It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 31

11.7K 235 53
By sleepingpup

***TIF POV***

I hadnt slept the entire night. I just laid in my bed with my music on replay, hoping it would eventually calm my overwhelming nerves. 

Sadly it didnt. 

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Also know as Lucy blowing her whisle painfully loud in my ear.

"Bloody hell, Lucy." I rumaged for a pillow to throw at her but didnt have the strength to do so. I felt her leap on my bed and yank the sheets off my bare skin, revealing me to the cold air in the hotel room.

"Its time to get up you bag of bones!" She tried helping me up but I slumped back down again. 

"Come on Tif! Today is your big day!" I opened one of my eyes to see her jump up and down excitedly. Yes, today was my big day. It was my first official  concert with One Direction. I had a quick check up last night with the doctor and he passed me off as more than fit to engage in the performance for tonight. 

The spark in Harry's eyes when I came back and told him I would perform with him made me so happy on levels I had never felt before. He pulled me into one of his warmest hugs. When I was with him in those moments - I felt like nothing could break me. 

That was my motivation to finally get out of bed. I sleep walked into the bathroom and changed into my clothes. My knotted hair was a pain in the arse to brush, so I just pulled it up into a bun. Easy and effective. 

Washing my face, ony of my fingers brushed against a bruise that was on my cheekbone. I took a closer look at it trying to remember where I had gotten it. Then Darcy's laugh struck me in my chest like a lightning bolt. This bruise was my reminder of the day Darcy had attacked me. It had never left, and although I pray that one day it dissappears, scars like those dont fade away so easily. 

I squinted my eyes shut- pushing away the memory. As much as I hated thinking about Darcy, her face was reappearing much more in my thoughts ever since I saw her yesterday at the airport. 

I couldnt believe her doctor would release her from the hospital. She should have been arrested, not taken in for mental care. What was wrong with society? Now I was going to see her so much more and the thought of that pained me in my chest.  

Once Lucy and I had gotten ready, she accompanied me down to the rehersal set. Although guests werent typically allowed to stay and watch us rehearse, Niall made a special exception for her. 

As we turned a corner, I saw Niall waiting for us by the entrance. As soon as he saw Lucy his face perked up and once Lucy was in his reach he immediatly gathered her up in a hug. 

I shyly waved at him and made my way inside. People were dispersed all around the room, sitting down on chairs, dancing in sync and if you're anything like Louis, balancing a microphone on your head.

I started walking over to Louis until I felt someone behind me. I stopped in my tracks as I recognised that eery shadow hover over me. 

"Just like old times, huh Tif?" Darcy's perky voice made me want to gag all over her. She stood there next to me as as if we were the closest friends. Her hands clasped together and a suspicious smile plastered along her lips. 

"Dont think that I'm not watching you, Darcy." I shifted my body to her, looking her straight in the eyes. 

"You may have your doctor and everybody else fooled, but you certainly dont fool me." I watched as her smile slowly faded from her mouth. I could tell I was annoying her - the way her body tensed was almost like she was resisting the urge to hurt me on the spot.  

She shifted her shoulders down and relaxed, shaking her head slowly and creeping another smile on her face.

"Well Tif, I can assure you that I wont try to fool you." Her blue stoned eyes daggered straight at me, forcing me to take a cautious step back. "Because that was the old me. People can change you know?" 

I looked around the room nervously. This would be the time where Harry steps in and drags me away. However he was no where in sight. I could feel the tension between us - rising more and more the longer I stood next to her. 

She was about to speak up when Andrew called us all over. I looked over at Darcy one last time who had a sour expression sewn on her face. I ran away from her, and straight into Harry's body building chest.

I didnt say a word to him, I simply grabbed his arm and pulled him into the group huddle. Wanting to get as far away from Darcy as possible. Harry must have known I was on edge, so he instinctly put his hand in mine and rubbed my thumb soothingly. I squeezed his hand tightly as my response for a 'thank you.' 

Andrew dragged over a chair and proceeded to step up on it.

"Today we will be working by categories!" His voice boomed around the room. "We will begin with the singers and move down the list. I assume all of you picked up the pamplet when you walked in."

I looked around, just now noticing the pamphlets almost everone had in their hands. I was about to go and fetch one when Harry tugged one out of his pocket. I rolled my eyes at him and snatched it out of his hand. 

