Thread of Fate

By laflor777

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Legend has it that there is an invisible red thread that connects those who are destined to meet despite time... More

Little Summary + Author's Note
"The Legend No. 1 of the Red Thread of Fate"
Chapter 1: She
Chapter 2: Unexpected Help
Chapter 3: First Encounter
Chapter 4: She's Beautiful
Chapter 5: The Models
Chapter 6: Fascination
Chapter 7: Second Encounter
Chapter 8: Another Part Of Her
Chapter 9: Third Encounter
Chapter 10: The Invitation
Chapter 11: Rivals
Chapter 12: Japan: First Date (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Japan: The Date (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Small Details
Chapter 15: Japan: The Date (Part 3)
Chapter 16: First Kiss
Chapter 18: Lauren Jauregui
Chapter 19: The Same Coin
Chapter 20: Temporary Agreement
Chapter 21: Harajuku (Part 1)
Chapter 22: Harajuku (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Harajuku (Part 3)

Chapter 17: Sisters

181 12 5
By laflor777

**SUGGESTED SONG: "Love Somebody -Aura"

Camila stroked the tower-shaped key chain in her hand as she watched Lauren head towards one of the elevators in the lobby. Camila sighed thinking about how beautiful she was. She had never been one to admire anyone's profiles, but Lauren had a beautiful profile that she wished she could draw sometime. She had that perfectly defined jaw and her little ears were beautiful. And when she smiled... Camila didn't think she could be gayer in those moments.

Lauren smiled very little, but now she understood why. Lauren's smile was so beautiful that she could kill anyone in one fell swoop. And she was a faithful slave to that beauty.
She was totally lost for that beautiful woman. She had been since she first saw her. And now that she knew her, she just wanted to spend as much time as possible with her, and get to know her more.

Camila sighed as she felt Lauren's hand slip into hers to lightly intertwine their fingers. She was surprised when she looked into her eyes and the look she gave her was soft and tender.

"Someone can see us," Camila whispered as they waited for the elevator.

"Well, let them see us," Lauren said with a shrug and looking at Camila for a moment. "I know I have rules about this," Lauren began, "and there may be times when we can't be familiar with each other. You know I don't get along very well with people in general. I don't want people meddling in what they don't care about."

"I understand" Camila smiled a little. "Only it will seem strange to me to have to call you Miss Jauregui, Your royal highness."

"I can still call you rags," Lauren said smiling at her divinely and Camila melted.

"Of course," Camila said, looking into her eyes. "You can call me what you want."

Lauren raised a thoughtful eyebrow and the elevator opened its doors. Both women entered and Lauren quickly punched floors 33 and 34 respectively. The hotel was a beautiful building located in Nihonbashi. Lauren had chosen it because its location was ideal. It was located in the center of Tokyo very close to the Ginza, which was a shopping district where she had rented a place to work. It was a beautiful hotel and the rooms were located between the thirty and thirty-eighth floors of the place.

Lauren sighed the moment she felt sweet lips on her cheek.
Camila's kiss was sweet and Lauren took a deep breath in surrender as she took her into her arms.

"Give me one last kiss" Camila asked and Lauren sighed lowering her head and taking her lips in a soft kiss. Camila melted into Lauren as she felt her arms wrap around her and close to her.

Lauren felt the cold wall of the elevator at her back and hugged Camila tighter pressing her wonderful body against her. Her kiss deepened and Lauren couldn't help but let out
a soft moan as she felt Camila's tongue caressing her mouth.

"We have to stop," Lauren whispered against Camila's mouth. Which she ignored while she kept kissing her. "Please stop..." Lauren said, responding to her kiss. She felt
Camila's smile against hers, and she also smiled, giving her a small kiss when they finally separated from each other.

Camila put her forehead against Lauren's and took a deep breath. If Camila kept kissing her, she wasn't sure that she would resist and that things would get worse. And she definitely wasn't looking for that, and neither was Camila.

"Your lips are addictive," Camila whispered and Lauren smiled at her.

"All of me is addictive, rags." Lauren looked into her eyes.
"You are also a bit addictive and sexy."

Camila smiled divinely at her and felt Lauren kiss on her lips before hugging her sweetly. She laid her head on Lauren's chest feeling how she rested her face in her hair and caressed her back.

"We have a very difficult day tomorrow," Lauren began. "I have a lot of work and I may be back very late. But I would like to take you to eat at that sushi restaurant that I mentioned. I know that all the dates that I tell you are about food but I promise you that it will be worth it."

