on the one hand, feels strange and Camila feels happy.

Lauren swung a leg to get on top of Camila, regardless of her dress, but at that moment a voice cut her off causing them to pull apart.

"Nothing like a lesbian porn scene to wake up the Japanese and say good morning."

Lauren and Camila turned to see Shay who seemed to be smiling but her eyes weren't friendly.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Lauren said standing up and helping Camila as well.

"I could ask the same thing," Shay said. "Since my date stood me up to come with you."

"I don't give a shit who stood you up," Lauren replied coldly, looking at her with spite. "Right now Camila and I are busy."

"I see how busy you are." Shay looked at Camila for a moment. "I thought you were going to have breakfast with me, Camila."

Lauren turned to see Camila in surprise and then turned to
see Shay. And the anger began to build inside her.

"I'm sorry but I never accepted that invitation," Camila said softly. "I would never ditch a person to whom I have committed myself."

Lauren turned to see Camila when she felt her take her
hand and intertwine their fingers with hers.

"I guess not," Shay said, looking at Lauren intently. "Now that you know that she didn't accept your invitation, I'd appreciate it if you would go away and leave us alone. You interrupted our kiss."

"Kiss?" Shay started to laugh. "Is that what you call kissing Jauregui? I'm sure I can do it much better than you" She saw Camila and gave her a wink accompanied by a smile and at that moment Lauren felt something new in her body, something that was eating her from the inside out. Shay, she thought she could kiss Camila? Never. Not in her wildest dreams was she going to kiss her. "Whenever you want, I'll show you pretty" And that alone was enough for Lauren to explode.

Camila felt the exact moment that Lauren changed. It was the moment when she let go of her hand and the anger she was feeling was reflected on her face. Her royal highness was no longer hers. The woman smiled. In front of her is the fashion designer Lauren Jauregui.

"Do you think you have any chance of competing with me?"
Lauren said coldly. There were no shouts, just a tone of smugness and utter coldness.

"Lauren," Camila whispered but was ignored.

"You're nobody," Lauren said coldly. "You're just a poor model with a nice body who makes money sleeping with the lesbian publicists who work for you. Do you think you're worth something?" She met Shay's eyes steadily.
"Within the industry, you only have five more years of work. You are old and an overpaid model. And I can be eighty and I will continue to have the same success or much more because I am Lauren Jauregui."

"Be very careful, Jauregui," Shay said coldly. "We are not going to get "your house is bigger than mine" in front of Camila or you will lose out."

"I'm not going to lose out, because I never lose," Lauren said coldly, staring at her. "Do you think you can come here to say things and talk stupid? The only reason you have this job is that Narciso decided to throw you a "bone" so you wouldn't get stuck in that mediocre career of yours. You're here because I'm paying your pathetic salary and your stupid stay. You're nothing more than an employee, you can't dare to compare yourself with me when you're nothing more than a poor fool who got out of the mud thanks to the publicity you had as my partner."

"Everyone revolves around you, right Lauren?" Shay said smirking. "You think that everyone surrenders at your feet because you are nothing more than a self-centered piece of shit who only lives for work. I may not have the money or the success that you have, but I have a life. I have friends and I have a family. While you live it in your studio wanting to conquer the world alone like the selfish bitch that you are."

"Well, this selfish bitch can tell you to fuck off anytime she wants." Lauren took a deep breath. "Do you think you have the right to argue with me? I'm sorry if you think you're on my level. You wouldn't even have to look me in the eye because you're worthless. You were nobody when I met you and you grew up thanks to the mutual publicity of a non-existent relationship. Do you think I could walk with you? Nobody deserves my time, nobody deserves to be by my side. Much less a poor starving woman who could never aspire to be at my level. Now if you don't want me to fire you and lose about five hundred thousand dollars for breach of contract, l ask you to retire. I'm not giving you any money, but I can make your fucking stay a pain in the ass if you don't shut the fuck up and go fuck yourself. I am the boss and you are an employee. An employee will never be able to reach my level. Never."

"I don't think even I could have explained to Camila better what you are than yourself." She looked at Camila and addressed her. "Whatever I told you was a lie. This is the real Lauren Jauregui. If she told you other things it's because all she wants is to sleep with you. No one will ever be good to her. Nobody."

Lauren at that moment remembered Camila who was next to her with her eyes down. She then saw Shay smile at her and shake her head and Lauren realized that she had fallen
for her game.

"Enjoy your breakfast," Shay said softly. "Now you know who you're kissing. And not with that false image that she surely gave you."

"Get out of here," Lauren said between her teeth. "I don't want to see you again. Get out of my sight and go to hell."

"Have a nice day Camila," Shay said, "and be careful with the poisonous snakes that are around. By the way, I hope you agree to have lunch with me so you can forget about this bad time." Shay looked at Lauren and gave her a wink before turning and starting to walk, leaving Lauren and Camila alone.

Lauren was so furious that she balled her hands into fists.
The damn woman who dared to flirt with Camila in front of her.
Camila had not said a word. Camila that she had had an invitation to breakfast that she had not told her about. Lauren felt something inside of her, something horrible that she decided not to analyze.

"Damn stupid woman," Lauren said between her teeth. "I can't stand her. Can you believe that she thinks she has the right to speak to me? Who does she think I am? She is an employee."

"I'm an employee too," Camila said softly.

"This has nothing to do with you," Lauren said, looking into her eyes. "It's her who only comes looking for fun to annoy me. She thinks that I don't know why deep down she hates me for refusing to sleep with her. She lives to fuck everything that is left. So if you don't want to join her list I advise you to stop accepting her bullshit offers. If you had told me that you were going to have breakfast with her, I would never have dared to interrupt your date. But you agreed to come with me even with her offer. That was a surprise."

"I haven't accepted her offer," Camila said indignantly. "I rejected her."

"Well, she wants to get into your bed," Lauren said, staring at her. "And if you don't care, she'll end up convincing you to sleep with her. As naive and childish as you are."

"That's what you think of me?" Camila asked feeling how the anger was growing inside her.

"Isn't that true?" Lauren stared at her. "You've never kissed anyone and now that you've gained experience, I suppose you'll be less afraid of doing it with someone else. And she's more than willing to do it because you keep giving her hints. You are naive and inexperienced and she will take advantage of that."

"Just because I don't have experience doesn't mean I'm kissing and sleeping with everyone."

"Well, she will be grateful to introduce you to the world of sex. She is an expert as she practices it a lot."

"She's only been nice to me since she met me. I know that she has an interest in me but I don't." Camila met Lauren's eyes. "I am interested in someone else."

"Well, even better," Lauren said, unable to suppress the pang of jealousy that had been growing inside her since she'd seen Shay and heard everything she'd said. "I hope you enjoy yourself with that person."

"That person is you, Lauren," Camila said seriously. "I would never dare to play with anyone. I'm not that kind of person. I am interested in you, and that is why I kiss you and accept dates with you. Because I like you because I want to know you."

"There's not much to know. This is me," Lauren said coldly.
"And if she is with me the person you are looking for a relationship with, it is better that you forget about me. I don't have relationships with anyone, I don't love anyone, much less allow someone to believe they have any power over me. So you better stay with Shay. Whatever she can give you is more than I'm going to give you.

Lauren adjusted her dress and started walking. Camila stared at her in pain.

"Enjoy your breakfast and go change for rehearsal, I don't want you to be late" was the last thing Lauren said before leaving and leaving Camila standing there surprised, not knowing what to do. Camila felt tears well up in her eyes.
She took her jacket and left the place. Leaving a basket with breakfast and a blue rose inside in oblivion.

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