"Singers, follow me!" Andrew hopped off the chair and signaled us to follow him. Harry swung my hand back and forth with his until we came to a hault with the others. Darcy stood parallel to me and locked her eyes on my hand in Harrys. I immediatly felt my stomach churn, with out thinking, I slipped my hand out of Harrys.  

"Right!" Andrew shouted, getting all of our attention again. "Go on up the stage and I'll arrange you as I plan." 

I made my way over to the stairs, Harry right at my side. Before I could walk up on stage Harry pulled me behind the curtain.

"Harry, what are you doing?"  I tried to side step infront of him but he held me in my place. His eyes looked worried and scared, making me more and more nervous.

"I want you to stay close to me." He spoke firmly yet restlessly. My eyes were fixed on Harry's chin, not sure what to say next.

"I'll always stay close to you." I responded, taking one of his hands in mine. He looked down at our hands locked together.

"I just want you to be safe." He whispered, rubbing my thumb with his. I smiled at him and hugged him. 

"Well I only feel safe when I'm with you, so dont worry about me wandering off." His raspy chuckle made me smile into the hug. I stayed there a few moments, enjoying the warmth he emitted to me. 

I finally pulled back remembering we had to rehearse and quickly dragged him onto the stage. Andrew was just walking up as well, moving people to different spots across the stage. 

He placed the boys in the front of course. Niall, and Zayn were placed near the far right, Liam and Louis were on the far left and Harry was somewhat in the middle of them. 

Then he directed his attention to me and the 3 other singers. He motioned us to follow up behind him, but I carefully kept a reasonably distance between me and Darcy. Although I could sence she was trying to get close to me on purpose - I was doing a fairly good job at repelling her.

Andrew had put Olivia and Grace near Louis and Liam and Darcy near Niall and Zayn. Andrew looked around the rest of the stage, tapping his foot anxiously.

"Now where do I put you?" He asked himself, gazing across the stage for a decent spot. 

Harry spun around and rose his hand cutely. I couldnt help but let out a laugh as Andrew gave him permision to speak.

"Why dont you put Tif somewhere around here?" He motioned out to a large empty space, a few feet away from him. Andrew thought about it then began to nod his head approvingly.

"Yeah, alright then. Tif, go stand where Harry tells you to. Everybody else, stay where you are!" 

Harry smiled at me one last time then turned around. I made my way over to him, pinching his side when I was at his level. 

He placed one of his hands gingerly on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"I want you to stand, right-" He swiftly closed the space between us, leaving my cheek sweetly pressed against his chest. "Here."

I giggled and placed my hand on his arm, leaning back a bit further. 

"Okay, Harry," I said playfully. "Where do you really want me to stand?" 

He chuckled again and grabbed my arm with his hand, leading me to a certain spot. I spotted Darcy staring at us in the corner in my eye and as soon as she saw I noticed her, she shunned me away. 

I let out puff of hot air, stopping in my tracks. Harry stopped as well and turned me to face him. His eyes a sparkling green and his cheeks rosey red. The mop of brown curls was tousled in all directions, I was strangely tempting to mess them up.

"Stay here." He put his hands on my shoulders again and shook me out of my thoughts. I blushed and nodded at him. 

"Okay." I managed out, taking in a deep breath of air as he turned away. 

I watched Harry go back to his spot. However I wasnt the only one who had my eye on him. My eyebrows hitched in distaste as I saw Darcy watching Harry's every move back to his spot. I felt myself get even more flustered when Harry turned around and Darcy smiled right at him. He looked away immediately of course, but the thought of her still craving his attention really stung me. 

After we had rehearsed a few times, Niall and Lucy walked up to Harry and I hand in hand. 

"We're going to go walk around for a bit." Lucy told us, trying to ignore Niall tugging at her waist. 

"We'll be back soon, if we're not we have our phones!" Her voice was trailed off as Niall had pulled her away completly and led her out the door. 

I turned around and took a seat next to Harry. An innocent yawn escaped my mouth and Harry mimked. My shoulders slumped tiredly and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"You look tired." Harry pointed out matter-of-factly. I laughed at his slow reaction.

"Yes, Harry good job for noticing. Would you like a treat?" He chuckled at me and jiggled his shoulder, causing me to fall on his lap. 

"Harry." I mumbled angrily as I tried to sit up again. "I'm going to go take a nap." But my actions contradicted my words as I wasnt even able to get off of his lap. His hand patted my head, drawing the same conclusion as I did. 