"Aren't we going to have breakfast together anymore?"
Lauren smiled.

"Of course." she caressed her hair, tangling her hand in the soft strands and closed his eyes. "We can have lunch too, if
you want."

"I'd love to," Camila replied without hesitation. "I would love to spend more time with you and get to know each other more."

"We can play twenty questions if you want," Lauren said sarcastically and started to laugh.

"We Could," Camila smiled, seeing that they were going to the twenty-fifth floor. "What is your favorite color?"

"But tomorrow..." Lauren said smiling but finally answering. "I really like blue, but it is changeable. I don't have a favorite. And you?"

"I really like blue too." She continued hugging Lauren and inhaling that pleasant smell of hers. "Do you have siblingsngs?" Lauren didn't respond immediately but continued to hug her tenderly. Camila thought about changing her question. From what she had been able to tell all night, Lauren didn't talk about her family.

"I have two siblings," Lauren said with an insecurity in her voice that Camila hadn't heard in all the hours they'd been together. "Taylor, who's my sister, and Christopher." They are both younger than me and live in Miami.

"You are from Miami?" Camila asked softly.

"I'm not from anywhere" Camila was going to say something else but the sound of the elevator arriving at Lauren's floor made them separate. Lauren gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Good night, rags."

"Good night, Your Highness," Camila whispered, and Lauren turned for a moment to look at her. Camila stopped the elevator doors. "Tomorrow then?"

"Tomorrow," Lauren said. "I'll wait for you at the pool at eight."

"I'll be there, we still have seventeen questions left." Lauren nodded, still looking at her, and Camila finally let the doors close. Lauren stood in the hallway watching the elevator doors for a moment and then turned to start walking to her room. In her hand was still the rose that Camila had given her Lauren looked at it for a moment and a small smile filled her face.

Lauren accepted that Camila was a beautiful woman. She was funny, sweet, loving and special. For Lauren it was not common to see all that in each one of the people. But
Camila had something special. Something that had made Lauren break through her usual barriers and behave like a totally different woman. Lauren searched for her key thinking that that day she had acted in a way that was different for her. She had laughed and enjoyed and felt free in a strange and irrational way.

It wasn't really her and that scared her, a lot. Something strange was happening that she didn't want to analyze. She herself had been surprised when she had invited Camila on a second and a third date. Two date on the same day. This was ridiculously weird.

Lauren entered the room, and as she did so, a strong dizziness caused her to lean against the wall. Her breathing hitched for a moment.

"Not a good time," she whispered to the empty room as she tried to reach the bed. The pain was intense as it always was when she suffered from those migraines. They were usually due to stress because they hit her infrequently. She had felt a few pangs while they were in the park with Camila but she had ignored them. And now it seemed that everything had been unleashed in her head.

She finally made it to the bed and flopped down on it, breathing in and out slowly to ease the pain. She had learned to cope with those pains that they gave her sometimes since the previous year. She had learned to live alone; because there was never anyone next to her, usually always at night.

Lauren sighed thinking it was due to the long drive, the lack of sleep and the stress she had handled these last few days.
She took her job very seriously but there were times when she simply wanted to run away from all responsibility and send everything to "fuck off", as she put it. That day had been too good to end like that.

Lauren turned in her bed feeling the pang of pain in her head she felt the rose still in her hand and she held it
against her chest waiting for the pain to pass. Soon it would pass and tomorrow would be a new day. It always was, they were just moments that happened in the life of any person, in this case, in the life of the lonely fashion designer Lauren Jauregui.


"Life is Beautiful"

Camila Cabello thought as she leaned against the door of the room after practically going in a cloud from the elevator. That seemed like a fantasy. Knowing that minutes before she had been hugging and kissing Lauren, it was incredible. A goofy grin graced her face as she heard the bathroom door open and she saw Dinah Jane walk out of it with her hair in a ponytail and her teddy bear pajamas. Their eyes met and Camila's smile could have lit up all of Tokyo at that moment.

"I guess it was a good night." Camila smiled at her best friend spinning around the room with open arms.

"She kissed me" was the only thing Camila said, throwing herself onto the bed with a giggle.

"She kissed you?" Camila nodded, closing her eyes unable to stop smiling.

"I love everything about her," Camila said with a smile. "Her beautiful hair, her eyes, her hands, her little ears, her body. And her smile..." Camila spoke with a dreamy voice.

"She smile?" Dinah said, sitting on the bed across from where Camila was.

"Of course, she can" Camila looked at her friend. "Lauren is different, Dinah."

"Did she treat you well?" Dinah asked suddenly. "Was she good to you?"

"She didn't just treat me well," Camila smiled dreamily. "We hold hands, laugh, play, talk. I invited her to dinner and she is not ostentatious, she is a simple woman."

"Simple?" Dinah started to laugh and Camila just gave her a serious look as she got up and went to her suitcase that was still packed to look for her pajamas.

"I ask you not to make fun of her." Camila stared at her. "If you want to know about my night and you're just going to laugh, I better not tell you anything at all."

"Well..." Dinah said, surprised by Camila's passion to defend the sergeant. "It seems that the ogre mood sticks" Camila ignored her as she began to undress.

"If you just wanted to tease then you shouldn't ask me anything." Camila sounded so hurt that Dinah began to wipe her smile.

"I wasn't making fun of you," Camila sighed. "I'm sorry if you thought it that way."

"You judge people without knowing them," Camila sighed.
"You do the same thing that you criticize Lauren so much.
She is different from what everyone thinks. She is a normal woman like you and me. She has good days and bad days."

"That woman screams every day," Dinah said simply. "I'm sorry, but I honestly can't stand her. But if you want to go out with her and have something with her, I can't judge you. The only thing I think is that you have a very different opinion just by spending five hours with her. You don't know her at all."

"I know her better than you do now," she sighed. "And tomorrow we have a date to have breakfast and lunch together."

"Wow," Dinah said in surprise. "I thought you were having lunch with Shay."

"Shay's cute, but I'm not interested in that way," Camila sighed. I told you I didn't want to give her false hope. I never accepted her invitation" Camila defended herself.

"Well, she seems to think you said yes," Dinah said, holding out a note she took from a table while Camila was putting on her pajama shirt.

Camila took the note and sighed when she finished reading it.

"Tomorrow I'll wait for you to have breakfast as agreed, beautiful. I'll pick you up from your room at eight-thirty. I send you a kiss."

Shay M.

P.S. I hope the sergeant didn't give you a hard time, but I promise to make it up to you tomorrow.

"At no time did I accept her invitation," Camila said, folding the note. "I'm having breakfast with Lauren at eight. I would never cancel a date with Lauren for someone else."

Dinah watched her best friend with interest as she began to prepare her bed for the night.

"Don't you think you're going very fast, Mila?" Dinah said, lying back on the bed and looking at Camila. "Lauren is our boss and she's way out of your league. And it worries me that she might hurt you or that she'll see you as a game or something."

"I don't think Lauren sees me that way," Camila sighed. I know you think she's a bad person, and I understand. She is not very sociable and has a hard time talking about her feelings. But she's not a bad person, she's just more honest in what she thinks than others. She's only a year older than us," Camila said with a sigh. "She has so many responsibilities and so much work that I am sure that many times stress can be a factor for the person to have mood swings or develop some type of nervous disease. The nerves that affect hers.." Dinah held up her hand, stopping

"You were going to start a class on nerves, muscles and boring stuff." Dinah made a disgusted face. "I've had enough trauma since you made me look at that wound book in the library while you practiced all those different types of seams," Dinah recalled, feeling her body rise on end. "You were learning to sew people."

"Suture," Camila corrected, smiling. "Sewing is what Lauren does with her clothes."

"Well, whatever it is, it's the same thing," Dinah said, looking at her. "Two pieces that have a wide gap and are put together with a needle and thread" Dinah smiled.

"In that you're right, except that in medicine it is taken with the purpose of "closing a wound" it can be a vessel, a tissue, an organ" Dinah feigned surprise.

"That's so new, if you don't tell me I won't even find out." Camila threw a pillow at her.

"You're an idiot," she said laughing and felt Dinah return the pillow that hit her face. Camila saw the night table and took the small tower and showed it to Dinah, sitting on the edge of her friend's bed. Look....." Camila smiled. "Lauren gave it to me. She told me that the these were good luck because of the material, and that it was silver."

"It's beautiful," Dinah said softly, studying the figure. "Did she buy it herself in the gardens or did you go to a different place?"

"We went to the Tokyo Tower, " Camila began softly. "We couldn't go to the gardens because Lauren had a problem with her alarm clock, and she was a little late." Camila smiled. "But it was so worth it."

"She's late?" Camila agreed. "Did you have to wait for her? She is so inconsiderate" Camila sighed.

"She fell asleep " Camila smiled tenderly. "But none of that matters. We went to the tower and she is beautiful Dinah" she looked at her friend. "We must go together. There is a transparent floor where you feel that you can fly. Lauren looked so beautiful as she smiled when we saw the city from that height."