"Want me to carry you?" He asked already preparing himself to life me. 

"No, Harry dont carry me!" I squirmed as he had already pressed his hands on my waist. I jumped as he quickly flung me in the air, carrying me bridal style down the hall. 

We passed Louis, Liam and Zayn who were making faces at us. Harry shot them an irritated look but I coulddnt belp but laugh. We walked out to the hallway and up the elevator. 

"I hate elevators." I mumbled under my breath. Harry's raspy laugh trickeled down my neck. 

"How come?" He asked, leaning his head against mine.

"Because they're dangerous! They could fall at any moment. Plus, being claustrophobic, the sound of a hard metal box with steel doors locking you in a small space, doesnt really sound so appealing."

He scoffed at me rambling on about elevators. He didnt say anything, he just listened. His breath kept on dripping down my neck accidentally, I tried to ignore it but it was becoming more and more present. 

When we finally got to my room, Harry placed me gently on the couch. I offered him to stay and like I knew he would, he said he'd love to. 

He sat there with me on the couch, he didnt put his arm around me or try to pull any of his charms. We were just sitting together innocently - just what I wanted right now. I let out another yawn and felt my eye lids become increasingly heavier.

"Are you nervous?" He asked, grabbing my hand and rubbing my thumb. 

"How can you tell?" I asked, taking a shaky breath. I listened to him laugh, ruffling his hand through his curly hair.

"I remember how nervous I was for my first concert." He said staring out into the universe. He was in his own thoughts now, reflecting back on the first day he sung for millions of fans. That feeling of importance must have been overwhelming. I could never imagine being such an icon for so many people. Always looking up to you and respecting the things that you do. Knowing so many people out there you dont even know love you. I never thought it was possible for anyone to be that important, but now looking at how far Harry and his mates have come, they deserve every last drop of attention that they get. 

He tightened his hold on my hand, brushing his arm slightly against mine. 

"Dont worry yourself Tif," He said sweetly. "You'll be stunning. I know you will." 

With those last words of affection, I decided it was time for a nap. A long lasting nap to make sure I had enough energy for the evening. I cuddled up on the couch, nudging my chin cozingly into the blanket Harry was wrapping me in.

I felt him lean over me, brushing my hair tenderly through his long figners. I felt his breath trickle down my spine as he leaned over my neck, gently planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

"See you later, love." 


After my little nap, I had managed to soak up enough sleep which really made me feel good. I made my way downstaires again and to the rehearsal set. 

People were gathering up the equiptment and taking final role call before heading to the arena. I saw Harry from the corner of my eye so I made my way over to him. 

Then I saw Niall burst through the door with a deadly expression on his face. Panic spread all over his features. I changed direction and started fast walking over to Niall, who was running around and asking people questions. 

I caught up to him and spun him around. His eyes were red and puffy and he looked ultimately distressed. 

His eyes widened when he noticed I was in front of him. 

"Tif!" He yelled louder than I expected, making me jump a bit on my feet. I chuckled slightly and waved.

I was going to respond when his words started flooding out.

"Have you seen Lucy anywhere? Was she in the hotel room? Do you know if she was here?" I shook my head in confusion, holding my hands up in surrender.

"Niall, I thought you said you two went out for a walk together?" He whipped his face with his hands, sniffling back a few shaky breaths. 

"Niall?" I asked again, beginning to feel a rush of panic build inside me. "Niall where is Lucy?" 

"I dont know!" He yelped, falling to the floor helplessly. I stared at him eye widened.

"What do you mean you dont know?" I kneeled down infront of him. "Did she say she had to go some where? Did she feel sick? Niall, tell me what happened."

He continued to sniffle and whip a few drops of sweat from his forehead. I put my hand on his knee encouragingly as he slowly looked up at me. He looked broken. He looked just like Harry did when I had gotten out of the hospital that night. Red eyes and a weary expression. An excrutiating sense of fear started to boil inside me, something did not feel right at all.

"I took her to a cafe a few blocks from the hotel," Niall began, sitting up straighter. "She ordered a banana nut muffin and made me try it with her." 

He looked back down sadly, as if remembering this caused him pain. I nudged his arm gently and nodded him to continue.

"I said I had to go use the bathoom, so I got up and made my way behind the guest area. I remember looking back and seeing her sitting there, smiling at me." He sniffled again and this time I watched as he whipped away not a drop of sweat, but a tear that slid down his cheek. "I was only gone for 2 mintues! And when I came back she, she was gone." 