"Surely," was the only thing Dinah said when she saw how
Camila's little brown eyes shone with excitement.

"We decided to have dinner at a sushi cart and..." Dinah interrupted her.

"Sushi?" Camila nodded in surprise. "You hate sushi."

"It's delicious Dinah," she smiled. "I know that many times I told you that I didn't like it when you ate, but Lauren told me that I should try it and I loved it. Tomorrow she invited me to eat at one of her favorite restaurants."

"Yeah." Dinah stared at her. "And the kiss? Don't you think that was pretty quick for a first date?"

Camila smiled with hope at the memory and closed her eyes for a moment to open them again full of brilliance that surprised and scared Dinah.

"It was wonderful Dinah," Camila smiled excitedly. "I never thought that a first kiss could be so perfect. When I told her it was my first kiss she got a little worried but then she told me it should be memorable. And it was."

"You told her it was your first kiss?" Dinah said in surprise, hitting her on the arm.

"Why did you hit me?" Camila said painfully.

"Haven't I taught you anything?" Dinah took a deep breath.
"You should not show yourself as inexperienced because then they take advantage."

"They?" Dinah said nothing and then met Camila's eyes.
"What do you mean with that?"

"You know what I mean," she said looking at her.You like girls and it's obvious that they could take advantage of your inexperience. It's very logical. Especially one as egocentric as Jauregui."

"She didn't say anything, she just kissed me, and not just once," Camila smiled, "but many times."

Dinah raised a questioning eyebrow and Camila blushed for a moment when she saw the look on her friend.

"I know you're excited and I understand," Dinah said softly.
"I know that you like Lauren a lot and if I were in your place and the person I like asked me out and kissed me, I would be the same or worse than you. But I am very afraid that
she will hurt you in some way. You are very innocent Camila. And I see you too excited about a woman who has the damn character of Hitler and is bipolar. I do not want her to hurt you."

"Lauren's not a bad person," she sighed. "With me she was different and she trusted that we are going to get to know each other."

"I don't think a relationship between you and her can work Mila" Dinah looked at her affectionately. "You are so different, she is unattainable for someone from our social class, and I don't want you to get hurt for any reason."

"I know what you're saying, and I understand it," she sighed.
"I know you care about me. But we're just getting to know each other and we're not talking about a relationship. I'm excited, I admit it. But that doesn't mean I'm not aware of the differences between her and me. It doesn't mean I'm going to turn into a fool who's going to ignore her surroundings and just live for her. You know that I trusted fate a lot. And I believe that everything happens for a reason, that nothing is by chance."

"You say that because you live reading books by Paulo
Coelho," Dinah sighed. "That man has washed your head with that of destiny and the turns of life and everything he says in his books."

"If I didn't have a positive mind I couldn't stop crying and feeling sorry for myself" Camila lay down next to her friend. "l am only aware of what I am and what I have right now. I love Lauren, and if I can hope to have a relationship with her, I'm going to have it from her." she saw Dinah's eyes. "But I'm not going to blind myself and fool myself if things don't work out. I know what Lauren is like, I know what I am like. If this all turns out to be just an attraction then I'll take it."

"And if you fall in love?" Camila sighed.

"That's something we can't predict but if that happens,"
Camila sighed. "If I fall in love I only hope for one thing."

"And that is?" Dinah asked as she watched Camila caress the tower tenderly.

"That they love me back," Camila sighed. "I only ask that they love me in the same way."

Dinah looked at Camila and said nothing. A few minutes later, she saw her lie down on her respective bed while the lights went out, leaving the room in complete darkness. Dinah sighed still feeling concerned for Camila. She was so innocent, so gullible. And the way she'd spoken of Lauren filled her with fear. Not because she didn't want to see her friend happy about her, but rather, it was that she didn't want to see her suffer.

Lauren Jauregui was not a woman who deserved Camila's affection. She was cold and ruthless, and from what Shay said, she was a woman who was only looking for a good time. She didn't want them to play with her friend. And if Lauren Jauregui got into all that, she should be ready. Because Dinah wouldn't let her hurt Camila, ever.

Camila was her sister, she was her friend. And if she had to fight a wolf that had disguised as a lamb that night to fool her friend, she would do it. Lauren Jauregui did not inspire confidence in her and she would soon discover what she was up to. She couldn't play with Camila's feelings like that. She would never do it because Dinah Jane was here to protect her. Always.


FEBRUARY 8, 2016 (8:00 am)

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