I tried to wrap my mind around what was happening. Niall was the last person to see Lucy and he had no idea what happened to her. 

"Have you tried calling her?" I desperatly asked, helping him off the floor.

"Yes! And I asked the man at the register if he saw her leave and he said he assumed she had left had with me." He started pacing around me. "Which clearly wasnt the case."

My mind was racing 100 miles an hour now. I was trying to think of the places she could be at but then again, Lucy had never been to Scotland. She had no idea were to go here, she'd get lost if she went out all on her own. There was no way she had decided to walk out on Niall and roam around by herself. Someone had forced her to. 

Harry walked up next to me and took one look at Niall and knew something was wrong. I quickly filled him in on what was happening. Louis, Liam and Zayn informed Andrew to send a few search parties out for Lucy. 

As I was talking with Niall, I felt a pair of eyes burn the back of my head. 

"Is everything alright?" I turned around and watched Darcy creep out behind the stair case. Her eyes flickering with a hint of worry and a tablespoon of sarcasm. 

"Lucy's missing." I didnt bother wasting my breath explaining anything further to her, knowing she really had no interest in this anyways. 

I heard her sigh sadly. "Thats horrible." She  said with empathy. "I hope you find her before the concert starts in 20 minutes." 

I clenched my fists tightly and felt my blood begin to boil. My best friend was missing and this twat was busy worrying about the concert starting in 20 minutes? I was so tempted to pounce on her right there and then. 

Thankfully Harry noticed my cheeks glowing and held me back. Holding me in his grasp until I felt myself cool down. She had a lot of nerve talking to me right now. 

"I need some air." I mumbled through gritted teeth.

"I'll come with you." Harry suggested, already buckled at my waist. I smiled kindly at him but shook my head.

"No I'll only be a few minutes. Dont worry." I gripped his arm and smiled at him one last time. Then turned my back and made my way to the nearest exit, silently praying that I would get a clue as to where Lucy was. 

I looked out at the moon that was now full. It was beautiful, but in full honesty it projected an eery feeling. 

I jumped as I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. I slipped it out and stared at the unknown number that had just sent me a text. Usually I ignored anonymous messages, but for some reason I was tempted to read this one. 

I unlocked my phone and read the message. As I came to the end of the text I felt my fingers go numb and my vision became blury. The words were as clear as crystal and they sent goosebumps all over my body. 

I had just recieved a text from a person who knew where Lucy was. 

From the person who took her in the first place. 

"Drop out of the show tonight and you'll get your best friend back. Try to pull anything and you'll never see her again."

My hands started to tremble as my phone vibrated again, revealing another message from the anonymous messenger.

"At the front desk ask for key 366, your friend will be waiting for you. Tell anyone about these messages and you will hear from me again, and it will not be this friendly." 

I ran inside and passed through the swarms of people around me. My feet were carrying me as fast as they could down the halls, until I finally reached the room I was looking for. 

I stepped inside Pauls office, my breath quivering and I was probably as pale as a ghost. Paul sat up quickly and looked at me worriedly.

"Is everything alright Tiffani?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me suspiciously.

I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut. 

"Paul, I cant do the show tonight." 

I didnt wait for him to protest, I caught him in his moment of shock and sprinted down the main hall. Once I reached the front desk, uterly out of breath, I asked for room key 366. Thd man at the desk handed it to me nervously. Once the key was in my hand, my feet were flying across the marble floors.

When I reached room 366 on the 13th floor, I scanned the key rapidly and stumbled inside. The darkness in the room was suspressed all around me. I felt like I had walked inside an endless tunnel of shadows. 

My heart dropped as I heard something move behind me. I stood dead in my tracks, terrified as to who could be behind me. 

"Who's there?" 

Okay one thing guys. Holy crap!!!!! I got 10.000 reads in 4 days?!?!? I really was expecting to wait at least a week to catch up on some hw but when I saw how fast the reads were going up I was like oookay maybe not haha <3 You guys are the greatest! Thanks so much for reading :') 
Ahhh Im so emotional o.O Anyways! Hope you liked chapter 31! omgz I was freaking out myself when I was writing it.... I wonder what's gonna happen next.... supsence! 50.000 reads and chapter 32 will go up! Vote/comment who you think kidnapped lucy! I love to see your beautiful comments! Have a lovely day <3 baii xx -Chloe

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